Chapter 349: Dragon Form·Recome (2 in 1)

The best definitive description of "Ring of Radiance" is "infinite energy." Using almost infinite energy to unleash the miracle of quantitative change and qualitative change is the essence of the "Ring of Radiance" to realize human desire.
And now, the "Ring of Radiance", which has not received any information about human desires for more than a thousand years, was occupied and dominated by an almost crazy soul when Wiseman had eaten it again. Suffering, when the last string called sanity was cut off--
"Not enough! Not enough!"
Levi’s stern but determined action, Kevin’s unhesitating look in his eyes, and the presence in front of him is no less than his own, the presence of Heliga who is completely unknown—
"I need more power! Give me more! More! More!"
The outer defense is now completely shattered, and the angry attacks from the three people are constantly tearing Wiseman's body and nerves.
"Let's merge into one! Ring of Radiance!"
--"as you wish."
Chi Treasure did not hesitate to agree to the request of the person in front of him-since it was such a "strong" request.
"Huizhihuan" has no emotions, no personality, and will only faithfully implement the wishes it receives. But now, Wiseman’s hysterical madness has completely overshadowed everything around—
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Wiseman exhausted his last strength and let out an unnatural roar-even the crazy beast could not describe his ugly posture now. The broken stars did not fall to the ground under the action of gravity, but under some kind of wonderful guidance, they gathered into clusters and gradually merged into strange objects near the main body of the "Ring of Brightness."
"Is that... the final form of "Ring of Radiance"? With a solemn expression on his face, Kevin withdrew from the "Star Cup Realm." At this moment, the "Ring of Radiance" that was undergoing mutation had no longer executed Wiseman's previous attack orders. The golden weird light is like a cocooned silkworm, gradually changing from an ugly monster, extending its wings-this is the posture that fits the name "angel".
In just an instant - Wiseman's originally extremely strong will seemed to be annihilated in this incomparable existence. From now on, "Ring of Radiance" completely got rid of Wiseman's control and mastered the initiative of action.
Without thinking, the only command that can be executed at this moment is the remaining Wiseman's madness-using unparalleled power to destroy everything and destroy everything.
The change of "Ring of Radiance" came so quickly-while the three of them were still in a daze, the attack of the "angel" had already come, forcing the three to flee in embarrassment.
"I can't tell you the feeling..." While dodge, Levi was able to counterattack-the blade of the "Rock Eater" struck the "Angel"'s arm heavily, but there was no real feeling of hitting. . The words that must be said, on the contrary, seemed to hit the cotton with a hard punch, which made people feel uncomfortable.
"This is the power of Kong Yao constructed from the "Ring of Radiance" body. Even the "External Principles" probably won't cause much change. "Kevin dashed fast, his body turned into an afterimage, while struggling to avoid the heavy barrage attack.
"It seems that I can no longer have reservations..." The three of them glanced at each other, and read the confidence and determination of "work harder" in their eyes.
"The power of the "Ring of Radiance" can be said to be infinite..." Levi swept out several light cuts with a single sword, and smashed the rays that hit Kevin. "It is hopeless to consume it. Father, what can you do? "
"That's not good." Kevin hesitated, "Now the runaway of "Ring" is due to the influence of Wiseman's crazy will... In the final analysis, "Ring of Radiance" is just a machine to realize people's wishes, and Wiseman's previous Despair and desire, I am afraid that it has reached the critical point that can trigger its activation..."
"It's a terrible obsession..." Heliga set up several layers of barriers to defend against the densely shot energy wave barrage. "If this is the case, someone must become crazier than Wiseman?"
"... It may not be possible for one person." Kevin smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Wiseman's obsession is hard to imagine... Until now, it seems that you can only use that."
"This...what are you going to do?" Heliga knew that Kevin was referring to the special crossbow arrows made from the remains of the "Pile of Salt" he had shown. After all, they are forbidden-class ancient relics that can turn large tracts of fertile soil into a sea of ​​salt. , It’s not impossible to say that it’s possible to briefly overwhelm the "Ring of Radiance" in power-but now with Wiseman as the core, the "Ring of Radiance" is growing into an almost indestructible "angel" shape. How can we bounce off the layers of protection composed of the sky-flare energy?
"The answer lies with you." Kevin laughed self-deprecatingly, "I didn't expect that after saying that, I would ask you to use it..."
"You mean..." Heliga suddenly realized what Kevin was referring to, and pulled out the "Magnus' Staff" from behind-the strange emerald on it was emitting a full green light.
"Create a void for me-when the protection of the "Ring of Splendor" is weakened, I can use the "Pile of Salt" to destroy Wiseman's body as the core-if it still doesn't work, Just leave it to fate. "Kevin gave a wry smile.
"Okay... I'll give it a try." Heliga decisively injected a trace of magic power into the "Magnus' Wand"-the wand stimulated by the magic power, the green gem on its head was driven wildly, and the "Huizhi The energy that the ring swayed without scruples was rolled up little by little, covering it into the center.
"No... At this speed, it can't keep up with the speed at which the "angel" protective layer thickens. "Kevin said eagerly, almost shot by a beam of radium, "You can't let it hurry up--"
"Can'" Heliga was a little embarrassed. The "Magnus' Rod" was captured by the dragon descendants from the dragon sacrifice in the Labrinxian tomb, but the dragon sacrifice later After being defeated by him and Xavos Aran hand in hand, he didn't know how to activate the power of the staff to the maximum, so naturally he couldn't talk about how to use it. But Heliga has another way: "But if it can create an opportunity closer to the core..."
"It's too dangerous." Kevin rejected this idea. "The energy concentration there is so great that it is impossible to retreat from the whole body..."
"In that case... leave this task to me." Levi turned around lightly and swept away the attacks again, "I still have some confidence in my swordsmanship."
"Looking at this sword, you understand." Levy didn't explain much about the suspicious gazes of his companions, just stepped out--
The next moment, the "root source area" that was originally filled with the power of the sky suddenly blew a strange wind. Unlike the damage caused by the aftermath of a battle, it seems more like a natural enemy and killer against biological instincts.
There is no sign, it is impossible to predict-even the powerful force from the "Ring of Radiance" can only retreat and get out of the cold. The "Ring of Radiance" that should have mastered the space itself, but can only watch as the space it dominates is torn open a space crack. The powerful protection directly constituted by energy, in the face of the chill immersed in the depths of the bone marrow, began to collapse and decay little by little—
This is Levy's mortal skill as a "Sura"-a sword that makes all things decay and wither, and a sword that makes the power of the gods admire. It is absolutely qualified to be called the "Pluto Emperor". One sword.
Levi did not expect that as early as a few hours ago, he had already decided to abandon this long-decided way of Shura and embark on a new path-but the situation forced him to have a new life now. He still needs the power that this "Asura Way" brings to him.
Maybe, my own nature has not changed... Maybe I just replaced the object of trial deep in my heart from human beings to the culprit that caused all harm.
The ultimate of Shura's way-this is the answer that belongs to Levi. Under this sword, the barrage was shattered and his body was torn apart - even Wiseman's seemingly unshakable obsession before, was slightly shaken by the power of this sword.
Think that the last madness can overcome everything? Naive and ridiculous. This kind of hysteria and painful despair, I don't know how many times I have experienced it.
After that, without waiting for Heliga and Kevin to say anything, Levi suddenly grabbed the staff in Heliga's hand, and then rushed to the gap he had just opened
Along with the storm that was set off by the pale golden figure, a large amount of the power of the sky was continuously absorbed and swept away-the originally flawless defense also became riddled in an instant.
"This guy Levi..." Heliga curled his lips. "Is he not afraid of death at all..."
"This is "enlightenment"..." Kevin was very meaningful. He raised his head and watched Wiseman, who had already been attracted by Levi and had no time to take care of the other two. Only with the corresponding enlightenment can he keep up with his pace. "
"Yeah...and it's dangerous to just put him in without saying anything else." Haili took a deep breath, "Although it is a little different from what he expected... let me help him too. Right."
"What are you going to do?" Kevin asked curiously.
"It's very simple... I'm going to try this "Huanzhihuan" what is so great. "The "Treasure" is the power of God, so why not "Dragonborn"?
"After a while, you will find the right opportunity... Just use your hole card. I'll take one step first." After speaking, Heilijia followed Levi closely and stepped into the center of the energy vortex that had been upset. .
Was it impulsive, or did I want to do it a long time ago? Levi had no time to think about these things, he just faithfully implemented the boy's previous instructions. He is like a small boat in the storm. Although the sailor has used superb skills to ensure that the boat will not be overturned and broken in the raging waves, how long can such persistence last?
Levi is very strong-even a master who has mastered "reason", dare not underestimate his "Asura" and obsession. But this kind of human strength seems to be inferior in the face of absolute power.
The storm of energy is constantly stirring. Although most of the energy is greedily absorbed by the "Magnus Rod" and a small part is interrupted by Levi's exquisite sword skills, there are still many fish that slip through the net. He broke the defense that was supposed to be airtight and hit Levi's body firmly.
"...Tsk..." Another laser beam transformed into an energy wave, leaving a shallow blood mark on Levi's arm before being absorbed. But Levi didn't even frown, still consuming the "Angels" at the previous speed and flexible movement. Even though he had been wounded all over his body, he didn't see the slightest intention to retreat.
It's just that the moment of the end of the crossbow will finally come - even the powerful Shura, at this moment, began to feel the kind of powerlessness from his limbs. I really miss it. I never felt this way on other occasions except when I was fighting against that adult and the fellow Macbon.
Kevin and Heliga will definitely figure out a way-maybe they can hold on for more than ten minutes. Maybe your injury is difficult to heal? But that doesn't matter. It’s just a pity... I can’t continue to witness Joshua’s real learning to be strong... Levi is thinking about it all together--if Carling could see this scene, she would definitely be happy for herself. .
The next moment, on the arm that was finally unable to swing the weapon, there was a burst of intense pain that was far from before, and close to willpower, there was no way to treat it as non-existent-a laser beam firmly left a spot on his arm. Large areas of scorching black; if it hadn't been because the air had been muddied by the surging energy, I'm afraid I could even smell the burnt flesh.
Immediately afterwards, Levi could clearly feel the undisguised killing intent, a series of attacks that caught his own short pause and exposed the flaws for a while.
Does it seem to have finally reached the limit? Levi smiled helplessly and closed his eyes quietly.
Carling, I have come to see you.
The next second-the expected death did not come-but a strange atmosphere, flooding the entire "roots area"-
"I know you are not afraid of death, but now is not the time to die." Heliga's ill-tempered voice directly thought of it in her mind-right after that, a huge hand appeared in the air, directly touching Levi Pushed out.
Several laser shots were in vain and burst open on the ground, debris and dust flying all over the sky, but Levi, who was originally targeted, had already been pushed a few meters away. Within the protective layer that has been thinned a lot, there is an existence that feels no less than the "Ring of Radiance" at this moment, looking in opposition to the incomplete "angel".
"It turns out that it feels so good to be able to control power freely?" Heliga moved his hands in some novelty. The existence of that same type is precisely the Heliga in the "Dragon Form"-Levi recognizes it at a glance. It is the form in which he has removed the "Fantasy Music" empty-handed with absolute power. I thought it was just a side effect or weird development... but now it looks like a truly powerful gesture.
"Thanks for your hard work, Levi. You have eliminated most of the defense of "Angel"... Next, it's my battle. "
In an instant, several waves of light poured out - accompanied by bursts of loud noises.
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