: Countess and her lover

Countess and her lover

Wu Fei immediately covered his neck with his hand, and looked at Shen Xing vigilantly: "Brother Xing, you are already full, you must develop sustainably, and you cannot just go fishing in a marsh."
"Last time you chose impermanence." The blood clan said calmly.
"I have my revenge."
Wu Fei hesitated, and finally put down his hand, compromised in a low voice: "Brother, you can only eat a little more... We still have business to do."
The blood race responded softly, stretched out his hand to embrace the young man in front of him, and pressed his lips to the warm neck of the human being.

After a long while, the blood clan finally let go of Wu Fei, but still leaned against him, sitting lazily and gracefully on the sofa with half-closed eyes.
He wore a black elegant dress, with silver ornaments and dark red gemstones as decorations on the belt, cuff buttons and bow tie.
He looked very comfortable at this time, and Wu Fei could only feel that it seemed that he would feel sleepy when he was full, which was also applicable to the vampires.
Wu Fei always felt that his attire of Xingshen was using his actions to dispel rumors: money is useless to me.
At this moment, Mr. Koala came back, and he said:
"The owner of this manor, I hope everyone can play a game with it."
"Now let's announce the rules of the game."
"Now we have a total of three teams with twelve guests participating in the game. The host will play the role of the judge, and the twelve guests will play other roles in the game. Different roles have different abilities. The guests of each team will play their own roles. form a camp."
"The Earl of the Judgment will randomly select a character to execute every night. When there are more than one faction left in the castle, the game will continue on the next day; only when only one faction survives in the castle, then At the end of the game, the team belonging to the surviving camp wins and can continue to move forward.

"If the count is dead and there is no new count before the game is decided, the current round of the game will end early, and a new round will be restarted. This cycle continues until the winner emerges."
"First, four of you, please draw your respective roles."
Koala took out an opaque box from his clothes like magic, handed it to everyone, and asked everyone to draw a card from it.
Wu Fei saw that the card he drew said "Countess".
"One hour later, it will be 10:00 p.m., and the game will officially start. Before that, please go back to your room."
"And here is the information of all the characters participating in the game and a few precautions for your reference."
Koala put a piece of paper on the table in the living room, and then left the living room, leaving space for Wu Fei and the others.
Yuan Sanpang said: "Because this floor is within 1,000 floors? It feels much more complicated than the previous floors. Wu Fei, do you understand what this game rule means?"
"Well." Wu Fei explained, "This game is somewhat similar to a board game played by 13 people. The game is divided into two big camps—one person plays the role of the adjudicator Earl, and the other 12 people play roles that may be randomly executed. .

"Normally speaking, in the game, the other 12 characters should unite to find the earl hidden in the crowd, kill him, and win. But in this game, the victory condition has nothing to do with the earl, but as long as other A total of 8 characters from both teams are dead, we are alive, we will win."
"It's like three people meeting a wolf, and the wolf will only kill two people. As long as you become the last one left, you can win."
"Under this rule, everyone will have the motivation to use their character abilities to harm the characters of other camps and let them be eliminated early, instead of uniting to deal with the count."
Yuan Sanpang nodded: "Now I understand. Let's look at our roles."
"My role is an ordinary attendant, it seems useless."
As Yuan Sanpang said, he took out his character card, which read:
【Player No. 8-Ordinary Guest-Room 203】
Ordinary guests who came to the manor didn't need to do anything, but they didn't have any special abilities. They might be secretly executed by the earl one day.
Yuan Lao also showed his role card at the same time: "I am a doctor."
His character card reads:
[Player No. 2 - Doctor - Room 201]
A professional doctor in the castle.
"Resurrection Elixir" You have a bottle of Resurrection Elixir, which can bring a character who died last night back to life. This vial can also be used on yourself when you learn that you are dead.
"Deadly Poison" You have a bottle of deadly poison, which can let the koala steward put it in the drinking water of any character, and the poisoned person will undoubtedly die.
Wu Fei spread out his role card: "Mine is the countess."
I saw the silhouette of an elegant and graceful noble lady printed on the back of his card, and on the front it read:
[Player No. 10 - Countess - Room 401]
Spouse of the Earl, Mistress of the Manor. But after marrying into the manor, he has not seen the earl himself.
"Mistress' Privilege": You can ask the koala butler once a day "whether a certain player is an earl", and the koala will only answer "yes" or "no".
"Noble Status": The Earl will not take the initiative to choose the Countess as the target of execution.
"Love Killing": If you already know the identity of the earl, you will get a chance to assassinate the earl. The success rate of the assassination is related to the accumulated number of successful private meetings with your lover. When there are less than three private meetings, the success rate is 0%; when there are three private meetings, the success rate is 50%; when there are six private meetings, the success rate is 100%.
"Li Dai Tao Zombie": If both the countess and the lover remain alive when the count character dies, the countess can appoint the lover to pretend to be the count and continue to perform the tasks of the count role.
Special restrictions:
"Romantic relationship": At least one day out of every three days, go to the room of the "lover" and have a private meeting with the "lover" all night. "Lover" can only be spawned among players of the same faction as the Countess.
"Crime of Infidelity": When the count chooses his lover as the target of execution, if it happens to be the night when the countess and her lover meet, the count will break the romantic relationship between the two and execute the countess together. In this case, the character must die, cannot be resurrected, and cannot be sheltered.
Yuan Sanpang looked at the cards full of words in shock: "Your status is so powerful."
"But it says that your lover will definitely appear among the players of the same faction, so it's just..." He said, his eyes involuntarily turned to Shen Xing beside him.
Prince Shen turned over the ID card in his hand expressionlessly, and saw that it read as expected:
[Player No. 3 - Lover - Room 301]
Originally the tutor of the Countess, she later became a lover instead of her, and accompanied her to the Earl's manor as a tutor.
Special restrictions:
"Romantic relationship": At least one day out of every three days, have an overnight private meeting with the "Countess" in his room. "Countess" can only be spawned among players of the same faction as the lover.
"Crime of Infidelity": When the count chooses his lover as the target of execution, if it happens to be the night when the countess and her lover meet, the count will break the romantic relationship between the two and execute the countess together. In this case, the character must die, cannot be resurrected, and cannot be sheltered.
special power:
"Li Dai Tao Zombie": If the count character dies, both the countess and the lover remain alive. Under the designation of the countess, the lover can replace the count, own the count's character card, and inherit all the count's abilities, restrictions and tasks. The original lover role The card is invalid, and his identity is changed to "Earl" at the Koala Steward.
Seeing that Prince Shen seemed slightly displeased, Yuan Sanpang immediately said, "Hey, how did you draw this card? How could you arrange Feifei as the Countess and let Xingshen be your lover? It's too inappropriate. I think We should get rid of that earl and support Xingshen."
"At present, it seems that this is indeed our optimal strategy, but the players of other teams will definitely prevent the lover from replacing the earl, otherwise it will be too bad for them. Let's take a look at what identities other players may get. What is the way to deal with us?"
As Wu Fei said, he took the paper left by Koala, read it to others while reading it
Including the owner of the manor, among the thirteen players, there are 4 ordinary guests and 9 special characters.
The remaining 6 special characters are:
1.【The Earl's Lover】
The count's lover, always hoping to catch the countess.
"Jealousy": You can ask the koala steward once a day "whether a certain player is a lover", and the koala will only answer "yes" or "no".
"Beloved": The first night will not be the target of execution.
"Information": Report to the earl that a character is a lover through the koala housekeeper. You can only report once, and the earl will definitely execute the character that night. Invalid if the accused character is a count.
The Count's lover's bodyguard.
"Revenge": If the Earl's lover dies, you can choose a character to kill (just tell the koala housekeeper).
"The [guard] and [the earl's lover] must be in the same camp. And they must be in a different camp from the [countess] [lover]."
3. Confidant
Responsible for assisting the earl in handling the work.
"Documentation": There is an opportunity to ask the koala steward "what is the identity of a certain player", and the koala steward will tell the truth.
4. The Old Noble
A respectable old nobleman, the earl's uncle.
"Reputation": You will not be the target of execution on the first night.
"Blessing": It can only be used once, so that a certain player cannot be executed that night.
5. Assassins
An assassin who infiltrated the castle.
"Assassination": It can only be used once, and a player can be assassinated at night (just tell the koala steward).
"Desperate Fight": When you die, you can choose a character to kill (just tell the koala housekeeper).
6. Earl
The owner of this manor.
"Execution Right": You can and must freely choose a character that can be executed for execution every night.
"Anonymous": The Earl will conceal his identity during his daytime activities, and he will not and cannot reveal his identity in any way.
"His Lady": The Count knows which player is the Countess, but he cannot reveal this information to other players in any way, nor can he choose to execute the Countess.
"Indistinguishable": The Earl knew which two players could not be executed on the first night, and also knew that one of the two players was his lover and the other was his uncle and old nobleman, but he couldn't tell the difference between the two players. who is who.
"Heart blindness": He has no idea what the identities of other players are.
After the role introduction, there are notes attached:
"Dear guests, I am the koala steward, please note the following:
1. Guests are not allowed to attack other guests by means other than the character's ability, and violators will be expelled from the game;
2. When the character dies, the role player will not die, but will be sent to the next house and exit the game, so please rest assured to play;
3. Every night from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the next day is the count's execution time. During this period, except for characters with special abilities or restrictions, other characters must stay in their own rooms. For special roles, I will remind and notify you when you can act;
4. Every day during the day, you will have the opportunity to have a group discussion. I will organize everyone to have an orderly discussion. After the discussion, please go back to your room. I will provide to those who need it. Every evening, I will provide 1 hour of secret discussion opportunities for players of each faction;
5. Guests are not allowed to leave their rooms or have private contact with other guests during non-discussion time, nor can they show your ID cards to guests who are not from the camp in any way. You can call each other digital codes when communicating;
6. The initial earl does not belong to any camp, and does not care which camp wins in the end, but he will hope that he can participate in the whole game, and at the end of the game, there are as few surviving characters as possible.
7. For balance considerations, each camp will have at least one ordinary guest with no abilities. "
This turned out to be a pure reasoning game, and there was no danger. Economists should have stayed if they had known earlier, and there was no need to rush to recruit new partners. Wu Fei thought regretfully.
But now it is only 15 minutes away from 10 o'clock, time is urgent, he can only explain as soon as possible:
"Three Fatty, you just stay in your room honestly tonight and don't worry about anything."
"Old Yuan, save your poison to kill the Earl, don't use it for now. It makes sense for me and Xingshen to live together. Only the Earl and the assassin can kill tonight, and the Earl will not come to kill me. You, me, Xingshen The probability of all dying is very low. If Yuan Sanpang dies, there is no need to save him, but if you, me or Xingshen die, we can use medicine to revive him.

Finally, he looked at the blood clan: "Brother Xing, I won't go to you tonight."
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