Chapter 433: More radical! [For subscription]

All the sheriff's aircraft fled, destroyed and destroyed, and there was no longer a battle group over the earth city.
Only the shards of the ground on the ground, telling the horrors of the war before.
Jia Yan and Dai Fu Ni stood together.
"I didn't expect you to become so much stronger." Da Fu Ni smiled lightly.
Jia Yan froze, then shook his head with a smile in his heart.
"Well, our things will speed up next. I don't even know what the response of those interstellar civilizations will be tomorrow."
"Tomorrow they will not come. In fact, we still have at least three days, because the news will pass back, and those civilizations also need time to digest. And on this planet, any civilization on either side wants to act. Starting to move the whole body, even if the Otto civilization ca n’t really talk to other civilizations, they do it to us. They spend all their time on us, so there is at least three days left.
Dai Fu Ni said Road.
Jia Yan has always admired Da Fu Ni's analytical ability, and the other party came to the same time as him, but he knew much more than him, which is also the most admired place in Jia Yan's heart.
Hearing Da Fu Ni's analysis, he felt a little loose in his heart, so he continued to ask less nervously: "Three days is still too short. Your gravitational wave instrument can't be made right? So what are your plans ? "
He decided to trust Da Fu Ni more. After all, Da Fu Ni had a certain mind, but a series of things showed that he really wanted to cooperate with him. And the so-called wise, it also made a lot of mistakes. At least Jia Yan understands that after mastering the force that the other party cannot defeat, even if the woman has any thoughts, she cannot resist herself!
"That's right! Some of the supplies have been damaged, and the people in Earth City can no longer be as efficient as before. Therefore, the instrument cannot be completed in three days, let alone three days, not even ten days. Can be good! "
Differney analyzed.
"My suggestion is that we cannot give up the forces and people here in the Earth City, but it will be more dangerous to stay here, even on the yellow and yellow stars. So ... the decision I said before is really the decision It's time to make up your mind. What do you think? "
Dai Funi looked at Jia Yan with great eyes. At this moment, she was eager to look.
Previous decision?
Jia Yan froze, and then sighed softly.
He knows what the "decision" of Da Fu Ni is, which is what Da Fu Ni has been working on.
Now that the other party has said this so-called decision at this moment, what she wants to do next is already very clear. But Jia Yan understood that the difficulty and danger of this matter made him unable to believe that Dai Fu Ni, who had always been conservative, would want to try this thing.
But until now, if you do n’t do that, in this golden desert where there is no escape, they will face the revenge of the Ostos next without any hope of victory ...
After much deliberation, Jia Yan knew that there was no other way than to make what Daifuni called a "decision."
"Okay, then I'll do what you said. Now that your decision is destined to make us more aggressive. So to ensure combat effectiveness is necessary, then I must rest to restore energy and give I'll send some nutrient solution. "
After Jia Yan reluctantly agreed with Da Fu Ni ’s ‘decision’, he flew towards the interior of Huangzhou. His former place of residence, ‘Yi Dian’, was already torched by the sheriff ’s aircraft. Now he can only find a quiet place to rest. After all, the previous battle still wastes a lot of his energy.
After Jia Yan took off, the beautiful woman stood for a long time and looked at Jia Yan's soaring body ...
After that she slowly gazed up. The conversation between the two seemed relaxed, but they knew that at this time, they and Earth City were in an extremely dangerous situation!
The sheriff's attack was beyond their expectations. What was even more unexpected was that the Ostos actually sent a battleship to assist the battle. Although this battleship was destroyed by a large mosquito relying on its powerful strength, it made the Earth City here, seen by all forces!
The next thing is nothing but storms.
"Too little time. I originally thought we could conduct our actions in a more hidden way, but I didn't expect to be confronted with the Osto civilization so quickly." She sighed, and then dragged on after the war, she looked incomparable. Tired body, headed to the temporary meeting place of the Earth City.
Jia Yan can leave the shopkeeper and leave under an excuse to repair energy, but she cannot do so. After all, it is her who wants to keep the Earth City. Jia Yan has never paid much attention to the Earth City.
Earth City, a new and emerging force that originally came in and thrived, has become incredibly dilapidated at this moment, and the flames are constantly burning. Those gray and pale trees can be burned for a long time at this moment, although they have defeated the coalition of the sheriff and the Ostos But Earth City is still a miserable look.
The people in Earth City finally came back from the joy of victory, looking at the burning fire and the broken walls, and even a dead body that could not be distinguished, all the living bodies were a little lost at this moment.
Wars in the Jin Mo, although there are often large-scale wars of 10,000 or more, have you ever encountered such a terrible scene? !! A small earth city has actually caused the attack of the sheriff's coalition and the Otto warships! This matter is simply the most terrible event in Jin Mo's history.
A corpse is telling the tragic battle. Even if the Earth City wins, it will definitely be a terrible victory. At this moment in the Earth City, the population is dying and fleeing. The rest is less than one-eighth of the original, and there are no people at all.
However, most of these 10,000 people are experiencing a strong presence in the flames of war. Even if they are not strong, at least they have the experience of experiencing the flames of war. In the future, they will face such tragedies again without too much panic.
Members of the Earth City, who stay here, are some who have become firm and stayed in this force. Their thoughts of staying here may have their own reasons, but these people did not escape during the battle, and many even paid their own strength to contribute to the defense of the Earth City, so they can be trusted at this time , Dai Fu Ni also did not hesitate her trust, quickly dispatch some important things!
Those strong ones, and some of the chase sheriff ’s aircraft did not return. Maybe some of them may never return. After all, not everyone is a fool. Although the Earth City won, the big mosquito was destroyed by an Austrian ship. The Stowe battleships, at this moment, they pitted themselves against the Osto civilization. That was not a simple thing to do with the sheriff, because the Osto civilization was a member of the gray and yellow star fighting forces. Their strength was not at all. Sheriffs can compare!
Let's go. Whatever the reason, Da Fu Ni is friendly to them.
Because she understood that most of the previous Earth City relied on force and threats to control the people under control, but now these people have experienced a war or have a lot of sense of belonging to the Earth City.
Most members of Earth City have started spontaneous fire fighting and rescued some wounded. At this moment, they have a much stronger sense of belonging to the Earth City.
"Kaga, let's go back and see, maybe Uncle Luca they haven't died yet."
Two young children, supporting each other at this moment, walked continuously in the rubble. Beside them are huge and incomparable corpses. Facing this scene, they are still groping around. It seems that they want to learn the adults and find some wounded for treatment.
Lulu seems to have a lot of nostalgia for the living beings in the bar. At this moment, he pulls Kaga and moves towards the bar in the impression.
Caga seemed to want to say something, but he refused to say anything, because he also knew that Lulu knew the results at all, but at this time wanted to pass, but he did not want to believe the facts!
Perhaps this little companion will not give up if she does not confirm it with her own eyes! Kaga didn't refuse, so he followed Lulu through several ruins, and then saw the building where the bar was.
There was long attacked by the sheriff's red light and turned into a sea of ​​fire.
There may be attacks coming back here, so there is not much left of the building, there are only some collapsed walls and a half-buried bar counter.
When Lulu came here, tears began to appear in her bright eyes. When she saw the octopus body that had become coke by Luca's boss, the tears finally turned into tears and rolled down.
She gently moved her footsteps and found the body of a deceased, including their former orphan companion and those of the bar. These corpses died extremely miserably, not only were they shattered by the bombing, they were also broken The fire was burning, and I couldn't recognize it at this moment.
"Lulu, let's go. There will be adults coming to bury them in the future." Kaga didn't seem to want to see Lulu look so sad, so she pulled the little bunny girl.
"No! They said just now that they wanted to listen to me sing. I didn't sing just now, I want to make up for them now!" Lulu stubbornly refused.
She found the bar table where she had always avoided, and it had only half a table.
Lulu climbed to the table, the table legs made an overwhelming noise, but shook it a little, and it didn't collapse.
The little bunny girl sat at the bar and looked at a miserable corpse in front of her, flashing tears, and then she looked at the starry sky even after such a terrible battle, and she sang a mourning lightly. Songs of the dead ...
The sound is euphemistic and euphemistic, which is extremely in line with today's situation, and there is a sadness in the singer's song, corresponding to the scenery at this time, extremely appropriate.
Her wonderful singing voice has already passed through the sadness of the song. It may be that Lulu's singing talent is really good, so at this time, a name searches for the wounded life not far away. They were all attracted to singing.
A figure appeared from the darkness around the ruins.
Then there were long sighs, and they quietly left ...
What Lulu didn't know was that among these crowds, an Ostto-like woman with a beautiful beauty also showed a trace of sadness, and then left the place. However, the beautiful singing voice of the rabbit-eared girl named Lulu has been remembered by her.
"What? We Osto battleships, destroyed by that earth city !?"
In the quiet space, a man with a mighty shore made a sound of surprise.
This man is very tall, two meters away from the earth. Although it may be slightly inferior to those huge and incomparable life forms, but his strength can definitely esteem almost all star life forms!
This person is ‘Osto Gun God’, one of the five strongest members of Ostow—Odov!
Ottobu looked at the report in front of him, looked at the analysis of the information above, and then looked at the uniformed man standing next to himself to serve, only to see the other person's affirmative look, he turned back diligently and carefully Observe the information in front of ...
"The" Assassin Master "of Earth City is actually a star-level creature! How did this creature appear? An existence without experiencing combat contemplation is impossible to advance to the star-level, you should go and investigate , Is there any previous information about this monster within the range of stars! "
It is no exaggeration to be cautious about a star-level existence. At this time, Odobu finally stopped treating this place of the Earth City as an indigenous force in a small place. After all, having a star level is theoretically an existence equal to his powerful level!
Of course, Odobu does not take into account an ordinary star-level life. After all, as one of the five strongest members of the Osto civilization, his strength is a battle, with each battleship, one by one Combat from the strong. An ordinary starry-strength strongman, he can't take it seriously!
"In addition, I ordered to send four 200-meter class warships close to the atmosphere of Gray and Yellow Star to see the response in several aspects. If they did not respond strongly, then go with the trend and destroy the Earth City, and then the assassin It's up to me! "
"But if the response of several other civilizations is fierce, then we will slow down. You send a few diplomatic envoys to their interstellar civilization forces. I believe that they are not very much aware of this sudden emergence of starry sky. Those who have a favorable opinion are right. "
After Odobu issued a series of orders, his eyes were shining. Looking at the video, the scene of the big mosquito fighting with his Majesty spaceship ...
"This level of defense has almost reached or even surpassed the moderately powerful starry sky level, but I seem to have heard something like this and where is it?" Ottobu wondered, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a mosquito like blue Defensive impressions of where I've heard.
This is the reaction of the Ostos. Because they had a powerful leader, they had destroyed a very precious space battleship at that time, but the response still seemed orderly, even more restrained. reaction. Then it's time to act.
On the other side of the biochemical empire, when a white living body heard the news, it felt almost shocked and silent.
"How is it possible? Not long ago, this Lord Assassin even tied with me and was even suppressed by me, but now it is a starry sky? Impossible!"
Beside him, the huge horned monster that looks like a hill is also looking at the holographic image in front of him, with excitement in his eyes.
Hearing his daughter ’s words, he sent a shocking laughter, which shocked those under his control, and then he said, "Daughter, you do n’t know, he is the existence, the existence In our biochemical empire, all of them are terrible big men. Their biggest advantage is that they grow faster than most people imagine. When you fought with him before, you did n’t say that he might be injured at that time, even if he was not injured at that time. It is not surprising that he suddenly reached the star level at this time, after all, he is ... "
"Evolution beast !?"
The pure white life supplemented the words of her words, and then she looked at her slightly bulging belly, and did not know what to think, as if a demon.
"But this guy thinks that he has reached the star level, and he wants to challenge the Ostto? He is simply trying to die! He doesn't know that the star level of Odotake's level, and this star level like him, is the difference between the two worlds. , I have to think of a way to not allow my son-in-law to face the guy like Odotake ... "
The horned monster suddenly said so.
"Who ... who is your son-in-law, father, don't talk nonsense!" After hearing this, the white life body suddenly returned from the solitude, and rebutted in a soft voice.
"Haha! Satsuma, do you watch all the Osto media and TV shows every day, don't you just say these things? And you actually passed the genetic debugging once and conceived his child. You have to know, this The odds were basically negligible! I said he was my natural son-in-law, was there anything wrong !? "The horned horn groaned loudly, still shaking, as if very happy.
"Dad!" The white life body was very shy, with three long horns above his head, because of the emotional instability issued a crackling current of lightning.
In the biochemical empire barracks, it was so noisy, but the Zerg barracks, another army of super powers not far apart, seemed extremely quiet, and even some patrol soldiers coming and going back and forth, which looked like some magnification. Many times as many worm-like monsters, at this moment, they are just a little different. They are inspecting the area around the barracks, as if they are machinery, without any trace of emotional fluctuations.
But only one exists, unlike other Zerg soldiers.
(Changed the computer, the input method actually went wrong, but fortunately caught up with the update!)
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