Vol 2 Chapter 791: Turbulent Imperial Capital

at dusk.
The sun gradually sinks to the west, taking away the hustle and bustle of the day, and also the tension of the Imperial Gendarmerie.
Since Clos Bell declared its independence and stated that all countries’ assets flowing through Clos Bell will be frozen before other countries recognize the legitimacy of its independence, the entire empire’s industry and financial industries have instantly shown great fall. In less than a day, the originally prosperous and orderly imperial capital fell into chaos under this situation. Bankers and emerging asset owners, naturally, can’t just sit back and watch their large assets just evaporate in the air; and the traditional large banks and manufacturing industry associations in the empire also sent official reports to the Imperial City Hall. The negotiation letter puts pressure on them on the sanctions related to Clos Bell.
In this regard, Chief Regnitz responded promptly. First of all, he contacted highly respected people from all walks of life and persuaded them to suppress the anger of their subordinates and not to add more trouble to this already chaotic situation. Krossberg’s move is completely ridiculous as a man’s arm as a car. When the Imperial Army’s order reaches the Garella Fortress, this boring illusion can be broken-after hearing this, those people also temporarily quieted down, but This situation has not gotten any better, which makes people’s dissatisfaction ignited once again.
The stock market is paralyzed, production lines are shut down, and people who have nothing to do have lost their jobs and cannot get the little Mira that they depend on for survival, so they will naturally panic about their future lives. Under these circumstances, some people organized demonstrations against the imperial government’s inaction and demanding further sanctions against Clos Bell; in the face of such a huge public opinion, even Mayor Regnitz could not use his authority to rashly insist. It can only be used as a guide, and at the same time, a large number of guards and gendarmes are dispatched to conduct martial law and security checks on the places where the marchers pass, so as to prevent them from causing any trouble. Mayor Regnitz attached great importance to this matter. When he conveyed the instructions, he changed from the old gentleman style, but sternly reprimanded and issued strict orders, which made those executives realize that. The seriousness of the matter. Therefore, when the sun goes down, the marchers have enough trouble, tired, and start to disperse, it is time for the gendarmerie to take a breath and complain about such days.
"At this time, it would be nice if the "Ice Girl" was there. With her, we must be able to relax a lot. "A military policeman rubbed his blistered ankle in the past two days, and said, "Although the chief is also very good, for this kind of thing, it is really better to be a professional soldier." "
"You... don't say such things anymore," said a captain-like figure. It stands to reason that his subordinates are so rude, and he should have reprimanded him out loud, but after all, there is a reason for the matter. Several of his soldiers have been carrying out high-intensity security work for several days, and there is no need to complain. Shangzun criticized on the line, "Your Excellency is already under a lot of pressure, and we can't mess with him anymore. Moreover, I think we may have to do more tomorrow..."
The captain's hesitation and hesitation aroused the curiosity of the players, "What's the matter, captain, tell me."
"You'll know soon." The captain reluctantly said, but he couldn't stand the hard work of several people. He is also tickling his heart. After all, when this kind of thing is said in small talk, it can appear that he has a face, "Well, then I tell you, it is actually..."
"The parade is over? Thanks for your hard work." At this moment, a low male voice drew their attention-according to the reputation, a serious face, simple and powerful short hair, wearing The man in the gray military uniform, behind him are two soldiers dressed like him, "According to the plan, we will take over here."
"Ah...you are from the Railway Gendarmerie..." the captain said flattered immediately, "have you returned to the capital?"
"Yeah." The blond man nodded, "It looks like I disturbed you?"
"No, no... we should go now. You should be busy." The captain said quickly, "Well, it's time to go." The other military police seemed to know that this person was so good, and they ran away quickly. A sense of calmness and laughter.
"Huh... even people like them already know... It seems that tomorrow will be a tough day." The blond man actually heard their conversation just now-he is an excellent gunman, and also a "railroad gendarmerie" "Team" is one of the trump cards, so there is never a time to be lazy and put down the instinct of being a gunner. In fact, it was precisely because of the captain's words that attracted his attention, otherwise he might not even look at these people.
Mikhail Yaviku. The members of the railway gendarmerie originally carried out investigation and intelligence work outside the imperial capital, but recently they were called back to help because of the excessive pressure faced by the imperial capital headquarters. Although his reputation is far inferior to that of the "Ice Girl" as a colleague, he is no better than the "Ice Girl" in terms of strength, especially as a soldier's ability to control firearms-anyone who knows him well knows. Where is it?
He certainly didn't just wander around this street—he was actually doing his old job, intelligence detection and counterintelligence operations. In fact, he has been against a burly man and a young girl for a long time. Their actions are very suspicious. They are always around the Women's College, the Imperial Palace, and a few avenues that can easily leave the imperial capital, and they will stay for a long time. Even Mihaier discovered that they would actually think of going to the highlands around the imperial capital and overlooking everything in the imperial capital. It stands to reason that such a very strange action should be regarded as suspected of espionage. If it is an ordinary person, he can directly show his identity and take the two people back to ask for understanding.
However, not now-he returned to the gendarmerie headquarters, and after careful comparison with the intelligence of the intelligence bureau, he was surprised to find that the burly man turned out to be the former captain of the legendary big hunting group "West Wind Brigade" , "Killing the Bear" Garcia Rossi. As for the girl beside him, the weapon used seemed to be related to the church, which made him very puzzled. Therefore, considering that these two people may have a special mission, he did not rush to startle the snake, but chose to continue to wait and see until the time was right.
It's just that the situation is special now-the news from the front line of Galeria fortress tells him that he can't wait any longer.
Must act tonight.
The inconspicuous hotel where they lived was locked in.
"Go." Mihail said this word from between his teeth, and the two guards beside him immediately understood.
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