Chapter 561: aims! [For subscription]

When Pai Lan saw Jia Yan escape under his own hands again, and escaped with all his efforts, he felt dull. At this moment, he directly entered the channel without hesitation and chased directly!
"We also chased him. He even damaged the passageway. It was really a big deal. It seems that the other two adults may be shocked. Quickly, as a subordinate of Pai Lan adults, we ca n’t be caught by those two. An adult thinks that we have nothing to do. "The starry sky at the rear exists, yelling at the remaining team members.
Afterwards, a number of strong soldiers also rushed into the channel gap and rushed in. Follow Jia Yan and the blue footsteps closely.
Suddenly, the area where the battle was collected was restored to calmness, and only one stunned strong man felt unbelievable about the previous scene.
"Jia Yan, who lost a lot of games in the conference before, wasn't it? I, I, I, and I still won him. This, this adult should not avenge it? I don't know if he is true Such a powerful! "A powerful creature who had won Jia Yan, looking at the gap in the open channel, was a bit difficult.
"Just ask for more blessings, this master Jia Yan really looks very powerful, but don't worry, he is now chased by Lord Pai Lan like a falling dog, maybe the remaining two The ten strong adults sitting here will also be dispatched, and he has little chance to escape. "Immediately there was a partner to comfort him.
However, thinking that Jia Yan fell into the encirclement of dozens of strong men directly under the team of the blue platoon, all of them rushed out of the fighting area by relying on their body defenses, and even escaped into the sky. He was able to kill Jia Yan, but he was a little uncertain.
"But anyway, this Jia Yan is really going against the sky! What he has done now is to say out, maybe no one believes it. This guy was hiding too deeply before."
A famous man, from Jia Yan's speech, was incredibly unreliable before, and now he feels against the sky. Some thoughts about Jia Yan's fighting power will no longer be underestimated.
The angel camp, after watching Jia Yan and Pai Lan and the platoons of the blue team's battle, can not talk to for a long time.
"The team of blue adults, even with the strength of the combined attack, can temporarily resist a top ten, but Jia Yan has not been left. It seems that we really know too little about this former comrade-in-arms. ... "The four-eyed monster smiled wryly and shook his head.
"Don't say, we and him, is there a level of existence? I just saw that his strength has increased rapidly in the short battle. Although I don't know what he did when he entered this collection point, But it must be to improve his strength? His current strength is so terrible, if he continues to improve ... "the scale monster next to him said quietly.
She had died with Jia Yan before, but when she saw that Jia Yan was really such a terrible powerhouse, she felt that she had let go of the best choice, and her words were full of sour taste.
The four-eyed monster and the pink monster glanced at each other and shook their heads somewhat helplessly. They always knew about the scale monster and Jia Yan, but at this time, Jia Yan's attitude has always been rejected. After all, the gap between the two sides is too big ...
Not to mention Jia Yan's comments on the monsters here. When Jia Yan has taken Chaos Stone and started to mutate, he fights with him before. Even opponents who need to be careful, will never be on the same level. In the future, It will only get stronger and stronger, and it will be farther and farther away from these strong men. They are destined to be only a passer on the road of great mosquitoes.
Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !!
In the long passageway, it was dark. It turned out that even if there was an elevator up and down here, because there was no air, the sound could not be transmitted, and it seemed extremely quiet.
But at this moment there was a loud sound here, and it was ringing.
The horrible sounds continued to rang through the area of ​​dozens of kilometers, and there were constant explosions of fighting, lighting up in the dark areas.
It turned out that the outside air entered here through a large cracked hole. Therefore, the area that had no sound for decades or hundreds of years seems to have a sound effect at this moment, and it becomes vivid.
But this vividness is created by fighting, and the beauty is also savage!
Huh! !! The sound of the fighting between the two sides passed directly through the area of ​​no short length and spread toward the surroundings.
The fighting side is a huge mosquito monster. Of course, if his body is seen by humans decades ago, it is absolutely terrifying, because it is too huge. A mosquito is actually bigger than any existing on the earth. The creatures are much bigger.
The other side of the battle is a powerful monster that looks hidden in space and looming. At this moment, this monster constantly appears and disappears in the dark. Not only does it have a weird speed, but its attack power and combat experience are far more than giant mosquitoes. It can be said that it has completely occupied the advantage.
But things are weird here. This powerful creature can't actually kill the other party directly, and often after the big mosquito is attacked, it must go backwards!
"How is it possible that his strength has been strengthened again!" Pai Lan was again shaken by the defensive force of the defense of Azure Blue!
His expression was a little shocked and angry, Jia Yan's fighting strength actually started to fight with him, and he was increasing all the time. There was almost no bottom line.
The attack before the blue line can easily damage the big mosquito. At this moment, even if he launches the attack with all his strength, he can only bring a little damage to Jin, and even the blue defense cannot be broken again!
"Huh!" The big mosquito in the battle, that is, Jia Yan, also found this at the moment. He finally felt a sense of relief for his improved strength. You know, this is where he really has a little self-protection. Time. Before that, he had been fighting for a while. Pai Lan's attack power only hit his key points, maybe it was a dead word.
The biggest advantage of mutation is that the first enhancer is defense. Jia Yan waited for so long. It seems that his defense has finally mutated to a level that the other party cannot easily penetrate.
He reached out his forefoot. Although there was only one left forefoot, the left forefoot at this moment was much stronger than before, and he was already able to collide with the opponent.
After the two confrontation, Jia Yan flew out, apparently unable to compare with his opponent in terms of strength. However, Jia Yan flew in the direction of the port of the channel. At this moment, by this force, he flew directly and became faster!
"Master Pai Lan, let's help out!"
Members of the Pailan Guards who flew in the rear screamed at Pailan. They chased after a long time before they could catch up with the fighting areas of the two strong men. At this time, they naturally wanted to perform.
"Be careful, this guy's strength has been improved again!" Pai Lan screamed at the latter, and then he attacked Jia Yan first.
Jia Yan really didn't want to fight at this moment, because his body really had a problem. He had mutated to this extent. He should have stopped moving and fell into a deep sleep. But at this time because of the enemy, not only could he not sink. Sleep, but also to maintain the body's ability to move, which hinders his mutation, the pain is transmitted to his body at all times.
But the other side's constant persecution made him have to fight.
"Dead!" Pai Lan hit a blow, and Jia Yan's speed increased at the moment, and only he could easily approach it.
In Jia Yan's eyes, there was some resentment. The opponent was too urgent to chase after him. He could not even see the possibility of escape.
Everything, only to face it!
He also probed his forefoot. At the moment, Jia Yan is still a bit depressed for losing a right forefoot. If there is still a right forefoot, his combat power will be improved a lot. Although it is still impossible to fight in a row, but He can get rid of his attack more easily.
The confrontation between the two was again the result of an additional scar on Jia Yan's azure defense, and Jia Yan's flight was faster.
"Jia Yan, die!" The star-level, high-ranking Pai Lan subordinate did not know when he had arrived behind Jia Yan. At this moment, he used his own exclusive armed forces and struck down fiercely.
Jia Yan was caught off guard and was directly bombarded.
"Abominable, his defense is so terrible." Although the monster saw himself succeeded, Jia Yan's increasingly hard azure defense, but at the moment steadily resisted his attack, and suddenly screamed in anger. Soon.
The existence of other pursuits also felt tricky for Jia Yan's defense. Their strength is not to say that compared with Pai Lan, it is also far from the existence of the star-level peak. At this moment, all the attacks took the opportunity to attack Jia Yan, but did not receive any effect. Instead, He had to use the power of the anti-shock to quickly rush forward in front of the passage.
Boom boom!
The area around this passage is surrounded by a huge variety of huge pipes, among which there are elevators that Jia Yan took before, and there are only 20 or 30 pipes in this kind of elevator. It can be seen how many elevators there are. .
But even if you do n’t take the elevator, at this moment the two sides at war are not only slower than taking the elevator, but faster. I do n’t know how much!
Jia Yan was able to exceed the speed of the earth's sound by 50 times without mutating. Now he doesn't know how much the speed is now. He only knows that the surrounding landscape changes constantly in an instant, and his body still breaks open from time to time One by one, everything is still fast.
There was only such a word in his heart.
The condensate caused by the mutation appeared a little on the surface of his body at this moment. Although most of them were directly hit and scattered by the attack of several strong men, some stubborn remains still, and in order to resist the external attack, the more The more and more condensate, combined with the blue defense on the surface of the body, directly becomes as tough as the blue defense.
"Monster! What the is this!"
While chasing, chasing, among the strong players in the chasing platoon, there were actually more chasing and collapse. They saw Jia Yan's defense under their defense again and again. For them, the large mosquitoes at this moment, although they have always shown weak fighting energy, but this inexplicable defense force made them think that this only Monsters are terrifying.
"The exit is ahead. Don't let him escape the passage!"
Among the subordinates of Pailanjian, some could not help but be frightened by Jia Yan, and immediately raised their hearts with a loud voice.
On the contrary, it reminded sleepy Jia Yan that his consciousness was about to disappear at this moment!
"The exit of the passageway has arrived so quickly, but this is tens of thousands of kilometers!" The first thought he woke up was not right, but looking back, the exit on the other side of the passageway was right in front of him.
It really took a short distance to fly this far, and Jia Yan's eyes were slightly shocked.
However, at this moment, he recovered a trace of intellect, and immediately grasped the situation at the moment. When he saw the entrance of the passageway, Jia Yan directly stirred up the strength of the whole body and slammed away there!
"This road is nowhere, go back."
At this moment, Jia Yan was surprised to find that suddenly there was a seemingly small, four-footed monster that was almost the same size as the average Earth man ...
Although he was small, his strength exuded from his body was revealed at this moment, as if the mountains were so high that Jia Yan couldn't breathe.
The strength of this monster is also at an incredible level at the moment. The rear row of blue saw the appearance of this monster, and it still had some horrified looks.
"Okay, Lord Xingwu, come here, stop him, this is the existence of destruction at the collection point, we must kill it!"
His power transmission uses real energy, which is different from brainwave power transmission. At this moment, the efficiency is obviously extremely high, and the speed is very fast. It was used almost at the moment when the opponent intercepted Jia Yan.
Master Xingwu?
Although Jia Yan was a little confused at this moment, when he heard the name, he suddenly came over!
Master Xingwu, is not the strongest among the dragons, but also the fourth among the top ten in this collection point. The strength is even stronger than that of Pailan? !!
At the same time Jia Yan reacted, one of the other foot's feet seemed to follow the shadow, and it was a few kilometers away before it was clear. At the moment, it flashed and came to Jia Yan!
So fast!
"This is the fourth strongest among the top ten ?!" Jia Yan looked at the small one who came to his face. His body was even the size of an eyeball of Jia Yan, but Xingwu's momentum, but faintly like a mountain, can not breathe Jia Yan.
And just when Jia Yan's sanity was a little unclear, the opponent's blow had already fallen on Jia Yan's body severely.
In the center of his skull, he was struck directly by Xingwu's forefoot, as if Zhong Ming, Jia Yan also trembled, and lost his mind almost at this moment.
The strength of the opponent and the current Jia Yan, can still be described as completely different.
Jia Yan knows that even for his existence, even now the strength has been surging forward, the blue defense has been greatly enhanced, but he has absolutely no luck with the opponent's crushing level advantage.
"No, I can't lose my mind. Escape is almost in sight. How can I give up here?"
Jia Yan thought a lot at this moment, thinking of the crises after his rebirth, he passed over again and again, and the crises were resolved, but this time, if he ridicules here, he is really unwilling!
"That's right! This is close to the port star, the outside world, maybe already in the port star area, then ..."
Jia Yan suddenly thought of this.
The area where Xingwu intercepts him is at the top of the side of the channel order. It is where the port star exits. Even if Xingwu breaks through and hits himself directly, the area of ​​the channel at this moment must be the port star. Where it is!
The moment he was bombarded by powerful forces, Jia Yan figured this out.
At this moment, there are those strong names in the back, and Jia Yan directly wants to surround him at this moment. As long as his body is bombarded back to their side, the existence of these names can be directly Besieged Jia Yan.
Even if Jia Yan's strength is strong, it is impossible to resist against Xingwu Master. Although it is the top ten strong, the contrast between the strength and weakness is still extremely scary. The fourth strong Xingwu If you want to kill Pai Lan, it may take less than twenty seconds!
Even if Jia Yan's strength is strong, but Xingwu's strength is not in line, after a few blows, he can smash Jia Yan's weird defense and kill him directly.
At the moment, Xingwu didn't pay much attention to Jia Yan's strength. It was just strange that he could escape from Pai Lan's hands, but it was strange. Just before that time, he heard his own The Tianlong family said that the Jia Yan player actually killed one of their clan members. He was trying to find a way to remove Jia Yan. Right now, the other person came to the door and removed it. No one would say anything!
Suddenly, Xingwu felt a little strange. Jia Yan, who was bombarded by himself, actually did not retreat in the air, and went towards those powerful besiegers who came under siege. He directly impacted with the power of bomber.
"No! His goal is to channel the wall, stop him!" Xingwu sounded in surprise.
"Look at me." Pai Lan bears the brunt, intercepts directly in front of the route that Jia Yan rushes through, raises his palm fiercely, and presses toward Jia Yan.
And just before his contact with Jia Yan, Jia Yan's sleepy state suddenly had a hint of clarity!
His speed suddenly increased, and he avoided the attack of Pai Lan directly to the side.
Seeing that Jia Yan's speed has been improved compared to the previous one. Pai Lan's heart is annoyed and wants to pursue, but Jia Yan has instantly passed through the area he intercepted, and even immediately blocked a starry sky in the area. Existing in the medium term, screamed and crashed.
In the case where Xingwu was too late, Jia Yan flew backwards with several forces and hit his body fiercely ...
boom! !! !! !! !!
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