Chapter 460: Starry settlements! [For subscription]

Even if there is only one opponent, Earth City is definitely a flight!
Faced with this strong man, even the assassin lord who is the strongest guarantee of the fleet today can only flee. What can they do if they do not escape? !!
Escape crazy!
It didn't take long for the space fleet that had just arrived in Earth City to fly away from the star field, leaving no shadow at all!
Fortunately, the commander-in-chief of the Zerg Empire, that is, the moth monster, did not have any chasing thoughts, but just looked at the leaving tail flame. Looking vaguely ...
After a while, the monster stepped back slightly.
Its body seemed to be the air bubbles that melted into the water, and gradually disappeared in a trance ...
If Jia Yan saw this scene, he would definitely stare in horror!
Because the moth monster stepped in, it was one of his very familiar things!
Gravitational waves!
But it is a little different from the gravitational wave situation he came to the gray star, no one knows exactly what it is.
Just as no one knows what this moth monster is about to approach Jia Yanmu this time.
"What is this power ?!"
In the transport ship, Jia Yan waved his forefoot, while enduring the incredible pain, he caused all the workers around him to leave!
Huh! !! !!
When they left Pu Jia, Jia Yan began to twitch!
Knocked down a pile of construction steel!
This pain is no less than the kind of pain in his mutated moment. He feels that there is a power in his head that is so strong that he can't resist, and it is constantly tumbling, and even these powers are constantly being distributed, making him The whole body bears the influence of this power.
"Abominable, what power is it!" Jia Yan found that it was neither a brainwave power nor any power he knew. Because I do n’t understand, there is no way to fight it.
Fortunately, the original intention of this power did not seem to be for destruction, so that after Jia Yan endured for more than ten minutes, he found that he gradually became indifferent.
"This power is extremely strange. He is different from brainwave power, and I can feel that this power also contains certain scientific principles, and may even be an application of some energy that exceeds brainwave power!"
When that little bit of energy slowly weakened in the skull, Jia Yan was finally able to calm down and inspect the situation inside himself.
"Obviously, this power does not belong to the bright power in this star field, and may not even belong to the power category in this star field!"
Jia Yanbo felt a sense of strength. At this time, they were disappearing rapidly, but the more they weakened, the more the leftover products seemed to be attached to the bones, and the dissipating speed became slower.
"Zerg ..." Jia Yan chewed what he knew and had information about the Zerg.
"A race that doesn't know where it comes from or what it wants to do. In this starry sky, one of the most mysterious races ..."
Jia Yan groaned, and he finally discovered that this always mysterious race may be far more mysterious and powerful than those other interstellar texts may know!
Take a look, it is just a commander of the Zerg army of gray and yellow stars. The true strength may be stronger than that of Odovu, and the commander-in-chief of the biochemical empire Ula, who is his close partner, may not know this!
"He was completely capable of attacking me before, and even I might not be able to resist it at all. But he didn't do that. Is it friendly or hostile?"
Jia Yan has some strange thoughts about the Zerg Commander. Compared with the existence of other nearby star fields, as a life from Earth, it is not that difficult to accept the emergence of a race that may be more mysterious, because everything in the entire starry sky, right He is still a stranger to him, so it is not impossible to accept the emergence of a race that is more mysterious than other interstellar civilizations.
"So, was it the Zerg who rescued our fleet before?" Jia Yan thought of the warship that appeared when he encountered the Star Thief. Although he didn't want to think that way, he still thought whether he would be the Zerg Commander. And saved them?
But it's not right to think so, because the style is different!
"Forget it, don't even think about it. As long as I know, this starry sky may be far more interesting than I know!"
Thinking of all the encounters after the gray and yellow stars and the escape from the gray and yellow stars, Jia Yan, the big mosquito who first came to the outer starry sky, at this time, a hint of surprise appeared. After all, as a life on earth, all this It was a magical experience for him!
"Well, no matter how amazing these alien civilizations are, for me, as long as it does not hinder me from returning to the earth and does not threaten the earth, it has nothing to do with me!"
Today, Jia Yan only wants to return to the earth. After all, Da Fu Ni told him the principle of some speed and time conversion formulas. He knew through Da Fu Ni's language that they came to gray Huang Xing's time far exceeded expectations, so Jia Yan was very worried about the safety of his family on the planet.
After all, there is not only the threat of metal monsters, but also the threat of the return of exploration ships such as the Lan civilization and the Osto civilization!
For the earth, both of these are a crisis that could destroy the entire human race!
Jia Yan found that the energy in the body, although it did not disappear, did not have the original great influence.
He exhaled a long time, and it would be very difficult for her if the power continued to have that painful effect. Fortunately, this possibility seems small now, and this force is still weakening.
It may disappear completely soon.
"Although this power is extremely strange, it is not traceless. After all, I can feel him. Although this feeling is felt through pain, but being able to feel it means that there is a possibility of research! Maybe that The user did not expect that someone would be able to withstand such great pains, and still be able to study this energy ... "Thinking of here, the luster in Jia Yanfu's eyes brightened again!
Jia Yan's ability to endure pain has been greatly enhanced in the mutation time and time again. Do not look now that he feels that the energy in the skull has weakened, but it is not acceptable to ordinary creatures! But Jia Yan can, every time he mutates in such painful or even more painful, so for him, in this case, it is possible to study the mysterious power.
"He is not brainwave power, and may not have much to do with brainwave power!"
"It reminds me of nothingness and desolation. Although it's hard to describe, I really feel that way. This kind of power has nothing to do with dark energy!"
Jia Yan's research is still going on. Maybe the name who issued this powerful force has really not thought about Jia Yan's ability to study this powerful energy.
But maybe even if it can be predicted, it is estimated that Jia Yan will use it.
Because this is purposeful!
No one knows what the purpose is.
"Sir, are you okay?"
Time flies, just as Jia Yan finally cultivated for a long time, and a clear female voice came around immediately.
Jia Yan looked around and saw Dai Funi standing beside him, looking at Jia Yan's eyes with a touch of concern.
Jia Yan trembled in his heart. How long has he not enjoyed this caring look? Maybe I haven't felt it since I became a mosquito!
"Yes, I'm fine. What's wrong?" Jia Yan looked at Dai Funi. Although this woman would care about herself, Jia Yan knew that she would not come to her if she had nothing.
"We're close to the settlement we said before. I'll come and let you know," said Daphne.
"Is it coming? Time is really fast. Okay, I'll go out as soon as I can." Jia Yan said a moment later, and then made a sound of brainwave power.
De Funi noticed that there was something wrong with the brainwave power from Jia Yan. There was a strange flash on her face, but she didn't ask anything, but resigned respectfully.
"I didn't expect the brainwave power to change. It seems I was wrong. This power may really have something to do with brainwave power."
Jia Yan stood on the spot and thought about it. The change in the brainwave power just now is the result of his research on the mysterious power!
The most painful time was actually the time to study that power, but Jia Yan had no time to suppress the pain at that time, and it was impossible to study.
It wasn't too late after that, at that time it was that powerful energy that wreaked Jia Yan's body halfway. As a result, after some research, Jia Yan still had a little gain!
Now that power in his body has almost disappeared, only the 'point' in which the moth monster injected the starlight power at the beginning has maintained an extremely tenacious energy there, which may not be eliminated for a short while . Nor can it affect Jia Yan's actions and anything.
Little stars hung on the huge black curtain, and a spacecraft hovered in the sky. This is a space area where you can't reach the village and you can't shop!
It didn't take long for the largest ship in the fleet, which was a transport ship, to slowly open his huge hatch ...
A huge monster flew out of it.
The leader was a huge flying monster.
This monster has a pair of strangely large wings. The wings have crisscross membranes and sharp edges. It seems to be able to cut any solid object as a knife!
He has six slender feet, especially the forefoot. He also has a sharp edge that will be extremely surprising when he sees it. The sharp front end is far beyond the imagination of ordinary living things, maybe something in this world. Nothing is impossible for it to penetrate!
He was chased by five giant monsters of the same size behind him, one after another, describing him as a ghost!
Behind these mighty monsters, there are some slightly smaller creatures wearing space suits. One of them is similar to the Earth ’s humanity, but it is much smaller than other monsters, but it looks like it is not inferior!
"Okay? Next, we will transfer to a small spacecraft, and they are the two most broken ones. I hope that no one will think of us."
De Fu Ni is wrapped in a space suit, produced from a starry civilization space suit. Naturally, it is not the same as the bloated original goods of the earth. At this time, he did not have much inflexibility except for an additional helmet.
The strong monsters, as well as Jia Yan's former huge figure, flew lightly towards two spacecraft that seemed only two hundred meters long!
After a while, these two commercial ships, which are slightly shabby, are moving towards the direction of the universe, spraying out the slow acceleration of the flames, finally breaking through the speed limit and flying away!
In fact, it is not very safe to let the members of the Earth City be alone in the universe. After all, there is still a lot of resistance in the entire Earth City. However, this trip to the interstellar settlement is too important. Jia Yan and Da Fu Ni only take risks. Act now.
The two ships are not accelerating fast. Compared to other spacecraft, it takes a short time to accelerate to a certain degree, and they have reached the so-called starry settlement by then.
"Master, the starry settlements are actually built by some star thieves or illegal forces, and a large part of them are related to the so-called indigenous forces of the previous gray and yellow stars. The dragons and snakes are mixed in it, and any kind of situation may occur. ... so we have to be careful in the past. "
In a spaceship, Jia Yan shrank slightly in a corner, listening to Dai Fu Ni's report.
The two-hundred-meter spaceship was a little narrow for him, but Jia Yan heard that there were a lot of people like him who lived in such a small spaceship and became a member of a star theft organization. He could hardly believe that living creatures that can survive in such a small environment are simply living and suffering!
However, Jia Yan didn't complain too much at this time, just listening to De Fu Ni's words.
The conversation didn't last too long, and the spacecraft's speed decreased after a slight shaking.
Jia Yan keenly found that even if he was the worst two of his fleet, they still have a powerful buffer system. This system can reduce the overload force to a minimum when decelerating during extreme speeds. After all, it was commercial before. Yes, this basic comfort device is a must.
I have to say that even if it is broken, it is an incredible device for earth science and technology. Jia Yan can imagine how earth people would be if the two spaceships they were riding on were handed over to earth scientists. Excitement! How tremendously can their technology be improved? !!
Jia Yan admits that his thoughts on the earth have made him miss the entire planet. He may not have been as good to people outside the family as he is, and may even have some national likes and dislikes. But after spending so long in a place a few light years away from Earth, his mind has changed.
Of course, all this is based on the existence of the family on Earth. Without this premise, Jia Yan's thoughts on that azure planet would weaken a lot.
The spaceship was handed over to the Earthmen. Although it is not yet that time, Jia Yan is already on the road to return. I believe it won't be long before this thing becomes a reality!
"Sir, the starry settlement I said before has arrived."
Dai Funi looked out the window, then turned around and said to Jia Yan.
"Welcome to the Devil's Starry Settlement, and also ask you to dock at our designated location. There are now fifteen starry artillery aimed at you. Please don't have any misgivings, thank you!"
At the same time, a voice appeared on the spacecraft's public channel.
Jia Yan and others know that this is the communication broadcast of the starry settlement, and every spaceship that comes to this settlement will be notified like this!
Of course, if the other party is a large fleet and even has powerful weapons, then this welcoming attitude is impossible. After all, the starry settlements are also a kind of force, and they are afraid of being attacked by other forces!
As for Jia Yan's small, shabby spaceships? forget it.
Big mosquitoes and Dai Fu Ni and others, rushed out.
Jia Yan saw a huge shadow in front of him!
"This is the starry settlement ?!" There was a horror in his eyes!
The reason is not it, but because the so-called starry settlement is completely different from what he imagined.
Previously, Jia Yan thought that the so-called starry settlements might be a small meteorite belt or something, but now in his eyes, he knows that it is not the case at all!
This is not a small one, but a small planet at all. ?
Jia Yan was surprised to look at the huge asteroid in front of him. This asteroid has a diameter of about 100 kilometers and an irregular rhombus shape. However, it is full of dense houses and so on. The place.
The asteroid as a whole is wrapped by a glass-like object. Outside of these glasses, there are some small and large spaceships suspended in the sky. There is also a gunfire system that seems to be difficult to provoke. Lined up.
This seemingly small planet's settlement has an extremely large port-like building, and it is not inside the asteroid, but built in the starry sky, where a spacecraft docks.
At this moment no fewer than two or three hundred spacecraft have docked there.
After De Fu Ni instructed the spacecraft operator to dock the spacecraft to the specified position, she stood with Jia Yan.
"An alien civilization is so powerful. Even if it's just a small so-called starry settlement, this is the first time I've seen such a place, it's incredible." Da Fu Ni also expressed herself to this' Dai Weier Settlements' sigh.
"go in."
The Earth City group did not stay in the starry sky for a long time, one by one, towards the 'entrance' of the starry settlement!
"Develle? It looks a lot like the name of our transport ship. I don't know if it was built by the so-called indigenous descendants of the gray and yellow stars?"
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