Vol 2 Chapter 1433: , Battle of the Irish Sea

After capturing the entire North America, Ning Yuan did not rush to attack the nearby South America, nor did he immediately attack the European region that was fighting with his side. Instead, he chose to clear the artificially blocked Panama Canal first.
As the debris blocking the Panama Canal channel was cleaned up, a condor empire's naval fleet immediately sailed down the Panama Canal into the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.
In this attack on North America, although the Condor Empire defeated all the left-behind troops in the beautiful country, it failed to leave the new naval fleet built by the beautiful country player.
Although the size of the beautiful country's naval fleet has not been as large as before, after suffering two heavy losses in succession, if the naval fleets of various European countries are counted, then the North Alliance can still assemble a large-scale maritime fleet.
Now no matter what the enemy on the continent can no longer make Ning Yuan have any fear, only this huge fleet that can sail around on the ocean makes Ning Yuan uneasy.
If this huge fleet could not be annihilated, then Ning Yuan would not be able to dispatch the Eagle Empire's naval fleet to attack everywhere.
Therefore, Ning Yuan did not choose to take advantage of the situation to attack Colombia, and then take the entire South America, but chose to send people to find the location of the enemy's main fleet, while gathering the various naval fleets of the Condor Empire.
After finding the location where the enemy's main fleet was anchored, he planned to lead the main force of the Condor Navy to annihilate the enemy's main fleet in one fell swoop, thus realizing the absolute control of the Condor Empire on the ocean.
After the situation on the mainland of the beautiful country was irreversible, the naval fleet on the east coast of the beautiful country immediately sailed to the European area.
After successfully escaping to the European area, the US Navy directly merged with the combined fleet in the European area, and then all sailed along the English Channel into the North Sea.
The North Sea leads to the Norwegian Sea to the north, the English Channel to the southwest, and the Baltic Sea to the east.
This is an excellent location where you can attack, retreat, and if you can't, you can drive into the Baltic Sea to take refuge.
Even if the Combined Fleet is not an opponent of the Condor Navy, then they can have a variety of retreat options to choose from.
When Ning Yuan learned that the main force of the North Alliance Fleet had all left the Mediterranean Sea for the North Sea, he could see through what the enemy was thinking at a glance.
Although the Baltic Sea is a dead end, there are still two directions in which the North Sea combined North Sea fleet can retreat at any time.
If the Condor Navy wants to block the Northern Alliance fleet within the North Sea waters, then they must divide their forces, some from the Norwegian Sea to attack, and some from the English Channel into the North Sea.
Only by blocking these two openings, the North Alliance Fleet will not be able to escape.
At that time, the North Alliance Fleet, which had no way to escape, could only sail into the Baltic Sea to take refuge, and then was successfully blocked by the Condor Navy in the Baltic Sea, and was finally eliminated by the Condor Navy in the Baltic Sea.
On the surface, this situation is very likely to happen, but Ning Yuan saw the conspiracy at a glance.
The North Alliance's combined fleet sailed into the North Sea, seemingly looking for a good place with a variety of options for itself, but in fact this was a set the enemy had set for the Condor Navy.
If the Condor Navy really splits its forces to attack the North Sea, then the combined fleet in the North Sea will definitely concentrate all its forces to launch a fierce attack on one of the Condor Navy.
The enemy's move is not to make way for himself, but to lure the Condor Navy to take the initiative to divide its troops, and then concentrate its superior forces to defeat one of the Condor Navy.
If the condor navy with a small number of ships is really defeated by the enemy, then the dominance of the condor navy in the sea will be shaken.
Once the condor navy no longer has a dominant position on the seas, enemy naval fleets can attack some coastal areas of the condor empire from the sea.
The main purpose of Ning Yuan launching this naval battle is to further consolidate the absolute dominance of the Condor Empire on the ocean, so he absolutely cannot allow such an accident to happen, even if the Condor Navy is strong enough to be divided into two. Neither is the road.
After carefully studying the terrain meeting in the European region, Ning Yuan quickly came up with an idea.
Savage 9/11/45
Just as the Northern Alliance Fleet was waiting for the active attack of the Condor Navy in the North Sea, a huge Condor Imperial Navy fleet suddenly appeared on the west side of the English Channel.
Just when the Northern Alliance investigators thought that the Condor navy would enter the North Sea along the English Channel, the Condor navy suddenly turned and sailed into the St. George Strait, heading straight for the Irish Sea.
When the Condor Navy sailed into the Irish Sea, hundreds of magical warships immediately surrounded the Isle of Man in the middle of the Irish Sea.
After half a day of storming, the defenders on the Isle of Man were wiped out, and the Condor Army successfully occupied the Isle of Man.
Soon, news of the condor navy's invasion of the Irish Sea reached the North Sea.
After learning that the Condor Navy had captured the Isle of Man, the commander of the coalition fleet was stunned.
The unconventional play of the Condor Navy made him a little overwhelmed, because the direction of the plot completely deviates from the script they set.
Just when the Northern Alliance Combined Fleet was still hesitating whether to take the initiative to drive out the Condor Navy that invaded the Irish Sea, there was news from Great Britain that coastal cities in England were frequently attacked by the Condor Navy.
After learning that the Condor Navy had sent a large number of Mermaid troops and air forces to attack England, the Combined Fleet could no longer sit still.
In order to protect the safety of Great Britain, they must take the initiative to attack, even if this is a deliberate conspiracy by the enemy, they must bite the bullet.
No way, because they couldn't watch the island of Great Britain fall.
After the fall of North America, now the Condor Empire wants to attack the European area from the east and west, they must find a logistics base in the west of the European area that can be used to gather troops and store food and grass supplies.
The island of Great Britain is separated from the European mainland by the English Channel, and it is simply the most ideal logistics base.
If the Condor Empire really captures the British Island, then not only the Condor Navy can have a long-term and stable logistics base in the European region, but the Condor Army can also come to Great Britain continuously.
It is much easier to land on the European continent from the island of Great Britain than from the mainland of the Condor Empire.
Even if a landing fails, the Condor Army can withdraw to Great Britain for repair.
In this way, the fault tolerance rate is directly improved by a large margin.
Therefore, Ning Yuan's strategy of commanding the Condor Navy to attack the British Island was a direct hit on the soft underbelly of the Northern Alliance Fleet, because the enemy would never tolerate the Great Britain Island falling into the hands of the Condor Empire.
Soon, the news that the North Alliance fleet had sailed into the English Channel reached the Condor Navy in the Irish Sea.
After learning that the enemy really came to rescue, Ning Yuan immediately commanded the fleet to start forming an array, preparing for a decisive naval battle with the combined fleet in the Irish Sea.
At the same time, a squad of Seraphs also flew to the northwest from the Irish Sea.
At this time, there was a slightly smaller condor navy standing by in the ocean west of the island of Ireland.
In order to confuse the enemy, Ning Yuan deliberately brought most of the Condor navy into the Irish Sea, leaving only a small part of the fleet on standby in the open sea.
As long as the combined fleet sailed into the Irish Sea, the condor navy that was on standby in the open sea would immediately rush over to flank the enemy, block all the enemy ships in Irishland, and then annihilate it in one fell swoop.
Ning Yuan's strategy of baiting the enemy with the main fleet of the Condor Navy was very successful.
After finding out the number of Condor naval ships in the Irish Sea, the Northern Alliance combined fleet did not hesitate, and they drove all the warships directly into the Irish Sea.
When the ships of the Combined Fleet sailed into the Irish Sea, what appeared in front of them was the condor navy that had already been lined up.
Facing the densely packed huge ships in front, the ships of the Combined Fleet had no intention of slowing down, and they rammed straight towards the ships of the Condor Navy.
The brave who meet in the narrow road wins.
With the sound of a huge crash resounding through the sky, a desperate fight was immediately launched on the Irish Sea.
The Combined Fleet knew that its ships were not of the same quality as those of the Condor Navy.
If there is a chase, they are likely to be the first to sink.
In order to try to smooth out the gap in the quality of the ships, they directly chose the collision tactics to prevent the ships of the Condor Navy from starting.
When the two ships are tightly attached to each other, what will happen next is a fierce battle for the ship.
Although the quality of the condor navy's ships is better, in the battle of the ship, the combined fleet has a clear advantage.
Because the Irish Sea is located in the middle of the British Isles, when the British Isles have not yet fallen, they can constantly replenish their troops from the British Isles.
Moreover, the battle of capturing ships is not only a confrontation of infantry, but also a confrontation of the air forces of the enemy and us.
The Alliance Air Force located on the British Isles can fly over to participate in the war anytime, anywhere.
Therefore, in terms of troops, the United Fleet side has a clear home field advantage.
This is also an important reason why they dare to take the initiative to fight.
When the combined fleet sailed into the English Channel, they had already greeted the remaining troops on the British Isles.
So when the combined fleet sailed into the Irish Sea and began to face off with the Condor navy, flying regiments from the British Isles kept flying towards the Irish Sea.
In the face of the enemy air force supported from all directions, Ning Yuan decisively commanded the Condor Air Force to begin to shrink in an all-round way.
All the Condor Air Forces hovered over their own warships, and then relied on bows and arrows to resist the attack of the enemy flying troops.
When the flying army of the Northern Alliance surrounded the ships and air force of the Condor Empire, with a burst of sound, the sky over the Irish Sea soon became dark.
Just when the Beimeng's flying unit hadn't reacted to what was going on, the big raindrops had already fallen as densely as broken beads.
Most of the soldiers of the North Alliance Air Force are owl fighters.
With the torrential rain suddenly falling from the sky, the Beimeng's flying troops had no time to escape, and were directly poured into a chill.
When the feathers of the owl warriors were wet by the rain, their bodies in the air became obviously unstable.
As the rainstorm became heavier and heavier, the speed of physical exhaustion of the owl warriors became faster and faster.
After a while, some owl warriors who had exhausted their physical strength could no longer maintain their hovering posture in the air, and the whole person fell directly to the sea.
On the other hand, on the Condor Air Force side, although the angel warriors were also affected by the rainstorm, the wings of light on their bodies were obviously not wet, so their physical strength consumption rate was much slower than that of the owl warriors.
Under the circumstances, the Beimeng Owl Army finally could no longer support it. The Owl warriors located on the periphery turned around and started flying back, trying to escape the coverage of the storm.
Before, they had exhausted a lot of physical strength by flying over from the British Isles. They had just experienced another battle, and then they were also doused by heavy rain.
After such a set, their physical strength is basically not much left, so it is too late to want to escape now.
For this decisive battle at sea, Ning Yuan brought all the dragon warriors and most of the mermaid army of the Condor Empire.
Hundreds of dragon warriors cast spells at the same time, and the location of the battle is located in the Irish Sea, where there is sufficient seawater, so the rain of this heavy rainstorm is heavy and urgent.
Under such heavy rainfall, those owl warriors with physical strength close to the red line simply did not have enough physical strength to return to the British Isles.
As a result, a few minutes before the Northern Alliance's owl army began to flee, a spectacular dumpling scene suddenly appeared over the Irish Sea.
Countless owl warriors who were exhausted fell into the sea unwillingly.
If they just fell into the sea, then when their physical strength recovers, there are still many owl warriors that can be re-launched, and they can paddle the water and swim towards the shore.
However, Ning Yuan did not give the enemy a chance to recover his strength on the sea.
Just as those owl warriors who fell into the sea adopted the posture of backstroke and drifted with the flow, countless black shadows suddenly appeared below them.
As those shadows emerged from the sea, the owl warriors floating nearby immediately let out a scream.
These shadows are not monsters in the ocean, but the mermaid army that Ning Yuan arranged in the sea.
The dragon warriors walk through clouds and rain, and the mermaid warriors hide in the sea and wait for the rabbits. Here are all the tactics used by Ning Yuan to eliminate the Beimeng Air Force.
Facts have proved that this tactic of Ning Yuan is even better than he expected.
After the baptism of this heavy rain, more than 90% of the owl army in the Northern Alliance fell into the sea, and only a small part landed on the ships of the combined fleet.
After losing most of the air force, the combined fleet turned from an upper hand to a disadvantage, and all the advantages just now disappeared.
As the storm subsided, the Condor Navy, which had achieved a huge advantage, immediately launched a counterattack against the Combined Fleet.
Facing the three-way attack from the sea, the ship and the sky, the ships of the combined fleet were lost one by one.
Seeing that this continues, the entire combined fleet will be explained here, and the commander at the flagship immediately issued an order for the entire army to retreat.
However, before the ships at the end stage successfully turned around, another condor navy appeared behind them.
In the end, under the front and back of the two condor navies, the last combined fleet of the Northern Alliance at sea was completely wiped out in the Irish Sea.
So far, the Condor Empire has completely mastered the sea of all oceans.
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