Vol 2 Chapter 1432: , in name only

The sudden fall of North America shocked the whole world, and at the same time made the players of the beautiful country the laughing stock of the whole world.
As a veteran powerhouse in virtual games, players in the beautiful country have always been the top players in the game.
Because of their many younger brothers, they can stabilize other countries in almost every game. Even the populous Huaxia Kingdom and the vast territory of Ruos cannot shake their absolute hegemony status.
However, in the game of Barbarism and Civilization, with the strong rise of the Condor Empire, not only the Armada, which has always been the pride of American players, has been defeated twice by the Condor Empire, but some of their overseas fleets have also been defeated. The land also fell.
Being so humiliated by a player force in China is an unacceptable humiliation for all players in the beautiful country.
In order to regain face, the beautiful country players have been secretly accumulating strength, waiting for the day of revenge to come.
It is a pity that in the ensuing retaliation, they were stabbed in the back by the Ottoman Turkey, causing them to experience a fiasco again.
After successive humiliations, the players of the beautiful country were completely angry, so the North Atlantic Alliance was established, and then the alliance of the North Alliance led by the players of the beautiful country officially launched a comprehensive counterattack against the Condor Empire.
For this big counter-offensive, the beautiful country players can be said to have invested all.
As a result, when the counterattack was still in a state of anxiety, their base camp fell first.
This not only greatly damaged the morale of players in the beautiful country, but also made many other countries who joined the North Alliance worried.
Because with the complete fall of North America, the Atlantic Ocean is no longer a distant journey for the Condor Empire, and the naval fleet of the Condor Empire can directly enter the Atlantic waters from the Panama Canal.
When the Atlantic Ocean becomes an area where the Condor Empire's naval fleet can move freely, then whether it is Europe, South America, or Africa, all coastal countries will become potential targets for the Condor Empire to launch attacks from the sea.
Therefore, the fall of North America is not only an extremely heavy blow to the beautiful country players, but also a fatal blow to the countries of the other three continents, because on the ocean, they are bordered by the Condor Empire.
Although the fall of North America dealt a huge blow to Raymond, but after venting, Raymond gritted his teeth and held a plenary meeting of the Northern Alliance.
After all the player representatives from all member states were present, Raymond said with a heavy face: "Everyone, everyone must have heard the news of the fall of North America.
With the fall of North America, the external situation we need to face in the Northern Alliance has also become more and more bad.
Because the condor empire occupying North America will be greatly increased, and we have been greatly weakened.
With this ebb and flow, it is becoming more and more difficult for us to overthrow the Condor Empire.
However, the more this is the case, the more we should unite, because we have no other choice.
Now we have three continents left in the North Alliance, namely Europe, South America and Africa.
Excluding the melee African region, our situation in South America and Europe is still relatively good.
In addition to the armies of European countries, there are more than two million elites from our beautiful country in the European region.
However, although we have concentrated our efforts to attack the Condor Empire, the Condor Empire has also assembled heavy troops to defend in the border areas, so we have not made breakthrough progress so far.
Now with the fall of North America, we have no way out.
If all of you here do not want to be defeated by the Condor Empire one by one in the future, then now we must unite more closely, and then defeat the Condor Empire head-on at all costs.
Only by defeating the Condor Empire head on, can we recover the lands that were invaded and occupied by the Condor Empire little by little.
Only by recovering those lands that were invaded and occupied by the Condor Empire can we have the opportunity to gradually grow and eventually defeat the Condor Empire completely.
Now the main battlefield of our Northern Alliance forces is in the European region.
After a long period of war, neither we nor the Condor Empire can easily withdraw from this war.
Because no matter which side chooses to retreat, the other side will not readily agree.
That is to say, in the home game in the European region, neither we nor the Condor Empire can take the initiative to withdraw.
To end this protracted war, one side must be defeated.
If the Eagle Empire is defeated, they will lose a lot of land in the Middle East and Central Asia.
If we lose the war, then the entire European region will soon follow in the footsteps of North America.
Frankly speaking, the battlefield in the European region is already a war we cannot afford to lose, because once the battlefield in the European region fails, our Northern Alliance will never have the chance to come back.
So in order to win this crucial war, I hope everyone here can grit their teeth and organize another batch of troops and food supplies to support the battlefield in Europe.
Please remember that this war is not only fought for our North Alliance, but also for your own country.
Because the current size of the Condor Empire is no longer comparable to a few countries or a continent.
If you don't want to be wiped out in the future, then you must show 100% sincerity now.
Because the opportunity left for us may only be this one, if we miss this opportunity, there is probably no other force in the game that can compete with the Condor Empire. "
Raymond's intention in convening this NATO plenary meeting is very simple, that is, to call on other NATO member states to once again increase troops and support food supplies to the European region.
Now that the battlefield in the European region has already hit a real fire, no one can choose to retreat, and the enemy and our side must distinguish the real winner, so Raymond is ready to go all out and bet all his treasures on the European region battlefield.
No way, after losing the rich base of North America, the two million troops of the beautiful country left in the European region have become the biggest burden on the entire European region.
If this war is not ended as soon as possible, then the entire European region will be dragged alive by them.
So it's not that Raymond's choice is too radical, but that he has no choice at this time.
After listening to Raymond's speech, everyone else in the conference room fell silent.
Although what Raymond said is good at all, but at this moment, let them continue to support the European battlefield, doesn't this want them to destroy the country sooner?
Now that the entire Atlantic Ocean has been fully opened to the Condor Empire, all coastal countries may be invaded by the Condor Empire at any time.
At this time, let them send more troops to the European area, do you think they are not dying soon?
No one wants their country to perish, and no one will selflessly choose to let their country perish first in order to help others.
So even though what Raymond said was right, the player representatives in many countries chose to remain silent because they did not want to sacrifice themselves in order to save others.
Seeing that the entire conference room was silent and no one responded to his speech, Raymond was instantly angry.
After glancing at everyone in the conference room, he scolded loudly: "Now there is only one chance left for us, why would you rather choose slow death than fight for hope?
Since you are still the player leaders of your respective countries, you are so disappointing to me. "
"President Raymond, it's not that I can't see the situation clearly, it's that I'm powerless!
We Colombia have backed the league twice.
Now that the army of the Condor Empire has occupied the entire territory of Panama, it may immediately invade our Colombia at any time.
To put it bluntly, maybe after the game restarts, we in Colombia will be destroyed in a few days.
Under such circumstances, you also asked us to send troops and food supplies to the battlefield in the European region. Are you afraid that our country will not be destroyed fast enough? "
Seeing that Raymond's attitude became very bad, Barbaro from Colombia finally couldn't help but stand up and refute.
Barbaro's words not only spoke directly into the hearts of many people, but also made Raymond speechless for a while.
Because what Barbaro also said makes sense.
Colombia, which has just bordered the Condor Empire, is now the most dangerous country compared to the simmering European battlefield.
After two consecutive deployments of troops to support the North Alliance, Colombia's domestic defense has become very empty.
Now, as long as the Condor Empire gathers heavy troops to invade Colombia, no matter whether the surrounding countries will send troops to support, Colombia will not be able to support it for too long.
No way, the strength gap between them and the Eagle Empire is simply too great.
Just like what Raymond said, even if they gathered the strength of the entire South America, they are not the opponents of the Condor Empire.
So for Barbaro's rebuttal, Raymond couldn't think of how to refute it at all.
It is impossible for him to say to Barbaro: For the interests of the North Alliance, you should sacrifice Colombia first, and we will help you to restore your country later!
"President Raymond, what you just analyzed is correct, but there is nothing wrong with what President Barbaro said just now.
What was our original intention in forming the North Atlantic Alliance?
Isn't it just to fight against the Eagle Empire?
Isn't the purpose of our fight against the Condor Empire to protect our own country?
Now our country is under the threat of the Condor Empire. At this time, if you ask us to deploy our troops to support the European battlefield, it is equivalent to letting us sacrifice our country for the interests of the alliance.
This request of yours is really difficult for some strong men, because it is difficult for everyone here to accept.
Although according to what you said, if we miss this opportunity, the final result will be to be destroyed, but if we choose to stay and coexist with our own country, at least we will not leave too many regrets, and at the same time, we can give the country The player has an explanation.
If we voluntarily give up our country to support the European battlefield, how can we explain to domestic players?
Do you think players in our countries will be so righteous enough to sacrifice themselves to protect the European zone?
Not to mention ordinary players, even I don't want to do it myself, because I'm not that great and selfless.
There are no truly selfless people in this world, but certainly none of us here.
Since we all come together because of common interests, the alliance must not seriously harm the interests of other member states for the benefit of a certain region.
If it is necessary to harm the interests of some member states in the interest of the Union, it must be compensated.
Your request this time is for us to fully support the European region at the risk of subjugation.
For the good of the league as a whole, it's not impossible for us to agree, but how should the league compensate us?
I think that as long as the countries in the European region can sell some land for us to rebuild the country in the European region, we can still transfer all the remaining main force in the country to the European region.
We can make huge sacrifices for the alliance, but we don't know if the European countries are willing to make certain sacrifices for the interests of the alliance. "
Just when Raymond was speechless by Barbaro’s rebuttal, Jose of Venezuela took the initiative to break the increasingly awkward atmosphere in the conference room.
It's just that Jose's voice is still very aggressive. This time he directly aimed at the vested interests of Raymond's proposal - countries in the European region.
After listening to Jose's proposal, the expressions of the player representatives from various countries in the European region suddenly changed drastically.
For Jose's proposal, Raymond is also very embarrassed, because no country is willing to give up part of its own territory in order to help others.
There are a total of thirteen countries in South America. If these thirteen countries transfer all their armies to the European region to establish their country, it will undoubtedly be another huge burden for the entire European region.
Now they are already struggling to support the two million troops of the beautiful country. If they support thirteen South American countries, they might as well not need the support of South American countries.
"Guys, I don't think we can blindly concentrate our forces in one area now, because the climate and geographical environment are different ~EbookFREE.me~ doing so may be counterproductive.
Just like the army in South America, when they first arrived in Europe, they could easily become unaccustomed to the environment.
As a result, they not only fail to give us the help we want, but they also cause us unnecessary trouble.
So I think that now everyone should stay in the place they are most familiar with, so that they can exert their full strength.
I suggest that our North Alliance immediately set up three theaters, namely the European theater, the African theater and the South American theater.
Countries in each theater can form coalitions to resist a possible invasion of the Condor Empire.
As for whether it can resist the invasion of the Condor Empire, let's have our destiny!
No way, after all, our own country is the most important, we cannot sacrifice our own country in order to support other countries. "
In the face of the problem thrown by Jose, in the end, it was Atkinson of the United Kingdom who stood up on the European side.
Seeing that player representatives from all countries in Europe agree with Atkinson's proposal, and there is no objection from South America, Raymond can only agree to Atkinson's proposal and divide the Northern Alliance into three theaters. Each war zone fights on its own.
With the North Alliance coalition divided into three, the North Atlantic Alliance, a newly established organization, has basically fallen into the situation of existence in name only.
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