Chapter 67: Kneel and ask for marriage

That day and night, it really rained heavily.
On the second day, the air was extremely fresh.
Many people go to Lingyun Temple to pay tribute to the worship day of King Rong'an and the princess. Early in the morning of this day, Chen Qi, Shen Qi, Qi Shu, Liu Yan and others accompanied Ye Chang out of Beijing to Lingyun Temple.
Ye Chang's injury was not healed, and he sat in the carriage, stating that the big white cat that Ye Chang raised accompanied him in the carriage, while the little lion ran in front of a group of carriages and opened the road imposingly.
An hour later, he came to Lingyun Town.
Before the carriage entered the city, Qian Han handed in a letterhead to Ye Chang.
Ye Chang stretched out his hand to take it, opened it and took a look, raised his pretty brows slightly, and snorted, "She will make arrangements."
"Who?" The statement moved closer to him.
Ye Chang crushed the letterhead, threw the scraps of paper out of the car, and glanced back at the curious face, "No one."
The statement glared at him, "The letter paper has a silky fragrance, and it must be a woman's red pink fragrance paper. Say, are you Jinwu Cangjiao?"
Ye Chang sneered, "If you can hide the beauty in the golden house, it would be a good thing."
The statement looked at him in amazement, "So, is it really a letter from a woman? What kind of woman is it? For so many years, I haven't found any woman you are interested in? Even the girl in the pink building. You are just listening to music."
Ye Chang leaned on the carriage and said casually, "Take away your curiosity, otherwise you don't even know how to die."
The statement was even more startled, his eyes widened, "Hey, do you still treat me as a brother? I even told you trivial things and didn't hide it from you."
Ye Chang looked at him, "Do you think you can hide it?"
The statement choked.
Ye Chang said to the outside, "Stop."
The carriage stopped immediately.
Ye Chang picked up the driving curtain, got out of the carriage, and said to everyone, "You go to Lingyun Temple first, and I will go later."
Everyone looked at him strangely.
Qi Shu immediately asked, "Where are you going? Let's go together."
The statement poked his head out of the carriage and said, "He is looking for a woman, and he thinks we will get in the way with us."
Everyone was stunned.
Ye Chang hooked up the corner of his mouth and said, "What he said is correct, I will rush to Lingyun Temple before noon. You go first."
"What kind of woman?" Shen Qi asked immediately.
Ye Chang glanced at him, stopped talking, and walked forward.
"Hey." Shen Qi called to him, "What is she doing so secretly? Can't she see people? Let my brothers see you too."
"You are right, she is really shameful." Ye Chang waved his hand without looking back.
Everyone looked at him as he walked into an alley.
Shen Qi whispered, "Or, let's go quietly?"
The statement rolled his eyelids in the carriage, "Did you not see Qianhan not leaving? If any of us followed, the sword in his hand would not be polite."
Shen Qi patted his forehead, "He is like this, I am even more curious about what kind of woman he wants to see!"
Qi Shu said, "I'll see you sooner or later. Let's go, we are waiting for him in Lingyun Temple."
Seeing that there was no play, everyone suppressed their curiosity and headed to Lingyun Temple.
Ye Chang walked around the two alleys, making sure that no one was following before he came to the courtyard of that alley.
Liu Kai opened the door and saw that Ye Chang was stunned. "Ye Shizi?"
Ye Chang glanced at him and asked, "Where is she?"
Liu Kai said immediately, "Miss is sleeping in the house."
"The sun is so high? Is she still sleeping?" Ye Chang frowned.
Liu Kai nodded.
Ye Chang walked inside and asked, "I didn't eat breakfast?"
Liu Kai shook his head, "I slept after breakfast."
Ye Chang nodded, seeing Liu Kai going to report in advance, he waved his hand, "You don't need to call her, I will go in and look for her directly."
Liu Kai hesitated, and stopped.
Ye Chang came to the door, stretched out his hand, and opened the door gently without inserting it. He glanced inside. There was no one in the painting hall. He paced in and came to the door of the inner room. Across the curtain, he saw Su Fengnuan sleeping on the couch with the little fox in his arms.
He opened the curtain and walked in.
Su Fengnuan opened his eyes, saw Ye Chang, and was taken aback, "Why are you here?"
Ye Chang looked at her, "It's still awake, knowing someone is coming in, he woke up immediately."
Su Fengnuan looked at him, "Nonsense, otherwise my years of hard work will be for nothing." When the words fell, she asked, "Have you received the letter? Don't come in such a hurry."
Ye Chang came to the bed, reached out and took the leg of the little fox, and threw it out.
With a "bang", the little fox was thrown onto the floor of the outhouse, and uttered a scream of "whoop".
Su Fengnuan immediately stared, "What did you throw it for?"
Ye Chang sat on the side of the bed, his voice was warm and cool, "Next time I see you sleep with it in your arms, I will kill it."
Su Feng was annoyed, "You don't have a fever, right?"
Ye Chang tilted his body and leaned against the edge of the bed, with one leg on the edge of the bed, one leg on it, and one hand on the edge of the bed casually, and one hand on his leg. He simply said, "No fever, just It’s not pleasing to see you sleep with your arms around it."
Su Fengnuan choked and said annoyed, "If I remember correctly, you were sleeping with a big white cat in the Hongfen Building, and you made it known to all."
Ye Chang bends the corners of his mouth, "I won't sleep with my arms around it anymore."
Su Fengnuan was speechless, "What does it have to do with me if you don't hug it? What does it have to do with you if I don't hug the little fox?"
Ye Chang narrowed his eyes and looked at her. The smile on his lips turned into a sneer, "Su Fengnuan, if you say anything that has nothing to do with me, do you believe me and tell the world about your relationship immediately?"
Su Fengnuan looked at him and said that if he turned his face, no one else could do it. She stretched out her hand to pull the quilt, covered her face, and said in a vicious voice, "You disturbed my sleep well. Are you reasonable? Tell the world that I am afraid of you?"
Ye Chang stood up and said angrily, "You are very good, I will tell the world now." He said, he went out.
Su Fengnuan immediately opened the quilt and grabbed his sleeve. Seeing him with a cold face, she was defeated and laughed angrily, "What's going on? If you don't hold it to sleep, don't hold it to sleep. A broken fox, if it wasn't for its warm fur, who would be happy to hold it?"
Ye Chang turned his head to look at her, his eyes cool, "The blue fire fox fur is warm, but the body is not warm, I think you hold it very comfortable."
Su Fengnuan twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's hard to bear the day, let's relieve the heat."
Ye Chang snorted.
Su Fengnuan dragged him to sit down again, and said softly, "Okay, Ye Dashizi, come on, you are here, you must have left a lot of people, what's the point? It won't be a special trip for your breath. I."
Ye Chang looked at her with a rather arrogant expression, "How idle do you think I am and come to you if I have nothing to do?"
Su Fengnuan immediately put on a respectful look.
Ye Chang looked at her and said, "Tonight, Qiqiao Festival, Lantern Festival. You are waiting for me at Wulipo outside the city."
Su Fengnuan stared, "You let me go to Wulipo outside the city? You didn't let me watch the lantern festival? I want to go to the Qiaoqiao Festival! No, I don't agree."
Ye Chang looked at her, "I didn't say not to take you to the Lantern Festival, but let's go to Wulipo first."
Su Fengnuan looked at him, "What are you going to do in Wulipo?"
Ye Chang said, "There you can see the lights of the entire Lingyun Town like a dragon, and the scenery is superb." When the words fell, he said, "You haven't seen it before, let me take a look."
Su Fengnuan was still reluctant, "But I still think the downtown is lively."
"That's it. In one night, is there any time for you to visit the downtown area and watch the lights?" Ye Chang squinted at her.
"Okay." Su Fengnuan nodded and looked at him, "Where are the people who came with you? You can't just leave a group of people to go around the Qiao Festival with me, right?"
Ye Chang said indifferently, "Throw it and throw it away. They are not three-year-old children. Every year they only accompany me to mourn my parents and soldiers who died on the battlefield. On the evening of Qiqiao Festival, I was alone in Wulipo. . What I told you is that you have left early all these years."
Su Fengnuan was silent for a while, and after a while, she whispered, "Every year, my dad asks for the three festivals, Qiqiao Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Spring Festival, to go home."
Ye Chang said, "General Su has many rules."
Su Fengnuan suddenly smiled, "This year he took his eldest brother and second elder brother at the border, my mother and grandmother are at Lingyun Temple, and third elder brother and grandpa are at the Palace of Beijing. Well, I can accompany you on the Qiao Qiao Festival."
Ye Chang hooked up the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and smiled slowly, but he corrected it and said, "I was with you."
Su Fengnuan rolled his eyes, "Well, you have been with me. The little girl thanked Ye Shizi for being with me. If you don't accompany me, no one will be with me. I am very poor."
Ye Chang's smile spread, and his unparalleled beauty was as dazzling as the sun and the moon, "You are right, this world will reward you with this face."
Su Fengnuan couldn't help it, punched him, hit him in the arm, and said angrily, "Go away."
Ye Chang stood up and said to her, "Where is that Qingqing?"
Su Fengnuan looked at him and asked, "Are you taking her away now?"
Ye Chang nodded, closed his cuffs, and said casually, "Send her to King Jin earlier, and place them to King Jin earlier. King Jin will thoroughly investigate the shipwreck of the painted boat on the East Lake. The gift was given to the emperor, and Qingqing took it to pass it up. The harem was boring for many years, and the imperial concubine held it for only one month. Now it can't hold it anymore, naturally she has to change her face. She is indeed suitable."
Su Fengnuan waved her hand, "You find Liu Kai and ask Liu Kai to call her. I have already made an appointment with her. You can just take her away."
Ye Chang stepped out of the door, and when he stepped out of the threshold, he told, "Tonight, before dark, you must go to Wulipo. If you don't come, I can't spare you."
Su Fengnuan waved, "I see, Granny Ye."
Ye Chang staggered and almost fell. He supported the door frame, stood firm, turned his head and said to Su Fengnuan with a black face, "Don't sleep anymore, sleep all day, it's really like a pig." , Out of the room.
Su Fengnuan was speechless. Has he seen such a beautiful pig?
Ye Chang came to the courtyard, saw Liu Kai standing there, and said to him, "Go and call Qingqing."
Liu Kai went immediately.
Not long after, Qingqing followed Liu Kai, and when she saw Ye Chang, she hurriedly bowed her knees to bow, her head drooping extremely low, and cautiously, "The slave family pleases the elder son."
Ye Chang looked at her and said lightly, "You want to enter the palace?"
Qingqing nodded, "Yes."
Ye Chang looked at her, "Do you know where the palace is? This is your own choice. No one will force you. In the future, if you are unhappy, you will not be able to regret it."
Qing Qing bowed his head, "The slave knows that since I chose, I have no regrets."
Ye Chang nodded, "In this case, I will send you to King Jin. He will be responsible for thoroughly investigating the case of the shipwreck of the painted boat on the East Lake. He will go to the sky and will present you to the emperor. As for the emperor, if you stay with you, you Whether you can gain a foothold in the harem and what position you can reach depends on your ability."
Qingqing nodded.
Ye Chang said again, "Rely on yourself in everything, don't expect others to help you. The harem women have methods. I hope that you learn not only the ability to coax men, but also the methods of restraining women. Want to save your life. Thanks, it’s useless to tie the grass title ring. You have to climb up the jade street of the harem before you say it."
Qingqing nodded, "The slave understands."
Ye Chang said no more, and walked to the door.
Qingqing immediately followed him.
Because Ye Chang came on foot, and now he was going to take Qingqing away, Liu Kai prepared a car for him.
Ye Chang came to the door, glanced at the carriage, and said to Qingqing, "Get in the carriage."
Qingqing looked at him.
Ye Chang bypassed the carriage and walked out on foot.
Qingqing bit her lip, got into the car quickly, and dropped the curtain.
Ye Chang walked in front, and the carriage followed him. After a short while, he left the deep alley, came to the street, and went to the government office.
When I came to the gate of the government office, I encountered Xu Yunchu coming out of it. He was dressed in plain clothes, but he couldn't conceal his gentle manner. Even when he walked on the street, he was very eye-catching. Seeing Ye Chang, he greeted gently, "Ye Shizi, is the injury better?"
Ye Chang stopped and stood with his hands in his hands. The brocade dress was a little bit bright, and his handsome face was picturesque and charming. He glanced at Xu Yunchu, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Uncle Lao misses it, much better. Uncle Xiaoguo came to the house. Ya visit the prince? Is the prince's wind and cold better?"
Xu Yunchu nodded, "The prince looks better, and it should be no problem. Ye Shizi also came to visit the prince?"
Ye Chang shook his head, "I'm looking for King Jin."
Xu Yunchu looked at the carriage behind him, took a look, and said with a smile, "The King Jin is working on the case, and he is in the hall of the government office. If Ye Shizi is looking for him, he will be able to see him directly."
Ye Chang nodded, "Farewell then."
Xu Yunchu nodded.
Ye Chang stopped talking, and walked inward. People in the government office saw that it was Ye Shizi, and did not stop the carriage behind him. The carriage followed him into the palace.
Xu Yunchu stood at the gate of the mansion for a while, and walked away.
Ye Chang came directly to the palace hall, and at a glance he saw several fishermen dressed up at the door, and King Jin was questioning one person inside. Several guards stood guard outside. Seeing Ye Chang's arrival, the guards hurriedly saw the ceremony.
Ye Chang waved his hand casually.
Someone went in to report to King Jin.
King Jin heard that Ye Chang was coming, looked out, and saw him with a handsome and unreliable, leisurely look. He snorted and said in a deep voice, "Let him in. You all go down."
The people in the room huffed out, besides the person being questioned, there were also the jury officials of the government office.
The officials bowed to Ye Shang.
Ye Chang glanced at a few people, still waved his hand casually, and slowly entered the hall.
King Jin was sitting on the chair of the imperial master, with a pot of tea on the table, his head covered with white hair, and his eyes were piercing. Seeing Ye Chang stepping into the threshold, he still looked like a comfortable leisurely courtyard, and he let out a cold snort from his nostrils.
Ye Chang chuckled, "Are you also suffering from a cold? No nose ventilated?"
King Jin curled up his beard, took a sip from his tea cup, and looked at him with a sullen expression, "Aren't you supposed to mourn your parents at Lingyun Temple? What are you doing here?"
"I haven't seen you for many days, I missed you very much. Come and see you first." Ye Chang said, sitting on a chair beside him, took a cup and poured a cup of tea.
King Jin snorted coldly again, "I don't need you to miss it, just don't trouble me."
Ye Chang took a sip of tea and smiled, "What are you talking about? I was persecuted and hacked behind my back. I was not very willing to trouble you to solve the case in the end."
King Jin raised his brows and looked at him, "If it wasn't for you to do a lot of wrongdoing, as for being poisoned by others? This time you will escape from the dead.
Ye Chang nodded, "Yeah, if your fate is thinner, I must go to Yan Wangye to find my parents for tea this time."
King Jin suddenly glared at him with a beard, "Your father and mother will never go to the Lord Yan because you have a long history of merit. Even if you go, you won't see them. What beautiful things do you want?"
Ye Chang laughed, "You are right. In this way, my little life should be cherished. Like me, I have eaten human flesh and have been stubborn and evil all these years. Eighteen layers of hell."
King Jin's face suddenly became gloomy, and he reprimanded, "What nonsense? God has the virtue of living well. You will do less evil and do more good in the future. You will not accept you if you want to go down to the eighteenth hell."
Ye Chang nodded honestly, "In this way, I saved a lonely and helpless woman, which is considered to be a good deed. It seems to be done right."
When King Jin heard this, he immediately asked, "What woman?"
Ye Chang leisurely said, "Qing Huafang’s top card, Qingqing, she was also on board when painting the shipwreck. When I was rescued, she was also rescued by the way. After all, she was a woman. Is it a life?"
King Jin's eyes widened, "Where is she?"
Ye Chang pointed outside, "In the carriage outside."
King Jin glanced outside, and he saw a carriage parked outside, covered by a curtain, and the carriage parked very quietly. He withdrew his gaze and looked at Ye Chang with a black face, "You saw a woman in a brothel? Random!"
Ye Chang looked at him innocently, "It's not a fancy to save it easily."
"At that time, there were so many people on the boat. Why didn't you save her? Just save her?" King Jin stared at him, "I didn't think you could take her to swim the lake?"
Ye Chang said, "Others are too far away from me, besides, they are not saved by me, they are saved by the one who saved me." After the words, he said, "You must have a beautiful woman with you in order to be comfortable. It is expedient to pull her. It’s just an accompany. I have Circus from Hongfenlou. I haven’t heard enough of her music yet, so I don’t plan to change to another girl yet.
King Jin then looked at him with a sullen expression, "Then what is your idea for bringing people to me now?"
Ye Chang looked at him and said, "Aren't you investigating the case? She is considered a witness. She saw my murder pass with her own eyes. When I was sent back to Beijing, she left her in Lingyun Town. The case was handed over to you, so naturally I brought her here. If someone else investigates the case, I really don’t worry. I am afraid that she will be killed and I will do a good deed in vain. You are investigating the case and I am naturally relieved."
King Jin snorted again and said to him, "I heard the emperor said that it was Young Master Feng of Fengyang Escort who saved you?"
Ye Chang nodded, "It's him. Without him, I would drown in the lake to feed the bastard."
Entered the room and glanced at him, and said, "Call her in, my king has a look."
Ye Chang turned his head to pass a message outside, "Qingqing, come in."
After hearing this, Qing Qing got out of the carriage, walked in, knelt on the ground, and bowed to King Jin.
King Jin didn't let her get up, his face was severe, "raise your head."
Qing Qing Yiyan raised her head.
King Jin took a look at her and said, "Although I was born in the land of fireworks, there is no such thing as a fox charm." After the words fell, he said, "If the king asks you, you should answer truthfully. If there is a lie, this king will kill you easily. , Did you hear that?"
Qingqing lowered her head, her body trembled slightly, "Yes."
Ye Chang stood up, smiled casually, and said, "The people have already been sent, and I have to rush to Lingyun Temple, you can figure it out!" After the words fell, he said to Qingqing, "Don't be afraid, Feng Shao How the Lord saved you and me, just tell the truth."
Qingqing raised her head, glanced at Ye Chang, then hung down quickly, "Yes."
Ye Chang didn't leave immediately, but approached King Jin to whisper, "The harem has been empty for many years, and the days of Concubine Yue's doting on the sixth house are over. It's time for the emperor to have a interpretive flower beside him." King Jin glared at him, and he smiled lazily, "Of course, if you are fancy, it would be an elegant thing to stay by your side."
King Jin split his hand and hit him, "You bastard! I don't want to be serious all day."
Ye Chang avoided, laughing cheerfully, "Although you are old, if you take some good medicines to invigorate you, you will still be powerful." After that, he turned and left the hall.
King Jin picked up the cup and threw it out. The cup fell to the ground and broke into eight petals behind Ye Chang.
Ye Chang got into the carriage without turning his head on the ground, and told the coachman, "Send me to Lingyun Temple."
The coachman waved his whip and the coach left the county office.
King Jin coughed angrily for a long time before he drank a sip of tea and suppressed it. He stared at Qing Qing who was kneeling on the ground, and snorted coldly through his nostrils, "There are more women who want to fly to the branches to be phoenixes. ?"
Qingqing was too scared to speak.
King Jin took another sip of his tea, put down the cup heavily, and said in a deep voice, "Pass the shipwreck in the East Lake, to be honest."
Qingqing took a deep breath and slowly and carefully told the story of the day, how Ye Chang came to Qinghuafang in the morning, how she accompanied the lake, how she fell into the water, and how she was rescued. It's just that the person who saved Ye Chang was replaced by Su Fengnuan's Young Master Feng Yang of Fengyang Escort.
She didn't mention Su Fengnuan.
After hearing this, King Jin ordered her to get up and send someone to meet Feng Yang, the young master of Fengyang Escort.
Someone took the order to the Fengyang Escort. After Fengyang heard it, he said with no face, "Go back and tell King Jin, except for the emperor Lao Tzu, whoever wants to see this young master comes by himself."
When the man came back to reply, Jin Wang's beard remained for a long while, and he ordered Qingqing to be placed, and he took him to the Fengyang Escort.
Ye Chang came to Lingyun Temple, and Chen Qi, Shen Qi, Qi Shu, and Liu Yan were already waiting impatiently.
Seeing him coming, the statement stepped forward, looked him up and down again, pulled his sleeves, and kept sniffing. After sniffing for a while, let go of his sleeves, and said to them, "It doesn't smell like a woman."
Shen Qi laughed, "What does a woman smell like? Can you smell it?"
The statement raised his neck, "It can smell naturally, it smells like powder."
Qi Shu smiled and patted Ye Chang on the shoulder, "Why have you been there for so long?"
Ye Chang glanced at a few people, "I went to see King Jin."
Several people were stunned.
Liu Yan was surprised, "Brother Ye, have you gone to see my grandfather?"
Ye Chang gave a "um", glanced at the sky, and didn't want to say more, "It's getting late, let's go to the Buddhist hall."
Everyone knew that it was late, so they suppressed their curiosity, stopped talking, and went to the Buddhist hall together.
Today in Lingyun Temple, Master Lingyun carries the abbots, elders, and monks in the temple to perform major tasks. Lingyun Temple was almost full of people.
The group passed the Bodhidharma Temple and came to the Buddhist hall. The old monk put his hands together and invited everyone to enter.
Inside the Buddhist hall, there was smoke-filled, burning incense and burning incense, and incense ash spread all over the floor. A row of tablets was covered in smoke and almost invisible.
Ye Chang stopped at the door for a moment, and walked in slowly.
After entering, he did not put on the incense, but stood aside, quietly looking at the tablets.
The statement, Shen Qi, Qi Shu, Liu Yan and others put incense on them in turn. According to the habits of previous years, they withdrew from the Buddhist hall, closed the door of the Buddhist hall, and left it to Ye Chang alone.
After the incense in the incense burner burned out, Ye Chang moved and said to the old monk standing aside, "Who has come here to get incense this year?"
The old monk folded his hands together, and said in an old voice, "Human Son, the first benefactor is Miss Su Mansion. She is the only one every year. After her, they are the family members of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Only they are the incense of yesterday. Every year. Will be one day in advance, different from others."
Ye Chang nodded.
The old monk said again, "At this time, the rest of the people who came are still those from previous years. Mother Liu and Madam Wang are the only ones this morning." After a pause, she said, "Even though Madam Su came to the temple, But never came here."
Ye Chang nodded, looked at the tablets quietly, and said in a cool voice, "Madam Su is here with General Su's wishes, and she feels ashamed to come here." After the words fell, he sneered, "Father and mother. The concubine and these generals were buried in the battlefield, and their bones have not been returned. This matter cannot blame General Su and Su Mansion. This guilt should not be carried by Su Mansion for a lifetime."
The old monk said, "Amitabha Buddha, good is good."
Ye Chang said again, "In the world, most of the hearts of mortals are greedy, cunning, power and desire. The father, the mother and the concubines, as well as the generals, did not die on the battlefield, but died from the conspiracy of the people. It’s not a real person who is conspiring. After so many years, Su Mansion’s guilt should end here."
The old monk nodded.
Ye Chang shouted, "Qian Han."
"Shizi." Qianhan answered.
Ye Chang ordered, "Go and invite Mrs. Su to come here."
"Yes." Qian Han went immediately.
After about two cups of tea, Madam Su came to the Buddhist hall with Qianhan. The statements waiting outside, Shen Qi, Qi Shu, Liu Yan and others gave her a gift.
Madam Su waved her hand, stood at the door for a moment, sighed secretly, and stepped into the threshold.
The inside of the Buddhist hall was still filled with smoke, Ye Chang stood in the smoke, standing with his hands in his hands, arrogant.
Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ye Chang slowly turned around and bowed to Madam Su, "Auntie."
Madam Su twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at the tablet. Her eyes were reddish and her eyes were soaked. She seemed to be unable to look straight. For a long time, she choked her heart and waved her hand, "Good boy."
Ye Chang straightened up and stopped talking.
Madam Su stepped forward, suppressing the tears in her eyes, and whispered, "The general regretted his missteps and caused the prince, the princess and the generals to die on the battlefield, and failed to bring back the corpses of the prince, the princess, and the generals. Mourning. Not only himself, but also forbid anyone from Su Mansion to come here and dirty the place here."
Ye Chang said, "Although General Su didn't bring back the bones of his father, mother, and the generals, he saved me. It's not shameless."
Madam Su shook her head, "It's been twelve years."
Ye Chang was silent for a moment, and then said, "Every year before the father, mother, concubine, and the generals, there will be a person from the Su Mansion. Put three sticks of incense on each tablet, stand for an hour, and then leave."
Madam Su tilted her head to look at Ye Shang.
Ye Chang said to her earnestly, "Even though she is from the Su Mansion, she is not a member of the Su Mansion. Her daughter's family always has to marry, and it is not a violation of the rules set by General Su."
Madam Su was startled.
Ye Chang looked at her, slowly, kneeling down, slowly, heavily, kneeling on the ground, saying every word, "Twelve years of guilt is enough. I miss my father, mother and concubine. The generals are in the spirit of the sky, and they don’t want General Su to be guilty for a lifetime and bear this burden that shouldn’t be borne by him. It shouldn’t be Su Mansion that owes them. The so-called, the wrongdoer, the debtor, sooner or later, I will Find out the truth of the year and let the bones of the father, the mother, the concubines and the generals go to Changan."
Madam Su stepped forward and stretched out her hand to help him, "You child, get up quickly, you are still hurt, what am I doing on my knees?"
Ye Chang shook his head, avoiding his hand, and said, "Auntie, stand still and listen to me to finish."
Madam Su could only take a step back and looked at him.
Ye Chang slowly said, "You only have one daughter. She is as precious as a treasure in your heart, and so is in my heart. The Royal Palace of Rong'an is no longer prosperous. If she marries me, she may be wronged. But Ye Chang's life, In addition to avenging his parents’ grievances, my ambition is to marry her. Today, in the presence of my father, the king, and my mother, I ask my aunt to be fulfilled. Ye Chang’s life is not the wind and warmth not marrying. With her, I will live, without her, I will die. In this life, the blue and yellow springs will never be gone."
Mrs. Su stood still.
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