Vol 2 Chapter 1434: , rogue harassment consumption tactics

After defeating the Northern Alliance Fleet, the Condor Empire's naval fleet did not leave the Irish Sea, but continued to attack the British Isles from the Isle of Man.
When Ning Yuan designed and eliminated the North Alliance Fleet, he had already thought of a strategic plan to take down the British Isles first.
The British Isles are very close to the mainland of Europe, and their area is large enough to be used as a front-line base for the Condor Empire to attack the European continent.
Due to the obstruction of the English Channel, it is basically impossible for the European mainland to rescue the British Isles after the NATO Combined Fleet is eliminated. Therefore, the armies of England and Ireland on the three islands alone cannot stop God. The Eagle Empire ate it.
After occupying absolute control of the sea, Ningyuan adopted the coastal invasion tactics of more flowers for the British Isles.
If there is a suitable place for landing around the island, then there will be a condor empire fleet carrying marines there.
Faced with the Marine Corps of the Eagle Empire who frequently landed from different locations on the islands, the defenders on the three islands could only keep running back and forth. Wherever there was danger, they immediately rushed over to support them.
This exhausted defensive mode is destined to be unsustainable. In desperation, English players can only seek help from other countries on the European continent.
Faced with the help of players in England, other European countries are also helpless.
It's not that they don't want to rescue the British Isles, but that after the English Channel was blocked by the naval fleet of the Condor Empire, their army couldn't pass through at all.
As for sending flying regiments that can ignore the English Channel.
It is not that European countries did not think about it, but they were quickly rejected by them collectively.
Without the cooperation of the army, if the flying corps is rashly dispatched to support the British Isles, the remaining flying troops in their hands are likely to be all damaged in the English Channel or the British Isles.
Because the flying legions of the British Isles were wiped out by the storm tactics of the Condor Empire in the vast sea.
If they were to send a large number of flying troops across the English Channel, the Condor Empire would likely be ambushing them halfway.
Once in the middle of the ambush, on the sea where the village and the store are not in front, the flying army they sent is likely to be buried in the belly of the fish.
So even though the English players have begged them at all costs, they still chose to stand by.
In the face of the ruthless rejection of European countries, desperate English players can only choose to stand the last post and live and die with their own country.
In fact, when the Condor Empire attacked the British Isles, the European countries were not foolish enough to watch the fun there.
While the Condor Empire has not launched a full-scale attack on the European continent, the European countries and players in the beautiful country are urgently preparing for the war.
Everyone knows that with the fall of the British Isles and some islands around the European mainland, the Condor Empire will definitely launch a large-scale attack on the European mainland.
At that time, the eastern side of the European continent will be fiercely attacked by millions of Tenglong troops, and their western side will be continuously invaded by the Eagle Empire's naval fleet.
Under the attack from both sides of the Condor Empire, if they do not have enough troops, then as the clouds of war gradually cover the entire European continent, all teleportation formations will immediately fail, and they will immediately lose the Adventurer World. the main source of troops.
After losing the important source of soldiers in the Adventurer's World, they could no longer fight a large-scale war of attrition with the Tenglong Army.
At that time, the strength of the Tenglong Army can be continuously replenished, but they die less and less.
Under the situation, the Eagle Empire can consume them alive by using the Tenglong Army to consume them.
In order to avoid this unfavorable situation, Raymond and others in the European continent immediately started a large-scale recruitment in the Adventurer World.
In addition to the players from the beautiful country who lost their countries, the teleportation arrays in European countries have begun to be fully opened to players from all over the world.
In addition to the players in the Huaxia area, as long as the players who want to come to participate in the war, as long as the strength assessment meets the standard, they can immediately teleport from the Adventurer World to the European continent.
In order to be able to recruit more player troops to fight the next war of attrition, Raymond and others directly set the recruitment standard as three-star force.
As long as the force value reaches three stars, players of any race can be teleported to the European continent.
Now the Condor Empire has occupied Asia, North America and Oceania, and nearly 100 countries have been wiped out. It can be said that there are enemies all over the world.
So when Raymond lowered the recruitment requirements, a large number of players who wanted to seek revenge for the Condor Empire immediately teleported from the Adventurer World.
This time, Raymond and the others have completely gone out of their way.
In order to be able to defend the European continent, or even have the opportunity to launch a counterattack, they no longer care about whether the European continent can withstand so many players' armies.
Anyway, as long as it is a player who meets the hard conditions, as long as it is not a Huaxia player, then it can be teleported at any time.
Naturally, what happened on the European continent could not be concealed from Ning Yuan's eyes and ears.
After learning that Raymond and others had begun recruiting the player army at any cost, Ning Yuan not only did not try to stop it, but instead ordered the Tenglong Army on the east front to intensify the attack on the coalition forces in the European region of the Northern Alliance.
On the long border, every day, millions of Tenglong troops launched a fierce attack on the positions of the European coalition forces.
Every day the battle will be fought from morning to sunset.
Every day, both the enemy and the enemy will lose hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of player troops.
Facing such a ferocious attack by the Dragon Army at all costs, Raymond and others could only keep sending the newly recruited player army to the front line, and then continue to expand the scale of recruiting player army from the Adventurer World.
With the gradual fall of the British Isles, the speed at which Raymond and others recruited the player army also began to gradually accelerate.
As if it was a race against time, from the initial daytime recruitment, to the 18-hour recruitment in the process, and to the last 24-hour uninterrupted recruitment, the Beimeng established by Raymond and others has completely sacrificed. .
Now, they have completely ignored the recruitment of so many player armies, whether the food and grass materials they have stored are enough.
In short, as long as qualified players are willing to come over, they will welcome them with raised hands.
In the face of the warm welcome from Raymond and others, players from all over the world who wanted to take revenge on the Condor Empire didn't want to miss this great battle that would definitely go down in the history of the game, so they teleported to it as soon as they met the conditions. on the European continent.
When Ning Yuan commanded the Condor Army to completely occupy the British Isles, there were already 20 million more players from the Adventurer World on the entire European continent.
After learning that the entire European continent is now full of players' armies, Ning Yuan immediately laughed happily.
Now that the fish have entered the net, it is time to close the net.
Savage 11/11/45
After occupying all the islands around the European continent, the Condor Empire immediately launched an all-round attack on the entire European continent based on those islands.
However, the all-round attack launched by the Condor Empire was completely different from what Raymond and others imagined.
In the eyes of Raymond and others, after the Condor Empire has a huge forward base in the British Isles, they will definitely launch a fierce attack on France.
As long as the Condor Empire succeeds in occupying France, the entire European continent will be immediately divided into four regions.
They are the Iberian Peninsula at the southernmost tip.
The Apennine Peninsula in the southern Alps.
The Balkan Peninsula in the northern Mediterranean.
and all the plains of northeastern France.
Once all of France fell, the connection between the four regions would be cut off because of the mountains and the sea.
Once these four regions form a situation of fighting against each other, the Condor Empire can defeat each of them by means of unimpeded sea routes.
Therefore, in order to prevent this situation, Raymond and others directly deployed a large number of troops in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, vowing to block the army of the Condor Empire in the English Channel.
However, when the Condor Empire really started an all-round attack, Raymond and others found that the Condor Empire was just using the mobility of warships to continuously launch coastal invasions around the European continent, and did not want to land on a large scale. mean.
The naval fleet of the Condor Empire carries the mermaid army and the Knights of the Silver Pegasus to invade some villages, towns and cities near the coastline every day.
This kind of intrusion is limited to the vicinity of the coastline, and it is very scattered, so that the nearby garrison does not know which place to support.
Assemble a large number of troops and go there. The mermaid army will immediately flee back to the sea when they see that the situation is not good. After they leave, the mermaid army will immediately return to continue to harass.
If the number of troops sent to support is not enough, it is likely to be eaten by the Silver Pegasus Knight and the Mermaid Army.
In the face of the unreasonable harassment tactics of the Condor Navy, the troops stationed by the Northern Alliance coalition forces at the seaside had a headache to the extreme.
They also don't want to be played by the Condor Army as a monkey near the coastline, but they can't completely give the coastline to the Condor Army.
Because once the entire coastline is given up to the Condor Army, when the Condor Army really makes a large-scale landing on a certain coastline, they will be out of reach.
So even if they were being walked and played as monkeys again and again, they could only endure it.
However, this is just the beginning, and what will make Beimeng even more uncomfortable is yet to come.
As batch after batch of Condor Empire troops came to the British Isles on transport ships, soon, various regions of Europe ushered in a problem that made them even more headaches.
In order to maximize the harassment tactics, Ning Yuan directly transferred most of the Silver Pegasus Knights and Dragon Eagle Knights from China.
After the two almost rogue flying regiments were all in place, Ning Yuan immediately ordered them to use the British Isles as their bases and fly over the English Channel to launch air strikes on the European continent every day.
This time, the air strikes dominated by two elite air forces were no longer a widely dispersed invasion operation on the coastline, but a large-scale air strike operation in which all air forces acted together.
After the two flying regiments flew over the English Channel each day, they searched for a different target for air strikes.
Today they may launch air strikes on major cities in France, and tomorrow they will suddenly fly to Poland to launch air strikes.
In short, the targets of air strikes are different every day, making every country on the European road hard to guard against.
The existence of the Silver Pegasus Knights makes this mixed flying army no longer afraid of any long-range shooting.
The existence of the Dragon Eagle Knights made the European Union's flying regiment not dare to attack easily.
In the case that their own flying corps did not dare to attack easily, the mixed flying corps sent by the Condor Empire immediately became an invincible existence.
As long as the elven knights flying in the sky see a large number of people living below, they will immediately shoot down a rain of arrows.
They fully implemented the tasks that Ning Yuan gave them.
In this way, when the mixed flying regiment of the Condor Empire appeared over a certain country on the European continent, everyone in that country would instinctively hide, and would not dare to expose their bodies easily.
Everyone is avoiding the attack of the Condor Air Force, and only when the Condor Air Force is completely withdrawn will they dare to come out and do some daily work.
One or two days is fine. Once the time is long, the daily production in the whole country will be greatly affected.
Now the entire European continent is filled with player armies from various countries.
The food and drink of these players' armies need to be supplied by countries on the European continent.
Originally, this kind of supply has seriously exceeded the overall production volume of the European continent, and now it is delayed by the Condor Air Force, which directly makes the originally poor life even worse.
In November, winter has entered the European continent.
In the severe winter season, in order to supplement the body with enough calories, people's daily consumption will be more than other seasons.
Some European countries close to the Mediterranean may be better off, after all, the winter temperatures there won't be too cold.
But European countries located on the plains of Eastern Europe are not so easy to survive the winter.
Due to the geographical location, the winters on their side are even colder.
Without enough food and heating supplies, many people will freeze to death.
The people who originally lived there would hunt and chop wood to supplement some food and firewood in the winter.
However, as the Condor Air Force focused on them~EbookFREE.me~ After many people who went out were shot alive, their daily work was suddenly greatly affected.
Therefore, in order to make up for the time lost during the day, many people choose to go out at night.
Winter nights are far more terrifying than daytime, and many times, even if you are prepared for the cold, you may freeze to death.
Even if you are lucky enough to survive colder nights, you consume far more food and other resources at night than during the day.
If things go on like this, the little food and resources people have stored will not be enough for them to survive this cold winter, so this is a vicious circle at all.
However, even if they knew that this was a vicious circle, the North Alliance had nothing to do, because they dared not easily send their own flying corps to attack the condor air force that was almost invincible in air combat.
They can only hope that the winter will pass early, and then they will launch a fierce attack on the defense line of the Condor Empire on the eastern front when the spring flowers bloom.
Only by making a breakthrough on the Eastern Front can they break the almost rogue harassment and consumption tactics of the Condor Empire.
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