Vol 2 Chapter 1436: , sent troops to Ayub Kingdom

With the annihilation of the flying legion, the only mobile arm in their hands, the African coalition's plan to rescue the European continent completely failed. They themselves followed in the footsteps of the European players and were trapped on the southwest peninsula by the Condor Empire.
With the Suez Canal under the control of the Condor Empire's naval fleet, the only way out for the African coalition forces was to break through the blockade of the Tenglong Army and kill all the way to the Asia Minor plateau along the Mediterranean Sea.
Only by joining forces with the European coalition forces occupying the plateaus of Asia Minor would they have any hope of surviving.
In order to avoid a long night, the commander of the African coalition organized a large-scale attack on the third day of the fall of the Suez Canal.
In this attack, the African coalition forces are all elites, and they are bound to break through the blockade of the Tenglong Army in one go.
According to the previous situation, the elite African coalition forces would definitely be able to defeat the Tenglong Army standing in front of them, because the Tenglong Army was releasing water in every battle at that time.
However, with the successful implementation of the plan to invite you to enter the urn, the Tenglong Army no longer needs to release water, so this time the offensive of the African coalition forces has encountered unprecedented resistance.
Facing the all-out African coalition forces, the Tenglong Army showed a 100% state, and they tenaciously withstood the waves of the African coalition forces.
This battle, which is related to the life and death of the African coalition forces, has been from early morning to sunset. In the end, after the enemy and both sides paid a heavy price, the African coalition forces have no choice but to retreat.
After this war, the African coalition forces were no longer able to break through, and they could only hope that their counterparts in mainland Africa could send troops to rescue them as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, Ning Yuan was not ready to give them this chance.
Unlike the siege of the European continent, for the main force of the African coalition forces trapped on the Sinai Peninsula, Ning Yuan is not prepared to delay the day when they run out of food and grass.
After the African Allied Forces failed to break out of the Asia Minor Peninsula, Ning Yuan first pretended to besiege the African Allied Forces to death, and when the African Allied Forces believed it was true, he directly dispatched a monster death squad one night to sneak into the African Allied Forces' barracks among.
Under the cover of 10,000 demon clan players, a 100-member demon clan player set fire team successfully sneaked to the warehouse where the African coalition army was hoarding grain and grass, and then successfully ignited hundreds of granaries.
Although the African Allied Forces eliminated all the demon clan players who set fire in time and successfully saved some of the granaries, they still fell into a serious food crisis immediately after hundreds of granaries were set ablaze.
Seeing that the remaining food was only enough for the army to last for half a month, the entire African coalition army camp was suddenly enveloped by an aura of despair.
Half a month is simply not enough time for their native African counterparts to form another army to rescue them, so now they either choose to wait here to die, or continue to break through to the Asia Minor peninsula while there is still food, or directly. Surrender to the Condor Empire.
Surrendering to the Condor Empire at this time will definitely be spurned by players all over the world, so the African coalition can only choose one of the first two options at this time.
Sitting still is an extremely suffocating method of death, which obviously does not suit their character.
So after two days of repairing, the commander of the African coalition gave each soldier a week's worth of dry food, and then ignited all the remaining food with a fire.
Looking at the granary devoured by the raging fire, all the African coalition soldiers knew that there was no way out at this time.
If they want to survive, they must break through the enemy's blockade, otherwise, they have to die under the enemy's sword.
burn one's boats.
At the most desperate moment, the African coalition decisively used the strategy of breaking the boat, hoping to stimulate the fighting spirit of the army, and then successfully cut a road.
In the face of the African coalition that launched a decisive charge, the players of the Tenglong Army also showed their belief in victory.
The fighting spirit of the African coalition forces is high, and their fighting spirit is also not weaker than that of the other side.
In order to smash the attempt of the African coalition forces to break through, the Tenglong Army kept dropping troops on the Arish area, and was bound to defend this chokepoint leading to the Jerusalem area.
The fierce battle surrounding the Arish area lasted for three days and three nights. When the battle was over, the Arish area was already full of corpses and bloodshed, and there were only less than 10,000 people left on the battlefield. people.
The 10,000 soldiers who survived to the end were all players of the Tenglong Army. After killing the last batch of soldiers of the African coalition, they successfully defended the Arish line.
In this battle, which later generations became the Arish meat grinder, neither the enemy nor the enemy flinched. They fought tenaciously until the last moment, until one of them no longer had a single living soldier.
In this battle, more than 1.5 million troops of the African Allied Forces were all killed, and the Tenglong Army also filled in nearly one million troops.
After this battle, more than 70% of the elite forces in the African region disappeared directly, and only some of the elites remained in the hands of those forces that did not send troops.
For example, the demon empires entrenched in southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya and South Asia, as well as other separatist forces that did not join the Northern Alliance.
As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness to kill him.
After the main force of the African coalition forces was wiped out, the entire African continent immediately entered a period of inexorability.
If you want to occupy the African continent, sending troops during this period is definitely the best choice, there is no one.
As a battle-hardened commander, Ning Yuan naturally would not miss this rare opportunity, so he added troops to the Sinai Peninsula and started to attack the Ayyubid Kingdom on the other side of the Suez Canal.
In the face of the attack of the Condor Navy, the Ayub Kingdom, which suffered continuous losses, could not defend the coastal areas of the Suez Canal, so they could only watch the Condor Empire build five colorful bridges one after another on the Suez Canal.
With the completion of all five colorful bridges, the condor empire army located on the Sinai Peninsula immediately set foot on the land of the African continent.
This time, the Eagle Empire army that appeared in the Ayub Kingdom is no longer the Tenglong army dominated by players, but the elite aboriginal people.
Seeing that Ning Yuan wanted to occupy the whole of Africa in one go, the African countries along the Mediterranean coast immediately dispatched all domestic troops to urgently assist the Ayub Kingdom, hoping to resist the army of the Condor Empire in the Ayub Kingdom.
Of course, just like this, it must not be able to resist the advance of the Eagle Empire army.
So in order to further improve the success rate of this blocking war, the African countries headed by Raqqa came directly to the Devil Empire and found Daniels, an old acquaintance in Ningyuan.
Since being defeated by Ning Yuan in Huaxia, Daniels has fled all the way, and finally came to the African continent, where he found the demon princess Karis who was brought to Ethiopia by Basin.
After successfully joining forces with the demon clan led by Caris, Daniels quickly found an opportunity to kill Bassin, and then took over everything of Bassin, including Bassin's wife, the demon princess Caris.
After successfully gaining the support of all the demon tribes in Africa with Karis, Daniels repeated his old tricks in Africa and began to expand the population of the demon tribe on a large scale.
In the face of Daniels' blatant expansion and population plunder, African countries must not be able to sit back and watch him be so unscrupulous, so a long-term war around the demon family kicked off like this.
Although it was besieged by several surrounding African countries, there are many such powerful existences as the Dragon Legion.
But with the incomparable fighting power of the demon family and the extraordinary commanding ability of Daniels, the demon family has not only not been eliminated, but has continued to expand its territory.
With the continuous expansion of the territory, in the end, the demon family led by Daniels finally faced the Huaguoshan Kingdom entrenched in Mount Kilimanjaro.
Facing the mighty dragons and bloodthirsty demon beasts in the Huaguoshan Kingdom, the demon clan finally stopped in their southward march, and then there was a continuous war for decades.
Although players from various African countries hated this demon clan that suddenly descended on the African continent, at this time, only the demon clan on the entire African continent could stop the progress of the Condor Empire.
In addition, the demons from the Lost Continent and Ning Yuan have a mortal feud, so Lakka and the others are confident that they can convince the demons to send troops to join the battle with the Eagle Empire.
In the end, as Raqqa and the others had guessed, after promising to give all the lands of Uganda, Somalia, and Tanzania to the Demon Clan, Daniels immediately agreed to join the African coalition to jointly resist the Eagle Empire. invasion.
In fact, even if Lakka and the others did not agree to give those lands to the Demon Clan, Daniels would agree to use troops against the Condor Empire.
Because on the entire African continent, no one can understand the horror of the Condor Empire better than Daniels.
Back then, Daniels had a smooth sailing in the Huaxia region, but just as he was complacent and wanted to make a big splash, in the Yellow River Basin, his Devil Empire and Condor Empire met.
In the next few years, the demon army under his command was defeated many times by the condor empire, which eventually led him to abandon the demon clan that descended on China and lead an army to Africa. mainland.
Abandoning the demon clan that descended on Huaxia District has always been a hurdle in Daniels' heart, which has always made him feel ashamed.
After coming to the African continent, there is not a day when he does not want to take revenge. His biggest wish now is to one day lead the demon army to kill the Huaxia region and completely flatten the Condor Empire.
Before he could lead the demon army back to the Huaxia area, the Eagle Empire had already reached the African continent.
When he first heard the news, Daniels was really taken aback, because it meant that the strength of the Condor Empire was stronger than before.
When he came to the African continent from the Huaxia region, Daniels saw with his own eyes how many powerful countries there were along the way.
Now that the Condor Empire has reached the African continent, it means that those powerful countries along the way no longer exist.
Being able to destroy so many powerful countries shows how powerful the Eagle Empire is now.
Faced with such a powerful Condor Empire, Daniels of course understands that the current Devil Empire is definitely not an opponent of the Condor Empire, so even if Laka and others do not promise to give them land, Daniels will choose to go with Laka. Ka et al join forces to protect the African continent.
Because the current African continent is also the hometown of their demon clan, their demon clan and the Condor Empire, which has accepted the angel clan, are not only hostile, but also the kind of mortal enemy that must be completely destroyed.
The hatred between them could not be resolved for a long time, so even if Lakka did not take the initiative to find them, after learning the news of the Eagle Empire's invasion of the African continent, they would take the initiative to find Lakka and them.
Because unlike Raka and the others, the demon family at this time is the real one with no way out.
Daniels, who knew the truth about the speed of soldiers, soon dispatched an army of 100,000 demons into the territory of the Ayub Kingdom to assist Raqqa's army in defense.
Immediately afterwards, after ten days of intense work, Daniels personally led an army of 500,000 demons to embark on a journey to the Kingdom of Ayub.
This time, in the face of the invasion of the Condor Empire, Daniels paid more attention than African players such as Lakka. They were about to drive the Condor Empire troops that had set foot on the African continent back to the Sinai Peninsula.
Originally, Ning Yuan wanted to take down the entire Ayub Kingdom in one go. He didn't want to give African countries time to assemble their troops again~EbookFREE.me~ But after learning about the movement of the demon clan entrenched in southern Ethiopia, Ning Yuan immediately changed his mind.
After successively capturing the important cities in the northern part of the Ayub Kingdom such as Mansoura, Ismailia, and Hibbinkum, the army of the Condor Empire temporarily stopped its advance.
Under the command of Ning Yuan, the Condor Army began to continuously transport food and grass supplies to the west bank of the Suez Canal. It seemed that they wanted to start a decisive battle with the enemy within the Ayub Kingdom.
The sudden demise of the Condor Empire gave African countries and the demon clan ample time to prepare.
When the Condor Empire completed a new round of assembly and renovation, millions of African coalition troops have gathered around Cairo, the capital of the Ayub Kingdom.
Although the strength of this new African coalition is far inferior to the African coalition that was defeated in the Sinai Peninsula, the addition of the 600,000 demon army still gives them the ability to wrestle with the Condor Empire head-on.
And with the official joining of the demon army, it was immediately announced that the recent elite flying legion of the Condor Empire would withdraw from the battlefield from this moment.
After the Condor Empire was unable to send the flying legion to participate in the war, the African coalition army had indirectly improved some of its strength.
Therefore, they are fully confident that they can resist the attack of the Condor Empire, and even soon they will be able to drive all the Condor Empire troops that crossed the Suez Canal back to the Sinai Peninsula.
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