Chapter 950: ?(ノ`Д?)ノWho moved my flesh? !

Tuk! Tuk!
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! !
"Professor Anne, are you in there?"
When Dumbledore, who hadn’t seen a reply for a long time after being sent by the demon, appointed Hermione who came to find someone to lead Harry and Ron to Hogwar along the spiraling stone staircase. After arriving at the very top of the tower of the castle tower, Ron couldn't wait to volunteer himself immediately, slapped the door hard and called out loudly into the crack of the door.
Speaking of it, it was the first time they visited this place that ordinary students would not let up easily...
It’s now. If the students dared to come here at will, if they were to be found by the lingering Hyena, or by the other’s cat, Mrs. Loris , They have to be caught and taken to his office, and then they will definitely be deducted points and punished to clean the bathroom!
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
"Professor Anne? Are you there? Professor Dumbledore asked us to come to you. Now the students and professors at Hogwarts are all gathered under the auditorium, it seems like you are missing!!"
Thinking that it was because the other party was busy with other things that he didn't hear the knock on the door or didn't want to pay attention to himself, Ron reached out and knocked again after thinking about it, and even harder, he said three of them. The main purpose of coming here and knocking on the door.
However, after he tapped for the second time, the three of them waited for a while, but they still didn't hear any movement or response...
"Look? Hermione, Professor Anne doesn't seem to be in there, so let's run for nothing...or else, let's go back now, maybe we will be in time to see Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang Magic How did the school representatives come to our Hogwarts?"
After speaking, Ron waited for a while, and found that the room had been quiet all the time, and it didn't look like someone at all. Then he turned his head impatiently and planned to take his two friends and look at each other positively. Harry and Hermione left here first, and hurried back to the school hall to be with everyone.
Although it took them a lot of time to go upstairs and climb the stairs, if they go back now, the speed of the stairs will definitely be much faster than that! Therefore, Ron felt that they must have time to go back now.
In fact, if he knew this was the case, I'm afraid he and Harry would not agree to come here with Hermione just now.
"Hermione, what do you think?"
Harry thought for a while and quickly looked at Hermione. He agreed with Ron's point of view. He felt that since the Professor Anne was not here, they should rush back to the auditorium while the time was still too late.
"No! Let's go in and wait..."
After that, Hermione, regardless of what Ron and Harry thought behind him, just stepped forward and pushed open the quaint gate of the top floor of Hogwarts Castle with force, and walked in directly with her leg raised.
"Hermione! Is it okay for us to go in directly like this? Will Professor Anne be angry?"
Although it was said that, it was not very good to do this, but Harry and Ron were still nervous and curious and walked in behind Hermione, and they were able to see the huge and luxurious of their Professor Anne for the first time. Hogwarts Penthouse Suite.
"Well, it's really not so good..."
"If there were only you two, it would definitely annoy her! But, I am here now, and I brought you here, and at the same time Professor Dumbledore's instructions, then it would definitely not be. What's the problem!"
You know, Hermione comes here often during this time. Although she often doesn't meet people, Hermione is sure that she can enter and exit this room at will, and Annie has never said anything about her. , As long as she doesn't bother while the other party is sleeping.
And now, the quilt on the bed is still messy, obviously, no one is curled up inside, so she doesn't feel that she needs to worry too much.
After following, Ron asked curiously, and began to look around at random.
"It's really high here, and the scenery is great, and it's like the Quidditch World Cup tents, where a high-level non-marking expansion curse was cast. It's awesome!!"
Unlike Ron, who was looking around and bumping around, Harry didn't do the kind of impolite and offensive things, but ran to the big French window next to the sofa.
Then, he soon discovered that in this place he was standing, he could have a bird's eye view of the entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
From here, you can clearly see the huge Quidditch field in the distance, the broom shed for flying lessons and the flying lawn for flying lessons, as well as the cabin of their friend Hagrid, and the tree that made them remember the beating. Willow, Professor Pomona Sprout's herbal greenhouse, the large forbidden forest and lake, of course, the town of Hogsmeade and the nine and three-quarters railway platform are indispensable! !
"that's nice……"
"Hermione! Ron! It's really great here!!"
Harry said that he liked this place with a wide view, it was 10,000 times better than the storage room under the stairs in his Aunt Dursley's house! But unfortunately, he knew that this was Professor Anne’s personal suite. It would be great if they had a chance to come here today, but if Hermione hadn’t brought it, I’m afraid he and Ron would not be able to enter, right?
Being able to live in such a place is something he can't even think of in his life, and it is still a bit too extravagant for him.
However, Hermione didn't have time to pay attention to Harry's feelings. She just habitually tidyed up the messy quilts on the bed for Annie, just like the time when the other party lived in her house two years ago?
And Ron is like a curious baby, walking around in this little Professor Anne’s room, and playing with things that make him seem more magical, such as a portable voice-activated desk lamp?
He had no idea what kind of magic the thing had been cast, which caused him to shine when he approached, and then after he held his breath for a while, he killed himself...
"Don't touch that desk lamp, it is powered by fusion batteries, it is dangerous!!"
At this time, she noticed that the light in the room was flickering, and then turned her head to see that Ron actually wanted to look at the lamp. Hermione was so frightened that she rushed over and took away from the other side. When the lamp was snatched and placed, he sternly shouted at the opponent.
"It's just a light, what's the danger of this?"
Ron murmured a few words and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he was doing, but he didn't dare to talk back to the angry Hermione, and knew that he was definitely not able to argue with him, so he had to go elsewhere in a nonsense.
? ?
Ron found an empty iron cage that didn’t know what small animals had been locked in. Then a passing colleague subconsciously reached out and opened it... The next moment, he didn’t know if it was his illusion. Seems to find a burst of air flowing between his arms, like...something just ran out of him?
Then, he quickly turned his head and looked suspiciously in the direction of the door behind him.
But unfortunately, he didn't see anything...
Then, he thought for a while, scratching his head again, and after not noticing any more abnormalities, he closed the door of the empty little iron cage boringly.
"Hey! Hermione, and Harry! Look, why is there an empty cage here? Could it be that Professor Anne has another new pet?"
There is no doubt that this empty iron cage must have kept some kind of magical animal or pet before, but Ron was curious: he didn't seem to see Professor Anne carrying the one that is said to be terrible except her. Have pets other than Tibbers, the puppet bear, strolled in school?
Therefore, he didn't understand, he subconsciously asked Harry who was tidying the bed and looking at the scenery from the French windows in the balcony.
"I warn you: please don't touch anything indiscriminately! Because this is Professor Anne’s room, a girl’s room, it’s already a bad thing for you to come in without consent, so please stay old Sit down honestly, don't touch or look, let alone ask!!"
"And you, Harry, please come here and sit down!!"
Hermione glared angrily at Ron, who was going to be messing around in the room, and then pointed at the small stools next to him, and signaled the two of them to squat over there quickly, not to pass the master. Agree, just mess around in this room.
"Sorry, Hermione, I didn't touch anything, I just looked at the scenery, it's pretty good, really..."
Ron and Harry only agreed, and then walked to the sofa.
However, without waiting for them to sit down for long, a blue light suddenly flashed in front of them. When they recovered and saw clearly, they had already seen a little girl carrying a large bag of things appearing in theirs. In front of him, he was blinking curiously and staring at the two of them with their big blue talking eyes, as if asking:
‘Who are you two guys and why are they in my house’?
"Ah! Professor Anne?"
"You, hello, Professor Anne..."
Almost at the same time, Ron and Harry, who reacted slowly, stood up quickly and bowed slightly to each other as if they were the current prisoners.
"Annie, you came back too in time. Have you received a subpoena from Dumbledore just now?"
Seeing that the Lord finally came back, Hermione who originally wanted to help tidy up the room cheered, and directly greeted him, helping the other party to pick up the packages that they didn’t know they were carrying It was carefully placed on an empty desk.
Just now she thought that the other party would not be back, but now it's fine, she can finally deal with Mr. Dumbledore.
"I see, I saw the call from that bad old man Dumbledore..."
Thinking of the torn glove that had been bothering herself before, and then being burned by the fire, Annie curled her lips in disdain.
Who made the slapstick slap her on the shoulder to scare her and wander around her all day? That's what it deserves. If it burns, it burns. It's no big deal.
"Let me tell you! I just went shopping in Diagon Alley, and then I also bought some magical raw materials and gadgets in Knockoff Alley that might be delicious..."
Yes, in addition to going to Gringotts to withdraw money today, Annie also bought several brand new large cauldrons suitable for stewing potions (soup stews), as well as dozens of precious and generous medicinal materials ( Ingredients) Raw materials and some rare and rare magical animals bought in Knapped Alley!
However, those magical creatures cannot be brought back directly due to the prohibition of trading by the Ministry of Magic. However, the seller has promised to send her to Hogsmeade at an appropriate time. Then she only needs to receive a subpoena from the Owl. Then you can receive it quietly, and there will definitely be no major problems.
"Turnover Alley?!"
Hermione exclaimed!
Because Hermione knew that although Knock Down Alley was adjacent to Diagon Alley, it was filled with dragons and snakes, full of shops that were said to like to sell dark magic items and entrenched all kinds of shameful dark wizards and illegal activities. It was a wizarding world. The black market is despised by most honest wizards! Therefore, she was surprised that this little guy Annie dared to go to such a place!
However, Hermione was relieved again after she recovered, because she knew Anne's abilities, presumably the dark wizards and magic in the Knockdown Alley would definitely not dare to attack their powerful little professor.
Harry and Ron glanced at each other silently, Knock Down Alley or something, they found it very interesting and wanted to go to that kind of place, but they knew what people and things were there, when they were not accompanied by an adult. Next, I must have no guts to go.
"Annie, what did you do with so many medicinal materials?"
At this moment, Hermione glanced briefly at the packaging of the items she had just put on the table, and after seeing the medicine nameplate and the quantity marked on it, she was really taken aback.
"Of course it's for stew!"
"You saw it last time. The meat stewed with some potions is really delicious, but Snape and Professor Pomona Sprout are too stingy, so they had to spend their own money. I went to buy..."
For some stingy guys, Little Annie quietly "bah" them in her heart. Those pesky guys, don't think that not supplying her with herbs can prevent her from using the cauldron to stew and stew meat! Now let's see, she did it herself, paid for it, and bought all the things she needed, and guaranteed that the quality and quantity were not worse or less than those of the free trial in school!
"But... Annie, where is the meat you bought?!"
Hermione glanced at the large pile of boxes that the other party had just brought back. She soon discovered that apart from a large number of medicinal materials and strange things, there was no box or pocket that looked like'meat' inside. .
"The delicious meat is actually prepared long ago, so I put it over there!"
"Here! That's the cage over there!"
After speaking, Little Annie showed off with a smile, and she reached out to the door and pointed to the empty-looking cage that some guy had fiddled with just now.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Following each other’s sight and the direction indicated by their fingers, Harry and Ron looked at the empty iron cage, but there was still nothing inside, the same as when they came in, there was no meat there. '? !
"Annie, it's empty..."
Opening her mouth, Hermione, who was a little bit dumbfounded, glanced at the little girl professor who seemed to be joking. She felt that the other party must be joking with her as usual, or saying that kind of weird thing again.
"Not at all!!"
"and many more……"
Finally, after blinking for a while with her big blue eyes, Annie finally discovered something wrong...
"No! Why is this iron cage empty? Where is the flesh I put in it?!"
After realizing that something was wrong, Xiao Anni rushed to the iron cage for the first time, grabbed it, and shook it twice... However, she didn't need other methods to detect it, and it must be inside the cage. Nothing, because the entire cage is light and fluttering, only the weight of the barbed wire?
"how is this possible?!"
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Where is the magical animal I caught? It's such a big one. It was still inside when I left in the morning. Why is it gone now?!!!"
Σ(??Д??; ≡;??д??)?
Annie exclaimed, as if the sky had fallen, and then hurriedly looked around, but found nothing...
The facts are already clear. She had caught and held it inside. She planned to wait until she bought the right potion to cook and eat the magical animal. It must not be there anymore! Moreover, she didn't even know when it escaped, and the cage was nice and undamaged. How could this be possible? !
ε=(????`●))) alas
"Anne, what are you looking for? We should go to the auditorium now, Professor Dumbledore explained before, we need to go back quickly after we find you..."
Hermione said she was puzzled. She didn't understand. What happened to the other side playing with the iron cage that had been empty since they came in? You know, it’s not early now. If you wait a while, I’m afraid Dumbledore will not send someone to remind them. They will also miss that important moment, which is the opening ceremony of the Triwizard Tournament and Welcome dinner for the other two magic schools!
Harry was also puzzled. He didn't know what the professor of their strange magic open class was messing around with, the empty cage, he knew there was nothing at first glance, and what could be studied?
However, unlike Harry and Hermione's reactions, Ron shook his heart, subconsciously whispered ‘bad’ in his heart, and then took a step back unconsciously.
However, behind him is the stool he just sat on, where can he retreat?
"The little thing I grabbed back was only invisible! When I went out this morning, it was still kept in it properly. Why is it gone now?!"
Annie grabbed the cage and shook it vigorously. Obviously, it was light and fluttering inside. If the little silvery-white hairy thing with extraordinary clairvoyance and invisibility ability, according to her own wishes, was still inside, she would It will definitely be visible!
"I managed to catch that cunning little thing!!"
But now, it's a pity that the little gadget that she finally caught is no longer inside. She was blind and she bought so many potions and came back. She also said that she planned to study and stew a pot of delicious meat at night. Soup, but now...
There is really nothing in this world that is more cruel than the fact that she bought a crucible, bought a lot of magical raw materials, and found that the meat was missing when she was about to cook it! !
∑(??△`)? !
"No! Someone must have moved my cage, who is it?!"
Annie is sure that without anyone's help, the invisible beast would definitely not escape by herself, because the iron cage was given a'firm' magic by her, and it must be unbreakable, and now the cage There is no damage.
Therefore, she angrily looked at the little four who greeted herself just now, the most suspicious Harry Potter closest to the iron cage!
'what? ’
"No, it's not me!!"
Seeing the fierce and cruel gaze of Professor Anne, Harry waved his hand in fright, then subconsciously turned his head to ask for help and looked at Hermione, who was looking aside. After making a brief eye contact with the other party, he gave Qi Qi. Qi transferred to their friend Ron.
There is no doubt that if anyone really let go of the things inside, only Ron! Because, since the three of them came in before, one and only Ron had touched the cage! In fact, the other party touched and fiddled with more than the cage! !
Pointing to his nose, Ron said he was innocent...
"I, the cage was empty when I opened it, there is nothing in it, I swear..."
After speaking, Ron couldn't help but pause, because he thought of something, but he was not too sure? Anyway, he would never admit that he did stupid things or let go of something, never! !
"Professor Anne, that...I think I should be able to guarantee Ron, I want you to promise: when we came in, it was empty!!!"
Seeing his friend's unrelenting appearance, Harry stood up reluctantly and assured him. Because of this, not only him, but even Hermione could testify. At that time, the cage was indeed empty. They didn't see any strange things inside, let alone any small animals!
"It's not empty! Its name is ‘Invisible Beast’, but it’s invisible. Of course you idiots who touch other people's things can't see it!!"
Unexpectedly, a fool would ruin her own good deeds without paying attention, which made Little Annie stare at the other angrily on the spot, and she would have the urge to catch fireballs and burn people if she didn't agree.
Although she has a way to catch him back, but since that poor little guy, people escaped on their own'by their ability', then Queen Anne must have no face to go and catch him back and take it. I came back to eat...So, this dumb loser is sure to eat it.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Invisible beast?"
Harry thought of one of his own things and was so frightened that he quickly looked at Ron with verifying eyes.
"But, Professor Anne, how do I know..."
"By the way, Hermione? Did you know that there really is something like an'invisible beast'? It must not really exist, right?"
Subconsciously, Ron, who wanted to continue to shirk his responsibilities, turned his head and asked for help, the lady of know-how who generally looked at their Gryffindor, hoping to hear a negative answer from the other party's mouth that would allow him to remove suspicion. .
He thought, if even Hermione didn't know that there was something like an ‘invisible beast’ that sounded very unreliable, then that kind of animal would definitely not exist! Perhaps, Professor Anne deliberately said it to scare him into playing, just like that kind of "emperor's new costume"?
Anyway, no matter whether he had it or not, he would definitely not pay in the end. Ron also had no money to pay, let alone Jin Jialong, even half a silver Sike's pocket money! !
Seeing Ron's begging for help, Hermione hesitated, then turned to look at the angry face of Annie. In the end, she had to bite the bullet and tell what she knew:
"There seems to be that kind of creature..."
"I have seen in the book "Where are the Fantastic Beasts"... the invisible beast, its spelling format in the book is'Demiguise', and its posture is similar to that of primates, like a head covered with silver hair Small animals such as gorillas, monkeys or puppies? And the book also says that it has a pair of melancholy eyes, has extraordinary clairvoyance and invisibility, and will remain invisible for a long time according to its own wishes. Or stay visible..."
"It is said that its hair can be used to weave invisibility cloaks, just like Harry's clothes? Also, because it can be invisible, it makes it difficult to capture, so it is extremely precious..."
Having said that, Hermione cast a pitiful and helpless look at Ron.
After all, things like invisible beasts, you know how precious they are just by hearing the name... It is said that every wizard who successfully captures it can make a fortune by continuously harvesting the hair on them, just like Like raising a sheep?
Any wizard, if he can catch and tame the invisible beast, he will definitely live a very moisturizing life without going to work.
So, if Professor Anne insists on making Ron compensation, I am afraid the Weasley family will definitely be very, very embarrassed, right? Because Hermione knew it, it was not easy for Mr. Weasley’s family to raise so many children... But fortunately, Hermione also knew that Anne was very rich, very rich, so just wait for her. Saying a few good things on the side, I think it will not be too difficult for Anne to spare Ron this time.
"That is not true, is it?"
After listening to Hermione’s statement, Ron was shocked and immediately used his eyes for help again, as if grabbing a straw for life, he looked at Harry on the other side, hoping that the other party could help him deny that Hermione just The argument.
Otherwise, he himself would definitely be out of luck! !
"Sorry, Ron, I don't know, I've never read that kind of book..."
Harry hurriedly waved his hand and signaled that he really didn't know what was true or false, so it made no sense for Ron to look at him with that look! Although he has a cloak of invisibility, it is the first time he has heard of the "Invisible Beast"!
Since he owns a magical invisibility cloak, what has not been said, the kind of things Hermione just said, especially the claim that the hair of the ‘invisibility beast’ can be woven into the invisibility cloak, must have some factual basis! So Ron might have really done a stupid thing just now.
Moreover, since they came in, the door to this room has not been closed. Now that a long period of time has passed, it must be that the'invisible beast' that didn't know how long it has been locked must have run away long ago. Can't you even find it?
Finally, Ron felt scared. He realized that some boundless fear was coming to him...
Because he can already imagine how sad and upset his parents Mr. Weasley and Molly will be when he hears that Professor Anne has lost a pet that he doesn’t know how precious it is. After punishing him, he had to change the seller to try his best to compensate?
Then, his sister Ginny, his brothers, especially the twin brothers, must be even more disappointed and ridiculed at him? He Ron Weasley would become the sinner of the whole family, although he was not intentional...
However, soon, Ron thought of something.
"Professor Annie, the invisible beast was always invisible when I opened the cage. I don't know if it is inside..."
"Also, more!"
"We don't even know if you are lying to us, maybe... That was an empty cage? Harry, Hermione, are you right?"
Soon, Ron, who was very eager to survive, thought of such a good idea to resist denial!
In his opinion, the invisible beast has been invisible anyway, so no one knows whether it is true or false. Without conclusive evidence, even if the court extracts their memories, it is useless. He just needs to deny death. This little girl professor must have nothing to do with him, is it possible that she can really beat him up?
Harry opened his mouth, quickly reacted and understood some of Ron's "excellent" ideas. After his eyes were widened in surprise, after thinking about it, he still didn't say much, just a little embarrassed. The ground turned his head away.
Anyway, Harry wouldn't tell Ron that even if he was short-sighted, but with his eyes he could see some strange animal feces and silver glittering hair in the ‘empty’ cage just now! If he didn’t think wrong, it’s probably left by the invisible beast that was inside...
Hermione also thought of what Ron wanted to do, so she shook her head in despair, not intending to say more to her hapless and stupid friend.
"Ron, you disappointed me so much..."
To be honest, if the other party sincerely admits his mistake and apologizes for mercy at the first time, Hermione will say two more good words, and then based on her understanding and friendship with Professor Anne, this matter must be easily exposed. !
At most, it's just that in the future, Mrs. Molly can make some delicious food by herself, so that the owl can send it to Annie.
However, now, after Ron said this, things have gone in the worst direction. She didn't even know what to do for a while. Presumably, Annie must be very angry now, right?
"I guess it must be like that!"
"Professor Anne, you may not have any'invisible beasts' at all. It is just an empty cage. You were just talking about jokes. I have seen through your joke!"
"Ha, haha..."
Ron smiled somewhat triumphantly and in panic. Although he was reluctant, he actually had a trace of luck and embarrassment now.
However, anyway, what is kept in the cage is'invisible'. No one has seen it, and no one has seen him release'it'. Therefore, Ron feels that, like himself now, he just can't die. Admit it, is it possible that this professor can still punish himself or make a claim for unwarranted charges?
Even if the other party informs the school or tells him Ron's parents, he is not afraid, because the other party has no evidence. As long as he resists and does not admit it, the other party will definitely be able to do nothing! Besides, he really didn't mean it just now. Who would have thought that there was such a strange thing in an ‘empty’ cage?
After all, Professor Anne didn't use a label to write the words "No opening, there is an invisible beast" on the cage. How could he be blamed for this?
"I make you dare to laugh!!"
Sure enough, Anne was anxious and waved her hand, and a mage's hand directly threw the opponent out of the window.
Originally, she was only planning to scold the other party for a meal...but now, she suddenly changed her mind again, and felt that she had to punish the other party severely, so that the other party would think she, Professor Anne, is a good bully. You think she's just a little girl who won't be angry.
Soon, with the floor-to-ceiling windows that opened automatically and a scream from outside, Ron was mercilessly thrown outside and began to free fall from the top of Hogwarts Castle to the ground.
In an emergency, Hermione just wanted to call her own Phoenix, and then asked the Phoenix, who had been resting on her shoulders, to rush to rescue Ron! Because, the phoenix can carry objects far exceeding its weight, and also has all kinds of magical abilities, such as instant movement?
Therefore, it must be too late for her phoenix to save Ron! !
However, without waiting for her to react and give orders, she just felt that the sky was spinning round and round. When she recovered and reacted, she found that she was already sitting in the school auditorium properly?
At this time, the companions beside her, besides Harry, unexpectedly also had that expression of panic, sluggish, and trembling lips, as if his hair and clothes were also a little messy Ron! ?
After staring at Harry and looking at the classmates who looked at them in surprise and the little girl sitting upright on the teacher’s seat in the distance, Hermione and Harry didn’t know where they were just now. What exactly happened?
Obviously, Professor Anne had just taken a shot to teach a certain gangster named Ron. At the last moment, the other party still let him go, and brought the three of them to the auditorium together.
"Merlin's beard!"
"Hermione, you can Apparate? Isn't Hogwarts unable to use that spell? It's really great, and you still brought Harry and Ron with you. You are only in the fourth grade! "
"You may not know that many seventh-grade students are not proficient in mastering that spell, but now you can accurately apparate people. This is really incredible. You must be a few hundred from Hogwarts. Chasing great geniuses over the years!!"
"How about, tell us some tips?"
Soon, after the Gryffindor students reacted, the twins George and Fred joined together.
"Ron, there shouldn't be certain parts missing from your body, right?"
Seeing Ron's state seemed wrong, and Fred, who seemed to hear the desperate exclamation of the opponent just now, asked maliciously.
At the same time, his eyes began to keep looking at Ron's body, and he almost reached out to check it out...because he knew that a fourth-grade girl was carrying Hogwar who could not use Phantom Transformation. Using Apparition in Ibaraki Castle is definitely not a safe mode of transportation, even if the opponent is a genius?
However, Ron didn't speak, he just opened his mouth wide and stunned, completely unaware of the brothers who were leaning over and smirking on his shoulders.
There is no doubt that he is still in extreme fright...
After all, anyone who was thrown down from the top floor of Hogwarts, and then teleported to a seat in the auditorium at the moment he saw that he was about to fall to the ground and be smashed into meatloaf, it must be It won't be so easy to recover.
In fact, he has proved that he is a very courageous Gryffindor without being scared to pee his pants.
"You misunderstood!"
"I didn't do it, it was Professor Anne! I was in Professor Anne's room with Harry and Ron just now, and she brought us directly here, even I was scared just now!!"
After looking up at the teacher's seat in the distance, the Professor Anne who seemed to be talking to Principal Dumbledore, and found that the other party had no more expressions, Hermione first quietly glanced at the same lingering Harry. After exchanging a tacit look, he patted his bulging chest and explained with relief.
She wouldn’t tell the twin brothers and the Ginny who came around. She was frightened because she thought that Ron, who had done a stupid thing, was given a job by Professor Anne from the top floor of Hogwarts. Come down and fell to death! !
But when I think of it, Annie is really a little measured in doing things. The other party seems to be annoyed and punished a idiot who touched other people's things in a small but did not What does it mean to be true?
"Oh! I see!"
"So that's the case, let me just say, George, I told you, Hermione is only in the fourth grade, how could she apparate?!"
Hearing that it was not the other party’s doing it, the twins George and Fred gave an "Oh" together, then nodded to express their understanding and left their brother Ron’s side, canceling their original plan to study each other’s body. There is no plan to miss some important parts.
"In fact, I can indeed use Phantom Shift freely! It's just that I can't use it in Hogwarts for the time being!"
Seeing that two sixth-grade twins dared to look down upon herself as a genius at Hogwarts, Hermione raised her chin proudly, said something she had never told anyone before, and hummed again. Adjusted his sitting posture, and sat in his position safely.
That's right!
Apparition is not too difficult for Hermione, who claims to be omniscient and knows everything.
In fact, she has memorized all the spells that need to be learned in grades one to seven, and, because of her own magical powers, she is indeed free to use Phantom Transformation! Of course, if it is to bring people to Apparition, there may still be a little risk?
Well, Fred and George, the two Weasley twin brothers, are indeed a bit blown...

Where's my ticket? Σ(??Д??;≡;??д??)?? Who else did not remember to vote? !
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