Chapter 719: : New World of Light Speed Communication

Chen Mo has mastered the super artificial intelligence with consciousness.
Artificial intelligence that is conscious and thinking?
This news blasted in the minds of the global audience. Reminiscent of conscious artificial intelligence, many people would think of the Skynet in the Terminator, as well as various sci-fi movies, want to control human robots.
People watching the live broadcasts around the world almost panicked on the spot, just like the sky fell.
The outside world is crazy speculating about super artificial intelligence, but the unparalleled forum scene, but after the turmoil, once again restored calm. The technology of the marching ant group is a bottomless pit. It never knows what other technologies Chen Mo still hides.
Chen Mo’s lecture on super-light speed communication is still going on.
"The quantum consciousness of super artificial intelligence is an indispensable part of super-light speed communication. In my current research, I only found the method of 'quantum consciousness induction', which can sense without affecting the quantum entanglement state. The change in quantum entanglement state."
After Chen Mo simply answered questions about artificial intelligence, he continued to return to the topic.
"This process is equivalent to using a quantum system composed of multiple quantum entangled states to perceive changes in a single entangled quantum state without detecting its specific state..."
In this lecture on super-light-speed communication technology, Chen Mo chose to explain the basic principles in an easy-to-understand way, language and examples, and avoid formula calculations as much as possible.
This lecture is aimed at ordinary audiences, and strives for the general audience to further understand the mystery of quantum and make science one step closer to life. Experts and professors on the field have relevant basic theoretical papers in their hands, and there are professional answers.
If you explain in depth, it involves advanced quantum algorithms, super artificial intelligence algorithms, super quantum computers, quantum chips, quantum entanglement distribution, quantum cages, and intelligent consciousness creation.
These contents, formulas and algorithms are all the knowledge that the current scientific research personnel have not mastered. Even if Chen Mo is now speaking, the people on the field do not understand, and they are also playing the piano. If you talk about it in detail, you may not be able to finish it in one year.
In 40 minutes, Chen Mo explained the basic theory of super-light-speed communication, supplemented by the interpretation of holographic animation, and the whole process was vivid.
"The next question, you can ask us questions, we try our best to answer you." Chen Mo called the ink girl to the side, facing the entire hall, in front of him, mainly from the global physicists.
The physicists on the field face each other. In the papers published by Chen Mo, there are some new formulas and theories. These are not available in the basic theory of the quantum mechanics system. Without careful calculation and research, it is impossible to debate with Chen Mo.
An old man with eyes and a shirt raised his hand. He is a quantum physicist from abroad, Martinis.
"In your paper, there are no experimental techniques and methods, and there is no super artificial intelligence technology. How do we verify the super-light communication experiment you said?"
His words were translated by the robot and the audience could hear it.
"In this experiment, only the equipment in my laboratory can carry out relevant experiments. The paper is written on the most basic theory and principle, and does not involve related technologies. If verification is required, we can directly connect to the Mars base. Chen Mo said.

Why not publish the intelligent awareness technology and quantum sensing method that you want to close? This helps quantum research.
Martinis continued to ask.

This has involved a deeper level of technical confidentiality, and those technologies are private research results, not shared technologies such as basic theory and principles.

When Chen Mo’s words fell, applause sounded on the field.
The basic theory and principle of super-light-speed communication is announced to tell the scientific community that on the other side of the physical ocean, there is a new continent of 'super-light-speed communication'. With this method, we will move in this direction. Sooner or later, we can find the continent. However, Chen Mo will not release all the shipbuilding techniques unselfishly, because he is also one of the adventurers.
Einstein can publish the energy equation, but it will not announce the technology for making nuclear bombs.
Reasonable refusal also allowed some people to take the idea of ​​technology from Chen Mokou.
"In the future, I will gradually publish a deeper layer of quantum mechanical equations and quantum algorithms and other basic theoretical principles, and write textbooks into Wushu University. Later generations learn these algorithms and basic theories, and later study what, then look after Human R&D capabilities."
When Chen Mo’s words came out, he once again attracted intense applause.
The deeper layers of quantum algorithms and equations, just this achievement, can rival any physical great, even though Chen Mo is already a living physics legend.
The debates and questions and answers on the floor continue.
With realistic technology, Chen Mo’s answer, no one will question.
In the combination of super-light speed communication, quantum computer and artificial intelligence, everyone on the field is a student, and Chen Mo is the teacher.
"Next, we can see the connection with Mars on the spot, experience the use of super-light speed communication, and have an instant dialogue with Mars." Chen Mocha nodded.
The ink girl will know and drop a holographic light curtain.
The live video of Xiao Man is directly popped up in the light curtain.
"Hey, isn't it necessary to connect to Mars to station the base? The light curtain of the forum, how is my live room? Isn't it a mistake?"
The live broadcast of Xiao Man, seeing the live broadcast of the holographic light curtain on the live broadcast of the forum, scared a big jump, and fooled around with the camera to see if it was wrong.
The picture of the busy and messy scene attracted the laughter of the forum.
The barrage of the live broadcast room is also ridiculous.
"Now are you not on Mars?"
"Your brain is watt? You are at the base of Mars, a ready-made communication screen."
"You still don't know if you are using super-light speed communication?"
"Oh, yes, I am on Mars."
After the little man knew it, he stopped playing with the camera's hand and made a greeting to the camera.
"Hello everyone, I am now in the center command room of Mars stationed base, and now it is 3:17 pm in the capital time."
This is the first time that Mars has been connected to a public official occasion. This formal occasion is used to prove the existence of super-light-speed communication. The applause from the forum has already sounded.

How do you feel at Mars?
Chen Mo asked.
"The feeling of Mars? Lighten, direct weight loss success. I am more than 100 kilograms, only 40 kilograms left on Mars, the body is light and fluttering, especially magical." Xiao Man directly picked up a scale and stood up, and also shot Align the displayed numbers.
"Outside the base?"
"I was wearing ordinary protective clothes yesterday and went out with an oxygen cylinder. The atmospheric pressure is low, like in the highlands. I can also move normally without wearing a spacesuit. I also saw the grass growing on the Martian ground. Now around the base, I have grown a lot of grass and a few trees."
Xiao Man pointed the lens at the window, and he could see the green and several saplings on the ground.
"The sky is still gray and the weather is not stable. There are a lot of clouds on the side of the Martian Sea. There was an artificial rain last night."
A few words of conversation, indicating too much.
The super-light speed communication can mature application, and the development of Mars by the marching ant group is beyond the imagination of others.
After the simple connection, Chen Mo’s unparalleled forum theme lecture officially ended.
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