Chapter 493: [Last words! 】

Kilometers high above the sky.
A panic and grief sentiment spread quickly.
The emergency escape door could not be opened. All you can do now is to look forward to the successful landing of the aircraft.
In the shaking of the cabin army, Dong Xuebin m took out his mobile phone and opened the plane. Before the death, he wanted to listen to the voice of his family. Many of them could not let go.
The cell phone signal broke out two squares, as if you could make a call. It’s not that the mobile phone can’t work on the plane, but because the mobile phone signal will always affect the flight information and communication of the ground base and the ground base. Therefore, the airline prohibits the passenger from opening the mobile phone, but now the aircraft has crashed. Nothing can be said that Dong Xuebin directly dialed the phone of his mother.
Dudu... Dudu... Dudu.
Hey, the phone is connected, "Hey..." Bin............ You are... come back..."
Xiao Xiaoping's voice is intermittent and the signal is very bad.
When I heard the voice of my mother, Dong Xuebin’s voice suddenly choked, "Mom."

How is it so messy?
Xiao Xiaoping said strangely:
What sound is there over you? You are,

"Well, Judy in the disco, it's a bit noisy, huh, huh."
"How come to that kind of place? With 〗 〖Day, don't run, come back early, come back before you come..., call, mom, give you the house to pick up."
Dong Xuebin’s heart is sour, there is a stomach to say, but he can’t say it.
"Xiao Bin? Did you hear Mom talking?"
"Mom, thank you."
"Tell this dry."
"Nothing, just want to thank you." After finishing this sentence, Dong Xuebin's eyes were unconsciously wet, rubbing his eyes, Dong Xuebin himself could not remember how many years did not flow through the tears, "...
Mom, Lao Yang is good, in the future... you will live with Lao Yang.

Xiao Xiaoping's voice is high. "Suddenly said this... What happened? Xiaobin, where are you? Don't lie to Mom, tell Mom what?" "Oh, nothing."
"You want to die urgently? What are you talking about!"
Look at the choppy sea below, and cried around the crying crowd, Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm good, mom, you... take care!" "Xiao Bin! You..." Dong Xuebin hung up the phone.
One kilometer...
Nine hundred meters...
Eight hundred meters...
The out-of-control plane continually glides towards the reef island on the sea!
There is only one minute left in the calculation!
Dong Xuebin looked at the mobile phone for a few seconds, and finally dialed the mobile phone number, toot, toot, and pass.
Xu is close to the ground, and the signal has turned better.
"Hey? Isn't it on the plane? How can I call?" He said, "I haven't caught the plane yet?" "... um."
"Hey? Is that messy on your side?" "... um."
"How can you talk about small things?" Dong Xuebin swears, and a thousand words are blocked in the eyes of the blind man. He wants to tell him that he may not go back. He wants to tell him how much he loves her and loves children. When I got to the mouth, I couldn’t say it. Dong Xuebin was inhaling, and the tone suddenly became severe. "Hey, I thought about it, the trick is still not suitable, knocked the child off, let’s Don't meet again, you are looking for a good man to marry."
The face is slightly changed, "What do you say!" "I didn't make a joke with you."
"Don't get rid of your child? Are you serious? You have the ability to say it again!"
"In short, take care of yourself in the future."
"What happened? Do you know what you are talking about?" I was just fine when I called. I don't understand how Xiaobin changed like a person, and killed the child? Let yourself marry?
"Telephone to me!" Xie Huilan’s voice suddenly burst into cold and said: "What are you doing?"
Dong Xuebin blinked and bit his teeth: "You open the hands-free, I have something to say to you." After waiting, Dong Xuebin said: "I figured it out now, I am not a world with you at the beginning." People can't live together at all, and I don't have any feelings for you from the very beginning. What loves you and loves her is nonsense and even thinks that you are particularly annoying. You don't even want to see you.
Five hundred meters...
Four hundred meters...
time is limited!
Xie Xilan, Emei, "Do you kid drinking?"
"I am very awake now. This is my heart. From now on, we will be ruthless. No one will contact anyone anymore. You will take your Yangguan Road and I will cross my wooden bridge."
Silence for a second, "...what do you want your Xie sister to answer?"
Dong Xuebin bite the back groove: "Say good." "...good."
The shaking of the cabin is getting bigger and bigger. Dong Xuebin is holding the handrail of the front row. "Xie, I promised me to find a good man to marry and have a good time."
"……it is good."
"Let you agree!" He shouted: "What happened!"
Dong Xuebin loudly said: "You promise first! Hurry!"
"Good! Go marry! Go tomorrow!"
Dong Xuebin finally put down the last trace of concern.
However, Xie Huilan suddenly said coldly: "I promised you, but you have to promise me one thing, no matter what happens, your kid must give me alive back!"
"What are you talking about, I am fine."
"Is there something wrong with the plane? Stupid! Can't you hear it?"
Dong Xuebin did not speak.
"I know that your kid is big! Bullets can't kill you! The mudslides are drowning you! Promise me! Give me back safely! I heard no! I want you to come back! Stand in front of me!!" Meter……
Two hundred and fifty meters...
"promise me!"
"I want you to promise me!!"
Dong Xuebin slowly, "..."... I promised.

Dudu, signal interference, the phone is broken.
go back? How do you go back in this situation? The plane is very close to the island. From this angle, the nose is difficult to lift, and the angle of forced landing is not big. Unless the miracle happens, it is difficult to escape the end of a machine crash! One can't live!
Another hundred meters!
One hundred meters!
Fifty meters!
The screams and the roar of the cabin vibrations are mixed yù聋!
Dong Xuebin's body violently bumped. He clenched his seat belt and oxygen mask, and returned to his ear to laugh at the last shout of Xie Huilan. His heart gradually ignited a reluctant thought!
Grass his uncle!
The horizontal is also dead and vertical is also dead! The buddy is fighting!
Dong Xuebin’s eyes were stunned, and he kept a close eye on the position outside the window. The fists were tied together and he was ready to fight with the final strength!
He wants to go back!
He wants to go back! @.
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