Chapter 287: [Catch is you! 】

Chapter 287 [Catch is you! 】
Late, eleven o'clock.
Under the night of the gray door g door, a Mercedes-Benz business slammed into the door of a hotel, and the harsh and angry brakes rang through the quiet streets, attracting many passers-by. Dong Xuebin pulled the door open and held a car with a wrathful face. He walked straight to the hotel lobby. He thought that he was rushing to save the life-saving mother, thinking about the suppression of the road, thinking about Meng Xianglin’s Face, thinking about the eyes of the Japanese delegation, Dong Xuebin has long been unable to suppress the anger, he has to calculate this account!
"Director Dong."
"The Board of Directors, are you here?"
"You tell us, we listen to you."
Several police officers waited outside the hotel and heard the sounds, and they all greeted them.
Dong Xuebin counted, there are four people, they are not too old, there are police officers, there are security departments, although Dong Xuebin can not name them one by one, but they also know them, two of them In the past, when the landslide hit, I also fought side by side with Dong Xuebin. Looking at a few of them, Dong Xuebin stretched his eyebrows: "This mission is not assigned by the bureau, nor is it directed by the county. It’s my personal decision. I am responsible for the responsibility. I have nothing to do with you.
"Director Dong, what are you saying?"
"Yeah, we are not afraid of things!"
Dong Xuebin waved his hand. "No need to say more, go!"
Many leaders may not like Dong Xuebin because his temper is too stinky. Many things don't take into account the impact. No one knows what he will do in the next second, but Dong Xuebin's subordinates often treat him. I am very respectful, because he is very caring for his subordinates. Sometimes he would rather take some responsibility and protect the following people. This is related to Dong Xuebin’s previous life experience, and it is also his favorite place, so he is in the county and county. When the Public Security Bureau explicitly ordered the investigation team not to be investigated, there were so many people who dared to stand on Dong Xuebin’s side to listen to his orders.
In the hall.
The two front desk sisters were suspiciously watching a few people coming in.
Dong Xuebin walked in the forefront. While walking, he reached out and went into his arms to get a work permit. He stood at the front desk and took the documents to the table. "Public security, find out which room Zhang Zhifeng lives in!"
The front desk clerk looked at the badge on the document and checked it on the computer. "At 15."
"Well, take the room card of 15 and follow me." Dong Xuebin said.
"Sorry." The waitress hesitated: "I need to call our manager..."
Dong Xuebin interrupted: "I will say it again, take the room card of 15 and follow me!"
The waitress looked at another duty, but she had no choice but to find a spare room card. When she went to the elevator, she pressed it. Hey, the elevator door opened. She took Dong Xuebin and several police officers on the third floor. After coming out, follow the corridor to the right and turn, after a dozen steps, the waitress stopped, look at the business room with 15 brands on the left side, hesitate, gently use the room card on the netbsp; drop.
The door locks and the door opens.
Dong Xuebin waved his hand and signaled the waitress to lean over. In the back, the two police officers rushed in.
"Who is it?" Someone shouted in the room with vigilance.
Dong Xuebin also stepped into the house and opened the chandelier. He saw Zhang Zhifeng, the driver of the Japanese delegation on the netg. He was sleeping, and he was sitting on the netg in autumn. Take advantage of Dong Xuebin’s few guests.
A police officer cold channel: "Zhang Zhifeng?"
Zhang Zhifeng looks at them, "...what?"
The police said: "What do you say! Give me clothes!"
Next to the police: "At about 6 o'clock in the evening, you are suspected of driving and personal injury, and injured the Citroen owner and his wife. At around 9:00 pm, you hit the driver without a license. After the case, the driver fled the scene and was suspected. Anecdote escape, and even suspect that you are deliberately killing, take a trip with us!" This police button is not much worse than the road, directly to him to press the top killing hat.
Zhang Zhifeng angered: "Walk with you? Which public security bureau do you have?"
The police officer said: "There are still several public security bureaus in Yantai County? Don't talk nonsense! Can't you go?"
"How many times have I told you! Ah? It’s not the one I hit! It’s the woman who deliberately hit me! Didn’t you have the Secretary Meng said that it’s okay? Grab the person? Who gave you the right? Why?
The fire seemed to be bigger than them. When I picked up the phone, I turned up the number. "When I call you Meng, what are you doing? Just grab people! There is no Wangfa!"
Daddy, Dong Xuebin grabbed his head and said, "It’s you!"
"Ah!" Zhang Zhifeng screamed in pain.
Dong Xuebin screamed at him and took him to the netg. The phone in Zhang Zhifeng’s hand slammed into the ground, and did not fight. Dong Xuebin squinted and pulled his head to a place very close to his eyes. Coldly staring at his eyes, "If you don't know, I will tell you! Your Meng is the China Merchants Bureau! It is two departments with the Public Security Bureau! If you think Meng Xianglin has the final say! I think he can manage the Public Security Bureau. Child! Then you will call him after you enter the dark room! See if he can keep you out!"
Zhang Zhifeng fire said: "You give me away!"
Dong Xuebin glanced at his collar and threw him to the ground, "take away!"
The policeman was also welcome. When Zhang Zhifeng’s hand directly held him, he pressed him and went outside.
Zhang Zhifeng shouted in his mouth, and at the end he also called the names of several people who came with him. He noticed that he was already crying for help. They all lived on the same floor, not the door-to-door or the door. When they heard the movement outside, three Japanese people immediately rushed out. One was a secretary, the other was a staff member, and the other was a bodyguard. Class of people.
Zhang Zhifeng said what he said in Japanese. When a few Japanese people heard it, they suddenly caught fire. The secretary called quickly, and the other two stepped forward to push them. They tried to bring Zhang Zhifeng back when they were in Japanese, and they were not allowed to take them. . Although Dong Xuebin did not understand what the other party was saying, but also knew that it was not a good word, you pushed me to push me, the scene is a bit 1uan.
The police annoyed: "Public security case! Give me aside!"
The two Japanese did not listen, and they looked at them with anger, and no one would let them go.
Dong Xuebin, who was on the side, had no words, and he looked at them over there. He had never been pleasing to the eyes of these Japanese. When he hit Xiao Xiaoping, they were sitting in the car, but they were alone. I didn’t call the ambulance so much that I drove away so much. After hitting people, I was still smashing Zhang Cheng. It’s just that there is no king, and I don’t put the people of the Republic in my eyes!
"Director Dong, what should I do?" the police officer asked.
The police was pushed by the Japanese bodyguard and almost fell. "Board!"
Dong Xuebin’s eyes were cold, and he lifted his feet without saying anything. The cold sighed and slammed the past, and the slamming sound of the slamming, the shoes fell to the Japanese bodyguard’s tuǐ, seeing the other side’s left tu ǐ, and Dong Xuebin stepping again. A big step ahead, the knees slammed up, suddenly squatting on the man's stomach, the bodyguards sweated down, softly fell to the ground, coughing against the floor.
Zhang Zhifeng said with anger: "Do you still dare to beat people?"
Dong Xuebin ignored him. When he saw another Japanese still pushing a policeman, he slaps the past and directly gives the Japanese a mouth. The man’s brain stunned and almost fainted. Dong Xuebin loudly Road: "Bad law enforcement! Public attack police! These two people also took me away!"
A few police officers listened, and the courage was strong, and the two men were also pressed down three times!
The waitress next to me looked silly. She knew that these Japanese people were not ordinary. When they were staying, the manager also deliberately passed, but the police who want to lead the police would dare to beat people and even take them. Grab? Huh? They just called Director Dong? This is the director of the Public Security Bureau. No wonder so bold! I heard that Director Dong has even captured the relatives of the county party secretary! This kind of thing can't be done by ordinary people!
"Where to catch me!"
The screams are endless.
"This is what you started first. The word attacking police is also in Japan? Don't catch who you catch!" Dong Xuebin looked at the waitress and said: "Do you have monitoring equipment on this floor of your hotel? Take me In the past, the person copied a copy of the video and left it in the Public Security Bureau for evidence. "Dong Xuebin remembered to pack up and clean them up, so he never said anything, just waiting for the opportunity, seeing that they dared to push the police to obstruct the law enforcement. They will be ruthless, just take the opportunity to take people away, even kick and take a good breath! The reason why the mother was sick and fainted, and several of them and Meng Xianglin had full responsibility!
Outside the hotel, several people who took the delegation were put on the bus.
Dong Xuebin looked at a police officer: "The evening's beatings, the night's anecdote escape, and the just assaulting the police, immediately recorded the case for me and deposited it into the county bureau's system."
"Yes, I will do it."
"Go, go back!" Dong Xuebin pulls the door and gets on the bus!
This time the Japanese delegation came to invest in the big event in Yantai County. I don’t know how many eyes are staring at it. When something happened here, the news spread immediately. The county party secretary was also alarmed. He heard Dong Xuebin. The arrested people were arrested, and two Japanese people were also beaten at the hotel. They were angry at Dao Dun, and hanged the phone call from Zhou’s secretary and dialed Liang Chengpeng’s mobile phone.
"Liang Chengpeng! What do you do for me!" asked the voice loudly!
Liang Chengpeng squatted, "What happened to the secretary?" He has not received the news.
"Dong Xuebin arrested the people in the delegation! He grabbed three! What is he going to do? Ah? I asked him what he wants!" To the road fire: "Noisy!"
Liang Chengpeng’s face changed slightly.
There may be misunderstandings...

" Needless to say, you go in person, immediately put people out!" Dudu, the phone was broken.
Liang Chengpeng’s face was not very good-looking. After walking a few laps in the house, he called Dong Xuebin’s phone in one fell swoop.
Dong! How do you do it! Let it go!

Dong Xuebin, who is still in the car, said faintly: "Director Liang, not my Dong Xuebin is not reasonable. I just want a fair, so difficult? Let people? My mother is being rescued, I don't know if I can save it! The wounded are dying! Is it such a big case that I can't even catch people? I don't understand it! Who is this law for? The people in the delegation are people! My mom is not a person?"
Liang Chengpeng glanced, "Your mother is dying?"
"Liang, I know what I am doing, and I will bear the consequences of this!"
Hanging up the phone, Liang Chengpeng immediately went to an acquaintance of the County People's Hospital. "Hey, my old Liang, what happened to Dong's mother... Rescue? What happened? Isn't it still a big problem at night? You said... um... what? After Meng went to the office..." After understanding the situation, Liang Chengpeng slammed the mobile phone on the table, and he was just annoyed at Dong Xuebin’s behavior. But it is no longer talking.
He understands Dong Xuebin's current mood.
The mother’s life and death are unknown, but the driver who hits the man is at large, and who has received it?
If this is not a serious injury, it is better to say, but now, Xiaoping Xiaoping has been sent to the rescue room. Her sudden illness is obviously affected by the car accident. Later, Meng Xianglin did not know what to say to her, which caused The current situation, such a bad accident escape event has been completely different from the quality of the evening, Dong Xuebin arrested people, who can not say anything, this is a matter of righteousness!
Liang Chengpeng smacked his face and took the picture, this Meng Xianglin!
His heart has begun to favor Dong Xuebin. Liang Chengpeng feels that the handling of the secretary is too sloppy in this matter. How can Dong get rid of you, but that is also the cadre of Yantai County, his mother was hit by a car. How can I not ask the driver for the accident? Even let Meng Xianglin threaten Xiao Xiaoping? What is this called his mother? it's good now! If Xiao Xiaoping is really three long and two short! According to Dong’s temper, this can be...
For a time, Liang Chengpeng was in a dilemma. After knowing that Xiaoping Xiaoping was in critical condition, he could not call Dong to let him go. He thought about it. He thought of a person, the relationship between Xie County and Dong. It seems to be good, this is only to find the county magistrate.
a phone call...
Two calls...
Three calls...
Can be biased, this time actually can not contact Xie Huilan.
Liang Chengpeng u brain, generally like the county party secretary, the county magistrate, the mobile phone is basically not closed, are turned on at 24 o'clock, in order to prevent sudden incidents, but now can not contact the county magistrate, this ... Liang Chengpeng knows I have had so many things in one night. Xie Huilan can’t receive any news. Since she is still silent and has no position, she can basically understand God as... she acquiesced in Dong’s actions, otherwise she should I have stood up to stop him. Isn’t it a statement?
This is not easy to do! Liang Chengpeng sighed.
Outside the County People's Hospital, Mercedes-Benz business and two police cars parked on the side of the road.
Zhang Zhifeng said: "Give me a call! I want to talk to your leader!"
"Too little sorrow!" Dong Xuebin smashed his foot and closed the police car door in the screams of Zhang Zhifeng's screaming screams. He said to the people around him: "Put them back, I have already greeted me, directly shutting down the dark house." , interrogate overnight, don't let them feel comfortable!"
When a few people waited for Dong Xuebin to leave, they went to the police car and went to the county public security bureau.
Dong Xuebin was worried and worried about his mother's situation. He still had to go back to the Public Security Bureau and stepped into the hospital compound to go to the rescue room. It’s been more than 30 minutes since my mom went in, but the lights inside are still on, I don’t know what the result is. Be sure to be okay, you must be fine. Dong Xuebin leaned against the wall, licking his face and groaning, secretly praying for his mother.
"Director Dong?" A doctor passed by.
Dong Xuebin hurriedly said: "How is it inside? Is my mother all right?"
Dafu said: "It is not clear, just tested, the myocardial enzyme is suddenly marked, suspected to be acute xìng myocardial infarction, Liu Dafu immediately gave your mother an angiogram, several directors just came over, are in consultation, right, need to do for a while Interventional surgery, please sign a word."
"Myocardial infarction?" Dong Xuebin's face was white.
After the doctor comforted a few words, the rescue room will be diagnosed, and a stent intervention is needed.
Dong Xuebin did not dare to delay, and quickly signed the word.
Door closed!
The surgery has begun!
Dong Xuebin turned around in anxiously, squatting on the wall and closing his eyes. The mouth was slightly shaking, and his heart mentioned the eyes of the blind.
Suddenly, the bell rings, the bell rings, and the phone rings!
Dong Xuebin started the mobile phone, "Hey."
It was called to the secretary of the secretary came up and quarreled: "Director Dong! Do you know what your behavior belongs to? Even the superior order does not listen? What are you doing? You? Give it to me! Get it down to the secretary! Release it immediately! Send the person back to the delegation!"
Dong Xuebin was angry at once, "I will send you a grandfather!"
Secretary Zhou yelled: "What are you talking about?"
"My mom is still in the hospital to rescue! I am catching an anecdote driver to control what you are doing? Let me send the perpetrator Baba back? Are you eating wrong? Are you sick or am I sick?" Dong Xuebin He said: "I want to let people go, and things that escape and smuggle people have been filed. I don't have the right to dismiss the case. You come to the Public Security Bureau to sign a word, or let the secretary Give me a lot of approval, as long as you guarantee, my mother will release it now!"
Secretary Zhou was furious and didn't expect him to have a dirty word.
Of course, it is impossible for him to sign, and it is impossible for the secretary to make any approvals. Otherwise, who is responsible for the responsibility? What's more, he heard that Xiao Xiaoping had no injuries in advance, how can he be rescued now? In this case, it is even more impossible to make a lotion. What if Xiao Xiaoping has something to do? Isn't that leaving the handle to someone else?
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