Vol 2 Chapter 1075: Desire first to suppress (two in one)

Along with the "Blue Riding God" Ordine landed steadily on the deck of Patanguai under the control of Klo. Heliga had already passed through the mist and opened it just now because it was blown by the wind. In his eyes, he saw the people who came to him-Duke Kane with a smirk, and several officers he didn't know. Vita and Alleria were absent, and there were no other members of the association. On the contrary, the presence of two people in black shirts made Heliga feel a little unexpected.
In addition, the eldest son of the El Barrea family, Lufas El Barrea, does not seem to be here either... Heliga always felt that when he saw him, he would speak unceremoniously. He doesn't know why, is it not pleasing to just look at the other party?
"Inexplicable." Heliga jumped off the shoulders of the riding god, while drying herself with magic power - just now when Crowe passed through the clouds, he got Heliga all over the water - and looked at the ship. The wide deck of the battleship—compared to the "Red Ark" of the association, it was not inferior to the size of the "Red Ark", but there were no blastholes that kept rotating around the body. In addition, compared to the rough and solemn metallic words of the Ark, Patan Guai has more of the heavy feeling that shows the noble temperament. The whole body of the spacecraft was painted white to symbolize the impeccable family of the Duke of Kane, and the coat of arms of the Kane family was printed on the front of the deck. Heliga saw all this when Kro approached the spaceship, and when he landed on the deck, before he had time to take a closer look, he was surrounded by Duke Kane and others.
"It's been a long time, Lord Duke. The last time I was face to face like this, it was probably when I was in your house three months ago?" Heliga smiled gently at Duke Kane and greeted him warmly, asking Kane. The public was a little flattered for a while-even the few officers next to him were very surprised. Obviously, they should have been ordered before. The guest who is coming is very difficult to deal with. They are required to pay more attention, but the reality is completely different.
After a brief greeting, Heliga was taken to the cabin of the spacecraft by Duke Kane, in a very beautifully decorated hall. It looks more like a mansion where a great nobleman lived, rather than an army’s combat headquarters—the hanging paintings on the walls, the beautifully trimmed and managed flowers and plants in the middle of the corridor, and the entire spotless and splendid The hall-there is no resemblance to the unpretentious, unpretentious, heavy steel fortress of the regular army.
Duke Kane set up a luncheon for Heliga. He sat on the right hand side of the main seat where Duke Kane was. Opposite him was the senior officer of the Lieutenant General of Lamar State Army Organization on his chest. The dishes on the table are naturally very rich. Although Heliga's purpose is not to feast on the food, since they are here, he has no scruples and eats casually.
Throughout the process, Heliga’s admiration and admiration for the headquarters of the Noble Alliance was flooded with. Both he and Duke Kane kept silent about what had happened on the battlefield before, nor did they discuss the earlier announcement of Nautia by the Marquis of Rogner. The state entered a neutral state and withdrew from this shocking news of the Noble Alliance. Heliga didn’t ask about the whereabouts of Weita, Rufas, and others, and even ignored someone who was also sitting at the table. The two "West Wind" captains, Heliga’s old acquaintance, seemed to be affected by Heliga. Forgotten completely.
However, when the officers and other guests were all gone after they were satiated and drunk, only Helika was invited by Kane to go for lunch. Heilija knew that from now on, It will be a completely different atmosphere from before. Kane’s move just now seemed to be to try, or to detect something through the joint efforts of so many people. Heliga thought, probably because he hoped that he could use the sharp vision of the high-level military to judge whether Heliga could now use his power? After all, he was indeed severely chopped by Alleria's great sword, and many people saw it. As for the observation results...probably disappointed?
"Your Excellency the Duke has such a hospitality... This flagship of the Noble Alliance is indeed very unusual. I almost forgot that this place should be the command headquarters of the Noble Alliance Army. Instead, it feels like the gorgeous theme park opened last year by Crossbell. "Heliga laughed and teased, "But your Excellency...Should you not just invite me to have tea and laugh?"
"Oh...I think it's a good thing to just drink tea and laugh." Kane sighed, "Unfortunately, this war has not yet been fought...not only that, but on the original basis. , There has been a new mess."
"Could your Excellency be referring to the Kruchin State incident?" Heliga asked, pretending to be hesitant.
"No...you can't be unclear." Duke Kane sighed, obviously thinking that Heilijia was acting stupid. "After all... and His Royal Highness suddenly changed places, and each completed what they needed to face. Isn't it you who worked? If it weren't for the prince's personal presence, I am afraid that Marquis Rogner would not have been persuaded by him to withdraw from the aristocratic alliance and remain neutral." Gong Kane snorted, showing dissatisfaction.
"That's weird... I have friendships with His Royal Highness, but I really don't know about the Marquis Rogner's side." Heliga said, "I received news earlier, but I know the former president of the Ryanforte Agency. The remnants of the Communist Party of China and the daughter of Marquis Rogner, Angelica Rogner, are dissatisfied with Your Excellency, but they do not have enough strength to resist."
"I know...Angelika led her supporters to the Black Dragon Pass to face off with the Marquis Rogner. During this period, the former president Irina Ryanfort's people had a big deal in the city of Luray. Destroyed, in the end, His Royal Highness took the "Red Wing" into the air to clean up the situation. "The Duke of Kane picked up a report and put it in front of Heliga, "My people have already investigated these things very clearly." "
Heliga read the entire report without a hassle-I have to say that Kane's evaluation is still very fair. The intelligence department under him did a good job, and all the contents of the investigation above were all told by Olibate himself last night. It's just that he still has to continue to pretend to be surprised now: "Does it still hurt that the Marquis Rogner did the follow-up negotiations on the state of Notia? This...I really don't know." Heliga put down the document in surprise, He stood up on the sofa, "I only heard from His Royal Highness that he could take the opportunity to deal with other things instead of continuing to spend time with Alleria's regular elite. I didn't know that he had been in Nautia for a long time. Good game, I don't even know where he went."
"Why? Haven't you done something like this in the hometown of Ching Lufas, in Kruchen State where Al Barrea's family is located?" Duke Kane pressed harder, "to overthrow an unpopular Duke , It’s easy for you. Some of your people are available-I won’t say anything about Her Royal Highness. Her Royal Highness Olibate is also your close friend, not to mention your classmates, and your relationship with Qiyao Church I know all these things from Weita!"
Heliga finally managed to hold back and there was no laughter—Vita was really a clever ghost. Before, Heliga deliberately exaggerated the relationship between Heliga and the church, instead of forming associations and communicating privately with her. Anyway, for the proud imperial nobles, the church is the same as the association, but it is a powerful that can be used to find opportunities. He didn't bother to go into the story behind it. For example, Heliga and the church have an intersection, and the details are together. What did you do? Kane believed it anyway.
However, he still has to use his tactics to give himself a little retreat, and at the same time pretend to be really frightened by Kane’s words, "However, the cooperation between Qi Yao Church and me is limited to the Clos Bell area, not Empire. As for Her Royal Highness, saving her is also the task assigned to me by Her Royal Highness Olibate. Even if I don’t talk about the political energy of the royal family, I think it’s just a brother’s care for my sister. For this reason, it should be. Isn't it a problem?"
"The members of the royal family, naturally, cannot follow the requirements of ordinary people. Now, the reformists of the empire are inciting civil unrest, forcing the nobles to form such an alliance to deal with them, and protect the emperor and the members of the royal family. It was originally ours. Obligation. However, since it is the request made by the prince to the people he trusts, it is not easy for us to interfere."
"It sounds good...but because the emperor and the prince are held in his hands, Alfin's political value is negligible." Heliga's heart spit out wildly, but what he said was: "So I did not let Her Royal Highness come forward to deal with anything. The Duke of El Barrea made a serious mistake in the civil war, and I just helped my classmate Juss, the Duke of El Barrea’s family. Heirs to the legitimate title, just go and control the situation. If he really wants to say, if he is not stupid and attacked Keldic, would anyone else treat him? The most important question is, you Hasn't the Noble Alliance also decided to abandon him? From the time he was besieged by the regular army to the final surrender, have you seen a little support from the Noble Alliance?"
"Yes... because of this, I didn't pursue this matter too much." Duke Kane was choked by Heliga's words, "But Nautia State--"
"The matter in Nautia State has nothing to do with me. If you invite me this time to ask clearly about this matter, this is all the answers I can tell you." Heliga stood up, his indifferent eyes made Kay En Gong felt frightened, "If you want to negotiate with the Marquis of Logner to save the situation, you can start now. I have nothing to help you."
"No, no... wait a minute." Duke Kane hurriedly stepped forward, "I'm just curious...just curious. But, did you mean just now that His Royal Highness Olibate told Notti on his own? Asia is inciting independence, and you don't know anything in it?"
"Except for his purpose, I know everything else. But once, I didn't have any power in Nautia State-there was basically a monopoly by the Rogner family and the Ryanforte capital group. , It is very difficult to see the needle over there. Moreover, the Marquis of Logna did not act like the Duke of El Barrea, so I have no reason, nor can I call on those who have no interests. Your Highness would do this, I really didn't expect it."
"Okay... if that's the case, I'm wrong to blame you." Kane sighed, nodded heavily, and then smiled, as if the conversation that was similar to a quarrel had never happened before, "Speaking of which, I I have always had a question for you...In the Ducal Mansion of Ordis, you once said that you chose to join forces with His Royal Highness because you admired His Royal Highness's political ideas, right?"
"Yes." Helija nodded, "I agree that that should be the ultimate goal of the empire. Build a truly powerful but peace-loving, prosperous and prosperous country, instead of what other countries see as shameless. Rogue, and omnipotent invaders, or a backward country dragged down by the traditional aristocracy system and rotten." At this point, Duke Kane finally asked what Heliga wanted him to ask. Through the series of stimulation just now, the Duke Kane felt that Heliga was difficult to deal with, forcing him not to play Tai Chi, but to directly force this hole card.
"So... do you disagree with the actions of the nobles and reformers?"
"...Yes." Heliga nodded, "Aristocracy, like the pronoun of the corrupt old empire, means backwardness, darkness and decay." Heliga nodded, "Of course, the reformists are the same... …It was the radical style of Prime Minister Osborne and the others that allowed the Empire to bear the reputation of invaders."
"The aristocracy of the empire is a tradition that has lasted for thousands of years." Duke Kane obviously had opinions on Heliga’s prejudice against the nobility, but he ignored Heliga’s evaluation of the reformists. Thanks to the efforts of the great nobles. Why do you evaluate them this way?"
"The early aristocracy is probably true." Heliga thought for a while. "The nobles are detached. They become lords or knights, defend their territories and protect their people... Whether it is reasonable or not, it is a power and obligation. At any rate, it’s plausible. But today’s nobles..." Heliga snorted, "You should know how many nobles in Lamar State only use their power to squeeze others, and completely forget the noble traditions. In the part of the garbage they should do. Do you think these people are part of the aristocratic tradition?"
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