Chapter 1036: Hey! Why are you bullying my little bear? s...

The long night is the hardest to endure. Finally, the people in Jinling City suffer from the noise and thundering thunderbolts of the clear night, and suffer sleeplessly until dawn.
Until the early morning sun pierced the darkness from the east and shone diagonally to the city wall, dragging the shadow of the city wall to the old elders, and even blocking the large area of ​​the east, when people gradually saw things clearly. At that time, the inexplicable chaos in the city finally stopped gradually.
When the people of Jinling first poke their heads out of the half-hidden doors or windows of each house, they found that a large number of soldiers with perseverance and grim looks began to appear on the street. When they saw those stationed outside Jinling City The Habayashi army started in line after line, and drove into the city aggressively. When they found that no one outside the street dared to walk easily, and at the same time, the soldiers passing by from time to time also screamed the order of "Martial Law according to order". Later, people who knew that the wind was not in the right direction quickly retracted back into their homes. No one dared to run into the streets casually to be boring at this time.
Because they had no idea what was happening outside and in the imperial city, nor did they know what the whole night of screaming and screaming in the imperial city meant... Maybe, in this chaotic moment, here When the situation is still unclear, those who dare to walk around casually, are they stupid or guts fattened?
After all, once the rebels outside treat it as a ‘chaotic party’ and kill it on the spot, they will have nowhere to reason!
Although many people are still in the dark, they don’t know what happened, or who initiated the mutiny or conspiracy, but not long after the dawn of the day, some of the powerful and powerful in Jinling. The bureaucrats quickly learned through various channels, something that made them feel unbelievable, and even some shocking:
It is said that a while ago, in Yangzhou, he killed dozens of bureaucratic squires and the king of Beijing Shuirong, and also killed hundreds of soldiers and soldiers, the female gangster who was countless times more fierce than the ordinary Jiangyang thieves, and that suspected of killing officials and rebelling. And the female anti-thief who murdered a county prince went to Jinling to make trouble again, and she was still the kind of conspiracy!
Because, that female gangster, that Lin Daiyu, last night, together with her maid and Xueyan who was also a female gangster, they attacked the Forbidden Palace in the imperial city with two swords, killing at least one. Thousands of Dragon Captains and Inner Court guards captured a very important figure alive after making a fuss in the Forbidden Palace. They are still staying in the imperial palace, and still fiercely and arrogantly with the Inner Court guards and constant support. The troops of the going Habayashi Guards are facing each other?
So far, no more news has come out, but one thing is certain, that is: the storm in the palace has not subsided yet!
The female gangster Lin Daiyu and her maid Xueyan took them and took them hostage. There is no definitive news yet. Some people say that the other party has captured a certain prince and princess, and some people say that they have captured some of the queen. Concubine? Of course, there are also people who say that they have captured the current emperor...
Judging from the situation of the army that is still coming into the city and pouring into the imperial palace, and the situation of Jinling City, which has begun full martial law, the situation is definitely not optimistic.
It’s just that, for the time being, regardless of what the situation in the palace looks like, after daybreak, when the chaos in the palace gradually subsided, when certain big figures in the palace sorted out the cause of the matter and began to dispatch troops. And after giving orders, some people started to be unlucky.
That’s right, the first thing to be unlucky is the four noble families in Jinling, which are all in contact with relatives, lose everything, all glory, support, cover, and take care of the four noble families, that is, the Jia Mansion. , Shifu, Wangfu, and all the Xue family living in Jia's mansion!
If it is said that before the female gangster Lin Daiyu killed the officer, killed the king and killed the officers and soldiers was only suspected of rebellion, it is still unclear whether the people of the four major families will be implicated, then at this moment the female gangster brazenly attacked After the palace, things are qualitative and determined.
and so,
Almost at the moment of dawn, after the order arrived, the soldiers in Jinyi who had been ordered to stand by Jia Mansion and were like wolves suddenly kicked open the corner of the gate and plunged into Ning and Rong Mansion. Here, all the men and women in Ning and Rong's residences, as well as those in the servants of the maidservants, were all caught up!
Undoubtedly, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jia's suspected of rebelling and possibly implicating the Nine Clan and other crimes must be nailed down.
Of course, given that the imperial concubine is Jia Yuanchun, it may not be possible to punish the nine tribes, because if that is the case, maybe the emperor himself will be counted. Therefore, it is most likely that the three tribes will be punishable.
Anyone who knows the law should know that the court's law has this description: all treason and great rebellion are cut!
For treason, all dynasties have held a zero tolerance attitude, and this dynasty is the same!
For those who commit rebellion, the principal culprit will be executed by Ling Chi, and the family members will sit down! Grandfather, father, sons, grandchildren, brothers, younger brothers and people living together, regardless of different surnames, and uncles and brothers’ sons, are not limited to the same or different nationalities, and are over 16 years old, regardless of whether they are sick or sick! !
It can be seen from all that, the act of the female criminal Lin Daiyu brazenly attacking and attacking the palace at night is definitely the charge of "treason and treason", there is absolutely no possibility of excuse and forgiveness!
Of course, what the crime is and how to deal with it in the end can only be determined after the two female criminals who are still fighting in the palace are caught.
Because of this, the family members of the four families of Wang, Jia, Shi, and Xue, as well as the servants of the maidservants, etc., are just being ransacked and detained in their respective residences and placed under strict supervision by the soldiers on the spot. He was not escorted to a cell.
One is due to the number of people arrested and the confiscated property of the four companies, and the other is that the time is too rushed, and the affairs in the palace have not finally settled. Before the will to deal with the relevant personnel is finally released, The officials who were ordered to check the four families first had to wait so patiently.
At this time, in Rongguo Mansion...
The descendants of the Jia family who originally gathered in the main hall of Jia’s mother’s courtyard, such as Jia Jing, Jia Zhen, Jia Rong, Jia He, Jia Cong, Jia Zheng, Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan and Jia Lan, etc. Of course, a group of soldiers like wolves and tigers tied it up and threw it on the left side of the hall. On the right, there was a large group of Yingyingyanyan, sitting on the ground or hugging. The family members of Jia’s family who squatted their heads and cried in low voice, including Jia’s mother who had passed out a long time ago, many daughter-in-laws, and the family members and important maids such as Tanchun, Yingchun, Xichun and Baochai were almost complete.
On weekdays, these come from the family of honorable people, who are pampered and rich in clothes and food, and live in Jia Mansion, which has the reputation of "Jia is not fake, white jade is a horse for bed and gold". They have always been people in Jia Mansion who are dismissive of outsiders. , But now I have to look at the gazes of those soldiers who have never been put in their eyes. They dare not even breathe. They can only cower and divide into men and women in the hall. Squatting or paralyzing or whispering.
Wearing a purple gold crown with hair inlaid on a certain head, his eyebrows are tied with two dragons to grab beads and gold, and a two-color golden butterfly wears a red arrow sleeve with a flowery red arrow sleeve, and is tied with a multicolored silk and knotted long spike palace. The man with the azurite jacket with eight groups of Japanese forged fringe gowns, and the man wearing the green satin and foundation boots fell motionless in a pool of blood, but if his body was not for the slight ups and downs, no one would really think he was dead. Too!
That's right, he is Jia Baoyu, the son of Jia Zheng of the Rongguo Mansion, who is called the "Hunshi Demon King" or "The Second Master Bao" in Jia Mansion!
Just now, when the soldiers rushed in, he still couldn't distinguish the situation and dared to question him. Of course, he was knocked down by a fierce soldier, and then he was so and fainted. Died on the floor.
Fortunately, the soldier didn't dare to kill him directly, he used the back of the sword, so he didn't have any differences in his body, it just seemed to be bleeding a little bit more? However, his results were not very good, because the soldiers did not care about him at all, so they let him continue to lie on the ground and did not let anyone in Jia's house manage or rescue him.
‘! ! ’
‘Lord Xiping is here~! ’
at last,
When the people in Jia's Mansion were panicking and feeling that the sky was falling, they were terrified and unruly. As a soldier sang, soon, one was wearing a white silver-winged king hat with a white hairpin. Jiang Yahaihai's five-clawed dragon white python robe, his face like a heavy jujube, his eyes like a star, and the man with long lips and long beards walked in with a stern sergeant in brocade.
‘Report to the Lord! ’
‘The male and female family members of the Jia’s family are all taken care of here, and the family assets are being counted. I’m afraid it will take some time. I wonder if you have any more orders? ’
Seeing that the person here was King Xiping, who had been staring at the prisoners before and kept watching the flowers and jade female servants gulping, and he didn’t know if he was thinking about something nasty, he was aroused and hurriedly walked. Welcoming forward, clasped fists and gave a military salute to the opponent and then reported loudly.
'Humph! ’
However, the visitor didn't say much to him, but just responded noncommitantly.
"What a grievance..."
Then, after the visitor first glanced at the sad and sorrowful family members of the Jia Family and the fainted Shi Taijun and Jia Baoyu on the ground, he couldn't help but sighed, turned and walked to the group of males on the left. Fixedly watching Jia Zhen, Jiahe, Jia Zheng and others present.
Seeing that the person here is the king of Xiping who has a family relationship with the Jia family, he felt that at this time he should have the opportunity to say a few words, and no longer have to face those unreasonable and vicious soldiers, Jia Zheng hurriedly caught Opportunity, invigorated, struggling to take two steps forward, dragging the tired body that has been for a long time, directly kneeling in front of the other party and crying and asking:
"Lord Xiping..."
"I don't know why my Jia family is guilty, and why the innocent suffered such a disaster?!"
Originally, their Jia Mansion was only besieged by the Jinyi Army. He had also thought carefully that although his niece Daiyu’s crimes would definitely cause them Jia Mansion to be implicated, at best, it was nothing more than abandonment of officials. But how can I think that it is so serious now, it will be directly reduced to the point of being sent to ransack the home?
Depending on the situation, it seems that the males in their Jia Mansion will be beheaded and killed? !
"Jia Zheng, don't you know what crime your Jia family committed?!"
Originally wanted to ask the other party something, King Xiping, who had made a confession in advance, heard the other party's words, and said in his heart a strange cry. First he reached out his hand to stop the Jinyi officer who was going to move forward and shout, and then frowned. Possessed and asked curiously.
"What's wrong with my Jia family?!"
Jia Zheng wailed mournfully, and tears couldn't help running down his grime face.
People sitting at home, Jia Zheng, who has come from the sky, the only thing he can count on now is that he hopes that the Xiping King in front of him can take a moment to take a look at his past feelings, and don’t kill them too much. ? For example, his son Baoyu and grandson Lan'er, even if they were really full of copy-cutter, weren't that age. If the Xiping king in front of him could open the door, it would be better for them to be demoted to slaves and maids. Is not it?
"You really don't know?"
"Oh! too!"
"Look at me, this king remembered that you have been trapped at home since ten days ago and cannot go out. You really didn't know about it..."
Seeing that the other's expression didn't seem to be fake, King Xiping pondered for a while before nodding suddenly, and then couldn't help but sigh.
At this time, he no longer intends to continue to interrogate the people in Jia Mansion according to the previous plan and force the confession, because he knows that he must be unable to ask any truthful content, because Jia Mansion, in a sense, It was indeed implicated by the'innocent', he still shouldn't be too persecuted, even if they are inevitably killed in the end, it is good to be able to suffer less sin before the first level falls.
"In that case, Jia Zheng, I will tell you why I led my troops to copy your Ning and Rong two residences!"
After the Jinyi officer brought a heavy Huanghuali Grand Master's chair and placed it in the middle of his hall, King Xiping sat on it unceremoniously. Then, he looked around the people of the Jia Mansion on both sides of the hall again, and saw that they were looking at him, men, women and children, and then shook his head with a wry smile, and attacked the female gangster Lin Daiyu at night at the palace, killing and wounding. Counting and arresting an important person, and at this time still talking about the situation of confrontation with the Imperial Forest Army and the inner court guards slowly.
And this is the reason why Jia Mansion and other in-laws close to Jia Mansion will be checked at the same time and wait for the release...
"Jia Zheng!"
"In the eyes of this king, you have to wait for everyone to die! However, this king can assure you: Even if your family’s female relatives will eventually be punished and confiscated and served as slaves, but, before that , No one would dare to humiliate them!"
And this is why he brought people here for the first time after seeing the situation in Jia Mansion stabilized. Otherwise, if he has been indifferent, maybe those Qiu Ba people will do something despicable to the delicate and fragile Jia Family females present!
In the eyes of King Xiping, the three families of Wang, Shi, and Xue may still have a chance to open up the Internet and avoid the chance of death, but the Jia family in front of them is almost inevitable.
Although the matter is not over, there is still a confrontation in the palace, but in the end, no matter what the result is, the man in Jia's house, a male who is 16 years and older, is determined to be beheaded and abandoned! The female family members and the males under the age of sixteen, plus the maids and servants full of the house, must be punished and confiscated as slaves.
Although this matter is indeed a bit sighing and embarrassing to think about, who made the female gangster Lin Daiyu do such a rebellious thing, and who made Jia Mansion the mother of the Lin Daiyu Lin family?
And now, what King Xiping can do is to wait for the news and will of the palace. Once the dust settles in the palace, based on his understanding of that person, the people in the Jia family who are there must be especially special It is the adult males of Jia Zheng Jiahe who will soon fall to their heads, blood staining the two residences of Ning and Rong.
"Heaven, how could this be?!"
After listening to King Xiping’s description, not only were the faces of Jia Jing, Jia Zhen, and Jia He look earthy, even Jia Zheng, who was still calm and able to ask questions, couldn’t help but collapsed directly into the cold. on the floor.
Because, it's not just Jia Zheng at the moment, but anyone who has a bit of knowledge in the Jia Mansion may know that this huge Ning and Rong two mansions and the many children in the tribe are really doomed! !
‘How innocent is my Jia family? ! ’
'master? ’
‘No more...’
‘Sister Bao! ’
‘Good sister, don’t cry, this is fate, we can’t hide...’
‘Brother Bao, is he dead? ’
‘He’s dead, but we who are alive have to suffer the boundless karma! ’
When Jia Zheng Jiahe and a wife and other people in Jia’s Mansion heard the cause of the incident and were ashamed of horror, they felt absolutely unlucky and just slumped down on the ground in mourning and closed their eyes and waited for death. In the imperial city of Jinling, around the palace and Tai Chi Palace, a large group of Yulin Army and inner court guards have already surrounded here, taking a certain "important person" and two female gangsters who were held hostage inside. Surrounded by the palace, the two sides faced each other silently in the morning sun.
"how about it?"
"Have you caught the old emperor?!"

Last night on the mountain west of Jinling City, after violently electrocuting the Taoist with all his strength, and then severely wounded and killed some nosy thief, Tibbers did not pursue the killing, but returned. I left the Forbidden Palace and peeped secretly for a long time.
When the two sides began to confront each other, when the sky was bright and the palace where the two men were located was surrounded by thousands of soldiers and horses, it quietly turned into an electric light, smashed through a window and rushed to it. In this palace, I asked Lin Daiyu and Xue Yan anxiously, who had been waiting in this magnificent hall.
"Of course I caught it!"
Excited, Xue Yan stretched out his hand and pulled a certain person from the dozen or so people squatting with his head beside the seat, who hadn't slept for a whole night, but his expression was rather indifferent, and he seemed to be reluctant to speak. Old man.
"Look? We're just as you said. After looking for a long time in the harem and fighting for a long time, we caught this nasty guy wearing a bright yellow dragon robe!"
To be honest, don't mention how excited Xue Yan is now, even if she didn't sleep all night, she didn't mean to be sleepy at all!
Because, the old emperor in front of him was caught by her Xue Yan personally. At that time, the other party was not honest and cursed? However, after being slapped twice and kicked by her, the other party immediately stopped speaking.
This kind of thing, she must be able to brag and scream for a lifetime, after all, she has beaten and kicked an emperor!
Moreover, through this uproar in the palace, she realized for the first time that these so-called powerful and royal families were nothing but paper tigers?
As long as her Xueyan's power is strong enough, and as long as her swordsmanship is sufficiently advanced, she can brazenly beat the generals and bully these guys who are usually aloof and dominate all living beings. They can do whatever they want in this solemn palace. And as if into the land of no one!
"Hey! Are you really the old emperor we are looking for?"
Tibbers didn’t care about the second-class shovel officer Xueyan’s screaming, but just took a few steps forward and looked around the old man in the dragon robe. When the other party also looked curious and a little surprised After staring at it for a while, it confirmed and asked.
"What a miraculous white bear! Are you a monster?"
However, the old man in the dragon robe did not answer the bear's question, but felt a little bit weird and shocked at the little white bear who was talking in front of him!
Think about it, this is the little white bear in Jia's house that he has also heard of! Moreover, the opponent is sure to become refined, otherwise, it will not be bold enough to activate the female gangsters to attack the palace and cause such an irreparable and bad result today.
"You are the monster!"
"Say! Are you the emperor Laoer?"
A trace of lightning began to linger on Tibbers' bear claws. If the emperor in front of him didn't explain it honestly, he would definitely give him a memorable electrotherapy! Or let the other party have a good understanding of the horror of that kind of conscience treatment plan from another earth?
"The emperor old man?"
"Huh! I'm afraid I am not the emperor you are looking for, maybe before, but now, I should be the emperor's Lao..."
Looking at the surprised little white bear with its teeth and dancing claws and releasing electric snakes, the old man groaned for a while, then looked at the little maid staring at him with threatening eyes, and then shook his head bitterly, using that kind Said such a paragraph in a sad and unhappy tone.
In the past, he never believed in things like weird powers and gods, but now, after seeing the two female gangsters rushing to the palace alone, one against the Qianjun and the talking little white bear in front of him, He had already passed the age of knowing the destiny, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional and muttering in his heart. For the first time, he felt that the authority and status of the royal family were not always high. There are still existences in this world that they don't know?
"What does he mean?"
Σ(??????; ≡;??????)?
Some Tibbers, who didn’t understand the other person’s human language, first blinked and looked at the other person. After feeling that the other person’s words were a bit inexplicable and incomprehensible, they had to turn their heads and fought for a whole night. Asked the officer Lin Daiyu who had a tired look on her face.
"you are……"
I was shocked, from the other party's words, the clever Lin Daiyu suddenly thought of the other party's true identity.
No wonder, before, she had always felt that the other person's age seemed a bit wrong, and that he looked a bit too old? However, because the other party wore a dragon robe and had a look that was not angry and self-prestige, and she also had the royal aura of being high above all living beings, she didn't think much about it... But who knows, after a long time of trouble, You really caught the wrong person? !
"So he is the Supreme Emperor?"
"He is the emperor's Laozi, so he must be older than the emperor? That's okay. It's okay to catch him! Miss, let him order the people from Jia's house to be released, otherwise, this girl will kill him. Several transparent holes were punched in his body!!"
Xueyan doesn't matter whether the other party is the Supreme Emperor or the Supreme Emperor, she only knows that the old man in front of her is her captive, including the eunuchs in this palace and the unscrupulous lady sisters who are young but sleep with the old man. We are the same, she now controls the destiny of all of them!
If the Supreme Emperor in front of him didn't hurry up and do what she said, she would definitely let him know how powerful the Jasper Sword in her Xue Yan hand was.
"Are you people who want the court to release Jia's residence? So that's it..."
I was wondering why the two of them suddenly rushed into the palace, and they fought frantically and arrested their own Supreme Emperor. After hearing what the maid Xueyan said, he couldn't help but froze, and then he couldn't help but persuade:
"Two girls, you are young, so why is this? Listen to my advice, people who want to save you Jia Mansion should have many ways, but now, the one you choose is the worst The kind! However, if you look back now, I guess there is still time?"
"That's it!"
"You let me go, and then you will be arrested, I will keep you and your family safe!"
If the other party arrested the emperor and his emperor's Lao Tzu at the same time, then there is no doubt that the other party might really have saved the person from Jia Mansion and brewed a huge coup?
But it's a pity that the other party just grabbed himself. The imperfect one who is hiding outside does not know where he is now. The emperor's son who has fought against him for many years must be the two gangsters wishing him to be caught in front of him immediately. Are you hacked here? Therefore, he can already imagine that their demands and his own fate are definitely not good.
However, if the two of them know their way back, and now immediately let them go and follow their instructions to act, maybe there is still some room for change?
"you shut up!"
"Anyway, the emperor's Lao Tzu is also the emperor. You should think about it, what should you do now?"
If the other party lied to a three-year-old child, Tibbers would definitely not believe it, because neither it nor some nasty little master of his family would never build trust on the promise of others. They never They only believe in themselves or directly use force to achieve their own demands.
If it was usual, if someone dared to shut himself up, he would have let the guard pull out and shoot him!
However, now the situation is better than human beings, knowing that he has changed from being a high emperor to a prisoner, and he is likely to die here today, so he had to sigh and shut his mouth honestly without daring to say more. Something. Because it's useless to say more, it's definitely not the work of a wise man to provoke this kind of female gangster who even dares to kill in the palace at this time!
"Little Bear, it seems we really caught the wrong person this time, I don't know what to do now..."
Looking outside from the broken palace window, Lin Daiyu saw that the outer guards and inner court guards had begun to form an army formation, and there were also strong crossbow formations and sacred fire spear formations. Lin Daiyu had been on standby. The tense little heroic face could not help but collapsed with some embarrassment.
At the beginning, she finally made up her mind to break into the palace at night and capture the emperor. But after working all night, she had to fight a battle. After killing and wounding many palace guards, she finally found out that she It seems that what Xue Yan caught was not the emperor he wanted to catch before? As a result, not only can we not save my grandmothers, but also have to fight another battle?
"Miss! Look! There seems to be more and more people outside of them. Or, let's not wait anymore. Let's take him out first. We will catch another emperor when we have time."
Anyway, they have been caught, and it is absolutely impossible to let them go. Therefore, Xue Yan feels that they can rush out with each other to see if there is any effect in holding the other side.
If it's really useless, then they can come back another day. Anyway, the monk can't run away from the temple. She doesn't believe that the emperor who doesn't know where he hides without showing up even wants his own palace for his own life!
"Xueyan, there are too many soldiers outside. It's daytime again. It's hard for us to run out by ourselves. It's definitely impossible to bring a person. Let's wait and wait till night."
It's good to say that there is night cover at night, but in the daytime, Lin Daiyu is not so sure that he can rush out from those strong crossbows, let alone carry a body taller than the two of them. Many are too kings!
If you insist, if the people outside are not coerced, they will be shot into a sieve! Therefore, Lin Daiyu felt that whether it was running away with hostages or running away alone, it was best to wait until the evening. After all, they have only just cultivated to the realm of heaven and human. They have not cultivated enough mana and can use spells, and they have not become immortal. So, it is best to be a little more cautious?
"Shall we wait till night?"
Xue Yan was a little embarrassed. She felt that it was just daybreak. If you continue to stay at night surrounded by enemies and stay awake for two days and two nights, it might be very hard and uncomfortable?
"Xueyan, this is also something that can't be done. Who kept us busy all night and arrested an overlord?"
Lin Daiyu was also a little upset, but she was also unfamiliar with the situation in the palace, so that it was unavoidable that this kind of "mistakenly hit the assistant car" happened, and I really couldn't blame anyone.
"so troublesome!"
"What night are you waiting for? No longer!"
"Isn't he just a mortal emperor? Ben Xiong will kill him right now and help you catch his emperor son, so that I can make a pair with my son, and then the guys outside will definitely be obedient! !"
????????????: Wow~!
After finally tossing for one night, and now I hear that I have to continue tossing for a day, such troublesome things are definitely very unhappy for Tibbers, who is impatient!
It feels that since its bad idea has made some mistakes, it is necessary to make up for it? Therefore, apart from the irritation, it turned into an upright roar and bursts of thunder, under the screams of the emperor Lao Tzu and the eunuchs, and instantly turned into a head standing upright as high as two people. Huge white bear.
Boom~! !
"Huh~! Where is your dog emperor?"
???? (〝▼??▼)o????
After getting bigger, Tibbers did not wait for Lin Daiyu or the Snow Goose to make a sound, and directly smashed through the mahogany gate of the palace arbitrarily, and then guided the energy of the storm, with lightning that surrounded him, directly rushed out violently .
"Let him come out quickly, Ben Xiong wants to catch him! If he hides, Ben Xiong will smash his palace and electrocute the fish in his backyard pond!!"
He issued a powerful roar to ensure that everyone in the palace could hear its roar and made the pressure and momentum of his demigod instantly startled and frightened the soldiers around him, making them yelled back in panic. At the same time, Tibbers slammed into the formation of the heavy infantry with heavy armor and shield, and while slapped flying as a soldier, it caused a chain of lightning on the opponent, which caused terrible to other people around. The ejection damage caused the large swath of soldiers with almost a hundred people to be shocked by electric shocks and suddenly stiffened and fell down...
Billowing Thunder! !
Tibbers did not stop to fight one-on-one with the soldiers, but landed on all fours, greatly increasing his running speed, and at the same time carrying thunder and lightning, roaring at the enemy so brutally The densest formation rushed over!
‘! ! ’
'What it is? ’
"Wow~! ’
‘Ah ah! ! ! ’
The Yulin army, who had never fought such a monster full of lightning, had no room to fight back. In an instant, they were rushed by the collision of the endless electric snake and the monster bear. Luo, the formerly shocking front line in front of the Taiji Palace, the formation of more than three thousand people, quickly became a mess of sand and death.
'grown ups! ’
‘Yes, there are monsters! ! ’
'I saw! fast! Let go! Let go! Shoot it to me! ! ’
It was discovered that the one who rushed out of the Taiji Palace was not the two female criminals who held the Taishanghuang, but a terrifying white bear spirit that was about the height of two people and also carried lightning. Hundreds of people rushed to the original dense formation as if they were in an uninhabited state, but Zhao Quan, who had been commanding the new Beijing camp from a distance, made Zhao Quan scream and yell at him. The officer next to him ordered.
You know, that is a huge, dense army of three thousand people, and it was swept away by the opponent in the blink of an eye, so how can the more than 10,000 people in their palace be enough for the other to toss?
‘! ! ’
‘But sir, there are many of us there! ’
Although the formation has collapsed, anyone can tell that at least half of the people in that formation are still alive. If the arrows are released now...
'To shut up! ’
‘Is the emperor important or are they important? If the emperor is frightened by that demon bear, can you afford it? Don't you give me an arrow to stop it? ! ’
'Yes! Lord Zhao! I understand! ’
‘Arrow! ’
‘Hurry up! ! ’
Maybe the newly appointed Jingying Jiedushi Zhao Quan was really taking care of the emperor, or maybe he was scared and prepared to take care of himself first? Anyway, his order was carried out by the officer, and he carried it out at the risk of injuring a lot of friendly forces.
Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
A rain of black arrows was so flat or projectile that the soldiers on the back array and the palace wall covered the area where the white bear was...
‘! ! ’
‘Are they crazy? ! ’
‘Uh~! ’
'Do not! ! ’
‘Wow! ! ’
After the strong crossbow and the longbow, Zhao Quan soon found out in horror:
The demon bear was not afraid of the attacks of those crossbow arrows. Not only did it rush toward them directly, but also arrogantly bounced off the diamond-shaped or leaf-shaped crossbow arrows with the lightning lingering on its body. Countless sergeants on their side cried out and were shot into a hedgehog by the terrible rain of arrows, and fell dead on the flat ground in front of the Tai Chi Palace, causing blood to flow instantly?
However, the newly appointed Jingying Jidu made Zhao Quan too late to be horrified, because he saw that the terrifying white bear spirit was arrogantly swatting away several of his close attendants and picked up a spear. After sweeping the swordsmen and shields who had rushed up to the ground, he smiled grinningly and stood in front of him, and with one paw, he held the sword that he was piercing towards the opponent.
‘! ! ’
Zhao Quan only felt a strange numb sensation coming from the opponent’s giant claws, and then his whole body shook involuntarily for a while, he realized that he could no longer control his body, so he just kept watching. Seeing it fall limply on the opponent's bear paw?
"Where is your emperor?!"
Tibbers, with a bad-eyed look, held the opponent's neck with his claws and raised it in front of him, and massaged the opponent little by little with his thunder power.
As for the surrounding soldiers who had been beaten by me three or two, they were cowering at this moment, just screaming around, but there was no soldier who dared to rush towards him again. It was completely ignored. in. Because Tibbers knew that they would definitely not be able to beat him, and there was still a strong voltage around him, once those guys dared to rush up, they would definitely cause a step voltage shock!
Being carried in his hands by the other party, Zhao Quan, who endured the horrible pain like a swarm of ants, could not imagine that there is such a terrifying monster in this world?
"What are you? Don't say anything, this bear will smash your head into your neck!!!"
Tibbers usually does what he says, so if the guy in front of him really doesn't say anything, he will definitely do that!
"In the……"
Under the fresh and terrifying torture of electrotherapy Dafa, Zhao Quan, who originally planned to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country and would rather die than surrender, quickly succumbed. The emperor is there now!
The sharp gun, also known as the musket, was the most important military weapon of the dynasty. Jia Hua, the former Taishi, was convicted of privately carrying the sharp gun in Yunnan by his family. Many people have also been implicated... To pay attention to the magic weapon of the musket! At this time, the emperor was watching the battle with fear from behind the sharp spear phalanx, and was sold out by Zhao Quan's eyes.
"Count you acquaintance!!"
????????????: Wow~!
Of course Tibbers understood the small eyes of the opponent, so he kept his promise and did not pinch the opponent to death. Instead, he threw the opponent directly out, letting the charge on the opponent's body charge a large group of soldiers that he touched. Roaring and rushing in the direction of the emperor.
If the emperor is hiding in a certain palace, it may not be found very quickly, but if the other party is watching the battle on the spot, it is much easier.
‘! ! ’
‘The demon bear is here! The generals listen to my orders: aim! Fire~! ! ’
Unexpectedly, that Zhao Quan betrayed himself so quickly, and saw the demon bear rushing towards him, finally, a certain emperor hidden in the army was not calm, and could only hurriedly let himself The sharpshooter camp in front of him opened fire at the demon bear.
Slap~! Slap~! Slap~!
A popping sound sounded, and then both the emperor and the soldiers of the sharpshooter camp who had knocked out the lead shot in the gun barrel were shocked to find that most of their attacks hit the demon bear, and also With a lot of accidental injuries and killing a lot of sergeants behind the opponent, the demon bear turned out to be like a okay bear, rushing violently with lightning all over it?
Boom~! !
Since the sharpshooter camp is not very accurate, in order to maintain firepower output, they usually line up in neat rows. Therefore, when they are too dense, they will be knocked over by the opponent's impact and lightning. He flew out, and fell to the ground with no time to reload.
"You are the emperor? That's right, this bear recognizes this dress..."
Isn't it a mortal emperor?
Take a look, Tibbers said that it is not difficult to catch at all. It defeated the opponent's army in three or two strokes and pulled the opponent out. How could it be like those two useless shovelers? The same, after tossing all night, the one who finally caught was a fake emperor?
Of course, whether the Supreme Emperor is a fake emperor or not, it doesn't even bother to tell people about it, Uncle Xiong, anyway, now it has also caught an emperor, that's fine.
‘! ! ’
'you! you! ! ’
Looking at the giant bear that was approaching him in an instant, the emperor was wearing a bright yellow four-banded dragon robe with narrow sleeves and a bright yellow collar, a jade belt on his waist, leather boots with a pattern of dragons, and a good crown with two dragons on his head His eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't even speak clearly.
"It must be right, it's you!!"
Seeing the performance of the other party, Tibbers knew that he had not admitted the wrong person, so he didn't even want to stretch out his bear claws, ready to grab the other party and pack it away, and take the emperor old man back to the palace. Make a couple with that emperor Laozi?
After all, since they are all emperors, the family should stay together neatly, even as prisoners.
God, God horse situation? !
However, seeing that the overall situation is set, ready to take away each other and see how a certain two shovel officers concoct the two emperors Tibbers, at this time he was surprised to find: its own demigod from the thunder roaring Volibear The body, I don't know what's going on, can't move at all, even if it tries its best to guide the thunder power in the body, like a mud cow entering the sea, it can't make any waves at all?
Soon, without waiting for a certain bear, the emperor and the soldiers who were frightened to think about it, they only saw that there were bursts of auspicious and colorful glow in the sky at this time, and then bursts of musk orchids. In the scent, a fairy with a fairy robe fluttering, the lotus dress has no wind, and the hand is holding a ring. She stepped on a lotus platform, appeared from the auspicious glow, stood in the sky, smiled and looked down at the people below. ?
"Where is the guy, dare to take care of this bear's nosy?!"
Seeing the opponent appear, I knew that it must be the local who did not know the origin of the trouble. Tibbers lost the bear and clamored, even if it has been by the other party without knowing what method it used. same.
Because Tibbers knows that it is a bear with a backstage. If the bear is dead, it will be a few hundred catties of meat. Looking back, he found his little master and resurrected with blood. Anyway, it was not himself that died. How could it be possible to persuade the native gods who spoiled its good deeds?
‘I live above the sky of hate, and in the sea of ​​sorrow, I’m putting Chunshan Mountain to send Xiangdong Cave, too illusory, Jinghuan Xiangu! ’
‘Where are you evildoers, dare to do something to the Emperor? ! ’
Between crooked eyebrows and smiles, the female fairy who claimed to be Jinghuan Fairy took a few steps forward, and then stood on the lotus platform in the sky like emptiness, just like anger and joy, and seemingly thin. An angry gaze swept down.
‘! ! ’
‘God? ’
‘Great merciful fairy girl! ’
‘Great, the gods have come down and demons! ’
"I have seen Xiangu..."
‘Sian Gu, save me and wait! ’
I found that the emperor who was turning around again at this time, as well as the frightened and helpless soldiers around, all cried out in exclamation at the same time, so while looking up at the miracles in the sky, they knelt down while begging. , Even the emperor who was almost captured by the white bear spirit was no exception.
"The gods are great? This bear does not change his name or stands. This bear is the bear man from Freljord, the demigod thunder roaring Volibear!"
????????????: Come bite me~!
Following the other's tone, Tibbers said his own name openly.
However, maybe it is because you think the other party is not easy to deal with, maybe because you are afraid of the other party's inexplicable means to make yourself immobile? Anyway, Tibbers just reported the name of another guy, that is, a guy in its own body. In short, if there are any benefits, Tibbers will definitely enjoy it, but if it is for revenge or something, it is better to go to Volibear, it will definitely not mind.
‘Insistence! It seems that today will definitely forgive you! ’
Fairy Jinghuan didn't care about those mortals and human emperors, her eyes were only on the white bear spirit who was still obsessed with death.
Originally, she didn't want to interfere with the mundane affairs of the world, but she was beaten to death and seriously injured with that monk, and her original arrangement was messed up by the other party, and in the eyes of the emperor, she was about to be killed by the other party. Down, she felt that there was such a trace of cause and effect to her, she still had to show up and set up a large array of too virtual enchantment, and she caught the one that was somewhat capable and could control the power of thunder, but she didn’t know it. In the sky, a bear demon who does not know the changes of yin and yang.
‘No! ! ’
‘Let go of my little bear! ’
At this time, two exclamations sounded, and then Lin Daiyu and Xue Yan suddenly rushed out with their swords, and brazenly stabbed towards the gods in the sky.
Although, seeing the gods appearing, their hearts are terrified, but now that things have been done and they see that the other party is about to hurt their bears, they can't care too much.
'Hey! ’
‘Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass is not quickly retreating? ’
It's a pity that when Fairy Jinghuan waved her hand, Lin Daiyu and Xue Yan were instantly frozen in the air, like two puppets, unable to move in an instant.
‘! ! ’
'Great! I would like to thank Xiangu for taking the initiative to subdue the demon bear and capture the two female fierce bandits. It will be built for Xiangu by building a temple and shaping the golden body, so that the four o'clock incense will never cease! ’
‘Come! Take this demon bear for me! ! ’
Thinking that the was here to support himself, so, after slowing down, a certain emperor who recognized his destiny began to cry, and waved his hand to let several pikemen around him step forward. Take down the demon bear.
‘! ! ’
'drink! ! ’
I had bowed down and thanked the gods before, and coupled with the order of their own emperor, the soldiers had to listen. However, they recognized that they were not the opponents of the bear demon, before they planned to tie the other party, they first put the spear in their hands. He deeply pierced the shoulder and back of the white bear spirit, and caused the spear tip of the spear to pierce the opponent's fur. It seems that he intends to cause some injury to the opponent first, so as not to get out of trouble or Backlash?
Jinghuan Xiangu originally wanted to stop it, but when she thought about it, she felt that she came to subdue the bear demon this time. Since those mortals planned to do it by themselves, she had no reason to refuse, so she shook her head blindly and turned around. And looking at the two Lin Daiyu and Xue Yan, who were just staring in anxiousness, but could not move at all, and could not speak.
That maid is easy to handle, but that Lin Daiyu is the reincarnation of Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass. She is considering how the arrangement that has been completely disrupted this time will end?
"Ben Bear died! The dog emperor! And that fairy, you remember to Ben Bear, Ben Bear remembers you hate you, and when the little owner of Ben Bear comes back, Ben Bear will kill your dog!!!"
????????????: This bear is not joking~!
He was unable to move and was blocked by all his powers, and was stabbed several times by those mortals with long spears. Although it was not his own body, Tibbers didn't feel much distress, but now it hurts. But it is it, can it not be angry, can it not be frustrated?
It's already thinking about it, the bear can be killed but not insulted, and when it returns to its little master the other day, it will definitely want these guys to look good! !
'emperor! ’
‘This demon bear and that female bandit will be dealt with by you, and Lin Daiyu, the immortal crimson grass, will take home first. ’
After pondering for a while, after thinking about the treatment plan, Fairy Jinghuan sighed and planned to bring back Lin Daiyu, who was reincarnated in Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass, in advance. As for the chaos in the mortal world, the emperor had to deal with it first and wait for everything. After Ping Jing and the Jinling Twelve Hairpins returned to their positions, she would then consider the messy things she should consider.
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ’
However, before the Jinghuan fairy aunt left, before the emperor expressed his gratitude and asked the soldiers to call in the chains to lock the bear demon's pipa bones, there was a change in the sky?
There, a blue light door appeared abruptly and quietly, and then a small red hooded skirt with a one-piece jumped out from it, a pair of small red leather shoes with wild heads, and golden hair. With blue eyes and fair skin, she looks like a cute little girl?

"Huh? It's strange, so many of you, why do you bully our little bear?!"
The little girl with a stuffed bear in her hand jumped to the ground first, looked at everyone present, and finally put her eyes on a certain head and was stabbed with several spears. After the big white bear, who looked and miserable, finally asked in exclamation.
"Hey! Tibbers, what are you doing, why can't you even beat these dumb guys?!"
Her Queen Anne doesn't care whether a certain bear is doing good or bad things, whether it is good or not, or what kind of bad things are! Anyway, she only knew that a certain bear had lost the fight and lost her Queen Anne's face. This was the most unacceptable thing for her.
"Little, little master?!"
∑(????`)? !
"Respected little master! Come and save the bear's life! You see, someone is bullying the bear!!!"
After being dumbfounded for a long time, the Chinese medicine doctor realized that he was not an illusion. After two years, his little master finally remembered himself and came to him. He was just stabbed with a spear by a group of soldiers and his fur was covered with blood. Tibbers, who was trembling with meat pain, wailed and screamed directly.
"You bad guys, dare to hit my little bear?!"
Annie doesn't care who is right or wrong now!
She only knew that she had managed to straighten out the endless plane world, and finally finished those things and saved countless worlds and countless creatures. When she came to this world, she saw her own little bear. Being bullied so desperately, and it looks bloody, don't mention how miserable it is. How could she endure things like that?
Therefore, she who is super short and never wants to ask about the and does not want to be fair, she directly caught a ball of fire, and slammed at the goddess who hesitated to say something in the sky. Past!
Although the other party looks very beautiful and very immortal, but, the sky is big, she is the biggest, her own bear is second, how can she care whether the other party is a fairy or a monster? !
‘! ! ’
"Wait, please listen..."
Boom~! ! !
The fireball exploded in an instant. Without waiting for the Jinghuan Fairy to explain, Annie slammed the first fireball towards the opponent!

(????╰╯`??)?? Annie is back, ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??)
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