Chapter 43: Go to war

The impact of the waves is quite strong, and the big sword itself is very wide. Fortunately, everyone was so dizzy by the waves that they couldn't tell. The protective clothing was very thick, slippery after being wet, and Shu Jun pulled a bit both sides. In this process, he also scored to suppress his breath and Monday, which was miserable for a while.
However, before the next wave came down, Zhu Yanchen stretched out his arms and hugged Shujun's waist, pressing the opponent tightly on his body. He hugged extremely tightly, and the two flipped in the water until they hit the stone wall, showing no signs of separation.
The thick protective clothing becomes a cushion, and the center water flow is not fast. It's just that after the water gradually dissipated, the sky and the earth were completely dark, and they looked like fish that had been caught in a net.
Eroding Marsh planned to drown them directly, and the water quickly dispersed. As soon as Hu Yan stood still, he maximized the short-range communication, and then launched a flare into the sky.
"Gather now!" Hu Yan ordered.
The communication machinery made an unpleasant rustle, and under the light of the flares, the huge column of eroding liquid slowly squirmed.
They were washed near the huge liquid column. The instructions of Zhu Yanchen and Shu Jun came into effect-after enabling oxygen support and corrosion protection, Hu Yan's condition was quite good. On the other hand, the tarps are limited and the players can only use them. Although the thirteen people were rushed into pieces, a group of two to four was guaranteed. With tarpaulin protection, the sharp film in the water stream did not damage the protective clothing.
"Oops, the concentration of corrosion is too high, and it is estimated that the near field communicator will not last too long." Hu Yan lit the cold light and glanced at the reading. "This swamp is really not quite right, it looks like a flytrap."
"I glanced at it just now, and with us, the tarps wrapped four groups of people." Yu Jin recalled, "As long as your people don't rush out, the situation is not that bad."
"The vanguards are all elites, so you won't be alone, you're afraid--"
" the mountains..." Hu Yan hadn't finished speaking, intermittent voices came from the communicator. "I rushed into the cave... Can't find the way..."
Hu Yan sighed, and the light turned to the remains of a rock mountain full of holes: "I'm afraid of this."
Yu Jin followed with a sigh, "To be honest, I have never seen such a weird thing. At most I met some weird mutant beasts before, it's evil."
Shu Jun thought for a few seconds: "The team outside Yanshan came to gather at the light.'One Eye' is here to help Hu Yan, and Yanchen and I will go to Yanshan to find someone."
"I'll go together." Hu Yan shook his head, "The cave is narrow, I can widen them. Otherwise, you might not be able to deal with the...that pretends to be Xiao Zhang just now. Besides, I am now the captain of Blackbird. , Can’t just wait for you two to die."
"I'm going to learn more, too." Yujin hammered the illuminated road sign into the ground. "The two brothers fought harder than me. Anyway, the inside and the outside are not worse than these steps. It's better to follow the past."
There was a smile in his voice: "I'm still familiar with this kind of mountain. They all say that cannibalism is short and I can't make a can of food for nothing."
"Yes, but you have to withdraw when it's time to withdraw." Shu Jun looked at the cave.
If Hu Yan is there, it is very convenient to retreat if nothing else. The concentration of erosion is extremely high here, and Hu Yan can exert quite a lot of ability. If the situation is not good, Hu Yan can at least send people out faster than himself.
As the water flows toward the center, apart from the group that was washed into the cave, the other two groups are not far apart. After the two teams assembled, Hu Yan briefly explained the current situation.
In addition to the four of them, seven people gathered. A man and a woman are missing.
"Now that the situation is unknown, you must gather here first and do not split up. We go in to find someone. If we don't come back within three hours, you will turn on the purifier to its maximum power and withdraw it as quickly as possible. "
"It's best not to turn on the maximum power." Zhu Yanchen, who had been meditating, said suddenly.
Hu Yan was not upset: "How do you say?"
"Its original intention was to let us take the initiative to get closer to the center, and then it got a fake messenger. If it wants to hunt, it doesn't need to bother to get so many blindfolds, just wait for you to come and investigate."
If the three hundred people at the Blackbird core were all around, it would be understandable to catch them all in one go. There are only thirteen of them, and they all seem to use a sledgehammer (killing sha). There is no reason for such predation, and energy consumption is also calculated for the erosion of the marsh.
Zhu Yanchen explained patiently, his voice was neither high nor low: "After it received us from the center, it didn't immediately kill the hand. It stands to reason that as long as it holds the water, it is difficult for us to survive. According to my opinion , It’s more like observing us."
"...No, brother, has this kind of intelligence?" Hu Yan lowered his voice. "It's just a mess."
As soon as the words were spoken, he choked himself-looking at the appearance of the fake Xiao Zhang, it is hard to say that it is brainless.
I wish Marshal did not start on this issue, and (gan gan) simply changed the angle: "Regardless of its purpose, so far, its attack (desire to ru) is not expected to be vigorous. The energy storage of the purifier is limited. If it is fully opened, it will not be able to sustain it. Until you leave the heavily eroded area...Before it shows offensive tendencies, it is better to save it."
"Something makes sense. Alas, it's the first time we were directly pulled closer. Zhu Yanchen would have given a marsh erosion assessment report before." Hu Yan scratched his head, "Beam, pooh, gray claw, what do you think?"
Shu Jun always liked whimsical ideas, and Hu Yan was counting on him to come up with some strange ideas.
"My opinion is the same as Yanchen." Shu Jun suddenly understood Zhu Yanchen's mood-after knowing the truth, he didn't want his team members to take risks. "The situation is not right, safety is the top priority."
"...Okay, then do it." Hu Yan exhorted the rest of the team members. "Don't be a hero and investigate indiscriminately. Just stay here and save your life first."
The rocks have long been eroded in strange shapes. The caves are like ant dens, extending in all directions without bottoming out. If the players were simply trapped, with Hu Yan's ability, they would definitely not need three hours. But this swamp will be a human skin balloon, which is hard to say.
Before approaching, no one knew whether the call for help and the percussion were made by "people".
Hu Yan's brain is straightforward, but he is definitely not impulsive. He directed the rock walls to separate and gather, so that they avoided many dead ends, and they would not advance in the narrow rock passages that suffocated people. The path was integrated by Hu Yan into a straight and even passage, and the four of them could turn their heads and escape at any time.
However, as they deepened, faint cries for help came from all directions.
"It should not be on those two sides." Yujin twisted the fibers on the twisted rock wall. "Looking at the rags, they were washed to the far left by the water."
"Thanks, brother." Hu Yan twisted the lights annoyingly-they were getting closer and closer to the liquid column, and all the equipment was being quickly eroded, and the lights were flashing dizzy as they turned on and off.
"I have collected a lot of corpses on the edge of the erosion zone before, but I didn't expect that some of the skills could be used here." Yu Jin turned his head and muttered to Shu Jun.
Shu Jun: "..." Was this person infected by Hu Yan's frustration?
"I hope they are all okay. When I think that the caller over there is not human, I have goose bumps... Wait, there are some traces over there, let me see." Yu Jin didn't slack off, seeing something gleaming at the entrance of the cave, he moved in again. Past.
"How is the situation?" Shu Jun took the opportunity to turn his head and interviewed the only marsh erosion expert present.
"It's still testing." Zhu Yanchen stared at the readings on the device, "If an abnormal swamp is found, the exploration team must be the best. Now it seems that it intends to trap this team here. Then wait for the next wave, There will be another wave until it is determined that humans do not have threatening (sexual xing) technology."
Unlike Tian Feng, who is desperate for death, it requires them to use all the means of survival and directly slaughter (sha) is too rough.
Before confirming that they are worthless, 80% of the eroding marsh will not attack actively, but will observe quietly-after all, even if it does nothing, the high concentration of erosive air is enough to kill the team.
Can't attack casually, Shu Jun thought. If he really defeated this eclipse swamp, the "swamp eclipse head" hiding behind would definitely be alert. Right now they had better find the missing team member early, and then try to leave as low-key as possible.
But they can think of it, and it can also think of it.
Two hours passed, and the four of them found nothing. The lamp was finally overwhelmed and returned to the darkness with a click. Hu Yan sighed and started lighting with a cold light stick. The faint light reflects the dark stone walls, and the shadows pressed from all sides are suffocating.
In order to maintain physical strength, the trapped team members did not call for help anymore, instead knocking on the wall. A knocking sound of similar frequency came from all directions, which made people horrified.
"I have to rest... This mountain is almost broken for me, why hasn't it moved?"
Hu Yan repaired the cave all the way, and his physical strength was the most. Afraid of losing the chain at a critical moment, he stopped and sucked the liquid food with difficulty. The erosive content here is too high, and eating and drinking carry high risks. Shu Jun stared at Hu Yan worriedly, secretly suppressing the erosion around him.
The sound of the four people's footsteps disappeared, leaving only the ethereal knocking sound around.
"Speaking of which, this ability is a bit similar to Tian Feng." Unable to withstand this depressed atmosphere, Shu Jun grumbled at Zhu Yanchen again. "If this swamp knows how to fill human skin, I might not recognize it at first."
"Tianfeng's ability is'creation'." Zhu Yanchen stopped. "To be precise, it uses corrosive material to construct a structure similar to a living thing. From the perspective of those four-legged monsters, her ability to control her appearance is not (strong qiang)."
"Why?" Shu Jun was a little curious, he had obtained similar creativity, and only then could he repair the wound. Regardless of himself or Zhu Yanchen, he hasn't repaired to the point of strange shapes.
"Because your restoration is a partial restoration, and the prototype is still there. When she created those things, 80% of the victims in City X were swallowed up (gan gan). She could only extract information from the corpse fragments and create four differences. "
Zhu Yanchen's voice was low and serious.
"The ability of this eroding marsh is biased towards'imitation.' It is more like a mirror than creating from scratch. If I'm not mistaken, it should have heard our conversation near the heavily eroded area and then modified the content."
Shu Jun knew it. Since it is a mirror, it must not be able to reflect the inside. If the "human skin" is filled with pure corrosive quality, it is not easy to control the shape, and it is easier to (expose) the filling.
"Mirror...Ayan, I'm sure about a problem."
"Will it keep in touch with other swamps?" Shu Jun scanned the darkness around his eyes, "the uninterrupted kind."
"...I can't do it. The transmission of eclipse information is closer to correspondence, even if it regularly sends information outside, there will be a certain time difference."
"I understand." Shu Jun (touching Mo) (touching Mo) chin.
He gestured to the road that Hu Yan had opened, and then a breeze blew around him, and he fell into thought.
"Damn, it's not right." Yu Jin said suddenly, "I always feel weird-we have turned so many ways, the distance of the percussion sound has not changed much? And the road behind is too (gan) clean. I didn't find any trace of people."
"There's still an hour." Hu Yan gritted his teeth, "Isn't this place big? I don't believe it anymore."
Shu Jun took advantage of the situation and took the topic: "Team Hu, can you find out the situation of the entire mountain?"
"That will definitely..." He really almost punched this place through.
"Yujin, how many sources of percussion sounds around you?"
"Five, do you ask this (gan gan)?"
"Team Hu, open all the channels for the source of percussion. If someone directs the direction, you can do it."
"It can be." It just doesn't make much sense, it's just a waste of effort. But Hu Yan recognized this tone-Shu Jun must have thought of some bad idea.
"Get it now."
Hu Yan and Yu Jin looked at each other, Hu Yan snorted, and put his hands on the rock mountain. Yu Jin's suspicious look ran away from Hu Yan, but he still cooperated honestly.
"The passage over there, yes, and over there—I'll mark it for you with a highlighter." He murmured and instructed.
The wreckage of the rock mountain was not big, and it shook slightly under Hu Yan's (fuck cao) control, and a lot of fine dust poured down from the four people's heads.
Then the wind rose.
The wind is not too strong, blowing hard across the cave wall. They happened to be in the center of the rock at this moment, and dull thumping sounds came from all directions.
The ten people's leather balloons were pushed all the way by the (strong qiang) wind, stumbling across the tunnel, and collapsed under the feet of the four.
"...It's less moral than I thought." Shu Jun murmured, "There really isn't a group."
Yujin's mouth is one and one-only players have abilities, and Hu Yan's abilities are clearly written on the player information. This wind is not like natural wind, but it is also a supernatural power...
"It seems that this battle must be fought." Shu Jun drew out the giant sword, "Old Hu, open the way."
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