Vol 2 Chapter 669: Fortress Turmoil (two in one)

Just as Arios, Yulia, and Mulla appeared unexpectedly and intercepted the elite terrorists of the two countries in the middle of the road, far away in the war garage of the Galeria Fortress, an abnormality suddenly occurred.
The main tank "No. 18" closest to the exit suddenly turned its muzzle without being controlled by anyone, and then a shot blasted open the garage door.
Immediately after that, the chariot drove away from where it was supposed to be parked, and then drove to the garage door that was exploded by a shot and was emitting heavy smoke. Not only it itself, the other nineteen tanks closest to it also followed them in an orderly manner, as if under the command of someone, and drove out of the warehouse area.
"This..." Looking at the scene that happened before me, the maintenance team who worked overtime late yesterday was a bit at a loss at this moment: no one knew better than them, and no one was driving these tanks at all. But now that there is such a problem, then the only possibility is -
"Those "C components" have problems! "Almost instinctively, one of the maintenance personnel who reacted first yelled. His words awakened the other maintenance personnel in an instant-"C component" is the newly developed self-discipline component with simple functions. In order to be able to practice live ammunition, the regular army specifically ordered the Luray University of Technology to develop new products. Due to the limited technical conditions and the fact that it is not the main research project of the University of Engineering, the automatic control options of the "C component" are relatively simple at present. It is absolutely impossible to do just like this. A tank blasts through the garage door, and the rest is The chariot followed up with such a move in an orderly manner.
And as if to respond to the repairman's words-the nearest tanks, once again opened the insurance of the main gun-this time it was shooting at will without a clear purpose. In an instant, the roar of shells and the smell of various chemicals filled the entire war garage, and the maintenance personnel closest to the bomb's explosion were also shrouded in heat at that moment, life and death unknown.
"What's the situation?" Knight Hart no longer had any reservations, he quickly ran to the War Garage, "What happened?"
""C component" seems to be out of control! "The maintenance man replied loudly.
"What?" Knight Hart's heart shuddered.
"What is "C component"? "Instructor Sarah who followed immediately asked.
"The automatic operation components used on the targets of military exercises... are the things that were used on old tanks in the exercises you watched yesterday." Instructor Nethalter replied, "How can they be installed on the latest type of guidance force? On the tank?"
"That was an urgent order from the headquarters last night--" the person in charge of the maintenance department said quickly, "We are required to work overtime and install the 20 "C components" that were just delivered yesterday to the "18th." "Up-we have been busy until the morning to finish our work. "
"Is there any other exercise schedule today?" Heliga asked after thinking about it.
"It's impossible... if there is a drill, I can't have not received notice." Nethalter's tone was very anxious. He didn't know what to say when he looked at the chariot that was approaching a runaway. Oh no……"
"It should be that the so-called "C component" has a problem. "Heliga has already figured it out. "If there is an exercise that needs to use the "18" equipped with automatic combat components, I think the command will also take down the live ammunition. And last night, Lieutenant General Varta had a chat with me. In the side hall near the canteen, he was surprised when he learned that all the spare ingredients in the canteen were taken away by the maintenance team... If the headquarters arranged for the maintenance team to work overtime, I am afraid that this should not happen. "
"Is it... the same as on the Clos Bell side?" Instructor Sarah gave out this answer that everyone has more or less guesses, but is unwilling to admit, "The military supply line in the Garella Fortress... also Infiltrated by terrorists?"
"Then, the chariot that is out of control...how to do this?" Laura and Lien asked.
"What are you thinking about?" Sarah knocked on Li En's head in a gentle manner, "This is the largest military fortress in the entire empire. When will it be your turn to take care of this kind of thing?"
"Leave it to us." As soon as the voice fell, a rough and bold voice came from outside the war garage. When I walked out, I saw two formations of guided tanks approaching from the entrance of the fortress. On the front of the guided chariot, a burly red-haired general stood impressively.
"This..." Heliga laughed blankly. "He actually stood on the chariot?"
"And he didn't hold anything at all...Just rely on the power of the bottom plate to stand firmly on the chariot..." Instructor Sarah looked at the scene that was beyond reality before her, and fell into thinking.
"Chariots that are out of control, we will find a way to deal with them!" Lieutenant General Craig waved his hand, and the chariot group of the 4th Mech Division, which had just completed the formation, fired a row of shells, accurately blocking the enemy. Further actions of the tank controlled by the out-of-control "C component". Even in the noise that has already begun, they can hear Lieutenant General Craig's loud voice: "It may be a noise. You stay here on standby."
"Understood." Knight Hart nodded solemnly.
"Dad, be careful." Eliot's eyes were full of concern.
"Since you have said so..." Heliga murmured. He originally planned to help out, but seeing Lieutenant General Craig's confident attitude, he decided not to deprive him of the opportunity to show his strength. Up.
"Yeah. Elliott, you guys are also careful." Maybe it was an illusion, but Heilijia felt that after Eliot's advice, Lieutenant General Craig suddenly became more energetic, "The Fourth Mecha Division! Go ahead! Suppress. Out of control tank troops!"
Under the command of Lieutenant General Craig, the replacement has not been completely completed. There are still many old-style tanks in the lineup of the Fourth Mech Division who have begun their operations-different from yesterday’s exercises, it was just a small one. Trying a sledgehammer, this time it can be regarded as a real combat thing, which explains well why Olaf Craig is a leader in the Imperial Army. Although the opponent was a dangerous tank that had completely lost control, Lieutenant General Craig quickly deployed a corresponding strategy based on the battlefield conditions. First of all, an old tank with a special outer armor was added at the forefront to deal with the fine artillery on the "No. 18." At the same time, the artillery units behind them used shift-based precision fire strikes. A large number of stray bullets are deployed around the tank, making it impossible for the latter to easily change direction; at the same time, the commando of the light armored vehicle goes from the two wings to the center of the battlefield. On the one hand, it is to find possible breakthroughs in the details of the opponent. On the one hand, I want to see where the "C component" that is most likely to cause the tank to lose control is installed. If possible, Lieutenant General Craig still wants to capture the tank. After all, "Ten The cost of "No. 8" is very high. On the other side, the infantry unit belonging to the Fourth Mech Division also took advantage of the intermittent period of fighting between the chariot units. On the one hand, they quickly organized manpower to take away the repair team members who had just been injured in the raid. Take out the high-pressure water gun and dry powder fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire in order to minimize the loss.
"It's amazing..." Seeing that the chaotic scene just now became orderly in an instant, the students in Class VII exclaimed. For chicks who have never seen a battle on the battlefield, this is obviously a rare scene, and for those who seem to have had similar experience, such as Instructor Eliot, Fei and Sarah, it is also different. The expression of approval is very telling.
"If it's just about commanding talents, Eliot's father seems to be better than the head of the team..." Fei had a high opinion of Lieutenant General Craig-you can see it by comparing him with "The Hunter King". leopard.
"Be careful!" Gaius suddenly raised his head, his sharp eyes as eagles keenly aware of the threat from the sky, "That is!"
Two black high-mobility airships descended from the sky taking advantage of the chaos of the fortress-because at this moment in the Galeria fortress, Lieutenant General Craig of the Fourth Mech Division was entangled with the out-of-control guided chariot. , The most elite chariot troops were all transferred to the war depot-the base camp where the infantry was stationed, and the hangar where the train guns were stored not far away were exposed to danger.
It is not to blame for the wrong strategy of the defenders of Galeria Fortress-no one could have imagined that terrorists were so courageous that they would dare to use airships to land grandiosely. As Lieutenant General Craig’s troops are fighting against the most elite tanks in the Empire, one who is not paying attention may be in danger. Therefore, they will absolutely not be able to spare people to rescue—for defense from aerial attacks. , Can only be handed over to the soldiers of the Fifth Mech Division.
Unfortunately, ten years ago, the empire was defeated by the Liber Kingdom Army, which was only one-third of its own due to the loss of air supremacy. Now the story repeats itself again-an infantry group without heavy weapons and no anti-air measures. Faced with the heavy machine guns fired from the airship and the napalm bombs thrown down from time to time, there was nothing to do. After several heavy casualties, they could only hide near the bunker and linger, leaving a piece of body after another; and they The infantry weapon in the hand hits the bullet in the sky, and the remaining kinetic energy after fighting against gravity does not even have the ability to leave scars on the metal shell of the guided airship, and it falls straight like a kite with a broken wire. Down. In a word, the infantry unit of the 5th Mech Division had no ability to fight back at all, and was quickly defeated because of this.
After clearing the guards on the clearing, the two airships did not rush away. They landed on the open space vacated by the soldiers one by one, and lowered the slide channel at the bottom of the airship. Soon, something came down from that track—the soldiers of the Fifth Mech Division hadn’t seen it before, but if Group A, who had just completed the internship, saw this scene, it would definitely feel very familiar—because that It was the same puppet weapon they encountered during their internship in Ragram. A large number of puppet weapons that were suspected of being used by associations were released from the cabin of the airship-these guided weapons were clearly prepared. As soon as the landing was completed, they were quiet and orderly with the help of the set program. The land began to occupy the hangar and clean up the remaining soldiers; so that when the two instructors, Knight Hart and Sarah led the students, it was already a mess.
"This..." In the face of this shocking tragic situation, the students present couldn't speak--the soldiers who had been very carefully instructing their fortresses to pay attention to the regulations yesterday are now in a pool of blood. A corpse; yesterday, the steel fortress that seemed unbreakable, has now become the burial place of these soldiers. Not only that, a large number of guided weapons of association are circulating around the fortress; and their goals seem very obvious at this moment.
"Instructor, there is no time." Take a deep breath and relieve the visual impact of this tragedy on the students-even though the situation is so tragic, none of the people present showed timidity and withdrawal. Meaning; Li En and Alyssa, who have always been the focus of Class VII, even actively asked: "Please let us help. In any case, they must be stopped before the "Train Cannon" is activated. "
"You really can't do anything about it." He said so, but when he saw the students' courage to take responsibility, Instructor Sarah actually showed a relieved smile, "Then, group A follow me, group B listen to Knight Command of Major Halt."
"The soldiers are divided into two groups and take down the train cannons on the left and right sides!" Knight Hart looked serious, "This is not training, but total actual combat! It is best for everyone to be vigilant!"
"Over there." If there is no land, Instructor Sarah glanced at Heliga, "Should I show some real skills?"
"I have always been serious." Heliga replied. The plan to this step is currently still in the expectations of Olibat and himself.
However, failing to notice the slight anomaly last night, in a sense, it was indeed his own negligence. The alliance between the terrorists who intend to take the life of the prime minister and the unscrupulous "association" in order to achieve their goals was originally something that they should pay attention to and guard against, but they were trapped at the Orchid Tower and Galeria Fortress during the trade conference. For this trick-in a sense it is also a failure.
"If you can...I hope you can go to the outside to respond." After thinking about it, Knighthalter said, "On the one hand, I hope you can help the infantry unit of the Fifth Mech Division... On the one hand, if we can’t stop the "Train Cannon"—"
"...Destroy it?" Heliga said softly.
"...Hmm." Knighthalt hesitated, "In any case, you can't let your Highness and the Prime Minister in the Orchid Tower be threatened from here-Mulla has already told me about you, he Say you have this ability."
"I see." Heliga said solemnly.
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