Chapter 97: Whip

Net Lin dispatched the remaining disciples to protect the south, and set up the spirit to block the blood. When everything was in order, he unloaded the sword and was taken back by Li Wei.
Rain, autumn will die. Li Wei stood half an hour before he was admitted to the hospital. He eventually became blushing and hoarse and sullen: "When you meet your father, you have to pick the crown."
The net lining silver crown is removed, and the black hair is scattered. In addition to the pottery dagger worn on the waist side, he has no weapons, and the pharynx is also collected in the hands of Li Wei. I heard the beheading and signaled that I knew it.
There is no pass in the courtyard, the copper door is closed, and the heavy rain does not rest. Both of them stood in the rain, and Li Wei looked ahead. Continue to hoarsely said: "...Do you know what is wrong."
Jing Lin did not answer.
Li Xiaosheng gradually choked, and he suddenly turned around and carried the net Lin. After a long while, he said: "When his sin is a sin, he should hand it over to his father. Even if you are not ashamed, you should not.

"He came to the point where he is today." Jing Lin mathematics, "Is it not because of the father's asylum for the second time. You beat him all over the body, isn't it just to appease Linyi's expediency. If he can come back, He won't die."
When Li Wei went back, he was red in the rain and forced to say: "My brother, how can you go!"
Jing Lin micro sideways, his hair has been soaked, covering his eyes in confusion. He did not argue or swear, but said with a little exhaustion: "I have to go."
Li Wei trembled between the teeth, he jerked closer and stared at Jinglin. Net Lin is now a pan-green, and he looks at him for a long time.
At the beginning of the millennium, the bronze door suddenly opened. The houses in the rain seemed to be covered with gray, and the brothers stood under the arm. They looked at them together and no one heard. In the courtyard, the doors and windows were wide open, and Jiu Tianjun was alone in the chair. The newly-opened white lanterns were re-raised. The white mans cast on the face of Jiu Tianjun, reflecting deep sorrow.
Li Wei first entered, and after nine days of waiting for him to salute, he lifted the instructions to set him to one side. Li Wei had something to say, and he only had to stop his voice and retreat to the gallery.
A few pairs of eyes looked at the net Lin, and the net lining slowly sang the robe and crossed the entrance. He walked down to the stage in the rain and bowed alone. The knees were smashed on the slate and quickly oozing through. There is no cover on the back, and the hair is also on the ground.
Jiu Tianjun did not ask him to get up, but instead set a tea pot, and it would seem like a sort of mind. When the net Lin Lin was enough, Jiu Tianjun raised his hand and sipped a drink and said: "Lin Songjun gave me a sigh, I can't afford it."
The net Lin heart is like Shen Shi, he expects his father to love Tao Zhi, no matter what Tao does to do evil, at home, he is a young son who is not worthy of the world, can not be counted as evil, and naturally will not be punished. It’s not a day or two, because Jiu Tianjun’s loves Tao.
Jiu Tianjun does not need a net Lin answer. He is well-formed and temperamental, because he has recently become a very mature place, and he is much younger than before. Looking at it, even people can tell who is Laozi who is the son. Although he said that he could not accept it, he sat upright and ate the already cool tea, which was so majestic and daunting.
"You are now thundering, no need to be pointed out by others. Lin Songjun is famous, his father and brother are nothing." Jiu Tianjun sneered and sighed, "Who you want to kill, it is as simple as killing a poultry."
Li Wei suddenly slammed, and he slammed several heads and said: "Father is good! Although he is... though, he is sincere in thinking for the nine-day door. Now the next move is highly eye-catching, Tao Di made a mistake, the net Even if Lin is stern, it is not for no reason."
"I really opened my eyes today!" The next person said, "All brothers, you are so conscience to protect the net Lin! What is the Tao brother? He is not good, but also the father's son! Bold, killing and killing, where will he put his father in the eyes! Do we have to listen to Jinglin’s dispatch in the future? My father is still there!

"Stop!" Li Wei half-turned back, "I’m talking about things today, why is this gun with a stick! Net Lin has always been steady, although there are small shortages, but there is no big noise. He is also brought by his father, what is his mind, father is not Do you understand? You can use it like this!"
"Big brother is really unreasonable. What is ‘you’, is it that our brothers are not one, and what are you and me?

"There is no reason to go down the stone! Tao Dixing is not right, there is no rule in the door? Is the father not stipulated? Use his net Lin to hold the sword and kill! In the end, who is falling down the stone, brother, you are self-answering!"
"Since it is a brother, why bother to fight like this?" Yunsheng came forward. "Net Lin is well known. The reason is that he can't understand it when he says it!"
"Good!" One person squatted out of the way, stood in front of the net Lin and slammed his sleeves. He asked, "Do you say yourself! Why do you want to kill Tao Di? You really have no selfishness? You are obviously afraid of him staying." What is the only thing to say?"
"What is the saying?" Yunsheng side-to-side, "Hugh to bring things to catch the wind and catch people!"
"Father!" Li Wei suddenly screamed, shaking the noisy surroundings, his forehead squatting on the ground, "and listen to how Lin Lin answered!"
Jiu Tianjun heard the sound and looked at it, and the palm tea in his palm did not move.
Net Lin removed the waist dagger and placed it in front of the knee. He was quiet for a moment, and when he was carrying it, he felt that the weight between the heavens and the earth was squeezed into the chest, and he pressed him to breathe.
"Father." Jing Lin said, "This sword is made by the Bohai Sea. It is ingenious and sharp. I bring it back. I can't bear the sword and dust, and return it to evil. Tao Zhiju is killing people in the north, I kill him. Shouldn't I kill him?"
The silence in the hospital, followed by the explosion of countless arguments.
"You really are..." The person in front of Jinglin panicked and retreated. "You really are the most iron-hearted person in the world! How dare you say this? How dare you..."
"I dare." Jing Lin suddenly turned his gaze, and he stood up in the night rain like a cliff between the pines. His words are sharp, "Tao is murdering and killing women, and he is arrogant, and the people in the north are suffering for a few months! As a keeper, stealing silver, stealing materials, and escaping to escape! I killed him. What is wrong with me? These devotees who are betrayal and sinister ones are not squandered! The brothers who come to this day, regardless of their kinship, will be in the same position, and will not tolerate them."
Li Yili felt bad, and had already lifted up his body, but he saw the tea in the palm of the nine days. Porcelain smashed on time, and the cold tea poured over the body.
"Come to the day." Nine days of anger and repression, "Do you even kill me?!"
All of them fell down together, and the hospital was silent in an instant. Jiu Tianjun's chest is ups and downs. He holds the table and walks half a step, and it is difficult to pat the table with his own self-sustainability.
"Hello heart!"
"How can the son of filial piety be compared with his father! Tao Zhi is doing evil and reckless! The net Lin self-proclaimed sin plus one!" Li Wei said quickly, "I asked my father to punish him for whipping, let him think about it!"
"He killed his brother first, and the district whipped to want to get rid of it. After that day, the disciples in the door can follow suit!" The third brother crossed out and pointed to the net Lin. "But he must act in such a way! There is no way to Tao Di." Stay, big brother, what is he afraid of, what he is!"

Li Wei replied,
Jing Lin’s words and deeds are in the eyes of his father. What can he swear! Tao Zhi’s body and the heavy burden of Anbei, but playing with things and sorrowful, provoke the people of the north! Lin specializes in correcting the road, anger and heart attack first play, what is he afraid of? What he is afraid of is the change of people's complaints, a heart of sincerity can be learned!"
Li Wei walked forward in the rain, and he choked and groaned, constantly licking his head.
"Father! Tao Zhi slaughter innocent, I have the evidence! He did something wrong, as a brother, it is hard to blame! I am willing to unload the crown and accept the punishment!" Li Wei took the rain and raised his head, and his face was stunned with red, he could not cry. "Tao Di’s fall here is my supervision, and my heart is like a knife! In just a few months, I have lost two younger brothers before and after. Now I have to whisper some rumors and my brotherhood, is it not cold? The heart of the disciples inside the door!"
"Looking at the Father's Sacred Heart." Yunsheng followed.
Jiu Tianjun sat back in the chair, and he shook his face and shook his body. It was difficult to control himself: "Father and son brothers... How can you get to this situation!"
The underneath of the books all heard the sound of tears, and the heavy rain was intertwined with the whining sound, and the white lanterns were bleak and bitter. After a short period of time, the nine-day monarchy was relieved, and the eyes were quietly ordered.
"Tao Zhi is a chaotic one, endangering the people. Jiutianmen does not go with it, picks up his wooden sign, and then pulls out the nine-day door. He can't re-enter the world! Net Lin makes his own claim, and he is cold and loyal. The rules of the door, in fact, in fact, in addition to evil, so only a hundred whip punishment, detained in the hospital half a month to think about it!" Jiu Tianjun said, can not bear to look at them again, only said, "all retreat!"
Jing Lin took off his shirt and squatted on the gold platform. The brothers and disciples in the door are standing under the stage, and Li Wei holds the whip and scans the bottom.
"Today's net Lin has passed, and everyone should take the lead. The father has always been compassionate, and the rules inside the door are comfortable, but they can't be sloppy." Li Wei's eyes swept from the faces of the brothers, he said, "chewing." The roots of the human tongue are the most original! It is ridiculous to talk about it! It is the time of crisis. I hope that you will be able to avoid the evil spirits - Jinglin, do you know what is wrong?"
The net Lin should not be closed, and Li Wei’s hand whip, the thin coat on the back is cracked, and the blood marks are obvious. The sound of the throat in the throat is not moving. Li Wei whip whip to see the blood, the men do not leave half of the feelings, after dozens of whip has been pumped the net Lin back flesh and blood. The rain rushed, and the blood was drenched under the knees. He covered his wet hair in front of his forehead, and he did not say anything. The whip was pumping the flesh and the rain was covered.
Li Wei asked coldly: "Do you know what is wrong?"
Net Lin teeth oozing, he snorted. Li Wei was even more embarrassed, and the net Lin suddenly overflowed.
"I am not wrong." Jing Lin stared at the front, and he bit the three words between his teeth. "I am not wrong!"
Not long ago, it was also Mingjintai, and he seemed to be able to see another person’s laughing figure. The cold rain cleans the residual temperature, and the net Lin is cold, and the gas in his chest can't swallow. He actually gave birth to a strange grievance in the familiar night rain.
He killed Tao to be correct!
If Tao Zhi was released in the north, and Tao returned to his home, there would be thousands of ways to escape the blame. Is Jiu Tianjun willing to kill him? Will Lie to kill him? Are the brothers willing to kill him? As long as they read their brotherhood, there are countless reasons to excuse Tao.
Li Wei had a hand in his hand and then slammed down. The rain is hard to divide, and his forehead is soaked, and he does not hide or shine.
I don’t know who is going down first, and then stumbled. Yunsheng looked back and saw the white robe squatting on the field and on the stage. Although no one asked to plead, there was another momentum.
"I am the remnant of the banyan tree." Hui Yan suddenly shouted and shouted, "I have to listen to Lin Songjun, but also have passed!"
"I am defensive for the North City." The people behind are screaming in the rain, "Sin is the same!"
Followed by countless disciples, they shouted in the mountains.
"I am waiting for the end of the door, but at the time of the crisis, I will listen to Lin Songjun! I will be punished if I pass it. I want the Dagongzi to hold the whip and treat everyone!"
The white robe was smashed and the silver crown was picked off. The heavy rain poured, thousands of people kneel down and shouted.
"Specially ask the big son to hold the whip and treat everyone equally!"
So repeated in the end, shouting shock.
Dongjun opened the fan and blocked the rain. He said: "If you do this, you don't have to rain."
Yunsheng was suffocated, smiled a little, and stepped forward, saying to Li Wei: "Big Brother..."
"Since it is the same." Li Wei looked stunned. "I will become the brothers. Three thousand A in the door will come to the front, and all the squatters will be at fault. All of them will be fifty, and they will be sentenced together with Jinglin!"
The whip sounded in an instant, and the squatting people did not leave. With the heavy rain, all kinds of snoring sounds were not stopped until the early hours of the morning.
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