Chapter 1111: : Before the war

He Su crossed out the news, shut down the virtual reality network, got up and left the house.
The new prophet has succeeded to the throne, but he doesn't know how the endless sea will go in the future.
But this has little to do with him.
He Su laughed at himself.
He is now just one of the countless ordinary lives in the endless sea, for the endless sea, he is dispensable. Although suppressed, he still has no problem solving his own life with his ability.
There were a few old people playing chess by the park. He Su thought about it and swam over.
He Su simply sat on a chess table next to him, quietly watching the two old men play chess.
"Brother, I have nothing to do. Are you interested in a game of chess?" A young man with ordinary looks took two girls and sat down on another stool on the chess table.
Traveling with two beauties, this is a rare lineup.
Hesu couldn't help but glanced at the young man, and he smiled at him, and he nodded.
The chessboard starts, and a three-dimensional chessboard emerges. This is a holographic chessboard with a style similar to three-dimensional Go. It has more rules and more points than Go, and has twenty-four lines in both horizontal and vertical widths, and the difficulty is also geometric multiples.
On the huge holographic chessboard, there are horizontal and vertical lines.
"You first." Chen Mo gestured with his hand.
Hesu takes the blue first, and Chen Mo is the red.
"Brother, have you paid attention to the news of the Prophet's succession?" Chen Mo lowered his hand and asked casually.
"Of course I pay attention to such important news."
"It feels like the endless sea is going to change. What do you think the new prophet must do to make the endless sea become stronger?"
"You mean military or political?"
"Is there a difference?"
"Yes, I don't know much about military use, so I don't have the qualifications to comment, but political science, I personally have some research, when I graduated, I learned political science." He Su said.
"Then talk about politics. I have talked with some friends, but I haven't heard the opinions of professionals."
"If you want the endless sea to become stronger, you must first take back the power in the hands of the family and nobles and drive them out of the political system." He Su said.
"Why? You have enemies with those family nobles?" Chen Mo asked casually while playing chess.
Hesu's expression remained unchanged. After thinking about it, he played a game of chess and said: "I used to have a little conflict with the nobleman, but I now say that this is not a personal vengeance."
"How to say?"
"The White Star Civilization is ruined? Why?" He Su asked back.
"The old chief and Mrs. Fox are missing?"
"This is just one of the reasons. They are missing. The White Star civilization is at most a group of dragons without a leader, a huge god-level civilization. It is impossible for this to become what it is now. They could choose a new leader.
However, the clan headed by the Xiao clan conflicted with the old Hu Bingxin tribe, and they could not be elected. However, the family aristocracy had too much power. In this troubled time, naturally, they were no longer willing to be led by others.
The intricately intertwined old interest groups are one of the reasons that hinder development. Just look at the other companies.
Marching ants are rising stars. They are not involved in such complicated family relationship interests. They are born without this trouble, so they are full of vitality.
After the Black Eye Civilization came to power in the Tong Qing Bi Palace, it shuffled the cards internally, abolished the Black Eye Council, and slowly recovered the power and privileges from the family aristocrats, centralized power in their own hands, and became a family.
The old and new Thor civilizations alternated. After the Thunder came to power, they did not completely get rid of this constraint. Therefore, the development has been a bit slow over the years, and even the Thousand Star Empire dared to challenge them.
The most ruthless Ziwei civilization, Zi Junzhi sacrificed his life’s reputation, introduced Zidi to Ziwei star, and completed the massacre and cleansing overnight. The old family and the core of the nobility were all killed, and then he gave power to his students and let himself The students of the students staged a great righteous killing of relatives, and then took charge of a crape myrtle civilization after cutting off the dead branches and rotten leaves. "
The mouth of Hesu was full of water. At the end, he turned into a sigh, and then continued to play chess.
"That said, these family nobles are really serious."
"It's more than serious. The old civilization has been passed down to this day. Some families have existed for hundreds of millions of years, even hundreds of millions of years. They involve many interests. Although the endless sea is peaceful, it is no exception. Throughout the history of the development of life civilization in the universe, many kings of the country, They often find reasons to start with some high-ranking officials, why? Because of their existence, they may be stretched to the new ruler's rule and prestige, and may even be rebellious."
When it comes to politics, He Su talks endlessly. He cares about it, but he can't do anything.
He is even suppressed now, and no matter how much he says, he is just talking about it.
When he managed the galaxy at the beginning, he was just to get rid of the interference of those family aristocrats in their galaxy, so he offended those old-fashioned families and caused him to stop his career.
"The other god-level civilizations all have methods to clean up the family nobles. If it is our endless sea, how should we clean up?" Chen Mo continued to ask.
"Unless you are going to suffer a serious injury like crape myrtle or black pupil, it can't be solved in a short time. But at this time, we can't afford endless sea injuries. We can only cook frogs in warm water."
"How to cook? What policy?"
"This thing is very complicated, we ordinary people, don't understand the situation, it's useless at all, and it's not in the right place." He Su laughed.
"What if in its place?"
Chen Mo's face changed, changing into the look of the Prophet of Endless Sea. The faces of Mo Nu and Shuiling next to them all began to change.
He Su was stunned, and his hand just about to play froze in midair.
On the main hall of the prophet star, full of stars sits.
These are all high-level general stars at the core of Endless Sea.
In addition to the commander-in-chief and deputy generals of the Ninth Military Headquarters, there are also generals in charge of other elite warheads.
In accordance with past practice, the succession of a new prophet is often when the old ministry changes blood, but the military will not.
These generals all relied on their military merits to get to where they are today step by step. He can use the current stars he believes to be talented, and there is no possibility of a major replacement.
"Next I want to announce one thing." Chen Mo glanced at the field and said: "The endless sea will start the journey and join the ranks of the universe war for hegemony."
As soon as this remark came out, there was a commotion among all the stars on the field.
I guessed that the succession of the new prophet would change, but I didn't expect it so soon.
There are a few general stars eager to try, they can all feel the atmosphere on the field is different, but they did not speak, looking forward to the new prophet.
"The first goal, dark forest civilization."
As soon as he said this, there was a heavy breathing in the conference hall.
Finally waited until this day.
They have long been unhappy with the dark forest civilization, which is a historical grudge.
The dark forest civilization is next to them, but will often provoke them, and it has a long history. The group of wild beasts would make some noise from time to time, and then came to find their faults, and the grievance between the two parties became deeper and deeper.
When the Dark Dragon prince came here to provoke him, he was assassinated on the way back after he was assassinated on the way back, and the two started a small-scale local war and confrontation.
In the end, there was no big trouble, and the ancient prophets at that time let them bear it.
The armed confrontation continued until the dark forest split.
They wanted to teach them a lesson when the dark forest was weak, but after the cosmic war broke out, the endless sea blocked the star field and did not participate in the cosmic war, so they stopped.
Now that the new prophet succeeds to the throne, the first goal is the dark forest, and the old and new hatreds are counted together.
The outside world has said that the endless sea is not bloody, and they are also very suffocated as the endless sea's military. Now this breath, there is no need to hold back.
Chen Mo looked around for a week and was somewhat satisfied with their reaction. No matter what period, soldiers must be bloody. The impression of endless sea is peaceful. This is a misunderstanding of the outside world.
The competitive environment of the sea-like tribe is not worse than that of other places, it is only the influence of the prophet's policy.
"Next, we need to make some appropriate wartime adjustments to the war department. The original warhead of Endless Sea has been changed to wartime organization, and the war headquarters will be opened. General White Sea, you will be the commander-in-chief of the wartime operation department, and the Black Sea general With General Zihai, you serve as the deputy commander in chief, and the others maintain the original post of commander in chief of the war department.
The general headquarters governs the Ninth Great War Department and the Three Thousand Army Corps. You jointly select the stars to form the General Staff Corps to command operations against the dark forest civilization. Do you have any other questions? Or any suggestions for arrangements? "
"I'm fine." Black Sea will speak.
"I'm fine." Zi Haijun said solemnly.
According to the current arrangement, his position is considered a higher level.
The White Sea General and the Black Sea will be the top generals. He is still so close to the top generals, but he is younger than the other two. If he can experience the baptism of war, he may not lose to them in the future.
The other star looked at each other, and there was no big problem.
Bai Hai will be the big brother of many generals. He is a veteran general and a top general. He has a calm style and is the best candidate to be the commander in chief. Heihai general has a radical style, and he is also a veteran top general, and it is no problem to serve as deputy commander. Zihai general has outstanding tactical talents, dare to fight and fight, and has the potential of top generals, and there is no big problem.
The Prophet made such an arrangement, and they would naturally have no opinion.
"There is a question." Bai Hai will speak, attracting the eyes of the entire conference room, only to see him smile, his eyes flashing: "I just want to ask, when will the war begin?"
"Three months later."
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