Vol 2 Chapter 1069: The deceased is still there (two in one)

At the strong request of Martha, before leaving, Heilijia completely burned the place to residue. Martha said that now when I see this place, there is nothing else but the sadness of being a human being. left behind. Since you can't provide motivation and comfort to your current self, why do you want such a so-called hometown?
Even though Heliga told Martha the story of Hamel, the latter was unmoved. Therefore, Heliga had to follow Martha's will to send these weather-beaten ruins to the road again after the last fire.
However, even so, this small village with almost no name in history has become the eternal name in the hearts of the Semurians. In the large and small crises that the continent will encounter in the future, the other name on this land will be immortal-"Irelin-Anson Fortress." No one knows why Helija Kholzwill, the founder of the "Northern Federation", named this fortress with such a name, just as people have been arguing about why. The capital of this nascent country sounds unrelated to its culture, and the pronunciation is a little strange, "Bernatilla"-but the truth is that whether it was accompanied by the early establishment of the Northern Federation, the empire caused a curse and catastrophe , Or the war between the newly-born "Northern Federation" and the rebels of the Kalvard Republic after that, or the clarion call of resistance blown by the Semrians when the so-called "Day of Reconciliation" arrives-experience After all this, and the strong and unbreakable fortress in all these cataclysms, it has become an eternal and immortal legend in the hearts of future generations.
Perhaps, only its two founders know why such a name can be passed down forever — they are not just Northumbria Autonomous Prefecture, two young villagers from an inconspicuous border village, for the whole village People's livelihood, at a young age, embarked on the road of no return to hunting soldiers, and never returned to the hometown he loved so much, the protagonist of such a simple story. They will become the northern alliance that guards the future, and even the strong fortress of the entire Semuria, in the name of the goddess, the dragon, and the indomitable son of the north who resists fate.

Under Heilijia's special care, Masha followed the forcibly opened transmission device, similar to the "Way of the Elves", and went back first. Heliga knew that she needed to think calmly and finally reached a complete conclusion, so he said nothing more intimately. At the same time, Heliga did not conceal his plan-tomorrow, he will pretend to be weak to Kane and seek a chance to get close to "Fei" without being noticed by anyone. Before that, he may need a little preparation. Martha understood this, so she didn't care that Heliga himself didn't seem to be leaving here—probably he was going to say something to the person who helped him find this place?
"Well, now you don't have to worry about being exposed. Although I feel that you can imitate the previous time in the Liber Cathedral..." Heliga sighed helplessly, "Besides, it doesn't make sense at all."
"I'm not afraid that you will get lost? The road sign you made before has been overwhelmed by the snow several times, and I helped you to lift it up." A cold voice appeared in response-or a dark cloak, dark skin, The mysterious aura is really Comrade Nirevain who has "leaved" the mainland of Semuria. At this moment, he was looking around with interest, his eyes didn't seem to be on the boy. Afterwards, he fixed his gaze at the end when Helika burned to ashes. As long as the wind blows gently, it will disappear forever with the snow, the ruins of the village of Martha's hometown.
"Then... Maybe I should thank you? Then I won't ask you, why have you stayed here until now?" Heliga stepped forward—the man in front of him was still as unpredictable as before.
"Don't you know it very well? In the previous battle with the "Majin" of Crossbel, you discovered the secret in your own body. "Nirevain turned around and said gloomily, "I originally planned to show up in front of you until you can complete the ritual completely." Unexpectedly, after you mastered his power, you really grew a lot, I just showed a little breath..."
"As far as your strength is concerned, that level of exposure is actually a clear indication that you are showing up." Heliga was too lazy to tell him so much, "So, I just said it for you, you will take that You lent it to me, right?"
"..." Nirevain's complexion changed slightly--even though his skin was dark, Heliga didn't actually see any obvious changes in his expression. However, his movements obviously had a stiff look. Afterwards, Nerevain sighed slightly, and took out a small thing shining golden red light out of thin air-at the same time, a powerful barrier silently enveloped the two of them. Heilijia felt the powerful spiritual pressure rushing toward her face, and watched the energy of Nerevain's barrier and the small ball of light in his hand tear each other, bursting out with bursts of crackling noises, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect you to be true. Take it with you..."
"After the Red Mountain collapsed, the energy of Locke Khan's Heart gradually decreased. I suspect it was recovered by Shure through some means, probably..." Nerevain nodded, "However, Azu Ra didn't seem to like this situation very much...so I collected this stuff and moved a little bit."
"Because she is worried that if the power of Red Mountain is recovered by the incarnation of Lockhan, it may cause the next reincarnation and invalidate her disposal of the dwarves?" Heliga asked.
"Probably... However, for me, one advantage of this is that the high elves have lost an opportunity to replicate the "Dragon Break". "Nerivain said, "But again, this thing is useless to me anyway, it's not impossible to give you his face... But are you sure you want to do that?" Use this thing to activate the so-called dragon veins in this world? In fact, I am not very clear about the consequences of doing that. "
"At least if you are there, you can control it," Heliga said, "the sinking of Yokunda will never happen..."
"That's impossible... Even the heart of Rokhan can't inspire Pancreto's divine power. However, you have to be careful yourself." Nirevain said, "I actually recommend this more..."
"...This is the core of... the brass tower?" Heliga was surprised-another small purple ball of light appeared in Nerevain's hand, which also exuded amazing power, and gave Heliga's chest a heavy blow. Last punch. However, compared to the remaining power of the Heart of Locke Khan, this part of the power is obviously slightly worse in impact.
"If you feel uncomfortable, just take out that staff." Nerevain said, "This thing was scattered in the sea after the war. Summerset Island was broken by mortals, and the High Elf King was forced to Tabor Septim, a mortal who claims to be a minister, really annoys these people. Therefore, someone secretly fished out this thing in advance."
"Master Tallinn?" Heliga guessed.
"Yes." Nirevain sighed. "After that, this thing was dropped by me."
"You can keep this for me if you want." Heliga smiled, "I want to use it for something else."
"That's better than I keep them for you. After all, you still have to be careful."
"Why? Didn't you have a good relationship with the church? Even the "Leaders" of the Union Society are afraid of you, and even they are respectful to me. "Heliga is strange, "Now that the people in this world have a few kilograms, you should figure it out? "
"I don't want to break the balance and the rules." Nerevain shook his head, "Anyway, these two things can be given to you as long as you feel you need it... but they must be used for a reasonable purpose. You will be able to treat this I will not let go before the person in charge."
"Well then..." Heliga has nothing to oppose to Nerevain's principles-as long as he promises, Heliga will feel that there is no problem. Right now, what he is more curious about is another question.
"By the way... Since you didn't go because of that thing... Does that mean that guy still..." Heliga hesitated.
"I... went back halfway, and inquired about many banned books and classics that I have not read myself... But I didn't mention any similar records." Nirevain said, "But, I, Tallinn Master, I think this method is feasible. Therefore, I will come back again to see if you have any thoughts on this. Now it seems that you want the Lord of the Snow Tower to appear here, but it surprised me. Yes. You don't seem to want to occupy that guy's power, even if it is his own voluntary choice."
"Anyway, he can be regarded as me, the benefactor of this world. It is precisely because I have his power that I have the opportunity to fundamentally change the world. For this, I should give him something in return. "Heliga sighed, "As for his remaining power...I don't think it's actually necessary. After all this is done, I also want to retire sooner. Leave me some capital to ensure that I won't There is something, it should be nothing to you."
"He must be happy to help you. However, since you gave the Book of Rings to others, maybe you don't have to worry about it. Hong Ding's interest in outsiders may be beyond our imagination... If he can really pull out one day Out of the Holy Sea, I can also take him back to deal with the conspiracy of the ancestor Shenzhou." Nirevain seems to have a high evaluation of Levi, and is already looking forward to the scene where the "sword emperor" asks the shackles and pulls out the soul sword. .
"So... speaking of it, you can actually take people around here and there?" Heliga asked tentatively, "but you didn't mean..."
"Ms. Azula uses a very powerful illusion technique... Therefore, it is required that the followers themselves must also have a certain strength, otherwise they will be torn into pieces by the turbulence. The strongest humans in this world Martial artist, can't live for ten seconds under that kind of impact." Nirevain said, "Therefore, this is actually a trip with no return."
"So...that's why you said, at least until he pulls out the "Holy Sea". "Heliga understands, "But, in that case...When the matter on my side is about to end, can you bring me some helpers?" As far as I know, if you learn that Bernardo has a chance to come back, some of those people should be dispatched, right? "
"I'm not sure about the others... but yes. "Eternal Night Magician" and "Daughter of Cold Harbor" shouldn't refuse. I'm not sure if Master Tallinn is free...but I can basically do everything he can do. Big deal, I will try my best to see what you need to do. "
"Well...I have read all his memories of these people. However, are you really sure that Miss Alice and Miss Selana should come together?" Heliga joked, "In that case, I guess he Not long after the resurrection, they will be affected by these two people again and die."
"It's true... he is really not as good as you when it comes to dealing with the relationship between different women." Nirevain said half jokingly, half ironically-obviously, as a dark elves respecting traditional marriage The people of, also have quite a bit of criticism about Heilijia's behavior of getting flowers and grass everywhere. Although Heliga would argue that it was just involuntary, and since he could do it, why he must give up this idea-but the latter obviously did not intend to understand, of course, he did not intend to interfere.
"Okay...Then let's make an appointment. You must help me to hold up the place from now on. If you are willing to help and you are willing to bring out these two things, I have a plan here... But I don't know if it will succeed."
"I know... But this is not enough. You need a natural motivation point, and then put yourself in it, just like a little thing drifting with the flow... If you want to resist, it is not impossible to succeed, but That would be too wasteful." Nirevain understood what he meant without Heilija's explanation, "Before that time, I will naturally show up to help. For now, everything, including your plan, You can do it yourself."
"You already know?" Heliga was surprised.
"I heard it all. To be honest, I don't think it's a good choice to involve yourself in the ritual itself... But since you have decided to do this, let's do it first. Get in first... this idea It’s also pretty good. But before that, there is one more thing you need to solve a little bit, but I’ve done almost it for you."
"What's the matter?" Heliga was curious.
"Come with me, I will show you."
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