Chapter 367: Change plan

"That's it... this guy has a big appetite."
After completing the talks with Olibate and Heilijia respectively, the prime minister, accompanied by Reckett, returned to the room specially prepared by Mrs. Hildan for him, and there was no more movement thereafter. After the dinner that started at 7 o'clock in the evening and ended in an hour and a half, the prime minister politely declined the Queen's invitation again, and then went to the Imperial Embassy.
It was originally the place where Olibat had rested in the past few days-but in this situation, there is no doubt that Olibat could not go back. Therefore, he and Heliga stayed in a hotel in the metropolitan area of ​​the city. Perhaps aware of the fact that Olibate and Heilijia are about to communicate, the Queen did not uninterestingly try to keep them.
After Heliga told Olibat about the content of the conversation with Jae, the latter couldn't help but let out such a sigh.
"Yes. And to be honest, his mind-attack methods are very clever. For you, he has grasped the fact that you have not yet laid a solid foundation in the country, and when you have insight into everything, he is only persuasive, but not Take action to destroy and stop...This is actually a kind of arrogance and arrogance of him."
"Yes...for you, he probably has already used some channels...for example, "association" to know your existence and strength. Therefore, he has a very good attitude towards you, and wants to persuade you through logic-I am glad you were not fooled. "Olibate was quite relieved, "Speaking of which, how did you see through his tricks?" "
"Because his attitude is so good that it is a little unnatural... to the extent that it makes me strange. Especially, he didn't mention the "Ehrengam" thing that year. "When mentioning this past incident, Heliga's face went dark, as if he was very unhappy.
""Ehrengam"... I seem to have heard it somewhere. "Olibate patted his thigh," I remembered. It seems to be a hunting corps. A few years ago, there was a small piece of news in the "Empire Times". "
"Yes... It is said that a certain nobleman who does not have long eyes wants to use the small hunting group to "scare" the prime minister. Unexpectedly, although the foundation was not as solid as it is now, the prime minister was actually prepared. He also hired "hunting soldiers" and launched a beautiful counterattack... The hunting regiment of "Ehlengum" was originally an ordinary mercenary based on not too much adventure. It was a terrible fight. "
"Could it be that you..." Olibate was taken aback, "Amidst that?"
"Yeah...that's why I said that his attitude was surprisingly good. In any case, even if it was unintentional, one of the people who tried to threaten him was right in front of him, and he didn't even remember... …It’s not so much. There are so many attacks on him that he has no time to take care of the details?"
"No... this should be impossible. Since the "Imperial Intelligence Agency" started its official operation, no matter where he visits, he can be said to be very safe. "Olibate denied this view.
"So, he was self-defeating...? It's hard to imagine that he would make such a mistake." Heliga shook his head, "Speaking of which, tomorrow... Sure enough, he still has to travel as usual?"
"Well... at this time, the momentum can't be lost." Olibat resolutely said, "and I also decided, since he has come like this, then I must respond...tomorrow, um, yes, Just tomorrow."
"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Heliga asked curiously.
"Well, keep it secret. Wait until you see it... Ah..." Halfway through, Olibat suddenly remembered something, "Forget about you going to Crossbel."
"...I changed my plan temporarily. My action in Crossbell needs to be carried out a little more secretly... But if the Prime Minister himself is there, for various considerations, the intelligence bureau's eyeliner must be everywhere. Although this is a bit sorry. Ling, but I can only wait for a least wait for the prime minister's eyeliner to slowly withdraw. I can give some news to the "allies" over there and let them pay more attention. "
"So..." Olibate's eyes lit up, "You plan to join me..."
"Um... the imperial capital. I have already said hello to your majesty." Osborne's threat was too great, and Heliga had to change his plan.
"In that case..." Olibate's face suddenly showed an expression of excitement, "Then, the opportunity is rare, you must meet "her". When I returned to China last time, I told her the story of you killing that ancient weapon alone. After that, she kept saying that she wanted to see you. "
""she was"? "
"Hehe, that's my dear good sister-His Royal Highness Alfin Lazer Yanor, who is called the "most treasure" of the empire. "Olibate said with a smile.

"Really...I see, then please beg you for the arrangements of the imperial capital." At the embassy, ​​Reckett was saying something to the communicator, "His Royal Highness is a distinguished person, and such big scenes cannot be shown. Any accident is."
" can tell your Excellency that "everything goes well". I will be able to deal with this small matter soon. "On the side of the communicator, a clear, melodious, concise and capable female voice replied.
"It deserves to be the "Girl of Ice", it's really reliable. "Lecter praised, "Then, I'll hang up first—"
"Hey, wait." The voice on the communicator was a little anxious, "There is one more personal matter--"
"When I went to Closbell, I brought the local produce to Miriam by the way, didn't I? I haven't forgotten this kind of thing." Reckett immediately frowned. "If you dare to forget it again, you will definitely do When I fell asleep, I was ridiculed by that guy on my face..."
"I heard that a new mascot called "Missi" was recently released there, and it has been very popular recently. "Kleiya kindly reminded.
"Ah, I have heard about this too. Okay, then I will buy a set of "Miss" for the little just tell her and let her look forward to it. "
After that, a simple goodbye. On the other side of the communicator, there was a choppy signal.
"Haha... I was able to deal with Claire easily, but didn’t face Miriam... Rekert, you have an unexpected weakness.
After stopping the communication, he had been sitting quietly on the table behind Rekert. The prime minister who said nothing at the moment said, "Originally, I thought that you were "perfect" who had never failed in negotiations. "
"Haha..."Perfect" is only a relative term. "Recter said half-truth, "Even Uncle, you were accidentally seen through by that kid today?" "
"Yeah...I don't deny this. Although I was worried that the "Ehrengam" incident would irritate him, so I deliberately didn't say it... But it seems that it was the result of being smart instead of being smart. However, I didn't feel any "force" in him...I don't know what the information said was. "
"Although it's very exaggerated, it can confront the "Treasure" head-on..." Reckett also shook his head, "This is too dangerous. If he intends, he might be able to destroy the entire Mecha Division in his gestures. "
"Yeah... His knowledge of himself is very accurate. At least so far, we don't need to worry about the potential threats he will cause." Osborne said softly, "However, it is safer to review the report again. ."
"That's right," Reckett said lazily.
The night is already very deep. However, the lights in the luxurious guest rooms of the Imperial Embassy were not extinguished until late.
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