Chapter 1094: : Black hole weapons and changes

The explosion came without warning.
The moment the old chief committed suicide, the entire planet exploded.
The space shattered into fragments in an instant, then twisted and collapsed.
In the core of the planet, a black hole expanded rapidly, sucking the entire planet into it, and the space should not be shattered, and the huge tearing force would pull people into it.
Black hole!
Old Chief White Star installed a black hole weapon in the core of this planet.
Everything happened too late to think.
The life experience only knows how terrifying black hole weapons are.
This is the best weapon for arranging traps. This kind of trap is countless times more terrifying than space turbulence. As long as the enemy is attracted to the planet with black hole weapons, once activated, the entire planet will be destroyed, including all the lives inside.
It is like man-made a brand new black hole in the universe, and this kind of black hole will continue to expand, and then swallow all the surrounding matter.
This weapon is indistinguishable, and it is impossible to escape from space jumps.
Because it can continuously create black holes, this weapon is listed as a taboo weapon by the Universe Alliance, otherwise the universe will be destroyed in countless new black holes in the war.
The high-dimensional life in the past used unrestricted time weapons to destroy the time spin of the universe and fell to where it is today.
It was also the first time that Chen Mo saw a black hole weapon. He did not manufacture this kind of weapon because there was no need to manufacture it. He did not expect that the old chief dared to arrange black hole weapons on the planet where he lived, and the condition for activation was his own life.
This is a real hero, more hotter than anyone else [Penquge].
When the old chief committed suicide, Chen Mo realized something was wrong, and instantly raised his hand to the place where Mo Nu was, and saw Mo Nu disappear in the original position in the distortion of space.
Hu Bingxin was not so lucky, and before he could be swallowed by the door of space, the whole space collapsed.
She could not escape the fate of being captured by the black hole's gravity.
Can't escape.
Hu Bingxin was almost desperate. She could only feel the ever-increasing gravitational force. She began to feel severe pain in her body, and every cell was torn by gravity.
The White Star civilization is over.
The old chief and her died here, the White Star civilization has no leader, and there are many civilizations watching, and the White Star civilization will fall apart.
It's a pity that she can't see the end of the White Star Civilization.
It’s good not to see it.
As she closed her eyes and waited for death, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and a figure appeared in front of her.
Before she could think, the palm covered her head.
She felt like time was stagnant, very strange.
Before her eyes, a two-meter-small space hole was slowly taking shape. The space hole was breaking and reorganizing against the ever-increasing gravity of the black hole every moment.
Can he tear the door of space in the black hole space? What is this ability?
Chen Mo opened his five fingers wide, and his heart was silent.
He didn't know the consequences of being sucked into the black hole as a fourth-dimensional body, but he couldn't risk it either.
The abilities of time and space are blending. This is the first time he has used both abilities unscrupulously. He doesn't know the consequences, but now he wants to escape the black hole's gravity.
The space-time ability is fighting against the space-time shattered by the black hole, but it is extremely difficult to maintain the stability of the space gate.
For the first time, Chen Mo realized that his abilities had not yet been developed.
Pain is inevitable, he is also suffering from the torn pain of time and space, and at the same time protects Fox Bingxin. Hu Bingxin was the key figure in his control of the White Star Civilization, and he didn't want this opportunity to be wasted.
His legs, lacking in resistance, were torn in the space, disappearing little by little like evaporation.
Gravity is getting bigger and bigger, and time and space begin to become chaotic.
In front of Chen Mo, the fluctuations became more and more severe, and the space was shattered by the black hole. He needed to reconnect the space and restore the space in front of him to its original shape, so that he could open the door to the outside space and shuttle out.
Otherwise, he will not know which time and space he will be sent to in the future, and he will be in trouble.
The colorful rays of light converge in space, and their position, like a small sampan in a whirlpool, may be swallowed at any time.
The recovery was shattered again, and repeated efforts seemed to be in vain.
Chen Mo remained calm in the time and space storm, the tearing of gravity was completely abandoned by him, and he focused on the idea of ​​opening a door to space in the black hole space.
Oh oh oh! ! !
A weird whistling sound appeared. It was the buzzing sound of spatial friction in the black hole. Ordinary life was here, and could be shattered by this sound.
A colorful door of space emerges and is expanding with difficulty.
The moment it expanded to 1.5 meters, Chen Mo grabbed Hu Bingxin's waist, his figure suddenly flashed, and he entered the door of space.
At the moment when Chen Mo disappeared, the door of space in the black hole shattered, turned into a gleam, and stirred into the turbulent flow of the black hole.
From the opening of the black hole weapon to Chen Mo's escape, all of this was done in an instant after a long time.
In space, a planet can be seen collapsing into the black hole in the center. Gravity is constantly increasing, pulling all asteroids in space into it, and the space is shattered and distorted.
Until all the asteroids were swallowed, the newly formed black hole departed from its original orbit and approached the star.
Just waiting to get close to the gravitational range, this young black hole will swallow the star and grow.
The Shenyuan meeting shocked the universe.
Chen Mo suddenly appeared and opened the door of the space in full view of the crowd and controlled Hu Bingxin to leave. The hundreds of thousands of warships and countless war machines arranged around the entire Shenyuan Star were all shattered into pieces, and even the tens of thousands of super masters of the White Star Civilization died inexplicably.
Chen Mo once again demonstrated the means of annexing the Sauron Alliance. Only a galaxy-level superpower can have such a terrifying ability.
This battle changed the direction of the universe.
The Shenyuan meeting failed and Hu Bingxin was taken away, which meant that the White Star Civilization's layout against marching ants was shattered.
But there are rumors that the marching ant leader Chen Mo sneaked into the white star universe and slaughtered the high-level members of the white star civilization. Finally, he died with the old chief and was destroyed under the black hole weapon.
However, the marching ants did not seem to be affected, and their actions did not hesitate.
When the Shenyuan Meeting announced its failure, Lan commanded the warhead and inserted into the white star field with lightning speed. They encountered crazy resistance on the way, but under the strength of the concentrated super warhead, the marching ants were like a broken bamboo.
Afterwards, the marching ants announced that they had successfully opened the door of the white star universe and entered the heart of the white star civilization.
At this moment, the forces of the universe were terrified and shocked.
Another feast of the civilization of the God of Cookery kicked off.
After the destruction of the Pluto civilization, many top forces are still immersed in the beauty of harvesting benefits. The forces that participated in that war at that time all got rich in that feast.
Now that the White Star Civilization collapsed suddenly, the benefits she left behind were more than that of the Pluto Civilization.
The defense of the White Star Universe is not at the same level as the defense of the outside world. Successfully found the connection point of the white star universe, the warhead of the marching ants, almost rushed out into the white star universe, frantically swallowing the star field in the universe.
If the marching ants completely control the white star universe, then the safest base camp of the white star civilization will disappear, and then the white star civilization will not be far from destruction.
At the same time as the marching ants launched the attack against the White Star, there were also the Nebula Alliance and the New Five Cities Alliance.
On the other hand, the Black Eye Civilization also seemed to perceive something wrong, and immediately asked Yan to command the warhead to turn his head to attack the White Star Territory. The Red Army, who was originally entangled with the Ziwei civilization, also quickly turned around and slammed into the white star field.
The black pupil civilization followed, and life in the universe suddenly appeared.
The White Star civilization is in danger.
It was originally a meeting aimed at marching ants, but I didn't expect to be strongly destroyed by the marching ants, but turned around to kill White Star. All this was unexpected.
However, what was even more surprising was that no one at the top of the White Star Civilization stood up to stabilize the chaotic situation.
What happened to the senior leaders of the White Star Civilization?
Soon, the major forces began to notice the rumors that began to flow out.
Chen Mo entered the white star universe to slaughter the senior leaders of the white star civilization, and died together with the old chief, and was destroyed under the black hole weapon.
Bai Xing's high-level team was stunned.
As Bai Xing's chaos progressed, the outside world became more and more sure of this statement.
Soon, inside the White Star also confirmed the outside world's conjecture. Luo Yi, the genius of the Xiao Clan of the White Star Civilization's old family group, announced his successor to the White Star Chief, and the families that supported the old Chief and Madame Fox faction, led by top generals Xing Goxuan and Tukanan, opposed Luo Yi's succession.
The conflict between the two factions occurred and intensified.
Both parties announced that they would draw the star field and rule, claiming to be the white star orthodox.
The White Star civilization split.
The split in the special period will undoubtedly make the situation worse for Bai Xing.
The news, like a black hole explosion, caused an uproar in the universe.
The split occurred and the news of the massacre of the senior leaders and the old chiefs of Bai Xing was confirmed. However, whether Chen Mo, the leader of the marching ants, really died with the old chief, the outside world has not confirmed.
If the rumors are true, then this time is the result of both the White Star and the Marching Ants losing out.
The outside world is looking forward to confirming the news of Chen Mo's death. They are waiting for the internal collapse of the marching ants and split like white stars. But to their disappointment, the marching ants did not split, but became stronger.
The marching ants under the command of Lan quickly occupied the white star universe.
When the Ziwei civilization and the Thousand Star Empire joined the sequence of annexation, the battle for the division of the White Star Domain officially began.
The black pupil civilization and the marching ants formally met each other in the white star field, and the war between the two was particularly fierce, reaching the point where the situation changed. But with the flank of the Lagerstroemia civilization Chen Bing, the black pupil civilization and the marching ants did not dare to make much movement, and had to shrink their defense lines.
The Warhead of Thor Civilization also entered the White Star Domain, but was blocked by the Thousand Star Empire. The Thor civilization did not take advantage of the Thousand Star Empire, and the two sides quickly fell into a stalemate.
The Thor Civilization was not aware of it. Once they stalemate with the Thousand Star Empire, they will lose the qualification to eat the White Star Territory. They immediately separated from the War Department and wanted to break through the entanglement of the Thousand Star Empire from the flanks.
However, the ending surprised the outside world. The Thousand Star Empire had insight into the tactics of Thor Civilization, set up a space trap, and severely damaged the flanking warhead of Thor Civilization in one fell swoop.
As soon as the result of the battle came out, the prestige of the Thousand Star Empire skyrocketed, surpassing the previous Thousand Star Empire.
Kaliyi, the commander-in-chief of the War Department of the Thousand Star Empire, officially entered the vision of the major forces in the universe.
This former high-ranking star Carrie, who was once defeated by the marching ants and was forced to disarm and return to the field, the former senior general of Shepherd City, once again stood on the stage of the universe for the stars with a strong posture, and became the new top general star.
The civil war in the White Star Territory was fierce, and the tragic level caused some small forces to retreat.
But things have not stopped.
The contradiction between the two factions within the White Star is irreparable. The senior members of the White Star civilization have died, and the invasion of the great powers, under the terrifying offensive and pressure, Luo Yi of the White Star Xiao clan announced that he will join the Black Pupil civilization and become the allies of the Black Pupil civilization One.
After the Xiao clan split the White Star and voted for the enemy, Gou Xuan and Tukanan were even more angry, and they attacked him frantically. The war was fierce.
In the universe, no power can stay out of this war.
Time is walking fast and passing by in the flames and battles.
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