Vol 2 Chapter 1022: Belligerent

Compared with the changing circumstances outside the surveillance tower, the group of people inside the surveillance tower did not encounter any fierce resistance. After opening up the headquarters in the center of the monitoring tower, Li En and his group came to the corridor gate leading to the top of the monitoring tower almost unimpeded. Sharon said that she would find a way to solve the problem of chasing soldiers. Although she didn't know how to do it, since she said that, there must be no problem--the whole group can only think so.
Pushing open the door that didn't seem to be seriously locked at all, it looked like someone was expecting them to appear. Everyone felt the cold wind that made the skin of Nord in early winter, and The bright sunshine that hasn't been seen for a long time.
"Come here." Just stepping onto the top platform, and looking at the surroundings in the future, an impatient voice sounded-a huge instrument on the other side of the top of the monitoring tower, with a sense of violation. And three guardians with different personalities, who seem to be very unfit.
""Gentleman of the thief"...and that girl is..." Kleia's gaze swept across Blublan's artificial mask, then looked at Altina's expressionless face. Turning her eyes thoughtfully-although the man in the orange-haired black suit had never seen it before, but combined with a stronger standing intention than the other two, and a flawless body, she couldn't help but feel comfortable. alert.
"Altina Olain." The named Altina introduced herself blankly. She looks almost indistinguishable from Miriam in appearance, and she is not unexpectedly using a completely dark tactical shell. The existence very similar to Miriam's silver arm naturally made Miriam very interested.
"Black Rabbit..." Miriam, who has always been a lively character, looked at the girl in front of him who was almost the same as her own. There was a hint of curiosity and inexplicable feelings in her eyes, but she quickly returned to normal: " What is your partner's name?"
"Partner..." Altina repeated the word mechanically, "This kid is a "light saber". "However, although Altina and Miriam have very different personalities, the "light saber" and "silver arm" feel exactly the same. There is a "silver arm" that is often used, much like the pride of a human being with hands on his hips. expression.
"A good name." Miriam nodded. "Then it would be "Xiaoguang". "
"Don't trouble the "light saber" with strange names. "The black puppet behind Altina made a series of unexplained sounds, which sounded a bit like asking. No wonder Altina said so badly.
"I said... when will this kind of boring greeting go on. Those on the opposite side, your target should be this big guy?" The orange-haired man said impatiently, "Blubland, you all Know... I'm Varut, and I'm a fellow "executor" of this guy. All in all, if you can defeat us, it doesn't matter what you want to do with things, whether it is damage or what. But if it can't be done..."
"What will happen?" Toval asked almost blurt out-the next moment, he regretted a little. Because, Varut's almost irrepressible murderous aura was aimed at him almost in the next second.
Although he is not a master in melee combat, the long-term various tasks and training have also allowed Tovar to accumulate a lot of experience in fighting with melee masters. The moment he felt that strange gaze, his body instantly tightened, and at the same time, his whole body was transmitting vindictive energy in the direction of his left arm. The short baton was also placed in front of him, as if he was ready. However, this is the case, Varut's ruthless punch has also struck with majestic murderous intent. In that short call, Varut's arm was completely swollen, and the burning muscles gave Toval an extremely deep impression.
Killing Fist-This is the highly targeted fighting method that Varut created after he left the Tai Dou Liu alone, relying on his previous learning and his own understanding of martial arts. Originally, such a heavy punch was just the beginning, and the next series of combo punches should be the focus. However, although Varut is militant, he is not a reckless man—almost just before the second punch. For a moment, the sight of somewhere after coming to himself made him converge in time, and he suddenly backed away and avoided Leng Jian.
"..." Claire's heart sank slightly-judging from the attack and the dodge movement just now, this man is indeed not an easy opponent to deal with, and he just seemed to be aggressive and aggressive. The extremely strong fighting style and the introduction of the members of the "Association" who are straight to the point made Kleiya almost involuntarily connect with a dangerous person mentioned in the Intelligence Bureau.
"The Executor "Skinny Wolf" Varut, right? "Clearia said softly, watching Torval step back in time, keeping away from the executors and Altina, "I didn't expect to be such a powerful opponent. "
"Is that also Miss Xuelun's former colleague?" Everyone who had observed Varut's action at close range couldn't help but sink in their hearts.
"It seems that you mentioned a familiar name just now?" Varut heard this and turned around lazily-originally he didn't look at the students seriously at all. After the group appeared, he He has been staring at Toval and Claire.
At this moment, a huge explosion suddenly came from under his feet-without a doubt, that was the movement of Miss Xuelun.
"Wait... what is this...?" Alyssa was anxious-in this case, how could she not be anxious? She almost instinctively looked at Claire who was still guarding Valut. Only she seemed to know what Sharon's plan was.
"Sharon Kruger. The original executor "NO.9"...she is here too. "Blubland on the side is still personable," I thought she would stay with Luray's new master and never show up again. did not expect……"
"Is it that little girl like a spider film?" Valut remembered, "Unfortunately... Although the little girl is good, she should not be my opponent. If Levi's idiot came... Under this stance, it is impossible for him to refuse my request for a competition anymore."
"..." Everyone fully understood now—Valut was just a warlike mad from the beginning.
"Master Ryanhardt is still busy with other things." The next moment, that familiar voice sounded, and Alyssa was completely relieved.
"Miss Xuelun!" At the same time, there were also the relieved voices of Claire and others.
In this way, the combat power of the two sides, at least on paper, can be regarded as equal.
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