Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Long expected (two in one)

Inside Karel’s palace, after receiving a certain notice, Emperor Jukent III thought for a while, and finally said to the person in front of him: "Call Cedric...Before that, I have something to do. Explain."
"This..." The two guards at the door looked at each other-they were undoubtedly loyal to Duke Kane's confidant, so they were arranged here to "protect" the emperor's safety. Not long ago, Duke Kane issued an order to them to take Prince Cedric to the Palace of Balfrey in the imperial capital. In theory, the current Emperor himself does not hold any power, but the face of the royal family must be taken into consideration anyway. Therefore, they met the emperor symbolically and hoped that the emperor would allow the prince to leave.
However, the emperor Ukent did not seem to have any objections. But he made a request—he had some whispers from within the royal family to Cedric, and this would take a little time. Therefore, he asked these soldiers to compromise and wait a while.
However, when Duke Kane gave them orders, his tone sounded not good at all-for their own future, they must never offend the duke who had been forbearing for a long time, just for the sake of raising his face at this moment. No wonder they are in a dilemma.
However, in the end they decided to let the emperor finish his business-perhaps these two high-ranking players were also very conscious, so the emperor had probably noticed something. Thinking like this, they bowed out of the room. In a short while, Cedric, with a dazed and terrified expression, was taken into this room-only him and his father, the emperor of Erebonia.
"Father?" Cedric asked timidly. Obviously, during the period of being under house arrest by Kane, Cedric did not maintain sufficient composure and calmness like Ukent. From the contradiction of being intruded into the imperial city by the noble army, to the panic when he realized what Duke Kane’s actions meant, and then when he was coerced by Duke Kane to deliver "speech" promoting the justice of the noble coalition army. The helplessness... Cedric tasted in advance what Olibate had been caring for and didn't want him to come into contact with him prematurely on such days-the direct struggle on the power field.
Looking at his son like this, the emperor Ukent was also quite helpless-Olibate’s calmness and determination was honed in the experience of large and small, and in the past few years it has reached an incredible level. The extent of...Alphine and Cedric have always been living under countless umbrellas. They were busy worrying about the terrible plan with the Prime Minister, and unknowingly ignored their education for the brother and sister.
For a long time, in addition to the court teachers who were well-educated in all aspects, these two people would have learned a lot from Olibat, so in a sense, Olibat was also the teacher of these two. But even so...maybe Olibate's education method is more biased towards doting and guidance, maybe it's just that he doesn't do what he thinks is excessive education for his younger brothers and sisters...this actually doesn't solve many problems. The weakness in Cedric's character shows signs of continuing to be magnified-he had ignored it before.
Without the strength and influence, Cedric did not possess the endurance and determination of Olibat when he was forced to follow the trend. Heilijia said to Olibat earlier that the prince's emotions are easily influenced by the outside world, and Yukente has long been aware of it. Originally, he also consulted Prime Minister Osborne about this matter, but the Prime Minister didn't seem to have much time to take care of it-so it has been delayed until today.
But... the emperor talked with his son about various internal affairs of the royal family, while thinking-that young man who Olibat had always relied on, seemed to have taken away the original prime minister Osborne in this civil war. His "chief" arranged exams and the limelight on stage. And Alfin's transformation seems to have started after that. My daughter’s efforts after the Civil War were not unheard of from private channels; besides the influence brought to her by the Tolz students in Class VII, I’m afraid that the most influential one is the Austrian Liebart met a close friend during Lieber’s trip.
Because of this, he did something quietly without Gillias. Although he had accepted the crazy plan, if he could find a remedy plan before then...Emperor Ukent had made up his mind. , If the young man's performance in the civil war meets his expectations, then he will be the same as Olibat, providing some convenience for his follow-up actions.
For this reason, he even did not hesitate to instruct Oribat privately, and gave Heliga some privileges at the necessary moments. There is no doubt that Heliga got a nearly perfect score in this additional exam made by the emperor himself. It also made Ukent to make a decision he could not make up his mind before.
"Wh... It turns out that Duke Kane..." After listening to the emperor's story about Duke Kane's life and the dark history within the royal family, Cedric wrote unbelievable all over his face-this fact, to him To be honest, it is too impactful.
"He wants to take you to the imperial city this time, it must be for some ulterior purpose." Yuken nodded, seeming not to take his son's attitude to heart, "Before that, I want to tell you something. Thing."
"..." Cedric didn't speak, but bit his lip and looked at his father with a weak tone.
"After this matter is over...I am going to cancel all your previous courses. Including the preparatory course to Tolz." Ukent said, "Gillias is right...some things have to be experienced. Only unforgettable things can change. And you... have always been so comfortable under the umbrella of your brother and me."
"I..." Cedric seemed to want to refute something-but he found that he couldn't even instinctively oppose his father's petty views of him. Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the case... During the period when I was treated as a puppet by Duke Kane, I am afraid that it was not at all comparable to what Alfin and Brother Olibate were doing.
"But... I have already thought about it. After all this, I will find a teacher for you. I think... With his help, you should be able to overcome this cowardice." Jukente's tone slowed down slightly. "Before that... there is something, I want to ask you what you think. It is not as the emperor to the prince, but the father to the son."

Just as the emperor made up his mind about Cedric’s affairs, Heilija and Euses had also arrived in the large city of Saint Tejac located in the southwest of the empire. This was once the emperor’s temporary destruction of Heimdall. The established old capital now belongs to the famous conservative among the four famous nobles, the Marquis of Haynes. Heliga had no doubt that the great aristocrat in the deep city had already judged the form, so when he and Juss declared themselves without hiding their identities and asked the Marquis of Haynes to arrange an interview immediately, the latter This is indeed the case.
The man leading the way has the same light blonde short and medium hair as Haynes and Patrick, and he is extraordinary-Juss told Heliga that this is the second son of the Marquis of Haynes, Alex Haynes- -Unlike the eldest son who served as a military attaché abroad like Mulla earlier, this second son seems to have stayed with the Marquis of Haynes to solve his problems.
If it weren’t for the existence of Rufas, the second son of the Haineshou family could be regarded as the dragon and phoenix among the new generation of nobles-it’s just a pity that they were born at an untimely time in Rufas. Under the brilliance, they looked much dim. However, this may also be something that the Marquis of Haynes deliberately did-just like himself, strong and introverted, and never easy to show his edge.
After bringing Heliga and Juss to the waiting room of the Marquis, he left politely, presumably because of the important things his father gave him. After a while, the personable Marquis of Haynes appeared from another door of the hall. After a brief greeting, the two sat face to face in front of the coffee table in the living room.
"Your Excellency Marquis is really in good spirits." Haines's calmness made Heliga very much appreciated—compared to Duke Kane’s arrogance, Rognajo’s embarrassment and clumsiness, and Duke Elbarea’s stubbornness. Qingliu, the only one among the four famous sects, does seem to be able to bear such a reputation. He was dressed in an elegant but unassuming gown with a neatly trimmed beard on his face. At this time, he was looking at Heliga and Juss with a gentle gaze.
"The distinguished guests come from afar, so naturally you can't lose your courtesy." Marquis Haynes said softly, "Uss...I heard about the matter about Your Excellency Helmut. You did it right."
"Fear." Euses lowered his head slightly. "Just a little aftermath... I did my duty as the Duke's son."
"Where... I don’t think it’s possible for Alex or Patrick to do better than you. It not only eased the relationship between Kyle Dick and the nobleman, but also stabilized the regular army and Neutral nobles." The Marquis of Haynes said kindly, "Even Leon can only do as much as you."
"This is also the result of the help of many people... But, Marquis of Haynes." Juss pondered for a moment and decided to enter the topic, "Since you already know the causes and consequences of this matter, you must have already understood Logner. What does the movement of the Marquis mean?"
"Yeah..." The Marquis of Haynes was taken aback for a moment. Obviously, he did not expect that Euses and Heliga would be discussing business so soon. "Duke Kane and the Chief of Staff Rufas also contacted us for this matter. discuss."
"Under this circumstance, it is still unwise to be mixed with the noble alliance." Heliga stared at the Marquis of Haines and said, "Now the noble alliance has lost half of the country, and there is no huge advantage in the rebellion. The regular army is already operating and The big move of assembling more than ten mecha divisions is likely to reverse the situation at any time."
"Did you and Your Highness anticipate this situation? Or should you just act by chance?" The Marquis of Haynes didn't get fooled by Heliga's bluff, but asked such a key question.
"It's on both sides." Heliga smiled, "Your Excellency Marquis, you are a wise man, it is impossible not to see what the current situation means. Your actions at the beginning of the war have also proved that you are waiting for an opportunity. It is not that I am directly tied to the chariot of the Noble Alliance. Because of this, I would suggest that the regular army bypass the Sassarand state and let me first negotiate with you instead of directly fighting each other. A few days ago The action I commanded can only be regarded as a greeting."
"So... it's not your Highness, but you..." Marquis Haynes sighed lightly, "I was still wondering why His Highness Olibate suddenly became so aggressive, but the elite of Lamar State were unable to stop it. So it seems that General Alleria was injured, I am afraid it is not groundless rumors."
"For me, it's not a rash advance." Heilijia said casually. "Dreekels also used a similar method in the Lions battle...using the power of the riding to force through the first place. The army of the Six Princes."
"That's because in that era, the existence of the riding was too daunting for human soldiers." The Marquis of Haynes understood Heliga's meaning, "That's it... That's it, you It's more terrifying than I thought...and it's no wonder that Prime Minister Osborne's minions are so wary of you. Now think about it, is it the Noble Alliance who underestimated the enemy?"
"Yes." Heiligar admitted squarely, "Whether it is His Royal Highness Oribat or His Majesty...I don't want you to end up with Duke Kane and Duke El Barrea in the liquidation after this civil war. . They need your people’s eyes to stabilize the order. Of course, I’m afraid they also have the intention to contain the domestic anti-aristocratic forces after the war.
Heliga himself didn’t believe this—since Prime Minister Osborne is still alive, and With the emperor's absolute support, then he will definitely acquiesce to Zai's relative aristocratic faction's full harvest after that. The emperor's balance technique in the general sense seems to be useless in this case.
However, he and Olibate do need the Marquis of Haynes to keep their power. As long as the power of the nobles can be avoided in the civil war from being directly weakened to the ground, the prime minister will have to be restrained if he wants to carry out his follow-up actions. In this way, you can also buy more time-although Olibat probably never thought before, his goal will be achieved in this way.
"Besides, we also have some evidence now... I don't know how Duke Kane deceived you when he raised his troops. But you should understand the accusations made by His Royal Highness Olibate." Heliga said. , Handed the statement in the name of Olibat that he had prepared in his hand to the Marquis.
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