Chapter 1109: : Liwei

At this time, no one on the court could remain calm, all looking at the figure in space in shock.
Even the Sea Lord of the Four Elephants and the Sea Star of the Nine Stars were shocked.
They felt this way for the first time.
When they faced the ancient prophets, the restraint came from the superior temperament and his own aura, but there would be no pressure. Now some people turn this invisible aura into pressure.
What superpower is this?
This is beyond their understanding.
"What superpower is this?"
Countless people looked up at the figure in space. The audience before the live broadcast could not feel the momentum, but seeing this figure, there was an unconscious sense of devotion, a sense of devotion from the depths of genes, as if this was not a life. It's a belief.
Everything seemed static.
The battleship in space began to disintegrate, not by tearing or destruction, but by dismantling. The parts were intact and loosened at a speed visible to the naked eye, like ink falling into hot water.
The scene is very strange.
The pressure of horror, like a boulder pressing on them.
Soon, the six million soldiers discovered that their armor began to lose control, and then disintegrated in space, one by one scattered, all without warning.
Despair is permeating, and the touching strings are out of control like an avalanche.
Without the armor, they seemed helpless in space, and they couldn't move, so they could only float in space, and it would be useless to struggle.
Until now, they don't know what superpower the new prophet is and why it has such a wide range of effects.
Shuiling was also stunned by this scene.
She knew Chen Mo was powerful, but she knew how terrifying she was when she saw it.
No wonder he dared to enter the Lair of the White Star Civilization alone, take away the lair of others, and let the White Star Civilization disintegrate. At the same time, he had no idea of ​​the power of the top superpower, and now she realized it.
No wonder the era of superpowers has arrived, and the Black Eye Civilization and the White Star Civilization are very jealous of the marching ants, and now she knows why the two are so jealous of the marching ant groups.
Under special super powers, the battle armor appears vulnerable.
She suddenly remembered the battle with Bai Xing Civilization in Gulu Hongqiao when the Super War Department just appeared.
She was a little suspicious now that those 10,000 guards could also handle the six million soldiers, only to establish the prestige of the leader, he chose to end himself.
This is showing muscles.
One person crushes six million people.
This is the top super player.
The terrifying picture should not stop.
All the scattered parts of the warship converge in the direction of Chen Mo, and they are transformed into molecules under the feet of the new prophet, and slowly accumulate like 3D printing.
Everyone who saw this scene was suppressed.
Under their gaze, the material under the feet of the new prophet accumulates more and more, and a super-giant warship appears in silhouette.
All this has not stopped.
With the accumulation of parts and components, the size of battleships is getting bigger and bigger.
Now they are in horror and awe, nothing else.
The battleship is still getting bigger, five hundred meters, one thousand meters, five kilometers, ten thousand meters...
The final shape.
They seemed to see a scene in a dream, without any machines or tools, using super power to build a super large battleship in such a short time.
There is no sound in the space at this time.
They stared blankly at the battleship floating in space, unable to describe the shock of their hearts in words. Use super power to create a super giant battleship out of thin air, this is the god.
That lonely figure appeared insignificant on the super giant battleship, but it became the center of the world.
They intuitively feel that they are so small.
Chen Mo spread his five fingers and twisted slightly in the void, as if to twist the bearing of time.
An inexplicable breath and sense of terror enveloped this space.
Strange waves invade the body of every life, and they seem to be in a long river of time. Their skin began to loosen, their physical strength declined, and everything around them seemed to be dull and dull. They were like dust struggling in the ocean, and they could not break free if they resisted.
They grew old at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Fear, panic, and awe fill everyone's heart.
Not only the scene, but the audience in front of the live broadcast light curtain showed horror and awe. This superpower was too terrifying, as if the life and time in their body were taken away, they could not resist.
The faces of the Four Elephant Sea Master and the Nine Big Sea Stars were ashamed, their faces no longer have any fighting spirit.
They thought of the war of the Sauron Alliance, they thought of the disintegration of the White Star Civilization, the top superpower, can destroy a star on their own.
This is time super power.
The most mysterious time superpower in the legend.
Under the long river of time, everything is as small as dust. They feel that they are ridiculous and naive, their so-called siege and trap, their so-called strength and self-confidence, before the new prophet, is a joke, a complete joke.
They became the background of the new prophet and the first target of Liwei.
"I'm not reconciled."
The sea lord of the Eastern Elephant floated decadently in space, laughing crazily, and finally flew to Chen Mo desperately, like a moth fighting a fire.
Facing this kind of begging for death, Chen Mo ignored it, but the Mo girl next to him stepped forward and nodded a finger into the void. The space in space is like a stone falling on the surface of a dead lake, ripples in space spread. I saw that the armor of the Eastern Elephant Sea Lord also disintegrated in space. He was imprisoned in space and could no longer enter.
He was left alone struggling in space, laughing wildly, almost crazy.
He is the most ambitious one among the heirs of Endless Sea, and his overall strength is also considered the strongest. He has waited for thousands of years to become a prophet, and he wants to become the leader of a god-level civilization.
Now everything is gone.
He was not even better than a maid of the new prophet. He didn't even have a chance to fight the opponent. From beginning to end, the new prophet didn't look at him directly.
The Eastern Elephant Sea Lord floated in space, no longer moving, just staring blankly at the starry sky in front of him, his eyes gray.
Several other heirs are like mourning concubines.
Their self-confidence was blown beyond recognition, and they were convinced by this result.
They never thought that super power can reach such a powerful point.
It is the first time that Chen Mo has used time superpower on such a large scale. This is considered the first time super power show, and it is also the first time that he has used the power of atomic level in this way.
In terms of destructive power, time superpower is not amazing, but its impact on the soul is not weaker than other superpowers.
This ability to take away the opponent's time invisibly is completely unsolvable.
"Who else is not convinced?" Chen Mo stopped on the super giant battleship, his voice penetrated the space of space and fell into everyone's ears.
At this moment, all soldiers have their heads down.
In front of the superpowers who control time, all their obstacles are a joke.
At the same time, their hearts began to become fanatical. The new prophet taking office means that their endless sea will usher in a super strong leader as a leader, who has control of time superpower that has never been seen before.
This battle made the endless sea intuitively feel the arrival of the super power era. Controlling six million soldiers by oneself is an unprecedented achievement.
After experiencing the initial shock, the people of the endless sea fell into crazy cheers.
In their endless sea, a strong man who surpassed the planet-level superpower came out.
This life is still their leader.
At present, there are only a handful of people in the universe who have become superpowers above the planet level by their own strength.
The slayed Purple Emperor, the veteran powerhouse Chief White Star, known as the strongest person in the universe, Tongqing, and Chen Mo, the lord of the marching ants who destroyed the Sauron Alliance and the White Star civilization on his own.
Now there is one more powerhouse, the new prophet of their endless sea, who has the most special time superpower.
For a long time, the strength of the endless sea in the seven god-level civilizations is the inverse, and now they seem to be able to see their endless sea become stronger.
The new prophet must have a way to advance superpowers, so they will have such strength at such a young age. Once this method is promoted, their endless sea will be the second to master the power of the super warhead after the marching ants.
They are about to witness the crowning of the strongest prophet ever in the endless sea.
The prestige of the new prophet now truly surpasses the predecessor and is almost close to the old prophet. The old prophet ignores world affairs, in the endless sea, the prestige of lifelessness can surpass the new prophet.
The endless sea, which was originally calm, set off a feverish storm.
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