Chapter 266: Encounter Regunat Again (Part 2)

"Said it is the last question... but this question is actually quite general. That is... the way I exist now, have you... seen it before?"
"Wonderful, unheard of." Regunat moved slightly, "I have always been curious about this, and the way you exist."
"……How to say?"
"Under the soul of the native Semria, there is a hidden personality in another world...I have never seen such an existence...not to mention that the existence from my hometown was originally a special existence...what did he do? What's the matter? Severely injured, dying feeling?"
"...I heard that someone named Milac did it." Heliga shrugged.
"Milak... the original dragonborn? I have heard of some of his deeds. He originally seemed to be chosen to end the era of Alduin's rule, but after meeting the demon Mora, he became addicted to the post In the taboo knowledge, he even tried to become a god. However, he was defeated by the leader of the dragon sacred at that time, Varok, and his whereabouts were unknown. Now it is clear that you are lingering in the domain of King Didra."
"...Do you still remember things so long ago?"
"Hehe, Milak’s name is not so easy to forget. The fighting between the two of them was so powerful that the aftermath even directly shattered a corner of the mainland, turning Sotham from the mainland into an island... this level of power. , Will not be forgotten after all."
"It turns out he is so strong... No wonder Bernardo is..."
"He must have not recovered his power at that time. But in the realm of the Demon God, he doesn't know what will happen... Well, it's hard to say. It's like here in Semuria, where Eddes rules In the world."
"What do you mean?"
"Well... Generally speaking, every world has rules for each world. This rule is generally determined by the of that world. It's like I was restricted after I came here and can't use it at will. No one can understand the dragon language in my mouth. But those two people, the silver-haired swordsman and the man he called the professor, have powers beyond the reach of the goddess... I'm afraid that is. The power given by the "Leader" in their mouth. "
"So, isn't that leader very powerful? Under the gods of this world...break the rules set by the gods."
"Hehe...that's how it is. That's why I said that your existence is very wonderful." Regunat turned the subject back again, "You have the breath of Shure, the mark left by Aka, and the sword. The unique soul of the singer, but it is also the soul of Semria..." The dragon is meaningful, "What can do this, should you know it?"
"……"The Elder Scrolls". Heliga closed her eyes and said the answer, "That's right." "
"Yes. Except for the Protoss, only scrolls have such power." Regunat said, "but I think the truth is not what you think. You can tell me and see your understanding."
"...According to his seems that the scroll reveals that the Dragonborn's mission is to defeat Alduin, dissolve Hakon's conspiracy, defeat Mirak, and ultimately belong to Mora's servant." Heliga recalled Bernard. Many said, "And now this mission has failed in the third step...So the scroll has activated its effect, projecting him into the world, allowing him to regain his strength, and make a comeback..." Speaking of the back, Hai Lijia's voice weakened, and he found that the dragon's expression gradually became strange, "What's wrong?"
"Sure enough... you seem to have misunderstood something." The dragon's tone felt a little regretful, "Although I have left Tamriel for a long time... But regarding the special existence of the Elder Scrolls, my impression is still very Profound. Let’s put it this way, the scrolls... are a bit like our holy beasts. They will make predictions, enlighten humans, and give extra help to some special ones... but they will never, and cannot be so serious. Interfere with the process of this world. The most accurate predictions they predict are actually the results, not the process."
"...What do you mean?"
"That is to say... the existence of the Dragonborn is not so special that there can be no mistake." Regunat said slowly, "If the Dragonborn really fails...then there will naturally be other existences to complete its mission. The scroll may have predicted the last dragonborn, but Shure or Akatosh may not make another choice, or even go directly to the world, to solve the problem."
"...That means that he would become like this, not because..."
"No... the power of the scroll exists. But it does not spontaneously protect him as the dragonborn as you said.... Although it is hard to believe, I tend to guess that someone is using the scroll... Using the scroll to prevent his death."
"Using... the scroll?"
"That's right... Although the scroll has infinite possibilities and power, it is not something mortal can drive. As far as I know, there are a large number of scholars in the platinum tower of Tamriel’s capital to study and use Scroll. So it’s possible for someone to do this behind the scenes. But who it is and for what purpose... This is not known. And..."
"And...this way of existence...very dangerous...and unstable." Regunat said solemnly, "as you grow and it recovers... the final result is an inevitable conflict. That "leader" The goddess has such power to make things outside the world settle down in this world, but you...obviously are not like that. Perhaps the same effect can be achieved with sufficient preparation, but the strength of your body is very unstable...If things go on, the danger will be great. "
"..." Heliga was a little sluggish, he didn't expect that he still had these problems, and he still had a hint of luck: "Really?"
"Yes." Regunat nodded mercilessly. "The best possibility is the existence of one of you, swallowing the other... Judging from the reality and the comparison of power, you The possibility of being swallowed is even greater. After this, he who has lost the limits and suppression of the soul of this world will gradually become irrational, become a irrational monster, and eventually be removed by the restraint of this world... …Will end like this."
"Are you... Lie?" Heliga's expression became a little sluggish, "So... isn't it like a curse...?"
"...Not a curse...but this way of being is extremely contradictory...I feel sorry for that." Regunat's voice seemed to have become lower, " have to do Choose...before it's too late..."
The huge body of the dragon re-hidden into the darkness deep in the cave, no longer speaking.
Heliga didn't know how he got back into the room. The companions were all chatting excitedly, how to relax after the "Chuan Chan Pavilion", what to eat, what to play—only himself, lying on the bed in the room unconsciously.
The amount of information is too large... Is it difficult to digest for a while? He sat up, asked himself with a wry smile, and shook his head with a wry smile, and took out the small bottle beside him.
He is no longer the little boy who stopped when he encountered a little setback and difficulty.
He poured the potion violently—he fell back to the bed hard.
He was looking for Bernardo and asked him to understand.
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