Chapter 403: : Satan? (third more)

Paris France.
At this time in the morning, Bertrand took the briefcase and entered the command center of the airport.
"Sana, what news?" Bertrand arrived at his office and looked at the female colleague who was watching the news.
"I don't know this? The island country was invaded by the virus. The computer of the whole country was infected by an unknown virus and fell into a shackle. This is the live broadcast of the Prime Minister's press conference. The island government's government agencies, airports, banks, hospitals, universities, Companies and individuals, all in the middle. Now I don't know which organization is doing it."
"Oh... my little goddess." Bertrand took a breath and looked at the press conference on the computer: "How much is the loss?"
"Impossible, it has not yet been counted."
"If this kind of computer virus enters our country, I am afraid..."
Bertrand just sat down and the alarm at the airport sounded. The office owner suddenly stood up and looked around.
The next moment, the computer screen of the terminal command center jumped and a strange digital face appeared. After the first screen appeared, other connected computers, like the plague, all jumped out of the same digital face on the desktop.
"Oh... my little goddess." Bertrand was unbelievable in his voice.
The entire office fell into ruin, everyone froze, petrochemical on the spot.
What they are worried about has happened.
"The computer was invaded by a virus, the computer was out of control, and someone looking for a network security company came over. The notice went on and all flights were suspended."
A scream, scare everyone, and all the command centers of the terminal are busy.
at the same time.
Los Angeles, USA,
It’s night, Tim is watching the video on the computer. The video is on the tubing. The video above is Chen Mo’s wedding. This video has nearly 8 billion hits on the tubing and is the most clicked video.
Many people have seen it for a dozen times, and it is still amazing.
Seeing the dream scene on the video, he had to marvel that today's China is no longer the same.
As a superpower, holographic technology is not mature, and the marching ant company, in order to completely control this technology, is not a taste for many Americans.
"Warren, do you say that China will exceed our country?" Tim looked at the roommate next to him.
"I may have read the history of China. The glory of China has been for thousands of years. From the history to the present, they are all leaders of world civilization, and they are known as the kingdom of the country. It is only the Qing Dynasty that is closed to the country and the civilization is stagnant, which will cause the decline of China's modern times. Now that China has regrouped, even if they become the world's number one, it is not surprising that they are only regaining their status as history." Valen, who was looking at the book, did not raise his head.
"But the quality of Chinese people is very low. I heard that their country is very chaotic, people are not free, and they are under a lot of oppression?"
"It's chaotic? There is no freedom? Is it oppressed? They have no freedom? Are you free with guns? Are you really convinced those media? Tim, you should sleep so late. The whole world knows that the American media is biased against China, you Letter them?
There is darkness everywhere, and it cannot be eliminated. China is 1.4 billion people, and the crime rate is one of the countries in the world. This population is in our country, let our mad president manage, you will know what is called hell. When we were at school, we were worried about being shot dead. Do you say that they are chaotic or are we messing up?

Warren sighed with helplessness and ridicule.
"Going to bed early, three hours ago, the entire country of the island country was quickly occupied by an unknown computer virus. It is understood that it may appear in other countries, you dare to use the computer network to watch the video, I have to admire..."
When I saw the picture of Tim's computer, Warren's voice stopped abruptly, the computer's desktop suddenly flashed, the video played disappeared, and a strange window popped up inside, which was a digital face.
Tim and Warren face each other and petrified on the spot.
"oh, mygod!"
A similar scene appears in every corner of the world, spreading like a plague. Britain, Germany, Russia, India, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Americas, African countries...
What everyone is worried about has already happened.
Countries that are not infected with the virus immediately issue a command to cut off the network of all large equipment and major departments, and send network security warnings to many enterprises.
After the outbreak of the computer virus in the island country, the countries that have prepared for it have already cut off the network of important facilities and major office departments, and there is no serious loss, but some individuals have not been spared.
"Official release notice, due to the outbreak of unrecognized computer viruses worldwide, threatening network security. According to research decisions, zF departments and institutions at all levels have gradually replaced computer office systems with termite systems for normal office work..." - People network
"Unknown virus intrusion was discovered in the United States. Due to the outbreak at night, a large number of personal computers and hundreds of school networks are infected, and some enterprises are infected. At present, the exchange has stopped trading in the stock market. The US government issued an announcement to the virus. The crisis is defined as a fear of terror. The CIA has a reward of $10 million for hackers who spread the virus and personnel who provide intelligence." - Washington Daily
"Industry news: Unknown viruses currently only found that their computer terminal system control device is running normally, and no signs of destruction have been found. The characteristics are similar to 'Clown virus'. Currently, effective killing methods, termites have not been found. System intelligent firewall can resist unknown viruses." - Technology Daily
"The United Nations convened an emergency meeting and called on the global countries to jointly solve the computer virus crisis and named the computer virus "Satan." Satan has brought unprecedented challenges to global network security..."
"When the world was attacked by cyber attacks, China was not attacked by a large-scale virus. The virus was distributed. It may be caused by Chinese hackers." - BBC

The official announcement of the marching ant group: The termite computer intelligent operating system is not affected by the ‘Satan’ virus and can be used normally.

In just 24 hours, the unknown computer virus has occupied the global network. The news has been transmitted through various channels. The mobile phone system has not been affected by the ‘virus, so everyone can clearly see all kinds of news.
Global shock.
An unprecedented computer virus crisis has emerged.
The advent of this 'Satan' has seriously threatened the global economic security. Although it does not cause the entire world to suffer heavy losses, its impact has surpassed the sum of all computer viruses in the past and has shaken the foundation of world Internet security.
The whole world is very lively, and they are all looking for the initiators.
"President, the analysis of the network security team has come out, this is a new type of intelligent virus." Wei Zhe took the report of the company's network security team into Zhao Min's office.
"Smart virus?" Zhao Min jumped.
"Yes, 'Satan' is intelligent, can be copied autonomously, bundled in various files, and spread through the network, which is the root of its rapid spread. The characteristics are similar to the 'clown virus', but much stronger than the 'clown virus' And can automatically retrieve the system's system vulnerabilities, not to exclude the 'clown virus' variant."
Wei Zhe’s face was exhausted. After the outbreak of ‘Satan’, they had been conducting technical research and had only a few hours of rest. The masters of the entire company are involved, and until now there is a clue.
Zhao Min took the file and looked through it briefly. The terminology inside, she didn't understand it, just put it on the table.

Is there a way to clear it?

"The company's current anti-virus software can't clear ‘Satan’. The security team is carrying out technical research and it takes a certain amount of time.
Wei Zhe said:
If it is the boss, he should be able to solve it quickly.

In the eyes of Wei Zhe, although Chen Mo is younger than him, he feels omnipotent.
"The boss is now on his honeymoon. If he is so big, he will definitely know about it. He wants to shoot and contact me early. I called to disturb his honeymoon and come back to let him pack me?"
The company can't rely on the boss alone, raise so many technical staff, and not eat dry food. The termite system and the ‘Artificial Intelligence+’ project have no bosses, and have they not succeeded? You are very strong, the boss just covers up your light, this is an opportunity to show you strength. Zhao Min said.
"Understood." Wei Zhe nodded.
"Let the public relations department release the news, it is said that this is a smart virus, and your report will be announced." Zhao Min ordered a report on the table.
After Wei Zhe left, Zhao Min turned and stood by the window of the office.
She has a bad feeling.
The storm has come without warning, and the biggest beneficiary is them, it is simply the pie that fell from the sky.
The termite system was initially released under the crisis of the 'Clown Virus'. When it was released, it claimed to be the safest system, using a smart firewall. In this ‘Satan’ crisis, it became the only computer operating system that can resist ‘Satan’.
Only a day after the ‘Satan’ virus outbreak, the market share of their operating systems has risen wildly.
Especially the cash cows in the corporate office.
Official and corporate collective procurement of termite systems and corresponding office software, companies that have been threatened abroad have also begun to contact them. Swallowing the cash cows in the corporate office, they will continue to profit.
But she is not happy.
This benefit has come too suddenly, and they have also brought them into the center of public opinion. It is so abrupt and easy to be targeted.
In the past, the market share of computer operating systems has been quietly expanded, and now they are pushing them on the table, and they are still experiencing explosive growth, which will definitely attract people’s attention.
"Sion loses his horse, knows it is not a blessing?"
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