Vol 2 Chapter 1048: Intentionally

So far, Heilijia's plans have been going well. Using the outlying forces of the regular army as a decoy, Heliga succeeded in dividing the patrol into three at this time-two mechas are currently trapped in the trap set by Heliga earlier. The main force led by the captain was on the way to check the situation there, while the remaining group of soldiers stayed on standby. In this whole plan, Heilijia's intentions cannot be described as careless.
The previous canyon is indeed a good opportunity to stop them. But in that case, it's nothing more than rushing forward and using force to suppress them forcibly. In that case, the casualties may be too heavy. Heliga didn't want much damage in the civil war of the empire, whether it was the regular army or the imperial army. Therefore, he decisively gave up that excellent opportunity and started the second plan.
In fact, Heliga didn't need to spend too much effort if he wanted to destroy this force. However, in addition to not wanting to see too many casualties, he has other considerations. Heliga has been observing this force for a long time, and he has concluded that even in the elite Lamar State Noble Army, the combat capability and organization of this force can be regarded as a medium-to-higher existence. Unless a very powerful attack is used to directly neutralize it, this force should be able to hold on for a long time if only more conventional strike methods are used. In that case, it is possible to break the fragile peace that is currently being maintained, and involve the noble army and the large-scale troops of the regular army in the battle. In that case, the plan that I had previously talked to Olibat would be ruined, so I must not mobilize people like this.
Therefore, this plan is currently the most suitable. There are three main reasons. First, the position where Heilijia uses the Throwing Dragon Roar happens to allow the commander of the noble army to make a judgment and choose to divide his forces. The reason is simple, because his mecha troops are not suitable for all deployment in the forest. Therefore, after the first division, Heliga followed to the stand-by location of the two mecha pilots, and used a very corrosive acid-a by-product of an alchemical potion, quietly. The ground broke the leg organs of the two mechas. It’s an acid in the general sense. It’s impossible for the specially treated alloy to be damaged so easily, but the acid produced by Heliga is not originally a normal thing, and it’s impossible to maintain it in the noble military mecha. On the list of technicians. Heliga used this method to make it impossible to walk, and the noble army would never leave the mechas there. Therefore, they will definitely take people to rescue, and they can take the mechas away in this situation. Naturally, the only way to do this is to use mecha soldiers to drag it.
However, it happened that there was still a regular army nearby—which gave Heliga the possibility of further action. The mecha troops are so weird, he must be suspicious, and he won't have a good face for these regular soldiers. And if the two sides are at war, there will be casualties. Therefore, Heilijia took advantage of the fact that the soldiers of the regular army did not pay attention, and firmly imposed a magic lock on the door of the arsenal-they could not open the door of the arsenal with their own keys. . The soldier in charge of opening the gate of the arsenal was only panicked when the enemy suddenly attacked. He didn't hold the key for a while, and didn't realize that the mysterious force was controlling his movements. Because of this, the regular army simply does not have the ability to resist, and can only be obediently restrained.
Next, is the critical moment of the plan. Heliga didn't know the character of the pilot of the mech. If he is very cautious, even in this case, he shouldn't leave some soldiers with the captives, but should stay together and walk. Although this would slow down the marching speed of the troops, it was actually increasing the difficulty for Heilijia-after all, he had to avoid accidentally injuring the prisoners of the regular army. As for the mecha soldiers who couldn't move forward because of acid, there was nothing to worry about at all, because Heliga had retreated from there a long time ago, and the nearby regular army would not move.
However, the fate is still at this time, helping Heilijia save a little trouble. Compared to the enemy who might be hiding in the dark, the captain was more worried about the situation of the mecha soldiers, and he didn't know if there were any indicators similar to KPIs among the soldiers of the noble army. But in short, the captain once again chose to divide his troops; before he reached the mecha who was in trouble, his troops had been divided into three by himself. One was difficult to move in the acid liquid, the other was standing by to guard the prisoners, and the other team was led by himself, trying to cross this short distance.
Time is running out-therefore, when the captain and his men had just walked away, Heliga appeared on the spot. By the way, in the places mentioned earlier, Heliga has left a short-term teleportation point that can be used as an instant movement. As long as the matters here are handled, he can directly transfer to the mecha. At the location of the accident, they were dealt with before the captain arrived with reinforcements, and then waited for the big fish to come to the door.
"You are..." There is no mech soldier, no heavy weapons, no formation of formation, coupled with the burnout accumulated by these soldiers-Heliga did not hesitate, and one shot was a stunt. After a strong flash of light, more than a dozen soldiers of the noble army immediately slumped on the ground, silent.
"Are you...?" The soldiers of the regular army were amazed-Heliga first simply changed the communication facilities of the noble army to the default mode, and then simply untied the ropes bound to the regular army on the scene. Afterwards, before the soldiers of the regular army could ask anything, Heliga had already taken out what Olibat had handed him before he left.
"Who are the soldiers of the 6th Mech Division and the 7th Mech Division?" Heliga held the coat of arms of Oribat and looked around the scene. The soldiers were surprised to see this familiar sign, but instinctively stopped their movements and lined up neatly.
"Time is pressing, and the specific situation will be explained later. In short, this is something that His Royal Highness Olibat gave me. Now I am temporarily acting as your commander. No matter what order you have been given before, it will be cancelled now. Next, Follow my orders..."
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