Vol 2 Chapter 1202: Assault on Niederhogg (Part 2)

The mercenary brands that have a certain reputation in the history of the Semria continent have almost all gained fame with their various activities and deeds almost many years ago. Among these, the "Ned Hogg," whose predecessor was just an ordinary downstream company, and the "Northern Hunter", which was adapted from the former Yanzhou regular army on a large scale, can be regarded as emerging upstarts. The latter has gained a reputation for its excellent comprehensive qualities and a huge number of standing personnel, while the signature of "Ned Hogg" is always able to achieve near-perfect results when performing some secret tasks.
Kidnapping, smuggling, assassination, scams...These are "dirty jobs" that are either taboo or disdainful by half of the mercenary group. "Ned Hogg" has always been in droves. Although this makes their image in the eyes of ordinary people worse, but for those potential employers, it means that "Ned Hogg" is in fact omnipotent. It is precisely by virtue of this non-picky eater that "Ned Hogg" has made a road in the fiercely competitive hunting world, which is enough to make them rank among the top hunting regiments.
However, compared to the "Red Constellation" and "Northern Huntsman", which have a fairly stable base plate, "Niederhogg" has been plagued by a shortage of troops in the early days. Although long-term direct action can train a group of sufficiently good members, if the manpower lost in the task has not been replenished, there is no way to continue to maintain such an exquisite image. For this reason, the leader of this hunting regiment came up with a way to learn from the underworld organizations in the Republic and cooperate with their underground industrial chain to bring those orphans who lost their parents in the war to their subordinates, and supplement it with brainwashing. Education.
In order to make this move more ritual, the "War Secretary" grouped his troops according to the organs of the human body to correspond to departments with different functions. For example, the troops used for dredging and supporting logistics are called "stomach", children's troops that have not been cultivated are called "finger", and those who are good at combat are called "head"... , This mercenary group already has a scale of thousands of people, and two elite combat troops of 300 people each are enough to cope with most of the commissions.
However, in the civil war of the Erebonian Empire last winter, "Nid Hogg" suffered a considerable loss. In one operation, a squadron lost nearly 70% of its manpower, and the "Secretary of War" himself had not received any information from any intelligence channel that his chasers were fighting head-on with the Erebonian regular army. No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible for the hunting regiment to confront the large-scale regular army of the military power. This is no exception even for top groups such as the "Westerly Brigade"-however, other than that, he doesn't know that there are any What means can make the elite of his own men suffer such a heavy loss.
Although the amount of compensation from the employer-said to be the Duke of El Barrea-cannot be regarded as a loss in fact, once a mature combatant loses it, it will not be able to make up for it in a short period of time. For this reason, the "Secretary of War" had to temporarily suspend the remaining tasks of the previous follow-up arrangements, instead shifting to intensify the practice of those teams that were originally regarded as marginal troops and alternate members, hoping that they could fill this vacancy.
It is precisely because of this that now "Niederhogg" has much more people than usual gathered in this secret base in the middle of the forest. In addition to the young hunters who have undergone various cruel training here, there are also the elite of the "fist" brigade that is temporarily supplemented by veterans and recruits to assist in the training. They were previously recruited by Lord Kane and participated in the hunt for some of the remnants of the "Railway Gendarmerie" located in Lamar State. If it were not for the commander of "TMP", Lieutenant Mikhail Irwin, who has the title of "unyielding", commanded properly and led the remaining troops that had been defeated to reintegrate and retreat. In the attempted coup d'état, the elite hunting team that once plunged the "Swordsman of the Wind" into a bitter battle will set a feat to defeat the elite regular army of the empire. Compared to the original "stomach" brigade that ran into the earl of Amancia with the Duke of El Barrea, it was much better.
However, even so, they have no chance of winning this time. The reason, naturally, is because their opponent this time is even more unusual. When they were finally awakened by the sirens that sounded throughout the base, they hurriedly picked up their weapons and rushed into the corridors and yards, only to find a rather unusual sight: a large humanoid weapon with a height of nearly 8 sub-dimensions was standing proudly on it. Right in front of the playground, the two old-style airships made by the Urnu Society had already been split into two, blazing flames in the thick smoke; the soldiers who were supposed to be at the light and dark outposts to ensure safety around the base seemed to be all The unknown force stunned them so hard that they were completely unaware of the enemy's attack.
When the soldiers filed out of the dormitory, they saw another scene—although it was different from the previous one, it was equally thrilling. A young man who looked like about fifteen or six was holding a sword with one hand, and piercing the cold blade into the chest of a hunter in steel armor in front of him; as the blood flowed out with ice crystals, the young man was right. Blowing lightly against the iron face, the protective mask made of stainless steel was blown out like a dandelion, revealing the eyes hidden in it that could not be closed in the future. And in the other hand of the young man, he was carrying something, something that they are very familiar with the members of the "Ned Hogg": the "Ned Hogg", who is called the "Secretary of War". The head of the hunting regiment, the head of Arthur Guteng.
"..." The hunters were completely confused. A large amount of information suddenly rushed into the minds that were not fully awake, leaving them suddenly wondering how to react. Several hunters mechanically raised their weapons and aimed at the young man, but after the opponent showed a scornful smile, they suddenly understood something and put down their guns in a daze.
"The hunting regiment named "Niederhogg" does not exist today. "Heliga's gaze swept across the people with different looks and cousins, "Your leader, and his four senior leaders who disobeyed me have all given their heads." As for you...you will have the opportunity to choose. Hope you can make the right choice. "When he said this, Heliga's eyes floated to the man standing at the back of the team-he was the only one of them all to show complete, pure surprise.
"Why... why did you come here..."
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