Chapter 155: [Invitation of Xie Huilan's family! 】

Chapter 155 [Invitation of Xie Huilan's family! 】(7000, ask for a monthly ticket!)
To be promoted
I want to be the deputy director.
In the next few days, Dong Xuebin was filled with a smile from morning to night. The state of mind was a good one. Everything was very energetic, and he did not take the work as a burden and cumbersome. He ran before the unit ran. Later, I sent documents to the leaders to write a manuscript, and I was extremely enthusiastic about my colleagues. Xiao ^ said ^ collection ~ reading network) see Xiao Dong director like this, the branch can not help but pick up, is there any leadership position vacancy in the bureau? Director Xiao Dong is asking for progress? No, Director Xiao Dong just mentioned the deputy section. If you don’t want to move your nest within three years, how can you promote it?
Dong Xuebin did not talk to anyone about the things to be transferred. After all, he still hasn't implemented it, but he believes that there is no problem with Xie Huilan's 80%. The central leadership will not easily promise others. She said to help herself try this. The matter is basically fixed, and I can’t get out of it.
this day.
Saturday, early.
Dong Xuebin, who got out of bed, sat up in the bed and touched the phone to see if there were no missed calls. These days, his mobile phone didn't shut down at night. I was afraid that Xie Huilan couldn't hear it when she called. I couldn't wait for it, but Dong Xuebin didn't take the initiative to call Xie. He couldn't show impatience, so thank you. If the sister left a bad impression, the deputy director who is likely to get it is likely to be yellow again.
Come on, come on a good news, it’s all seven or eight days.
Call, which county will it be? Forget it, it doesn't matter if you have a rich county in the poor county. As long as you have a deputy director, it is enough.
The bell rings and the phone rings. Dong Xuebin excitedly grabbed it and saw it, hey, it was an old phone.
"Hey, Xiaobin, have you gotten up?"
"Just awake, I haven't brushed my teeth yet."
"Is the work too busy recently? You must pay attention to your body, don't give up." After a few words, my mother Xiao Xiaoping's voice revealed a satisfaction and pride. "Xiao Bin, Mom took care of you." I told your relatives on the other side of the house, they didn't believe it, let alone lie, huh, huh, you believe in a family, and I didn't take me to her house that night, I said you. Have the ability, your two wives and your sister also praise you."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "This is a trick."
"How old have you mentioned the deputy, isn't this the skill?"
"Oh, Mom, I may have to be promoted again." This thing has been smashing him for several days, and he dared not say anything to others. Now, when he listens to the old voice, Dong Xuebin can't help but scream.
Dong Xuebin coughed and whispered: "The details have not yet been fixed, and I will keep it secret. I will tell you when I am appointed."
"Hey, what's the matter? This is, let's talk to Mom soon, let's talk about it, how come up again?"
"Your son is capable of being patient, huh, huh, I can't say more now. What I can reveal is that I should go to the grassroots level. If it is not good, let's talk about it."
The mother at the other end of the phone was very happy, and the voices were crying. "It’s really my good son is really my good son."
Dong Xuebin couldn't help but cry: "Mom, my mother, don't you cry? I am afraid of you."
After talking for a few more minutes, Dong Xuebin just sat down with satisfaction and took an old song into the bathroom to wash his teeth. He has already begun to ponder how the grassroots have made a few political achievements, and the overall performance of Dong Xuebin here. There are indeed many, great merits, but because of the nature of the work, some political achievements can not be recorded in the archives, such as the matter of giving Dr. Lu the asthma drug, such as solving the problem of catching the wrong relative of Director Jiang, so Dong Xuebin’s resume is still not Too thick, he must do a few more things after he goes down.
Bells, bells, and ringtones.
Dong Xuebin put a towel on his face and took it to the shelf. He quickly walked back to the bedroom to answer the phone. When he saw the number, Dong Xuebin was in great spirits, clearing his throat, and straightening his waist and respectfully picking up the phone. ...Hey, Xie Jie."
"Oh, Xiao Dong, still sleeping late?"
"No, no, it has already started."
"Well, it doesn't bother you to rest, huh, huh, your work is mobilized... In fact, I personally have no ability to do it. After all, I have crossed two departments, and my hand can't stretch that long. I can say it. Although there are people who can do this, my words are not something I can say. It involves too many things at home, so after I went back, I found my grandfather. Since you want to go to the grassroots, it involves The department is even more. Only when my grandfather nodded, I can use his relationship to help you move. Now, there is basically no problem. Although the old man is a little bit old for you... but still nods."
Become a deputy director
Dong Xuebin’s heart was hot, and
Thank you thank you so much, thank you very much.

"Don't say anything outside, just like the grace of life, what are these things, huh, huh, but my grandfather heard that you saved my life, and said that I want to see you, um, I think this will be for you in the future. The career is very helpful, I promised you, well, are you resting today? Then you are waiting at home, I will go to your home and pick you up to go to the father, okay?"
what? See Grandpa Xie Huilan?
Wen Yan, Dong Xuebin is a bit empty, "Hey, Xie sister, then I, you said me... Should I wear a suit?"
"No, huh, huh, it doesn't matter."
Anyway, Xie Hao said something back, "Do you know who my grandfather is?", plus Xie Huilan can be a central leader when he is so young, and he can lower himself to the grassroots energy by moving his mouth. In addition to some of the things revealed in their speeches, the fool can also guess that Xie Huilan is not an ordinary person. It is probably a member of the Politburo who has retired to the second line. He may even be a deputy prime minister. Such a big figure, Dong Xuebin said It’s purely nonsense. Wiping his sweat, Dong Xuebin carefully said: "Then you said, what should I bring something?"
"There is nothing missing in the old man, um, just take some of the fruit now."
"Hey, will the fruit be too..."
"Do not get in the way, too expensive things will make the father unhappy, huh, huh, will you play chess? How about?"
Dong Xuebin said, "It will be good to go down and down..."
"That's all right, the old man likes to play chess. If you are very high, it's a hundred times stronger than playing a few games with the old man. Well, don't think so much, feel free, just like this."
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin’s heart jumped up in disappointment, and quickly went to the bedroom to open the door and flipped it over. Looking for it, looking for it, finally choosing a black suit and wearing it, going to the bathroom The beard and the nails were cut. At the end, Dong Xuebin was still not at ease. He washed his head at the fastest speed and cleaned himself up. Looking at the mirror, Dong Xuebin nodded slightly and quickly went downstairs to buy fruit.
Peace Street North Exit Road.
Of course, Dong Xuebin was not at home waiting for Xie Huilan’s phone call. It was too disrespectful. He took a large bag of fruit and looked at the north side of the road, waiting for Xie Huilan’s Audi. Not long after, the Audi with the propaganda department brand slowly stopped on the auxiliary road, and Dong Xuebin quickly went up to open the door and went to the passenger seat.
"Xie sister, let you drive to pick me up, it is..." He felt that he should buy a car.
"Do we still use so much attention? You, always take me as the leader." Xie Huilan, a lady's suit, smiled and smiled. She lifted her finger gracefully and put a CD of classical music to make melodious. The music echoed in the carriage, "...well, fasten the seat belt, let's go."
Xishan Villa.
It is famous for its royal gardens. It is surrounded by mountains and waters and has beautiful scenery. It is not only a tourist attraction, but also has a profound cultural heritage. It is one of the most famous and expensive villas in Beijing. Along the way, looking at the side of a luxurious villa building, Dong Xuebin secretly sighed, and when he was able to buy a house with him, his millions of people are obviously a garden of others. can not afford.
Ten minutes later, a three-storey villa entered the sight of Dong Xuebin.
This small building is slightly different from those seen on the road. The biggest difference is that there are no other tenants around the villa. Yes, under the green hills, there is a house standing proudly. The villa is surrounded by a wall. Inside, it should be a large garden. At the door, it is faint to see two guards armed with live ammunition guarding one by one. There is no shortage of vigilance in the solemnity. It seems that as long as there is wind and grass, the guards will aim at the gun.
Dong Xuebin’s expression was awkward and was directly shocked by this scene.
Guard? grab? Xie Jie’s grandfather...what is it?
At this time, Xie Huilan turned the steering wheel and drove the car into a garage. The garage is not connected to the villa, but a house that is not far from the side. It is large in size and is full of the size of the villa garden. There are not many cars inside, except for the two red flag cars that have been discontinued. There is a Nissan bus and an old Mercedes-Benz. Oh, there is a black 7-series BMW in the corner. The taillights are on, and there seems to be someone in the car.
Xie Huilan stepped on the brakes, "...Wei Nan's car?"
Dong Xuebin’s heart was cold.
He is coming too?

Xie Huilan smiled and hooked his lips. "The old man likes him very much. It is not only the relationship between Wei and Uncle. Wei Nan is a chess player since he was a child. It is very good under the chess, so my grandfather called Wei Nan to accompany him to kill. A plate, huh, huh, look at your eyes and know what you are thinking, yeah, people can't be seen, I played a few games with Wei Nan, but his chess ability is much higher than me."
Touch, BMW car door opened, Wei Nan smiled in a suit and a sigh of relief, "Hui Lan, how come you today?"
Xie Huilan wants to get off the window and solve the safety belt: "The old man wants to see Xiao Dong, I sent Xiao Dong to come."
At this time, Wei Nan saw Dong Xuebin on the co-pilot, and his face changed. How is Huilan with this person? Xie Lao still wants to see him? What is he based on? On time, a huge sense of crisis hit the heart Wei Nan knows that Xie Huilan has no good feelings about himself. Huilan has been delaying the engagement, but Wei Nan is good, his father and Xie Lao are also forgotten. With this, Wei Nan did not believe that Xie Huilan could have won the meaning of Xie Lao, who was a singer, so he was confident that he would marry Xie Huilan. However, the appearance of Dong Xuebin made Wei Nan feel a bit uncomfortable. Huilan seemed very special to him. The surname Dong saved the life of Huilan and kissed her. This can’t help Wei Nan want to marry, but now Huilan actually brought home the surname Dong, but also what does it mean to see Xie Lao? Wei Nan’s heart is getting more and more yin, is it Huilan’s emotion? It is impossible for the surname Dong to look like a minister who has no status and no status. He is still so younger than Huilan. How can Huilan look at him?
Pressing the uneasiness in the heart, Wei Nan smiled and tried to test: "Wu Lan, Xie Grandpa sees Xiao Dong what is it?"
Xie Huilan looked at him and smiled. "Have a chat, what's the problem?"
Wei Nan was a bit sloppy by Xie Huilan. "No problem, I just ask." Xie Huilan did not say that Wei Nan felt that there was something inside, even if the surname Dong had a life-saving grace for Hui Lan, Xie Lao would not see him personally. Right? Is it Huilan fighting for it? What does she mean by bringing her name to Dong? Is it just for retribution? For the smooth running of Dong Xuebin's future career? Wei Nan also knows that he may have thought a little more, but there is no way. The marriage with Xie Jia is too important. He has been coveted for Xie Huilan for a long time.
Dong Xuebin snorted in disbelief and quickly got out of the car. He ran to the door and opened the door to Xie.
Wei Nan was in the face, thinking about whether or not to lower the body to Xie Huilan to open the door. As a result, Dong Xuebin squeezed him and took a step ahead.
Wei Nan looked at Dong Xuebin coldly, and he was already making him a dead enemy.
"Xie sister, you slow down, look at the bottom of your feet." Dong Xuebin held the top of the hand, holding the door.
Xie Huilan smiled helplessly. "You haven't listened to it many times. We are friends. What do you call me to drive the door? Don't you do this?"
Dong Xuebin snorted and hesitated whether he should avoid it.
After waiting for two seconds, see Xiao Dong still did not move, Xie Huilan smiled and shook his head, took a high heel down a leg. Dong Xuebin thought that his politeness might have attracted a bit of resentment from the central leadership. When hesitated, he took his hand and took a step back. He did not protect her from getting off. Xie Huilan did not expect that he would move step by step at this time. After the body was found out of the car door, the other high heels would land, but the body was still not standing still, just stepped on the foot of Dong Xuebin's sudden retreat.
"唉哟" Dong Xuebin has a painful call.
Xie Huilan also lost her balance and fell to the ground.
"Hui Lan" Wei Nan has to hurry to hug people.
Hey, if you have fallen to the central leadership, then your sin can be great. When Dong Xuebin was close, he couldn’t care for his pain. He blinked his hand and hugged the past. When Xie Huilan had half an arm height from the ground, Dong Xuebin finally grabbed her neck and grabbed her. The buttocks, holding her in her arms. But because Xie Huilan’s weight was slightly larger, Dong Xuebin’s knees slammed on the ground, and he hurt his teeth.
Hey... Xie, are you okay? I rely on me.

Xie Huilan was half lying in the arms of Dong Xuebin, smiling slightly. "Is there a glimpse? I will not open the door for you later? Hehe."
Dong Xuebin is really envious of her stability, and she is not too busy, but she thinks that she is still on her buttocks, so she quickly moved her hand down and touched her thigh, and forced Xie Huilan to stand on the ground. stand up. But Xie Huilan and Dong Xuebin have just stood firm, and Wei Nan has rushed up with his eyes, and he’s squatting on Dong Xuebin’s leg,
away from Huilan

Dong Xuebin did not expect that Wei Nan would actually start, without any precautions, screaming and falling heavily on the ground.
Xie Huilan snorted and pulled her face down. "Why Wei Nan, what are you doing?"
Dong Xuebin’s pain was sweating, and this foot seemed to kick his legs.
Xie Huilan quickly squatted down and held Dong Xuebin's head in one hand: "How is Xiao Dong?" Seeing him can't say anything, Xie Huilan looked back at Wei Nan's eyes, "What do you do for me?"
Wei Nan’s chest has been filled with hate, and the date was smashed by Dong Xuebin. The fiancee was kissed by Dong Xuebin. Now Huilan is touched by Dong Xuebin’s ass, and Wei Nan’s temper is no better. Patience, his fiancée was touched and hugged by other men in front of his own face, his fiancee is not the same thing, and he laughed and smacked with the other party? Who can bear this? How to bear it? At this time, I saw Xie Huilan’s fire with herself. It was clear that she was protecting Dong Xuebin, and Wei Nan almost lost her sense.
Dong Xuebin has suffered such a big loss from childhood to big, and his leg movements can't move. It must be a fracture. I am the one on the second grandfather's auction. I still didn't count with you. You are still coming. I hired you to mess with you? Why are you so embarrassed? Still dare to marry me in the face of Xie Jie? Dong Xuebin’s fire was up, and he was beaten for no reason. He certainly wouldn’t swallow this breath.
Sudden change of picture
Dong Xuebin, who had come back to the world, couldn’t feel the pain on his feet. He only felt the hot on his knees, and he was lying on the ground. Xie Huilan, lying in her arms, looked at herself with a smile, and said with a relaxed expression: Did you see me in the future? Would you like to open the door for me? Hehe."
Dong Xuebin took a deep breath and helped Xie Huilan stand up, but his mind was all concentrated in the oblique rear.
Hey, the rush of footsteps is getting closer
Dong Xuebin secretly made a fuss, and he counted the time when he was just being shackled. Suddenly, on the side of his body, he made a big step to the left without warning.
At the same time, the foot of Hu Weinan almost wiped the legs of Dong Xuebin.
Seeing Dong Xuebin’s head did not return to escape the sneak attack, Wei Nan stunned.
Xie Huilan was reacting, and his face sank. "What are you doing with Wei Nan?"
Dong Xuebin, who avoided a foot, would let Wei Nan let him go. Seeing that he lost his center of gravity, Dong Xuebin slammed his fist and hit Wei Nan’s right face. "Is he still dare to attack me? You look for death"
a punch without a reserved punch
Wei Nan was beaten back to Audi and slammed into the door.
Xie Huilan grabbed Dong Xuebin's arm, "Xiao Dong"
Dong Xuebin didn't get rid of it. Of course, he wanted to catch him violently, but Xie Jie's face could not help but he had to exhale and forcibly suppressed the fire. "Xie, you saw it? Not me." If you want to beat him, what is the genius of a big man and the sneak attack? How much is it? You should be able to see if the quick leg of my reaction is broken by him." Dong Xuebin hates to look at it. Wei Nan, "I wondered if I didn't recruit anyone who didn't provoke anyone. Did you suddenly eat the drug? Crazy? Why am I doing?"
Wei Nan lost his face and rushed up in anger. "You die."
Xie Huilan was in front of Dong Xuebin, "Wu Nan, what do you do for me? Stop it."
Seeing his fiancée, Wei Nan was violent. "He took advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of you. Are you still facing him? I was beaten by him and you still protect him? Ah? I am your fiancé, is he your fiancé?"
Dong Xuebin said: "Go to your uncle is you first hit me, you still have him?"
Xie Huilan coldly said: "The people Xiaodong kindly helped me not let me fall. Why don't you ask if you want to call someone? Ah? Who gave you the right? Who gave you the courage? Xiao Dong is my life-saving The benefactor is the guest I invited. You too don't give me face? Wei Nan, your performance today is too disappointing, fiancé? Oh, don't say that, I will leave my words here now, let's The two things, even if my grandfather made a speech... there is no drama."
Wei Nan’s face is white.
Will Huilan say this for an outsider?

Xie Huilan blinked at him. "Outsiders? Xiaodong is able to save me when I am in trouble. When Xiao Guan is around, when people judge that I am dead, I can continue to give me artificial labor." Breathing my life is such a comeback, but what about you? With good family conditions, I have a good relationship with my grandfather, just treat my savior? Still outsiders? I tell you, I have a relationship with Xiao Dong... It’s much closer than you. In my opinion, you are an outsider."
"You two are close? I am an outsider?" Wei Nan angered and laughed. "Good" turned away.
Dong Xuebin did not expect Xie Huilan to say such awkward words, and his heart was very happy. Well said, how can such a person be the husband of Xie Jie? Even if there is pressure at home, you can't promise to ruin your life for a lifetime, but the phrase "I am close to you", cough, that sputum, is it a bit ambiguous? Seeing Wei Nan’s appearance seems to have misunderstood something, forget it, take care of him.
The atmosphere was silent for a moment.
Dong Xuebin coughed. "Xie, I can't help it. I just got a little impulsive. I shouldn't do it."
Xie Huilan waved his hand. "It’s Wei Nan’s first attack on you. It doesn’t matter to you. This Wei Nan is getting more and more like it.

Thanks to her sister’s face, Dong Xuebin knew that she did not blame herself. Her heart was moved by the darkness.
Xie, Wei Nan, this person is really not worthy of you, too arrogant, that was with the auction. We met for the first time. He was late with a bunch of friends and friends. As a result, you are late. You still don't want to find a place to sit casually. He doesn't, let me go in front of me, let me go somewhere else. You said that you have something to do?"
Xie Huilan smiled. "So, I haven’t really appreciated him. I haven’t said him, let’s go.

Dong Xuebin, um, got the fruit in the carriage and went out with the Xie Huilan out of the garage.
Bells and bells, Xie Huilan’s cell phone rang, and she picked it up.
Xiao Hao, I’m here to the old man. Why haven’t you come yet... Have you seen Wei Nan? Are you here?
Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Dong. At first glance, Xie Huilan blinked and said: "Well, the injury on his face is what you Dong Dong beat... Well, just a little something... OK, why are you doing so, waiting for us, just go ahead. Villa"
The door of the villa.
A guard facelessly stopped in front of Dong Xuebin and searched his body up and down.
This time, the tension of Dong Xuebin was tightened, and the nerves were suspended in the air.
Inside the "Sister Dong Ge", Xie Hao ran out with excitement and whispered: "What is going on? What the is going on?"
Dong Xuebin didn't speak well, and he didn't say anything.
Xie Huilan looked at Xie Hao and said something simple.
After listening, Xie Hao laughed, "Dong brother played well, played very well."
"...haha like what hahaha" Xie Huilan smiled.
Xie Hao’s neck shrank and he didn’t dare to laugh. He secretly gave a thumbs up to Dong Xuebin, and he snorted and blinked. If it wasn’t for the elder sister’s n-wei, Xie Hao wanted to play Wei Nan’s meal. He just listened to the matter. He also felt that Wei Nan should really fight. What is it, Dong Ge’s help for my sister will not work? Are you still doing a sneak attack with the back? Xie Hao also feels that this Dong Ge is really two, not only the master of fire fighting, but also the magic, well, the fight is also an expert, the sneak attack behind you can know that Wei Nan will kick in where? How big is this ability?
Xie Huilan led the way in front and did not enter the villa, but went directly to the back garden.
Hey, hey, hey, it’s the sound of the pieces falling on the board, and from time to time there is a laugh from the old man.
Huh, finally I have to see the grandfather of Xie Jie.
Be sure to perform better, don't leave a bad impression on the elderly. Your work needs to rely on others.
Inhaling, exhaling, Dong Xuebin made a deep breath. When he walked into the garden along the dense and dense stone road, Dong Xuebin’s heart was a mention, and he looked at him with a nervous look. Xie Huilan’s grandfather is the big leader who retired to the second line. It’s not a big deal. Dong Xuebin’s eyes blinked and he’s suddenly stunned.
Dong Xuebin has already prepared himself, no matter whether Xie Huilan’s grandfather is a former deputy prime minister or a former vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, he is ready. However, when I saw the white-haired old man, Dong Xuebin discovered that he was still not prepared.
I got a dizzy
What is the vice premier?
What is the vice chairman of the military commission?
Xie Jie’s grandfather... actually the general secretary of the Republic
[question for monthly ticket]
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