Chapter 1: Game malfunction

The final of the large-scale holographic game "Erosion", fifteen minutes before the start. +++ Catino Novel Network
The preparation room is set in the erosion zone in the game, and the wind smells of ashes. When Shu Jun finished checking the equipment for the last time, the communicator rang. There will only be one who will write at this moment--
[Smoke]: Remember the strategy discussion last night, steady is the best policy.
Seeing the other party's id, Shu Jun couldn't help but lift the corner of his mouth.
[See you tomorrow]: Understand, understand.
[Smoke]: Good luck.
[See you tomorrow]: When we win the finals, let's meet and I will find you.
Shu Jun held his breath, this time the other party's response was ten seconds late.
[Smoke]: Good.
After staring at the word "good" for a few seconds, Shu Jun was a little nervous after a long absence.
This will be his last big game in "Erosion". After the game, Shu Jun decided to announce his retirement two years in advance. Then he will fly to the city A where "Smoke and Dust" is located at the first time to meet this person who speaks like gold and confess his words.
He spent too long in the game.
Although he has just turned twenty-seven, Shu Jun has been in "Erosion" (Moving Mo) for ten years, and he is regarded as the oldest member of the group.
This is due to a special rule in "Erosion"-once a combatant dies in battle, he or she must quit the battlefield and go to another profession. The operator said that this is to give people a more (stronger) sense of reality and a better experience of "another world."
Players can only have a role (color), and there is no such thing as save transfer or return. This rule has directly led to the poor number of experienced combat players, and most of the combat power that persists until now is close to monsters.
Fortunately, the ban on archiving did not reduce people's enthusiasm.
After all, the game is for experience. The fighters at the top of the pyramid have both fame and fortune, and life and occupation have their own fun.
On the other hand, the battle itself is harsh enough, with hardship commensurate with income. The rules of "Erosion" are weird. It does not advocate hostility between teams. There is no pvp schedule in the finals, only a vast pve arena. Personnel loss, resource consumption, and cooperation between teams are all included in the evaluation system. The team that can plan tactics reasonably and achieve the goal first can win.
Everything is ready now, only the wind is owed, and the final arena is in sight.
Seeing that the crush had no further news, Shu Jun carried the giant sword behind his back, put on a gas mask, and left the preparation room.
The duration of the final is three days and three nights.
Before the night of the third day, the situation was not ideal. Just like the previous guess, the opponent's groundwater team traveled far faster than them, and there was no miracle.
"If this continues, we will lose." Hu Yan sighed, the deputy captain.
"This map is full of swamps, and the underground water side is good at water system abilities. Hu team, underground water team Luo is also an old player, such a ghost environment, we lose to the top support is not a shame." The player closest to him Answer the call quickly.
Shu Jun is good at controlling wind, is rare, and his offensive and defensive abilities are top notch, but his skills cannot be applied to the whole team. Deputy Captain Hu Yan can control the stones, but on the wetland map with abundant water bodies, he still has the advantage on the opposite side-Groundwater Captain Luo Duan is recognized as the number one assistant, and the seniority is old enough, nowadays, literally like a fish in the water.
"Anyway, all actions are counted into the team's contribution, and a few more points can be counted as a few points." The other team member (Qiangqiang) was cheerful.
Shu Jun scratched his face and looked at Hu Yan: "In addition to meeting with you, I have also discussed with A Yan for a few weeks."
Hu Yan: "Sister-in-law... what do you think of smoke and dust?"
"A lot of tactics have been discussed. A Yan also thinks that we have no chance of winning, and if we are lucky, we can get a tie." Shu Jun sighed in the gas mask.
"Yeah, just try their best. Groundwater they won a map advantage. Next time-oh, next time I won’t have you. I was thinking about winning this game more beautifully. I know you have a lot of spooky ideas, that’s the situation. ..."
Hu Yan didn't have the slightest joy that he was about to turn into a normal position, his face was bitter.
"Before the team, our team has won so many games in a row, so you can't pick a win and retreat? Do you want to stop thinking about it?"
"No. I just read the latest topographic information, and I have a new idea."
Shu Jun pushed aside the tent and glanced at the gray earth in the distance, with a smile in his voice.
"Rest assured, we will not lose."
Outside the game.
The final viewing battlefield is an open U-shape, and tickets are more than ten times more expensive than paid live broadcasts. Several giant light screens hover over the battlefield, filling the gloomy and lonely image of the game world.
More than two days have passed, and the audience cheered in the battlefield, and the heat continued.
As always, the arena is set in an unknown erosion zone in the game. In the game settings, the signal communication in the erosion zone is poor. The team is too close to the center of the erosion zone, and the screen will have a stuttering and blurry screen.
Now that both teams are in the center of the erosion zone-near the monster called "Erosion Marsh", the images uploaded back on the big screen gradually become weird.
Accompanied by the current noise, pitch-black liquid objects flashed past the edges of the screen. From time to time, deformed creatures pass by the camera and will not be able to distinguish the facial features of the face toward the audience. Although the picture is filled with various anomalies, the scene is still shocking.
A huge "lake" of pure black is embedded in the land that has lost its color. Its surface boiled in a windless world, stretching out a thin, limb-like liquid column toward the sky, slowly creeping.
The edge of such a huge erosion swamp is so small that it is almost negligible.
There was a sound of air-conditioning from the viewing platform.
"It is worthy of the difficulty of the finals. This is the biggest swamp I have ever seen." It was late at night, and the enthusiasm of the host was unabated.
"Now is the third day of the finals, and scoring will stop after twelve hours. It seems that the most reasonable way is to place the purification machine in the surrounding area, and partial purification takes precedence over complete elimination."
As the full picture of the swamp was unearthed, laymen can also see the two-this map is too difficult and complicated to prepare for a single game. There will be a big competition half a year later, and the step-by-step treatment of large-scale erosion is a good theme. It depends on whether the two captains can play more steadily and lay a solid foundation for future matches.
"The decisive battle has entered a white-hot stage!...Finally, Shu Jun's "Legend of Immortality" led the Blackbirds team to the heart of the erosion zone."
"The Blackbird team has zero personnel loss and 25% of the remaining resources. There is no blame for cooperation, but the overall score is far behind. The groundwater team has been purifying the surrounding area for more than five hours under Luo Duan's leadership... Jun acted! The Black Birds didn't start purifying step by step, they turned to the cliff on the edge of the swamp!"
As if detecting the intruder, the monsters around the swamp gathered and rushed towards the approaching blackbird team. In the blurry picture, the Blackbirds team put up a defensive formation.
Shu Jun uses his skills to float in the air. He used the wind to swing his great sword, and his body was covered by tight but not bloated mechanical armor, like a knight stepping out of the wrong time and space.
People quickly discovered Shu Jun's goal.
Several sturdy stalagmites stand in the center of the eroded marsh. If the purifier is installed there, the huge swamp can be forced into a ring shape, which is convenient for latecomers to divide it and break it individually.
It’s a great scoring point, but it only exists in theory.
The location of those stalagmites is extremely dangerous. They are too far from the shore and are full of monsters. That is to say, players like Shu Jun who have the ability to control wind can barely get close. But approach is one thing, arrival is another matter. The marsh will try its best to eliminate (gan gan) the threat of disturbing it. This swamp is also exceptionally big (strong qiang), and the monsters are especially dense. Attacking alone is no different from self (sha).
"Erosion Marsh... The Erosion Marsh fought back. The Blackbirds blocked the edge of the erosion tide, but Shu Jun did not resist, and his armor began to peel off!"
The host’s voice was full of shock.
"What the is the Blackbird planning to do?! Will the myth of the'Legend of Immortality' end today?"
The cold water was poured into boiling oil, and the battlefield was immediately fried.
In the nearly disappearing scene, Shu Jun ate the corrosive liquid ejected from the swamp. As dense as a torrential rain of liquid bullets, he surrounded him with strong winds, and the air currents cast into armor, blocking most of the attacks. This is the case, that armor still becomes tattered. The wheat (colored) skin was exposed (exposed), and then dazzling burns appeared.
Shu Jun didn't stop, he rushed to the cluster of stalagmites firmly. The purifier was steadily behind his back, making a humming sound.
Found that the enemy could not be blocked, the swamp eroded with a sharp neigh. The monsters went crazy, but anyone with wings rushed toward Shu Jun desperately. The latter picked up the great sword, the wind held up the heavy piece of metal, and split the monster's body like melons and vegetables.
The pieces (meat rou) and black blood were picked up by the wind, and a stench rainstorm fell over the eroded marsh.
Shu Jun was showered with blood. The corpses of monsters were swallowed by the swamp, and more monsters poured in continuously. The liquid column of the marsh swamped and entangled. It dared not approach the purifier, and could only form a cage to trap Shu Jun near the stalagmites.
It's almost distance.
Shu Jun gritted his teeth and hit the liquid column directly. The battle armor turned into soft butter in front of the liquid column, and was easily chipped away. With blood splashing, Shu Jun was almost cut off.
The skills are still running, and the wind is still supporting Shu Jun, and he doesn't stop.
The eclipse swamp seemed to feel the intent of the opponent, and it decided to abandon the delay tactics and rush to crush the opponent before the purifier was fully activated. The liquid column began to deform and began to attack Shu Jun's hands and feet.
More and more liquid columns entangled, his legs and feet began to lose consciousness, and his time was running out.
Shu Jun threw out the great sword, and the inertia (sexual) and the wind held him forward. After a sour sound, the great sword was nailed to the stalagmites.
After arriving at the destination, he completely gave up the defense and concentrated his spirit to activate the purification machine. The marsh entangled Shu Jun's lower body, and was quickly devouring his body. Shu Jun's face was covered by a gas mask, and the audience could not see his expression.
Cut (fa fa) is born very quickly.
After just a few seconds, the pitch-black fluid almost covered Shu Jun's whole body, and only the part above his (chest xiong) mouth was still (exposed)-his left hand held the sword nailed to the rock tightly to avoid being dragged away by the eroded marsh. Quickly activate the purifier with your right hand.
Regardless of whether the purifier can be successfully activated, Shu Jun has only one destiny. This crazy guy is destined to be swallowed, the difference is just "wasting his life" or "sacrificing himself to win the game."
The audience held their breath in unison.
Finally, a pleasant beep sounded. With the buzzing sound of the machine starting completely, the earth rumbling and shaking, everyone got the answer.
The purifier is activated successfully.
Shu Jun let go of his left hand, no longer resisted, and was dragged into the bottom of the swamp by the erosion swamp.
In order to evade the purification device, the huge swamp is turned into a ring, and more dangerous monsters are called nearby by the swamp. The Blackbird team on the edge of the swamp has caught a steady stream of monsters, as well as vital purification bonus points, and the score skyrocketed.
The groundwater has also caught many elite monsters, but the score of this wave of cooperation will be recorded on the black bird's head. Even if the host does not speak, any audience can judge that the black bird will win.
...The price is to sacrifice your captain.
"It's crazy, Shu Jun clearly has two years to retire..." After a moment of dumbness, the host finally recovered his voice, "The Blackbird points greatly overtaken, and the outcome is determined."
After a few seconds of silence, the buzzing on the viewing platform became louder and louder. First there were sporadic applause, and then it turned into crazy cheers.
Then they only need to wait for the hero of the Blackbird to leave the holographic cabin and return to reality. The reporters were waiting in the vicinity of the players' lounge. When Shu Jun appeared, he would be swallowed up by this crowd again.
...But this is not what Shu Jun is worried about right now.
He is still sinking.
Erosion marsh is the most dangerous source of pollution in "Erosion". According to the game's settings, he will undoubtedly die. It stands to reason that the game connection will be disconnected, and he will immediately return to reality. However, Shu Jun did not see the familiar interior lights of the holographic cabin, and he continued to sink in the swamp. The erosive substances that make up the marsh bite his blood (flesh rou), and the skin is dissolving in pain.
In "Erosion", it's nothing more than the simulation of pain. Isn't it a bit of a simulating process of death?
Shu Jun was able to maintain his thoughts at first, and soon, the severe pain that exceeded the human limit almost boiled his brain. The pain of suffocation and corrosion came together, and the cold and sticky corrosive material penetrated into his mouth and nose, (强qiang) the sour road burned.
For ten seconds, the connection was not disconnected.
He was trapped in the depths of this dark foreign body, and even the loss was swallowed by pain.
If he really died in this fault, it would basically be equivalent to working hard for a lifetime, dying on the night before liberation, Shu Jun thought vaguely. He didn't want to leave a hapless image of money and death.
For thirty seconds, the connection was still not disconnected.
He hasn't seen Smoke and Dust yet, and if he is not sure whether his crush is a man or a woman, he really wrote a tragic word at the end of his fate. Those king eggs in the team also bet this...
The good holiday is gone, the free life is gone, and I didn’t even tell the confession...
To die now, this life is too (fuck cao) egg.
Suddenly in pain, Shu Jun held his breath. He doesn't know the end of the wait, but he has developed a self (sha) tactic. There will be many people who pay attention outside the game. There will always be people who find that the holographic cabin is in the wrong state.
Have to hold on, he thought.
adhere to.
adhere to……
The surrounding swamps made a strange neighing, (body shen) almost completely melted, Shu Junmian (qiang) remained conscious and kept waiting.
Until he was completely unconscious.
Shu Jun failed to see that outside the game, another "Shu Jun" walked out of the holographic cabin and waved confidently at the reporters.
Cheers were thunderous in the audience.
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