Chapter 1110: : In the name of the Prophet of the Endless Sea Race

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived at the Prophet.
The test of the path of the prophet didn't come as a big surprise, and this was what he expected. He has reached a higher level now, this test is nothing to him.
The reason why he is marching in such a high profile is to establish his prestige.
He needs to control the endless sea with the fastest speed, so that he can do what he can.
Now is the best ending.
He already knew what happened next.
Now, apart from the prophet and Shuiling, no one knows his true identity. He thought of this step as early as when he obeyed the old prophet's arrangement and took over the endless sea, so he deliberately concealed his identity.
For the current situation of the universe, this is a king bomb.
When used properly, nothing is impossible.
"It's started." Mo Nu whispered in Chen Mo's ear.
The coronation ceremony began.
On the huge square, there was a dense crowd of people standing, like ants, when they saw Chen Mo's speeding car appear, cheers rang through the sky. The crowd is surging, and you can see the pious and worshipful look on their faces.
For cultural reasons, the carpet is blue, and the life of the endless sea likes blue. On both sides of the blue carpet, sea flowers were placed, and the flowers breathed out a slight mist, and the fragrance was extremely delicate.
Then came the nobles and powerful figures of the endless sea, large and small, in large numbers, standing on both sides to welcome the coronation of the new prophet.
Ten thousand guards stood on the steps on both sides of the high platform, extending to the top.
This is the highest ritual of the endless sea, and also the most sacred ritual.
Chen Mo stood in the car and saw the surrounding scenes, feeling very emotional.
He has never cared about any rituals, but the scene in front of him is really exciting. No wonder everyone likes power. With great power, he has the ambition to command the world.
Ascending to the high platform and receiving the fishbone gun and seal, which represent the supreme power of the Prophet of the Endless Sea, from the hands of the godly believer, Chen Mo felt that the responsibility in his heart was heavy.
From this moment on, he was the leader of the endless sea.
"Say a few words."
The godly believer smiled at Chen Mo and immediately retreated, leaving the center of the high platform to him.
Chen Mo raised the gray-white fishbone gun, took a step forward, and glanced at the endless sea people under the high platform: "I will guard this star field in the name of the endless sea clan prophet, the endless sea clan, immortal."
"The prophet is immortal!"
"The prophet is immortal!"
I don't know who yelled a word, and crazy cheers and shouts erupted from the field, and there was a lot of joy.
In the Crystal Palace in the depths of the Sea of ​​Taboo, the old prophet smiled relievedly when Chen Mo took the oath.
"I can finally rest assured."
After speaking, the old prophet slowly stood up and staggered towards the outside.
"Teacher, what are you?"
When the old murloc saw this scene, his jaw almost fell.
He knows that the teacher seldom leaves the Crystal Palace, at least in his reign for several thousand years, he has not seen the teacher leave the Crystal Palace, but now he is leaving.
"My business is over, it's time to enjoy my old age." The old prophet smiled extremely relaxedly.
"Teacher, where are you going?"
"When I am old, I have only a few decades of life left. I look at the endless sea and find a quiet planet for the elderly, grow flowers, raise pets, and enjoy life."
The old prophet staggered out of the Crystal Palace, and the old murloc hurriedly followed.
The moment the door was closed, the empty Crystal Palace seemed to end in a sad era.
"The main problem you face now is the management team." Shuiling reminded Chen Mo.
Successfully taking over as the prophet of the endless sea means that the endless sea will be under Chen Mo's control in the future, but there is still a process in it to take over the endless sea.
This requires Chen Mo to appoint the main officials of endless sea to form his own management team.
"Become a prophet, and you will automatically become the most senior leader of the endless sea. You need to take over the power of the military and appoint a maritime chief at the same time." Shui Ling said: "The chief maritime officer is the second person in the endless sea. ."
"The choice of the chief maritime officer is a problem," Chen Mo muttered.
This position is quite the position of Zhao Min in the marching ant group.
But he did not have the right person to manage, which is a big problem.
The endless sea is a god-level civilization, with a vast star field, and ordinary managers may not be able to manage the endless sea. It is impossible for him to find people from the earth to come here to manage. The time of one manager here is fifty years, and the people on the earth don't understand the situation of the endless sea, and if they manage it rashly, problems will arise.
The best choice is the life inside the endless sea.
"Can't you change the line?" Chen Mo asked.
"It's mainly up to you, but I believe that the current team's work is absolutely not in line with the style you want. The current group of people are more or less at odds with the noble family." Shui Ling said.
The current endless sea management team are relatively gentle people, which is related to the style of the former prophet.
Her teacher, the former prophet, has a relatively mild personality. When he took office, there were not too many wars and contradictions in the universe. Today's universe environment is different, and Chen Mo's own personality is also different.
"Are there any suitable candidates to recommend to me?" Chen Mo asked.
"There is one, but I don't know if it's suitable." Shuiling hesitated and said: "A middle-aged man, he has excellent management skills, but for some reason, he cannot be reused."
"How do you say?" Chen Mo asked curiously.
"His original family is also considered a little nobleman in Endless Sea. He is considered the leader of that family. After graduating from the academy, he became the administrator of a galaxy. Because of his outstanding performance and rapid promotion, he became a superstar within a thousand years. The administrator of the galaxy cluster. But because he offended people and was suppressed, his family drove him out of the house in order to save him, his position was gone, and he became an ordinary life."
"So dramatic? Do you still have such a thing in Endless Sea?" Chen Mo was immediately happy.
"Where there are murlocs, there are rivers and seas. The endless sea is as big as the endless sea. Some things are inevitable, and some things, the teacher will not interfere too much." Shuiling sighed.
"What is special about him?"
"His political management is excellent. If he is the descendant of the old nobleman, I am afraid that he has entered the core management team now. He is a pragmatist and does not deal with the family aristocrats of the endless sea. He should have a very bright future, but Later it touched the interests of a large family and was suppressed."
"You won't give him a chance?"
"Our fourteen heirs, the Four Elephant Sea Lords and Ten Big Sea Stars, cannot participate in politics before they are in power, but they can identify candidates and form a brain-tank team in advance. I have thought that when competing with the prophets, my team will definitely He has a place, so I have been investigating him secretly. But now, I don't need it anymore," Shuiling said.
"Then take me to see him." Chen Mo said.
For the huge endless sea, there are countless lives and countless geniuses, and the novel has not dared to write that way, and it will be a sensation by then.
But if the other party really has this ability, Chen Mo doesn't mind using him.
"His name is Hesu," Shuiling said.
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