Chapter 69: Celebration

Xia Yufeng sat in the car and looked sadly toward the street. +++The latest Danmei novel ranking:
Zhu Sheng has released the authority of all research materials of the command center so that every researcher has the opportunity to access the core data. Even the Zhu Rong Memorial Hall, which contains the original Zhu Rong monument, is open. I wish the old man to be as vigorous as ever.
As the designer of the player system, Zhu Rong's relics are quite valuable. To replace him, I really didn't have the courage to give this order.
Originally, Xia Yufeng thought that this chaos was nothing to him. He didn't know anything about Erosion Marsh, Zhu Yanchen was the real researcher. But the surname Zhu was uneasy and kind, and didn't (do gan) business at the critical moment-after being threatened by Zhu Yanchen, Xia Yufeng thought about it, and there was only one conclusion.
Zhu Yanchen is not happy that Zhu Sheng is pressing on him to seize power.
Don't look at when, the He (chengcheng) person turned against the sky, and that person's mind is still one-mu three-quarters of human land. Even if Zhu Yanchen didn't like the player system, Zhu Sheng had also improved it. God knows where he is not satisfied. Xia Yufeng was bitter and couldn't tell.
Because of Marshal Zhu's recklessness, he has to do troublesome work right now-the car is still driving slowly, heading towards Tang's house.
Zhu Sheng wants Tang's private research materials.
The Tang family has always recommended Yi Ning, and Zhu Shengken sent "Zhu Yanchen" to the door personally to request, which is considered enough for the Tang family. Xia Yufeng had heard that, I wish the two ancestors of Tang have a good relationship. Two hundred years later, the two families (guanguan) became lukewarm because of the power struggle, but they did not stop the juniors from interacting.
At any rate, he had talked to Zhu Yanchen in his early years and heard his family talk about Zhu's family affairs. Tang Heyu, the host of the Tang family, was once a friend of Zhu Sheng. When he was young, he was quite talented in developing anti-erosion devices.
Later, I don't know why, Tang Heyu's behavior became more and more unreasonable. He had no intention of doing business. He was drunk and dreaming about holding the wine bottle every day. He broke up with Zhu Sheng, and handed over the management related to his wife Tang Mei. This time, Xia Yufeng went to see Tang Mei.
"Yes." Tang Mei grinned, her tone was quite refreshing.
As a big business owner, the Tang family didn't take up land to build a big house, but just hired a smart home design. The decoration of the house is magnificent, the furniture is rare and elegant, it is the high-end style of the end.
Tang Mei wore a black pearl necklace around her neck and a custom-made cheongsam. She looked at about fifty, her round face was slightly fat, her hair was black and shiny, and she was not old at all.
"It's rare that Zhuken sent her precious son here." She looked at Xia Yufeng who was wearing "Zhu Yanchen" for a while. "I knew that he was greedy for our caravan's protection technology. The people's safety is a big deal, and it will be stingy if you hide it again-of course I can hand over the protection patent, even if you don't come, I plan to hand it over."
She squeezed the teacup handle casually.
"But it can't be given in vain. We raised those researchers and spent a lot of money. I don't ask him for money, but it must be Yi Ning who gives away my technology."
Xia Yufeng didn't dared to bargain, so he had a stiff face and pretended to be calm.
He doesn't have much other skills, but he is quite good at seeing people. Zhu Sheng didn't intend to ask for it back at all. This was to urge the Tang family to hand over the things as soon as possible, and it was serious for the people to use it earlier.
Tang Mei bends her eyes and smiles again: "That old fox...he (chengcheng) came to disturb the vote, but he took the opportunity to grab his position and couldn't get down. Xiaozhu, you..."
"Is Zhu Yanchen here?" A grunt sounded with phlegm, followed by a strong smell of wine.
Xia Yufeng wrinkled his nose: "Uncle Tang."
Tang Heyu's hair is long, gray and greasy, with a sloppy beard on his cheeks. He looks like an old beggar compared to the majestic blessing.
Seeing her husband rushing into the living room, Tang Mei's expression became colder: "Heyu, even if you see the junior, you should clean up."
Gangan)(gangan) why is it here?" Tang Heyu's tongue was a bit big.
"Zhu Sheng wants our anti-corrosion patent. The cost of military equipment is too high. It is estimated that it will be used by the citizens."
"Anti-erosion is just farting." Tang Heyu stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes. "I've given him the most and most valuable one. He is still so greedy, hiccups, and lack of human heart..."
He looked at the air in a daze for a while, then looked at Xia Yufeng: "Chenchen, I...look at your research, it looks like a kind, but in the end it is still a soft egg. Crows can't give birth to golden phoenixes, and son Laozi is the same. ..."
"Not decent." Tang Mei said coldly, glancing at the guards in the room, "My husband is drunk, take him to sober up."
How could Xia Yufeng dare to say a word when the elders were making a move. He saw the drunk old man pointing his at himself, and then received Tang Mei's apology with a sullen face. Xia Yufeng basically left the Tang family with nothing but a small basket of fruit from Tang Mei.
But he heard something interesting.
"The most valuable one has been given to me?... Hmm." Zhu Sheng chewed on these words for a while, and opened his eyes for a long while, as if he was reminiscing something.
Xia Yufeng waited with trepidation, but when Zhu Lao spoke again, it was no longer the topic: "He said Zhu Yanchen's research is'like a kind'?"
"That's what he said." Although he had heard people say that Young Master Zhu's research was just for picking fruits, the thesis was shit.
"Call someone to show it." Zhu Sheng sighed. "Tell me when there is a result."
When Xia Yufeng went out, Zhu Sheng looked at his back for a while. Then he moved his crutches and walked slowly to the Zhurong Memorial Hall.
The Zhu Rong Memorial Hall was decorated with great care. After the natural disaster in X City, the Zhu family donated Zhu Rong's personal items (with yong) to make up such a memorial hall. The portrait of Zhu Rong hangs in the middle of the memorial hall. The person on the portrait is thin and young, with eyebrows similar to those of Zhu Yanchen.
However, Zhu Rong had no children. Zhu Sheng is very clear that everything is just a coincidence.
Zhu Sheng didn't like his second son very much. When Zhu Yanchen was young, Zhu Sheng only met him a few times. His son was born thin and small. He was timid in front of him. He didn't even dare to lift his head. At most, he screamed "Dad" on the floor.
His son showed hemorrhage (sexual xing) for the first time, but it was for the sake of being a person.
At that time, Zhu Sheng was at his peak, with busy government affairs and never cared about such trivial matters as his wife's recuperation. As a result, Zhu Yanchen actually ran to make a good friend while accompanying his mother to go "over there".
I have never seen him so socially talented.
Zhu Sheng's first reaction was to kill the cub (kill sha) of the He (cheng) person. It was stopped by the researcher at the time-that cub had a very high resonance with the eclipse, and would surely become the best "weapon" in the future.
He (chengcheng) cubs are not very valuable, but good seedlings are precious. (Kill sha) is a waste, but it is enough to teach my son a lesson.
His eldest son has just passed away. Although he can pick a somewhat capable adopted son from the Xia family, his biological son is more credible.
"I'll give you three choices." He said to the panicked Zhu Yanchen. "First, I (killed sha) it—"
The young Zhu Yanchen stood there stiffly, his eyes flushed suddenly.
"No!" he yelled rarely.
"Then kneel down and speak well." Zhu Sheng wrote lightly.
The little boy looked at him with a look like the sky was falling, and then slowly bent his knees for a while: "Father, please. I...I didn't tell him anything, it was all my fault..."
"Are you angry?" Zhu Sheng grabbed Zhu Yanchen's arm and lifted him from the ground. "Is it uncomfortable? Do you think I'm too much?"
His cowardly son bit his lip and didn't answer.
"This is power." Zhu Sheng let go and patted the dirt on Zhu Yanchen's body. "...This is what you weren't interested in before."
Zhu Yanchen still said nothing.
"If the leader is not me, your friend will have a dead end. Remember?"
"Yes, don't (kill sha) him. Then you have two choices. Its body is precious, I can pick one for you that is not useful, turn its mind out, and treat it as a pet for you. You can also eliminate it. Remember your memory, let it stay there. Which one do you choose?"
Zhu Yanchen stared at him, there were people in his black eyes.
"...Let him continue to live." The little boy was silent for a long time and replied word by word.
"Nice answer."
At that time, there was fire in Zhu Yanchen's eyes, and Zhu Sheng saw blood (sexual xing) and (kill sha) in his son for the first time. This is very good, he thought with satisfaction, Ruzi can teach.
After that, Zhu Yanchen's studies and exercises became even crazier, as he desperately absorbed knowledge like a sponge. Zhu Sheng is not surprised-now his child is still young, (sex xing) simple, fighting for three minutes of anger. When Zhu Yanchen grows up, he will probably abandon those innocent thoughts and inherit his mantle well.
But Zhu Yanchen did not.
Instead of dissipating with the years, his paranoia has become heavier. The young Zhu Yanchen used his tactical skills to climb all the way to the position of marshal. However, he still did not put aside the research on the marsh, and did not agree to continue to improve the player system.
Fortunately, people have limited energy, so Zhu Yanchen spent most of his energy on tactical command. It is true that he spent a lot of time in the command center to do research, and the people in the command center said that Marshal Zhu did not produce commendable results.
However, Zhu Yanchen continued.
This attitude always reminds him of an old friend who has become a waste.
Zhu Sheng walked to the glass showcase under the portrait and looked at the notepad lying quietly in the showcase. In a bunch of weird scientific research equipment, it is not conspicuous. This book is very old, it is fixed on one of the pages, and it is full of scribbled text and formulas. Zhu Sheng has never been involved in any relevant aspects and cannot understand what is written on it.
There is a metal plate across the bottom of the book, and the four characters "Zhu Rong Manuscript" are written with a little literary explanation. There is a very small line of text at the end-
[Gift from Tang Heyu and Zhu Sheng. 】
Zhu Sheng put a hand on the glass, his expression gradually sinking.
I am still softened. If he took the shot early (gan gan), Zhu Yanchen would not continue to indulge in the research of marsh erosion, so that he would be attacked on the way to the stronghold to take samples.
...Just like if he shot (gan gan) early, Tang Heyu would not become a waste.
Zhu Sheng raised his head and looked at the portrait of Zhu Rong.
"Your system is really tossing people." The old man said tiredly, sighing long.
He stayed for a while in the empty and bright room, turned his back, and walked towards the dim door. As the old man left, the lighting gradually dimmed, and a line of small characters at the bottom of the portrait seemed to be written in blood.
【Don't be afraid of sacrifice, you will be prosperous. 】
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