Vol 2 Chapter 1434: , please enter the urn

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold.
Although the South American countries refused to continue to support the European continent due to self-protection and distance reasons, the African countries that are closely adjacent to the European continent could not just watch the European continent end like this.
Because once the European continent is finished, then it will definitely be their turn to the African continent.
So after the Condor Empire began to encircle the European continent on a large scale and continuously sent special troops to harass, players from various African countries quickly took action.
The African continent is separated from the European continent by the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal.
After the Northern Alliance Combined Fleet was defeated by the Condor Navy, the entire Mediterranean Sea was immediately controlled by the Condor Navy.
Although the Condor Navy controlled the Mediterranean Sea, they were beyond the reach of the Suez Canal, because the Suez Canal is now full of wrecks with iron chains, and the Condor Navy ships could not enter at all.
It is precisely with the Suez Canal that the river is seriously blocked that African players can support the European continent, otherwise they will not be able to get through even if they have this idea.
Of course, it is impossible for the coalition forces formed by African countries to reach the European continent directly, because after they cross the Suez Canal, they also need to cross the Sinai Peninsula and the northern Middle East.
Now these places are stationed by the Eagle Empire troops, and the African coalition forces must defeat the Eagle Empire troops stationed in these places before they can finally successfully join forces with the European coalition forces on the Asia Minor peninsula.
In the previous comprehensive counter-offensive plan organized by the North Alliance, the African coalition was responsible for attacking the Sinai Peninsula.
It's just that the African coalition at that time was composed of several Mediterranean countries, and its strength was not the strongest, so it has not been able to achieve breakthrough progress.
This time, in order to help the European continent break the comprehensive blockade of the Condor Empire, many countries in southern Africa have also sent a large number of troops to join the African coalition.
After the sudden fall of North America, players in the African region fully realized what it is like to die.
They know that once the European continent falls, their African region cannot live alone.
So even though they knew that sending out a large number of local troops at this time was an extremely risky approach, they still chose to do so without hesitation.
Because now the last force of the Northern Alliance is assembled on the European continent, and it is also the strongest force currently resisting the Condor Empire.
If this force eventually disappeared, then there is probably no other force on the entire earth that can compete with the Condor Empire.
So no matter how risky this move is, they must also go to aid allies on the European continent.
Soon, armies from different countries on the African continent appeared on the land of the Ayyubid Kingdom.
With the arrival of a large number of active forces, the morale of the African coalition forces located in the western part of the Southwest Peninsula was immediately boosted.
When a large number of reinforcements successfully crossed the river, they immediately launched a new round of offensive against the Tenglong army defense line stationed on the Sinai Peninsula.
Facing the fierce attack of the African coalition forces, the Tenglong Army on the Sinai Peninsula kept retreating under the instructions of Ning Yuan.
Whenever the African coalition launched a large-scale offensive, after the engagement, the Tenglong army on the front line would retreat a certain distance.
In this way, under the planned retreat tactics of the Tenglong Army, the African coalition forces soon occupied most of the Sinai Peninsula.
After defeating the Tenglong Army several times in a row, and destroying hundreds of thousands of Tenglong troops in the course of the battle, the morale of the African coalition forces soared.
In order to occupy the entire Sinai Peninsula as soon as possible, and then directly capture the holy city of Jerusalem, the commander of the African coalition forces directly ordered all the troops to land on the Sinai Peninsula after a slight adjustment, preparing for the next new round of offensive.
Just after the African coalition forces and a large amount of food and grass materials were transported to the Sinai Peninsula on a cloudy and rainy day, the Condor Empire, which had been defeated for many days, finally took action.
With the help of the rain, the Mermaid Legion of the Condor Empire and all the dragon warriors all sneaked into the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean Sea.
After the dragon warriors reached the designated position, the rain in the Suez Canal suddenly became heavier.
Facing the torrential rain that made it difficult to open their eyes, the African coalition soldiers along the Suez Canal all hid in their barracks to take shelter from the rain, and no one paid attention to the mist-filled Suez Canal.
Under the ingenious cover of the dragon warriors with the help of the power of nature, the mermaid warriors who poured into the river immediately got busy underwater with various tools in hand.
Some of them held saws, some held axes, and they kept hacking and smashing the sunken ship below.
As the chains were sawed off, the sunken ships were decomposed, and soon countless broken wooden boards of various sizes floated on the river.
It turned out that Ning Yuan didn't have no way to take the wreck of the iron chain boat under the Suez Canal, but deliberately reserved this channel for players in the African region to apply.
The Condor Empire has a large number of mermaid warriors who can work underwater for a long time, not to mention some ships that are linked together by chains. Even if there is a big mountain under the water, the mermaid warriors can dig it bit by bit. Broken down.
The reason why Ning Yuan did not rush to clean up the Suez Canal is actually very simple, that is, his real target is not the European continent, but the African continent.
Although Ning Yuan led the Condor Navy to annihilate the North Alliance Fleet and occupied the entire British Isles, this is only because the strength of the Condor Navy is much higher than the North Alliance Combined Fleet, and the British Isles are separated from the European mainland by the English Channel .
After losing control of the sea, the British Isles immediately became an isolated island, and they could not get any support from the outside world, so it was natural for them to be occupied by the Condor Empire.
Compared with the isolated British Isles, the European continent is a whole.
Now on the European continent there are not only the armies of European countries, but also the army of more than two million beautiful countries, as well as countless players' armies sent from the adventurer world.
With so many armies on the European continent, it would be very difficult for the condor Empire's army to land from a certain place.
And even if the landing is successful, it will definitely face a large-scale counterattack by the enemy's massing of troops, and maybe they will be driven back to the sea immediately.
To the Condor Empire, the current European continent is a cactus with spikes all over its body. If it is accidentally pierced, it will immediately be stabbed with blood.
If you want to deal with this cactus that is still in good condition, it is impossible to force it, it can only be pierced with scars.
If you want to touch the core of the cactus, you must first remove the outer spikes.
For the current European continent, the troops stationed in various places are the thorns of the people.
The most effective way to remove these sharp spikes is to cut off the supply of the cactus.
As long as the feeding channel is broken, these spikes will slowly dry up and fall off.
It is clear that there is simply not enough productivity on the European continent to support so many armies.
The reason why the enemy has not yet experienced a food crisis is entirely because a large amount of grain reserves have been sent here before.
The arable land area on the European continent is constant, as is the annual grain production.
Under the circumstance that there is a huge gap in the annual grain output, the reserve grain will be consumed in large quantities.
In this way, no matter how much reserve food there is, it will eventually be used up.
Therefore, after capturing the British Isles, Ning Yuan was in no hurry to launch a general attack on the European continent. He only wanted to use the mobility of the navy and air force to increase the enemy's consumption while preventing the enemy from getting any assistance from other places.
The duration of this siege and harassment tactic is determined by the total amount of food reserves on the European continent, which may be half a year, or two or three years, or even longer.
In short, Ning Yuan will definitely wait until there is a large-scale food shortage on the European continent before finally closing the net.
Because once there is a large-scale food shortage on the European continent, it will be difficult for the North Alliance to maintain such a large-scale army.
At that time, in order to be able to eat, they will definitely persuade a large number of player troops to retreat, leaving only a few elites to survive.
When the number of troops of the Northern Alliance Army drops to the lowest point, with the absolute advantage in number, the Condor Empire can completely defeat it without any effort.
So despite the capture of the British Isles, the Condor Empire launched an all-round large-scale harassment operation on the European continent, but Ning Yuan had already set his sights on the African continent at this time.
Although the overall strength of the African continent is not as good as that of the European continent, some special troops on the African continent can also bring some trouble to the Condor Empire.
For example, the giant dragon army unique to the African continent, the silverback gorilla army, and the old enemy demon clan of Ning Yuan.
These special armies are already very troublesome. If you add the armies of African countries, it is not an easy task for the army of the Condor Empire to land in Africa.
Fortunately, the current African region is not very united, and many forces are fighting each other.
For example, the demon empire entrenched in northern Ethiopia and Kenya.
The Kingdom of Huaguoshan is located around Mount Kilimanjaro.
As well as the African branch of the Wan Beast League, where the dove occupies the magpie's nest, and so on.
These forces are either aboriginal forces that don't trust anyone, or foreign forces that have invaded.
For these forces, the threat of the Condor Empire is not something they should consider at all, because they may not be able to last until the day when the Condor Empire comes over.
So no matter what kind of promises the North Alliance made to them, they simply chose to refuse.
Ning Yuan didn't pay attention to these forces that only knew how to attack and attack. He directly set his sights on those African countries that joined the North Alliance.
When Ning Yuan learned that African countries wanted to form a new batch of coalition forces to rescue the European continent, he planned a plan for the main force of the African coalition forces on the Sinai Peninsula.
In order to lead all the main force of the African coalition forces to the Sinai Peninsula, Ning Yuan deliberately ordered the Tenglong Army to fight several defeats.
At the cost of the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Tenglong troops, the main force of the African coalition forces was successfully attracted to the southwest peninsula.
Seeing that the enemy had entered the urn, Ning Yuan took advantage of a cloudy and rainy day to implement the final closing tactic.
When the back road is cut off, the African coalition forces trapped in the western part of the Southwest Peninsula will immediately become a turtle in a urn, allowing the Condor Army to handle it.
Since the Condor Empire has never done anything to the Suez Canal before, players in the African region have always naively thought that the Condor Empire had no way to take the Suez Canal blocked by the sunken ship.
It was their idea that gave Ning Yuan the confidence to design them.
Under the cover of the storm, after half a day of intense work, the mermaid warriors finally completely separated the iron rope and the ship that sank to the bottom of the river.
As all the iron cables sank to the bottom of the river, the ship was broken down into pieces of wood of different sizes, and the surface of the Suez Canal was immediately covered with broken wood.
After all the debris flowed into the Red Sea, the Suez Canal was finally cleared.
With the news that the Suez Canal was cleared out to the Red Sea Fleet in the Red Sea, the Red Sea Fleet soon rushed upstream into the Suez Canal.
When the magic warships of the Red Sea Fleet appeared in the Suez Canal, the African coalition soldiers who were sheltering in the house finally reacted.
But by the time they stormed out of the house, it was too late.
As the magic warships of the Red Sea Fleet filled the Suez Canal, the main force of the African coalition that landed on the southwestern peninsula suddenly became a lonely army.
Seeing that the back road was cut off by the Red Sea Fleet of the Condor Empire, the African coalition forces, unwilling to sit still, immediately sent all the flying troops to attack the Red Sea Fleet. They wanted to defeat the Red Sea Fleet to regain control of the Suez Canal.
When the flying corps of the African coalition forces flew over the Suez Canal, a large number of magic warships suddenly appeared in the waters where the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea meet.
As the dark magic warships were moored on the sea~EbookFREE.me~, countless Silver Pegasus Knights and Dragon Eagle Knights flew out from the ship soon.
At the same time, on the Sinai Peninsula, countless angel warriors and owl warriors also took off, and then flew straight to the Suez Canal.
In order to wait for the day of closing the net, the flying players of Tenglong Army have been holding back for many days, so when this moment came, everyone was very excited.
Facing the carrier-based air force of the Red Sea Fleet, the main force of the Condor Air Force rushing over from the Mediterranean Sea, and the Tenglong Air Force flanking from behind, the flying corps of the African Allied Forces was immediately blinded.
At this time, their back road was cut off, there were blocking soldiers in front, and the most deadly nemesis on the right was rushing towards them.
Facing this extremely unfavorable situation, they could neither escape nor fight, as if there was only one dead end left.
The flying soldiers of the African Allied Forces guessed nothing wrong. At this time, they are indeed dead.
In the end, under the encirclement of the three condor empire flying corps, the main force of the flying corps of this African coalition was all wiped out in the Suez Canal Basin.
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