Chapter 259: :Freshly baked

From the marching ant company, Gao Zhendong’s face has been bad. After the last time I went back to the marching ant company, they were ready to be slaughtered.
They expected that even if the lion company had a big opening, it could only have a price of 12%, but he underestimated Zhao Min.
Although it is only 1.1% of the gap, but this price is calculated, the annual payment of billions of technical fees to the army ant company.
He doesn't know the licensing fees of other companies, but he can be sure that it is definitely higher than several companies in China.
The only thing that can be done now is to get it back from the user. The price of mobile phones has increased by 13%, and mobile phones are only a few hundred dollars. For current mobile phones and consumption levels, this price has risen and is still within the acceptable range of consumers.
"Let people release the news, we have already reached a cooperation with the marching ant company, the new flagship machine S11, released two weeks later." Gao Zhendong said after the car, to the assistant next to him.
"Okay." The female assistant next to her nodded.
The news of the cooperation between the marching ant company and Samsung company is sweeping like the wind. When foreign countries are reporting, the domestic network has already culminated.
Many netizens on the Internet are indignant at the two cooperations. For a long time, many people in South Korea feel sick. Now the marching ant company and Samsung have reached a cooperation, and the network debate has revived.
Some people said that they were disappointed with the marching ant company, while others defended the army ant company.
This is a global era, the domestic mobile phone giants, the most normal cooperation between them, however, many companies use Samsung's screen, as well as memory technology.
The debate started again, but for these remarks, the marching ant company ignored it and worked as usual.
Because of this questioning voice, they have long been used to it. Over time, this kind of remarks will disappear into the network.
As long as you think about it with your mind, you know that the cooperation between the two companies is the most normal thing. Moreover, the marching ants are authorized to Samsung. To make money, it is also the marching ants who earn their money.
At this time, Zhao Min was holding a phone in the office, and the pen in his right hand was gently tapping on the table.
After the smart assistant was authorized to Samsung, the fierce competition in the mobile phone market continues. However, the parties are not them, so the movement of the army ants company is not big, and how they compete, it is the kingly way to make money silently.
"Mr. Alexander, you want to see our boss. I can't do it. I will tell him back. If you can, let him see you once when you come over."
"Okay, Ms. Zhao, I am looking forward to seeing you."
Hanging up the phone, Zhao Min thought about it and looked at the smart speaker on the desktop: "Ink girl, is the boss now having time?"
Now marching ants, both up and down are artificial intelligence.
The entire Ant Colony Headquarters is like a large intelligent building, and the intelligence of the building is connected to Chen Mo's personal intelligent assistant.
Chen Mo, the artificial intelligence assistant called Mo, followed Chen Mo for so long, and he was still familiar with these things.
Ink is also the most advanced artificial intelligence of the marching ant company, but no one knows her true intelligence, because in addition to Chen Mo, others can not use this artificial intelligence.
"President, wait a moment, I ask." The ink girl opened her mouth. It didn't take long for the speaker to hear Chen Mo's voice: "Are you looking for me?"
"There is something, I want to talk to you."
"Come to the 1st floor, the 3rd floor of the 3rd laboratory, and show you something by the way."

The holographic projector is coming out?
Zhao Min asked curiously.
She knows that the technology hidden in Building No. 1 is a horrible secret. Now Chen Mo has spurred new technology. Now she doubts whether Chen Mo is an alien.
"I will know when I come."
"I still sell off."
Zhao Min stunned and got up and left the office.
On the 1st floor, the number of times Zhao Min came here, the number of two hands came over. Here is the automatic production, plus intelligent robots, all kinds of strange robots, no one's breath, just full of technology.
Every time I come here, I have a feeling of seeing the future. Even she is worried that in science fiction movies, robots betray, and things that want to replace humans will not happen.
With Chen Mo's ‘Sacred Decree’, Zhao Min entered the first building and started all the way. Not long after, Zhao Min went to the laboratory No. 3 that Chen Mo said.
"Come on, you are right, the holographic projector is out." Chen Mo pointed at the product on the experimental table.
In front of him, there is a circular instrument, which is only one laptop in size. It has a silvery metallic color and a new luster. The instrument is covered with various small laser lights and the precision of the instruments. Accessories, full of technology.
After the day and night of the ink girl's day and night, with the help of the 3D printer, the design samples were created.
This small instrument costs more than two million.
Chen Mo is designing a holographic projector, and Zhao Min is the president of the company. She still knows this information. However, she was surprised that Chen Mo was made so soon.
"Can this be used?" Zhao Min asked.
"Freshly baked, I am preparing for testing, I am not sure." Chen Mo smiled: "Ink girl, ready to open holographic projection."
After pressing a button, Chen Mo waits.
The light from the medium holographic projector illuminates and meets above the disc.
Not long after, on the light curtain of the disc, there was a little girl wearing a white skirt, which looked like an ancient little princess, very cute.
This little girl is the image of the ink girl.
The image of the projection is also a bit transparent, but it is really three-dimensional, three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, without knowing, will think that a ghost is suspended in the air.
Seeing this scene, Chen Mo smiled, Zhao Min also revealed the color of surprise, and also turned around on the experimental table, carefully looking at the ink girl from all angles.
This technique, she has only seen in science fiction movies, is seen here today.
"Merg brother." Ink girl said: "The internal operation of the instrument is stable, mainly there are some problems of color difference and color blur. To solve these problems, the image projected later will have higher realism, or add a projector. Linking projections from different directions can also add realism."
"Record the data, I will start to calculate the parameters of the optimized color blur," Chen said.
This kind of holographic technology is essentially a three-dimensional image in the air, similar to the mirage, but a little more advanced.
Unlike the two-dimensional projection on the plane, this is a true 360-degree holographic projection with no dead ends. It can be used in various fields such as stereoscopic film, television, art exhibition, cultural relic protection, military map detection, microscopy, and water detection.
There is a future in this technology. Whoever masters and uses this technology first gets tickets for the train to the future.

How do you feel?
Chen Mo looked at Zhao Min.
"It's amazing, when will technology mature?"
"It shouldn't be too long." Chen Mo smiled. "Yes, what are you looking for?"
Zhao Mincai remembered that she came to Chen Mo’s. When I saw this, I almost forgot about the business.

The European Rothschild family wants to cooperate with us on the mobile phone business, and their heir Alexander wants to see you.

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