Chapter 1057: ?(??`*) 3 kinds of wine fairy, mist weaving and wind treading...

It's late at night...
When the residents in the Peace Valley below the mountain, when the pigs, geese, and bunnies have already turned off their lights and slept, the whole town fell into darkness and peace; when the kung fu masters in the Emerald Palace on the mountain and those of the privileged class When the black swans turned off the oil lamps one by one to rest, a little girl who had no intention of sleeping was eating peaches in one hand in this fun place she found, and something in the other hand that would not be taken by people in this world. The delicacy of understanding and acceptance looks at the scenery of mountains at night.
And the kind of delicacy that will not be easily accepted by the ‘people’ in this Peace Valley is: a big and fragrant roast turkey leg!
The roast turkey was taken away by Annie from the Bear Shield Victory Banquet not long ago and stored in her bag. But think, now that she has to take it out soon after she came to this world?
This is something she doesn't have any good solutions for herself...
Because, those animals in this world, whether they are birds or beasts, or insects of varying sizes, it seems that they all speak, and they are all intelligent creatures?
Therefore, under the circumstances that none of these animals can eat, she can only eat the food stored in her space bag... and she can only eat secretly by hiding here alone like this. , Or else, once you are seen by those fussy animals, God knows what kind of moths will be caused!
Her meat-eating thing is in the minds of those animals, it is as evil and sinful as being seen by people on earth eating ‘roasted human flesh’? !
??????(??)?????? I shake! I shake hard~!
After gnawing on the drumsticks and feeling a bit dry, Annie unceremoniously walked to the mysterious peach tree on the top of the mountains and on the cliffs, and stretched out her to look. The little hand that seemed weak and weak, but in fact could kill the dragon with bare hands, began to shake vigorously.
In the next second, countless peach blossoms and mature fruits smashed and fell like rain. After Annie stopped shaking, in addition to the patter of petals still continuing, those fruits were even more so. It fell all over the floor!
o( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
"Tibbs, this peach tree is really weird. It actually blooms and bears fruit...Look, the peaches on the tree have just matured, but it actually bloomed again?"
In front of this cliff platform, the peach pits left over from the eating were dropped under the cloud-filled cliff outside, regardless of where it would fall under the mountain or whether it would hit the flowers, flowers, and grasses. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he firmly grasped a peach blossom that was dangling from this strange peach tree, and said with some rareness to his little bear Tibbers.
Actually, this peach tree is not that rare...
Because, I have eaten in the peach garden of the queen’s aunt, and I have picked a lot of peaches and stored them in my bag. The more rare Tianting Peach Tree!
So, after talking casually, she smiled and stretched out her hand, and inserted the peach blossom to her bear's ear.
(● ̄(??) ̄●??)
(Tibbers didn’t talk to him, because he knew it. The bad guy in his family was just boring while eating and used it to relieve boredom. It’s already used to it...and, peach blossom No matter what, if the other party’s greasy little hand is not always rubbing it on its body, it will definitely be happier and willing to take care of the other party!)
"Tibbers, people can eat it. The fruit of this peach tree is still very good. It contains a lot of spiritual energy, otherwise it would not be blooming and fruiting at this time... If the average'person' eats it, at least it will be able to keep fit, right?"
"But those black swans in the Emerald Palace and the kung fu guys are really disgusting. There are such good things that they own themselves, and you don't want people under the mountain to see?"
So, I think those guys who know kung fu, think that the privileged class in this world knows to occupy good things, and it’s okay to build houses with emeralds and gold, and they don’t even let the pigs down the mountain come up and enjoy these good things. The behavior was very abhorrent, and Annie herself could stay here more comfortably and eat the fruit of this peach tree, without even the slightest guilt!
Because she wants to replace the pigs, rabbits, and gray swans that are not black enough to eat back their share!
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
o(╯▽╰)o delicious~~
"Tibbs, the night here is so quiet, and the stars tonight are also beautiful..."
Speaking of which, it has been a long time for Annie to eat quietly and watch the night like this.
Therefore, looking at it, she kind of missed the villain Amoryn’s mother at home... However, knowing that the other party is doing well now, knowing that the other party still has those guys in the Kepulu area taking care of, knowing that A guy named Galen still stayed in the voodoo land to pick up girls, so she quickly relaxed and once again forgot the other party.
(Report to the little master! The little one only sees: there are no stars in the sky tonight, this is a big cloudy sky, the sky looks gloomy, it is all thick dark clouds, the little one has not seen even a star!
Because a nasty guy rubbed those greasy and sticky things on his bearskin, it made him serve for two full years, and even had a shovel officer in the bath. Tibbers, who served together, became more and more dissatisfied...So, as if it were a protest, it unceremoniously corrected the nonsense in the other party's mouth, and also changed its tricks to express its complex feelings at this moment. )
"That's because you are stupid!"
"Tibbers, think about it..."
"Whether the stars in the sky are day or night, whether it is sunny or cloudy, they are all perfectly hanging and flashing in the endless starry sky outside this weird animal earth. As long as you look over those clouds, then Naturally it is easy to see them!"
(For someone who is full and idle and has nothing to do, he knows he can't see through the clouds by magic, and changes the way to say that he lacks eyes or is too stupid. Tibbers simply closes it. Mouth.)
"But Tibbers, don’t tell me, people just discovered it when they'looked' at the stars and'looked' at the moon. The earth in this world seems a little different from the earth in other worlds, even the sun, moon, and stars. It's very different..."
"Maybe because of this, the energy concentration on this planet and the spiritual energy that those guys said are wrong, so the animals are all highly evolved?"
Of course, that kind of thing Little Annie just guessed at random. She didn't study it seriously, nor did she interfere with the evolution and certain processes of other people's worlds, because she just came here to play. I won't mess around with other people's affairs!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers still didn’t talk, because he didn’t understand these messy things, and didn’t want to care about why the animals talk! He only cared about: the greasy little hand of a bad little master, How much do you have to rub on it?!)
∑(????`)? !
(However, Tibbers, who was just about to continue to protest twice, soon found desperately: the horrible little master of his family started to hold his hands together, hurriedly and hard at his Keep rubbing the bearskin shell?)
It turned out that Annie found a certain black-and-white style, and was afraid that the fat guy who couldn't take color photos with the most advanced camera was downcast and walked here without sleeping in the middle of the night?
and so,
Not wanting to be seen by the guys in this world that she was secretly eating animal meat and then yelled in a fuss, she quickly put away the roasted turkey leg that was less than half eaten in her own hand, and first used her own hands to vigorously Only after wiping off the body of the bad bear, he finally used the back of his hand to wipe the little mouth that was still greasy just now.
??(ψ`??′)o protest!
Tuk... tuk...
With bursts of dull and slow footsteps sounding on the mountain road above the quiet high mountains, finally, the pandaman A Bao walked up with his head down. His mood seemed not so good, so much so that he saw a little The girl sits here, her mouth full of greasy looks, and she doesn't care much about it.
After a faint glance, he continued to lower his head and walked silently to the bottom of the peach tree step by step.
Then, I just squatted over there, quietly picked up the ripe peaches that had just been shaken from the peach tree by Little Annie, and fell on the ground, and sighed from time to time while eating...
Today, when he saw each other in that hall, this fat guy was obviously happy, not to mention how proud he was! But now, when I saw the other party again, it looked so strange, which obviously made Little Annie, who had finally eaten up and wiped out, feel a little curious and puzzled.
So, after tilting her little head for a moment, she pursed her mouth and walked gently in front of the other party, then squatted down on her small body, blinked her big eyes, and lifted her head slightly. , Just looked at the other person's dark circle pancake face, which was obviously not happy, and studied it carefully.
(Tibbers is very upset now, because it discovered that some of its bad masters would ignore his protest for a foolish panda? This is really bullying! Wait, but don't Let it catch the chance, otherwise, even if it doesn't burn that nasty panda on the spot, it will definitely beat the other party out of anger!)
"Fei Bo, why are you frowning? What's wrong with this?"
"People clearly remember..."
"You didn’t just choose that dragon warrior today, you can learn that super powerful kung fu right away, and then from then on, you can go to pick up the weak and support the strong, be a knight, and be the one you even dream of. Heroes', isn't this something that should be very happy?"
?? (????????????)?
Yes, the more you look at Annie, the more curious and puzzled you are about the state of the sluggish fat panda.
Because when she wanted to come, the other party finally chose the dragon warrior today, and she suddenly suppressed the power and prestige of the "five heroes of rage" or the "five heroes of the world", detonating the Heping Valley public opinion circle. I came up with a super big melon... It’s like spending two dollars to win the trillions of prizes that can never be won. It should not be worth the other party’s excitement and not wanting to sleep all night. Right?
But take a look now!
The other party has such a dejected look, if someone who doesn't know sees it, and thinks that the other party's duck or goose or something, has been killed and eaten by someone else!
"You should call me Abao..."
Pandaren Abao just slightly raised his head and glanced at a little girl who was squatting in front of him, and then quickly dropped his head and eyelids again, and continued to silently pick up the dusty fruits on the ground. , I opened my mouth and ate them one by one without rubbing them.
"No! People still think you are called Fei Bo more kinder?"
However, the other party didn't insist anymore, just continued to eat silently, so Anne felt amused and leaned forward.
"Hey! You don't even know that the fruits on the ground wiped it? They are all dust and bacteria. How dirty is that?"
"Wow! You don't even vomit the pit, did you really swallow it?"
"It's really amazing. It's no wonder that guys like you are called iron-eaters in another world. It turns out that they can not only gnaw bamboo, but also fruit pits..."
Seeing the other person eating peaches without spitting out the pits and chewing the peach pits with a ‘cackling’ sound, Xiao Annie couldn’t help but admire a little. She finally understood why this kind of panda likes to eat bamboo. It turns out that their teeth are so good?
However, if you change to her, she still likes sugar cane more. Although they are all cut and hard, it is obviously that the sugar cane has more water and sugar! At the beginning, she used to gnaw other people's bamboo land, but she has always remembered the bitter stuff.

However, when Annie got down to get to the other side of the big face of the other party, only to find that the other party was still half drooping her eyelids, as if she did not exist?
"Fei Bo, what's the matter with you? Anyway, people are very free now, they are also idle, and they are not in a hurry to find a place to sleep, or else, you can tell them what you have seen? Maybe, Can someone help you?"
If she was not sure about the other party’s father, Mr. Big Grey Goose Ping was still busy in the noodle shop in the small town of Pinggu below the mountain, and complained that her son didn’t want it and ran to practice Kungfu, Annie would really think that the other party The reason for this is that the goose that looked like a duck was eaten by someone!
Maybe it was this little girl named human who was a little too noisy, or maybe something from the other party touched some of his nerves?
Anyway, Pandaren Abao finally stopped taking a bite from the ground, chewing peaches and swallowing them with nuclei. He raised his head hesitantly and looked at the smooth and white skin in front of him, but only Some little animals with little hairs that are almost invisible to the naked eye, strangely named human beings, asked nervously:
"Annie, are we friends now?"
Panda Abao has something to ask someone to share with him. If the little girl in front of him is as willing to be his friend as his friends, he might take all his troubles and grievances. It's not always true if you tell them all?
"Friends or something, shouldn't it be counted?"
"But Fei Bo, although we have only met for less than a day, I still like you a little bit compared to other animals! Really, even more than the kind of deceitful words my Tibbers said More real!"
Tibbers' nonsense must be unbelievable, so the kind of thing that Annie said just now about liking each other is only a little bit at best. There are so many pointed fingernails on her little finger, it really can't be more.
"However, if you want to become a friend of others, it is not impossible, but you have to work harder to have a chance!"
For example, try to make good food every day to please and bribe her? Anyway, if it’s delicious, she will definitely accept it to a large extent and gain a little bit of prestige here. When the prestige reaches more than friendly, she will barely reluctantly. It's half a friend.
But seriously, it seems that there are really few guys who can be regarded as friends by Annie herself?
If you think about it carefully, in a world with so many hot spots, although she knows and befriends a lot of people, but among them, more of them are just her playmates, students, subordinates, servants, subordinates, Is it just someone who has a good relationship or is a bully, etc.?
So, Annie’s friends are really very few...
And the fat panda in front of me has only met for less than a day. In any case, it is impossible for her to become her friend so soon, so she won't be hot, so quickly let the other party fill up her reputation! Now, at best, it can only be neutral and thrown up.
However, compared to other animals in Heping Valley, she really likes the fat panda in front of her anyway! No matter what, the other person looks pretty pleasing to the eye. In any case, she will never be like those pigs, rabbits and black and white swans. When she sees it, she always wants to grab it and roast it. !
For example: those delicious braised pork, spicy rabbit head and beer goose...
"Like me a little?"
"But why? Do I really have any advantages in my body?"
Panda Abao is now the most depressed and sad time, so when he heard the weird little human girl in front of him say a little bit of kindness to him, he was as if he had caught a life-saving straw and hurriedly followed the conversation. On, it seems that I want the other party to say more quickly so that he will not feel wronged and uncomfortable like he is now?
"Of course there is!"
"For example: Your panda is very stupid, fat, bully, and fun to talk to you, and then you usually look a little silly?"
(Heh! Honorable little master, why don't you say these things! Just let it take it seriously and make it happy for a while?
Hearing that a certain little girl said something like that when a certain panda was frustrated, even Tibbers, who was a little jealous just now, couldn’t stand it... because it was clearly something A miserable little guy is not pitiful enough to look at each other, so how many more feet will he step on the other's fragile heart? )
(Great respectable and lovely little master, the little one knew it was wrong...)
o(ㄒ?? ㄒ)o
(However, Tibbers is too late to beg for mercy...because ah, the nasty little master of his family has already shaken his hand directly, and he throws it on the cloud-shrouded cliff behind as if he lost the kind of pit just now. Usually thrown away...Presumably, it must have to stay aggrieved somewhere under the cliff for the whole night.)
"Oh! Oh...?"
"You, what do you mean..."
When Annie said something, A Bao, a panda with dark circles, was stunned.
Then soon, the panda who was expecting directly dropped his head again in frustration, and once again slumped his fat shoulders and small ears aggrievedly, and began to lower his head one bite to pick up those The wretched little girl gave the peach that was shaking to the ground, and then she started to chew like that.
"During the day today, it was really a mistake for Master Tortoise to choose me as a dragon warrior... I know nothing, and I am stupid and fat. There is a reason why they don't like me..."
As he talked, Abao the panda was even more sad.
As a result, he simply sat on the ground, stretched out his hand, and after a handful of peaches, he picked up the peaches from the ground in hand, regardless of the peach blossoms or the soil on it. , Just like that constantly stuffing his mouth, just like eating constantly can make him feel better and make him forget those unpleasant things?
Although he himself knew that this would definitely not change the way others think about him, but apart from this, other than eating, it seems that he really has no other better way...Anyway, no matter what Whether it's the raccoon master or the tiger girl, the little snake, the old crane, the praying mantis or the monkey king, they will definitely not change him in any way just because he does anything.
His panda Abao is not the dragon warrior they wanted, he let them down...

"Fei Bo, don't worry about being sad, just talk about it, what's wrong with you?!"
Seeing that after having had enough trouble with the other party, when she saw that the other party seemed completely unhappy, Annie had no choice but to eat more and walked to the other party, while reaching out her hand to play with the other party’s little black plush ears. Trying to face the floor, enduring the small expression of gloating and asking carefully and patiently.
Annie doesn’t know why the other person became like this, nor how to comfort a panda, because, in her opinion, as long as she can eat, drink, have fun and sleep well every day, then there is really nothing to be able to do. It made her feel sad!
Perhaps this is the reason why a certain bad bear often says she is heartless, right?
Of course, she will not easily admit that she is often heartless! At most... Is it just occasional at most? !
Huh~! Huh~!
After a while, maybe I figured it out, maybe I really want to talk to someone casually, so Abao the panda finally spoke:
"Is such that……"
"In that hall just now, Master Raccoon said that he didn't like me... He also said that it is impossible for someone like me to learn Kungfu in this life, and it is even less likely to reach the highest state of Kungfu..."
"He said……"
"A guy like me who has fat buttocks, flabby arms, full body fat, big belly, unsanitary, bad breath, dull head, and muscle weakness is really bad. He will never admit that I am The legendary "Dragon Warrior" also claimed that he would never give me the "Shenlong Tianshu" that hides the secret of infinite power..."
Anyway, I’m already very sad now, I think it’s impossible to get worse, and it’s better to have someone talk about it, and it’s better than the Pandaren Abao who doesn’t have. The various injustices encountered on the first day of the palace were all spoken out like pouring beans.
"If you don't give it, don't give it. Anyway, there is nothing on it. I have seen it before. It is..."
(; ̄x ̄)
Fortunately, Annie shut up at the crucial moment.
And what she said casually did not attract the attention of a certain Pandaren who was in a state of grief. Otherwise, I am afraid that she would have been found out if she ran to the hall and took a peek at the Shenlong Tianshu. Is it exposed?
At that time, there may be a huge storm that will happen again!
She had heard that those animals were so stricken with that blank book. Even the leopard wanted to take a look before, but was defeated by them and arrested and locked up?
"You may not know, even the Five Heroes I admire most, they don't seem to like me..."
Pandaren Abao just lowered his head and whimpered and spoke a little bit. As for the little girl just said something or whether he was listening, he didn’t care too much, because he just needed someone to listen to him so that He feels a little better, nothing more.
However, thinking of the Five Heroes who was regarded as an idol by himself, and he also bought countless portraits, books, precious hand-mades and other fan items in his room at home, I was stunned by those five who he could only look up to. Jie ridiculed and hostile, A Bao's mood became more and more low.
"They said that I was not the material for practicing kung fu, nor did I have any kung fu foundation. Sooner or later I would die on the mountain..."
"They also said that I can't even touch my toes..."
"You can't even see your feet?!"
Everything else is fine, but there are some sayings that Abao the Pandaren really doesn't agree with it!
Because, although he does not know any kung fu, he can learn it. He believes that as long as someone is willing to teach, he will definitely learn it well, he promises!
As for "can't touch his toes" or something...well, he really can't touch it, but that kind of little thing is not important, because he can still barely see his own toes, at least in his Can you see it when you sit down?
"They still laugh at my precious fat..."
Abao never thought that one day he would be rejected because of obesity, and would lose the opportunity to practice Kung Fu because of this?
Such things are really unfair to him, because no one has ever told him about such things! If so, maybe he will eat less every day?
Besides, there is nothing wrong with being fat. At least he is not afraid of being beaten. Even if he uses the bouncing method, he can easily pass through the Wooden Man Alley and Fire Dragon Formation that the Heroes of the World usually train! Moreover, he can jump into the river without knowing how to swim without worrying about being drowned. Who can do it?
Hearing what the other party said, Xiao Anni blinked, then re-evaluated the other side up and down again, and silently praised some of the bad guys from the bottom of my heart, and agreed with those guys very much. judgment!
But, given that a certain guy is very sad and sad now, she will not express any more opinions of her for the time being, lest the other party loses her mind and will jump off this cliff?
If you really do that, maybe the other party will crush a certain bad bear that she just dropped, and that would be bad. At that time, she will wash the brain, blood or fat, but it will be super troublesome, and it will be disgusting to think about it!
"The people here don't seem to welcome me..."
"They also said that I have no brain, no claws, no wings, no fangs, nor those sickles, saying that I shouldn't be here in the Emerald Palace..."
"The most powerful Hu Niu even said straight: I never belonged here, I am not worthy of staying in the Emerald Palace... If I continue to stay, I will definitely put Kung Fu to shame? If I treat them, treat them If you still have respect for your career and want to be good for the residents of Peace Valley, and if you want to make a contribution to everyone, it’s best to leave by yourself before dawn?"
"and so……"
So what happened, Pandaren Abao did not continue.
Anyway, this is already the case. In the Jade Palace, except for the very few tortoise masters who have not made a clear statement, other people don’t welcome him very much, and even now they are vaguely doubting whether they are real. After being able to become a dragon warrior, he had already faintly retreated in his mind.
Maybe, before the sun rises tomorrow, he will leave here, go down the mountain and return to the small town of Heping Valley, and then continue to run the small noodle restaurant with his father, Mr. Ping, and cook his own well. Noodles, as if you came to the Emerald Palace for a night, as for Kung Fu or'Dragon Warrior', just as a dream, completely forget them all?
It can only be like that, right?
( ̄△ ̄)
"That said, you are really ready to go down the mountain by yourself before tomorrow morning?!"
Σ(⊙ω⊙`)? !
Looking at the other party's expression, and then recalling the extremely frustrating words that the other party said just now, why couldn't Annie guess what bad plans the other party was making now?
"I really don't know, my heart is messed up..."
"I am very sad……"
Haha~! Haha~!
Guru! !
Have finished talking about everything, and feel that now I am in a much better mood?
Therefore, I just want to eat a hard meal, and before dawn, before the opening of his father, Mr. Ping, the Pandaren Abao, who rushes back to help, has made up his mind and is not ready to continue to expect more ideas. .
The Five Heroes that he admires so much, is what Master Hu Niu said is really right? Whether it is Kung Fu or the Emerald Palace, it should not be suitable for you, and the tortoise master choosing himself as the dragon warrior is really just a beautiful mistake, right?
ε=(??ο`))) alas
"For the sake of our acquaintance, for the fact that you have been bullied so badly by those bad guys, and so badly bullied, let me be merciful and help you a little bit today!"
Finally, seeing this honest fat panda being bullied by the guys in the Emerald Palace, some little Annie suddenly made up her mind: she was ready to help each other a little. , Teach each other a little bit of things, and prepare to hit those'five heroes' and'five heroes' in the face?
Pandaren A Bao raised his head questioningly and looked at the weird little human girl in front of him, wondering why the other party could help him.
"Fei Bo, people are surprised to see your bones (fat, pitiful and helpless). You are a martial arts prodigy (weird?). Therefore, they have a set of super authentic pandas from the world of Azeroth. Human real kung fu and super powerful innocence, do you want to learn?!"
For the Queen Anne who ran to the Mid-Levels Fair in the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria twice and three times, and those pandamen fooling around, contact and learn about the secret monk heritage of the pandamen, and you can see the meaning of it at a glance Yes, it's really too simple for her existence.
It’s just that, because she has never had the opportunity to perform, and no one is qualified to let her use the melee methods to fight and fight, she has been hiding and has not shown it, but that does not mean her Won't!
"You know how to martial arts? Just you? Forget it, you guys with small arms and legs, don't tease me..."
Pandaren A Bao was stunned, a glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes, but soon became dim again.
Obviously, how could this weird little human girl animal with thin skin and tender flesh that looks like a hairless monkey be able to teach itself with the skill and ability? Therefore, he still shouldn’t expect too much, and quickly eat this kind of peach that seems to be delicious at the back of the emerald palace, and then dare to shine the sun on the second floor of his house tomorrow morning Go down the mountain!
"You dare to underestimate this queen?!"
"Here, here you are! Take this stick, you come and try to hit me!"
Seeing the other person's carelessness and disbelief in herself at all, Annie was directly angry!
As a result, she picked up a dead branch that had just been shaken off by herself and seemed to be tough, and then she couldn't wait to stuff it into the opponent's bear paw, and pointed her head to the opponent.
Maybe it's that the mind is not on the little girl in front of me, maybe it's in a bad mood, or maybe it's because the brain is not so good?
Anyway, Pandaren A Bao didn't think much about it at all, he actually raised his hand directly, and then swung a stick at the other's cute little head!
Next second!
The branch that could stun a big fat pig with one shot naturally snapped it off. Except for half of it was left in the hands of the somewhat sluggish panda A Bao, the other half flew directly out of the cliff. I don't know where I fell...
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Wow! You guy, really dare to fight?!"
Annie was a little angry, because she was just a polite statement, but then thought that the other party actually did something to her?
"You, are you okay? You, are you really good at kung fu? Or is your head harder!"
Pandaren Abao was shocked, and looked at the thick branches in his hand in disbelief, and looked at the freshness of the fracture. He felt like such a thick thing, even the hardest rhinoceros. If he doesn't resist, I'm afraid he will be beaten with a stick and can't stand up for a long time, right?
But now, the little girl animal in front of me, called a human, does not seem to have anything at all? !
Although it was true that she had let the other party fight just now, when the other party did the fight, Annie still planned to retaliate back!
and so……
Monk's stunt: divide the muscles and bones! !
o(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з;?? Ahhh~!
Little Annie, who is bound to report, and feels that she must establish her majesty's majesty, she darkened her face and stepped forward unceremoniously, and began to perform the hand skills of the Pandaria Pandaren from Azeroth. !
I saw that she instantly turned into a blurry afterimage, and surrounded a stupid panda sitting on the ground, quickly slapped and squeezed the opponent's body, and quickly stopped and returned to the original place. Just lying on the ground like a mass of rotten meat, I can't move anymore...
"Strange! What's wrong, what have you done, why can't I move?!"
Although he was surprised that the little girl human animal in front of him turned out to be a hidden master, but now Abao the Pandaren was even more surprised: he discovered that after the other party suddenly slapped him, He was so soft that he couldn't move the slightest, and he couldn't even use a bit of strength?
Obviously, this is a good thing the other party has done, and it is also a terrible fact for him! !
"Of course!"
"Separation of muscles and bones, as the name suggests: People have just staggered all the bones and muscles in your body that can affect your activities. When you are strong enough to have a way to slowly close them for yourself, or others take the initiative Before closing it for you, you must be unable to move!"
Now, the other party should know the power of her Queen Anne, know that she is also a kung fu master, right?
You should know that the Pandaren monk inheritance in the world of Azeroth, whether it is the Jiu Xian sect that focuses on bodybuilding, the fog-weaving sect that focuses on qigong treatment, or the wind-walker sect that likes to fight, three kinds of monks She knows all of her inheritance methods and mainstream skills!
"Are you really a Kung Fu master? That's right, you must be a Kung Fu master!"
"Can you really teach me?!"
After the initial shock and panic of Panda Abao, he soon remembered the words that the other party had just said that he could teach him Kung Fu. He quickly became excited, and if it weren't for his mouth and eyes, don't If he can't move anywhere, he will definitely get up and rush to the other side and give a big gift to the other side, right?
After all, to be able to learn kung fu and become a respected, beloved and widely acclaimed hero of the world, that is what he has been dreaming about and wanting! And now that there is another great opportunity, he would not want to miss it anyway!
"Okay! Since they have said that they want to teach you, they can't speak without counting, they must be taught... However, there are three Pandaren monk inheritances here. They are: Jiu Xian Liu, Fog weaving and wind-walking school!"
"In addition to the eighteen general skills that all monks must practice, there are thirty-two changes in the Jiu Xian Liu. There are thirty-three mental determinations in the fog-weaving technique, and thirty-seven moves in the wind-tacking school..."
"So, which one are you going to learn?"
The three complete inheritances of the monk focus on different directions. It would be very troublesome to teach them all. Therefore, in order to be lazy and don’t think that the other party can learn all of them, Little Annie only intends to teach this chubby panda. One of the branches.
Anyway, she can only teach one, really can't be more, because it is likely to waste a lot of time, and she is absolutely unwilling to waste too much time on this unfamiliar guy.
"Is there any difference between them? Which one is the best?!"
They all sound amazing, but Abao, the panda man who thinks that the kind of kung fu must be very good, continued to lay softly on the ground, and asked with a face that he could control.
"Should be the same? But, at most they focus on different directions?"
"Jiuxianliu pays attention to body training. After learning it, he is very resistant, but he still needs to learn how to make wine. However, you have to learn how to make wine by yourself.
Queen Anne said: She can only eat, and she will never drink those bitter and spicy boring drinks. She definitely can't make wine. Therefore, if she can, she doesn't want the other party to choose the wine fairy stream.
"Mist weaving monks' qigong tends to be healing. It combines the mysteries of pandaman martial arts and traditional herbal medicine. It pays attention to understanding the spirituality of all things and the self-circulation of airflow and life in the body... Anyway, it is very complicated. Then tell you slowly if you want to learn?"
"Finally, it's the Wind Rider!"
"The Wind-Taking School is almost the same as the Kung Fu masters in the Jade Palace you know. They are all martial artists who are unparalleled in martial arts and are better at martial arts! I remember, they even wrote a poem called: Qingfeng The ripples are flat, the clouds rise in the shape of dragons, tigers and cranes, and the world is reincarnation alone.
"right now!"
"Come on, Pandaren Abao, which one do you want to learn?!"
Annie, who was a little impatient, began to ask sternly.
Actually, she already regrets it a little bit now, because teaching a monk does not seem to be an easy task? And if she hadn't just opened her mouth accidentally, maybe she would have slipped away long ago?
However, although she wants to teach, she only teaches one kind. If the other party dares to learn everything, she promises to turn around and go to other places, and she won't come to Heping Valley anymore!
"Master! Master! If the disciple is willing to learn more, please teach me the martial arts of the Tafeng School!!"
He raised his eyes and looked at a serious little girl for a long time, and considered it for a long time. It was not until he saw the other person's expression that he was a little impatient, that the panda man A Bao hurriedly shed tears of rejoicing while excited Hastily made a choice.
He didn't know which of Jiu Xian Liu, Wu Weaving Kung fu, or Tafeng Sect monk Kung Fu was the best, but he only knew that when eating steamed buns, the more you eat, the more you will be full? However, there are 37 types of martial arts of the Tafeng School, which is obviously the most of the three. Therefore, he took it for granted that there is definitely nothing wrong with picking more to learn!
"Well, then..."
∑(??△`)? !
Hearing the answer from the other party, before Xiao Annie had time to say something, she suddenly discovered that at the stone stairway in front, there was an old tortoise holding a lantern and walking slowly to this place with a strange growth. On the cliff platform of Peach Tree, he looked at her and a certain panda who was lying on the ground grinning but completely immobile?
"I'm very curious about this..."
"In the middle of the night, what are you two doing under the peach tree of wisdom from the mysterious fairy garden in the Emerald Palace?"
After the initial surprise, the old tortoise recovered quickly, and then continued to walk leisurely from the ground full of peach blossoms and fruits. While looking at the panda on the ground, he looked at the panda that he had never seen before. Asked the strange creature he had seen.
That small, monkey-like creature was very strange, because he discovered that the other party had never been in his perception, and if he hadn't come here, he would have thought that there was only the one lying on the ground. And I don’t know why the panda is crying!
Σ( ̄д ̄;)
Annie was thinking, how on earth should I answer the question of this seemingly cunning turtle? Because she knew that the other party would definitely not be as foolish as a certain idiot panda. This kind of old guy who doesn't know how many years has lived, God knows how shrewd it is?
When I just wanted to ask her little bear Tibbs if she had any bad ideas, she quickly recovered, because ah...some bad guy, she seemed to have been thrown to the bottom of the cliff just now?
"I can see..."
"He seems to have staggered the joints of his arms and legs by some very clever means. Of course, maybe there are those tendons?"
"It's amazing... You can do all this with such a thick fat without harming his body, then you must be a very powerful Kung Fu master. I'm right, this Mysterious Master?"
The old tortoise ignored the anxious and slightly annoying gaze of Xiao Anni. He just swayed around the pandaman A Bao, first stretched out the stick in his hand and stabbed the fat belly of the other party. Then stretched out his long neck to study for a while, and finally nodded and said with a sigh.
Now things are clear. Although he has never seen this monkey-like animal in front of him, he doesn't know what the other party belongs to or where it comes from... But the master tortoise only knows that the other party's kung fu must be It is very, very mysterious, maybe, surely not worse than when I was young and the magical qigong masters I had ever met?
"That one……"
"Well, my name is Hasta! Nice to meet you, this clever old Mr. Tortoise..."
In the absence of any good solutions for the time being, and Tibbers was thrown down the mountain by herself and did not find it back, Annie had to playfully stick out her tongue at the other party and made a face, and then she was generous with herself. Introduced, but also said his name for the first time.
"I am glad to meet you... I am the tortoise master here in the Emerald Palace, an old tortoise that has lived for more than 600 years..."
After hearing the other party’s words, I pondered the other party’s name, felt that the name is very Zen-powered, and once again sensed the other party’s qi, and found that the other party still didn’t exist in front of me, completely unable to lock the other party. Master Tortoise smacked his lips and introduced himself slowly.

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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