Chapter 1085: Queen Anne never played cards according to routine (?·…

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July 27, 2552, 11:58 noon...
A certain little girl, Annie, was spotted for her amazing battlefield performance at the Visgrad relay station, and she was spared the distress of being thrown into an orphanage as a'war orphan', and being dealt with by some UNSC army leaders A special plane was specially dispatched to transfer to this special military training ground and reserve officer school of the Marine Corps and Fleet outside the prosperous New Alexandria city, which is affiliated to UNSC.
Undoubtedly, what the Noble team didn't know was: here, at the same time, is a training camp for the Spartans who have no affection for their Spartans, or even hostile Hell Paratroopers (ODST)?
Anyway, up to now, Annie has been in this small military training ground and reserve officer school for two full days...
On the first day she came here, she met with a bearded colonel who she did not even remember her name. After meeting the principal named Peter, she formally became a glorious preparation Officer cadet, that is, the kind of military academy who has no military rank and has to wait at least several years to graduate?
??????(??)???????? Go!
ψ( ̄~ ̄)o chew!
"Wow! It's really delicious, even better than yesterday's one!!"
There is no doubt that Little Annie doesn't care much about minor issues like military rank. In her opinion, students are just students! Anyway, she felt unlikely that she would stay in this world for several years. It was so long. She just heard the big sister Catherine say that there are delicious food here, so she was obediently taken by the soldiers. That's it.
And looking at it now, as expected, Annie found out that in the city of New Alexandria, I don’t know what to do, but in this military training ground and the canteen of the reserve officer school, there are really moa burgers and What's super delicious in Moa set meal?
It is said that this moa burger is made from the meat of the local aboriginal creature "Moa". Each of them has a subtle difference in taste. With careful taste, the taste buds can enjoy incomparable pleasure. As a result, it has been highly praised by the people of Zhiyuanxing!
The only drawback is that it is too expensive...
Because they are said to be difficult to artificially reproduce, they are basically made from pure wild healthy moa meat, so the output has been very limited. Coupled with the popularity of the Zhiyuan people and the protection of related organizations, the supply exceeds demand. The price will naturally rise. And it is said that the UNSC's one-year funding for Zhiyuanxing, the annual defense budget of nearly 40 billion cR, is only enough for all Zhiyuan people to eat a month's moa burger set?
You must know that Zhiyuanxing has only a population of more than 700 million, and the UNSC’s 40 billion cR annual budget of Zhiyuanxing includes in addition to defense expenditures, personnel salaries, ammunition consumption and weapons procurement, etc. More than 300 million military personnel of ZHIYUAN Star provide food for a whole year!
It can be seen that the high price of this kind of food is definitely not something ordinary people or military cadets can afford to consume at will! !
But, the price or something, that kind of small problem hasn't been paid attention to by Annie.
Anyway, she always has a way to get the kind of coins of the earth humans in this world, that is, those cR points? So, now she bought several of the most expensive moa burgers and set meals in the military academy cafeteria, and blatantly ate them in the eyes of everyone's envy and jealousy. That is normal.
‘? ? ’
'Hey! It's really strange, when did we have such a kid in this training camp? Looking at her clothes and epaulettes, she is still a cadet in a military school? ’
‘It seems to be a newcomer, I’ve never seen it, don’t know...’
'me too! ’
‘You are really ignorant, I tell you, I saw it yesterday! I heard that she came to us to report on the evening of the 25th, and was hired by our principal Peter, and she is still a military academy! ’
'my God! A little girl student? ! ’
‘I’ll tell you again, she is not only a military academy, but she was also selected for the C plan in our training camp, which is one of the ten special recruits in class C! ’
While talking, a soldier with the rank of sergeant on the epaulettes on his shoulders whispered to his companions at his table, and at the same time kept peeking at the little girl not far away. And give pointers.
‘! ! ’
‘Plan C? Is it the crazy idea of ​​our principal who is said to be trained by ordinary people so that our paratroopers can reach beyond the level of ‘Spartan’ soldiers? ’
‘Yes! That's the one! ’
'Ah! ’
'However, I don’t want to comment on the other guys in that plan, because I have seen two of them. Whether it’s fighting or marksmanship, or other skills, they are indeed the best in our training camp. top! However, a little girl like her wants to surpass Sparta. How is that possible? ’
‘Is that bad old man crazy? ’
‘Maybe, but you had better keep your voice down. Our colonel principal is very careful! ’
‘I didn’t say anything...’
"It's just that now the upper class has begun to recruit children to train again. Are they not afraid of being drowned by the saliva of the media and human rights organizations? I don't believe it. The army, the navy, and our paratroopers can't pick out more qualified ones. of?'
‘Forget it, it’s not determined by us low-level scholars! ’
'Hey! In fact, don't be jealous. Let me tell you that she won't talk about her other abilities, but her marksmanship is indeed superb! I heard that she killed dozens of Star Alliance soldiers on her own, just two days ago in the battle at the Wisgrad relay station where the winter emergency was announced! ’
'she was? You also killed dozens of Star Alliance, are you sure you are not joking? ! ’
'No! ’
'This is impossible! ’
‘There’s nothing impossible, I didn’t believe it, but it was told by a friend of mine in the principal’s office because it was not classified as confidential, so I dared to tell you that. ’
‘! ! ’
‘My God, if your girlfriend Lily, who is in charge of files, said, then it’s probably true...’
‘Unbelievable! ’
‘How did she do it? ’
‘I don’t know, I don’t have permission to read the detailed files. Although it’s not a secret, it’s not something that big-head soldiers like us can read. ’
Unexpectedly, that little girl would have such a background, and she actually went to the battlefield to kill dozens of Star Alliance, this group of soldiers couldn't help but marveled again. Because they know better than anyone, what it means to kill dozens of Star Alliance soldiers!
And if they were replaced by them, they would have won several medals and promoted them all the way for the achievement of that kind of merit.
'Hey! Guys, in fact, I don’t care about her ability to be selected for Plan C. What I am more concerned about is: Whose child is that little girl? She is so rich that she bought three full meals for one meal. Moa package... Does her family open a mine or is it because the student allowances and subsidies of class C are particularly large? ’
‘That meal will cost her at least one month’s allowance, right? ’
'more than! The allowance for cadets is not high at all, and even lower than those of our non-commissioned officers. At most, it will only be enough for her to buy some basic daily necessities and personal items. It is definitely not enough to eat the moa meal...’
‘I didn’t say, she must have a very rich or powerful dad! ’
‘But there’s no need to waste it like her. The buffet provided by our cafeteria is also very rich and delicious, and it is completely free. There is no need to eat like her. ’
In the cafeteria of this training camp and the military academy, the soldiers who were eating the fairly generous free food looked at the little girl who was eating too much and couldn't help but start talking and whispered a little bit sourly.
As the saying goes, they don’t suffer from lack and unevenness. They suddenly feel that the military academy and training camp have an extra high-end window at their own expense on the basis of a completely free cafeteria. The very user-friendly design does not seem to be too much. Beautiful?
'Hey! ’
‘Don’t you guys know? ’
'what do you know? ’
‘? ? ’
‘I heard that she sold the sniper rifle she brought for money on the first day, and that was enough for her to continue to eat like this for at least two or three days! ’
'what? She has her own gun now, has it been sold? ! ’
'Do not! That was not her gun, it was the weapon she picked up and killed dozens of Star Alliance soldiers at the Wisgrad relay station! ’
‘God, that kind of weapon full of honor can be sold by her, to whom? ’
"The old man in Sanlian..."
'I know him! That guy heard that there is a rich dad? ’
‘Hush! ’
‘Keep it down, she seems to be watching...’
‘What are you afraid of? Just look. She is just a student with no military rank, and she is still a child. What can I say about her? ’
‘The look is so beautiful, it’s a beauty, but the small eyes look fierce! ’
‘Haha! Be careful that she keeps her grudge in her heart, when will she have a chance to hit your black gun? ’
‘She dare? ! ’
‘Don’t dare, you just said that she is a great sniper! ! ’
'okay! okay! Eat quickly, you guys! ’
Soon, as Annie stared fiercely at the few paratroopers sitting together not far away, they soon gradually became quiet. However, even though they dared not talk about her loudly anymore, they still kept eating from time to time and quietly glanced at her with that kind of weird, amazed, or curious eyes. .
(??~??) Hmm...
"Huh! Look at me, isn't it just selling a broken weapon? What's so great about that?!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Annie does not deny that the group of soldiers and noncommissioned officers over there just talked about something to herself. In fact, she did sell the SRS99 special-purpose rifle she brought from the Noble team camp for money. I sold it to a rich paratrooper as a collection, and then got enough CR points for her to eat moa burger and moa meal for several days!
As for what to do in a few days, she didn't think much about it now, maybe she would sell her bear Tibbers by then?
o(??~??)o uh uh...
Anyway, now Annie is very satisfied with this humanized barracks canteen!
Because, there is not only free food for her to choose, but also this kind of delicious, but a little expensive independent canteen allows the soldiers to spend their own money to choose to improve the food, which is excellent and makes her very Satisfied!
However, when Annie was about to continue to enjoy her own food slowly, suddenly, a second lieutenant officer drove a mongoose motorcycle to the door of the canteen, and a perfect drift was steady. Stopped outside the door of this canteen.
‘Attention all class C students, please go to the shooting training ground No. 6 immediately. The live fire training will be carried out on time at 12:30, everyone is not allowed to be late! ’
The second lieutenant officer jumped directly out of the car and walked to the gate with a majestic expression. He saw that many students and soldiers were still eating here, especially after the students in Class C had no omissions, he shouted so majesticly. One sentence.
‘It’s 12:06, you still have 24 minutes to get there! But if I were you, it would be best to put down your food and run forward immediately, because it is not close to the shooting range at all! ’
After that, the unkind, second lieutenant officer who ran to give orders during the meal stepped aside and stood by the cafeteria door like a door god, scanning the cafeteria with extremely serious eyes, and so on. The reaction of the students in Class C inside.
‘! ! ’
'Damn it! Can't let people finish the meal first? ’
"Help me get this..."
‘Go! I only ate half of it. ’
'Humph! ’
Seeing that the officer came to deliver orders at such a time, there was no way. Even if the students in Class C complained, they had to hurriedly bring their unfinished dinner plates to the recycling center. The dark face began to trot out of the cafeteria.
Because the second lieutenant was right, it was not close to the shooting training ground at all. If they didn't hurry, they would definitely be late.
Of course, there is one exception, and that is someone who is still concentrating on destroying her last big moa burger, a little girl touching her!
(??~??) Hmm! good to eat!
Of course Anne had heard the words of the brutal ensign officer, but shooting training or something was definitely not as important as her eating, so she naturally ignored the guys in the class just now. The look in his eyes still sat down in his seat and was eating.
Soon, whether from the military uniform or from the appearance, the ensign officer quickly spotted the indifferent Annie at a glance!
Because he knew each other, and because a guy in Class C was indifferent to the order he just said, he still dared to sit at the dining table in the cafeteria and eat, and he had no intention of leaving. He really felt very much Somewhat unexpectedly.
"Student Annie, time is running out now. Are you still staying here, aren't you afraid of being punished for being late?!"
Frowning, the second lieutenant officer looked at the leftover plates and packaging on the other party’s table, and then looked at the last thing the other party had in his hand. He couldn’t help frowning, and then looked at himself blankly. Said after the watch.
"Shu, people are not afraid, because they can definitely get to the training ground at the prescribed time, so don't worry!"
Annie turned her head and looked outside the door, then turned to stare at the officer in front of her, and finally nodded and said confidently while eating.
"That one……"

"Do you want a little bit? It's delicious! Although, people have already bitten, and there are people's saliva on it!"
??o( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
Annie stretched out what she had in her hand pretentiously, and then hurriedly took it back without waiting for the other person to answer, gnawing up, and said sternly and politely without any sincerity.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
The officer thought for a while. After looking at his wrist, he didn't say much in the end. He just stood silently at the other party's table and looked at the other party slowly and calmly. It took almost ten minutes. Time finally finished eating what was obviously bought from a high-end consumer canteen.
"It's so satisfying, it's been a long time since I ate so comfortably..."
ε=(??????)))?? So delicious...
After taking a breath, Annie said that she was very satisfied with this lunch, even though it was a little expensive? However, she is not in a hurry, because she always has a way to earn those cR points, the money that humans in this world say they use!
"It's 12:18. The straight-line distance from here to the shooting range No. 6 is about four miles, but considering the road is not straight, the actual distance should be a little more than five miles, only less than twelve minutes left. You must not be able to get there at the time of year, so..."
"Student Annie, you are late now, what else can you say?"
Finally, when the other party was completely wiped and stood up, the second lieutenant officer blankly announced this terrible fact to a little girl student who did not seem to have much discipline.
Although the other party is a little girl, in this disciplined training ground and reserve officer school, the identity of the other party's children is definitely not good! And now, since the other party will definitely be late, then the next thing is imaginable: the little guy in front of her, she will definitely become the first student in class C to be severely punished for being late!
"That... Second Lieutenant, I bet you: I will definitely not be late today, dare you?"
It turns out that the other party has been waiting here for this matter, wanting to see her making a fool of herself because of being late? Therefore, Annie glanced at the door again, then blinked her beautiful big blue eyes, jokingly at the strange guy who was talking to her seriously.
"Now there are a little more than ten minutes left. You can't reach the shooting range No. 6 in such a short time..."
"Well, tell me, how do you want to bet?"
I looked at my watch again and found that the time was only a little over ten minutes, the ensign, who felt that he was unlikely to lose, held his arms and looked down at a certain girl who stood up without his chest tall and teased. .
"It's easy!"
"Who loses, who treats a moa dinner tonight!!"
"Huh! That's a deal! Time is running out, you can go now!!"
Looking at the residue left over from the opponent’s table, the second lieutenant felt that now there is only less than ten minutes left. Even the strongest guy among their paratroopers is unlikely to run in such a short time. The long distance!
Therefore, he sneered indifferently, and nodded his head to agree to this small bet that was irrelevant to him and still had a win or no loss. Although, he certainly wouldn't let a little girl fulfill his promise, but that does not prevent him from laughing at the other party, and letting the other party increase their memory, and do less unorganized and undisciplined things in the future?
"Goodbye Shu!"
After speaking, Little Annie hurriedly took her inseparable bear Tibbs and pinned it to the belt of her military uniform. She stepped on her short legs and ran to the entrance of the cafeteria. Then he jumped to the Meerkat motorcycle that the other party had just driven and the engine had not stalled.
"Shu, you see, you have lost now, remember to come here to help others pay the bill at night!!"
"People can reach their destination in less than five minutes, so... see you at the training ground, remember to come quickly!!"
Sitting in the driver’s seat, facing the ensign who just wanted to follow out slowly, but now with a slightly surprised expression, waved her hand. Before waiting for the other party to say something, Annie hurriedly twisted the throttle. Before not reacting and rushing to grab the car, directly let the motorcycle make bursts of engine roars, and then the front wheel suddenly lifted up and jumped out, and after a while it ran completely out of sight. Up...
With his mouth wide open, he watched in amazement as the little guy was driving his own, liquid-cooled, hydrogen-injected four-wheeled mongoose motorcycle directly on the maximum throttle, reaching a maximum speed of 96 kilometers per hour within a few seconds. He hurried away at an hourly speed, and the ensign standing outside the canteen door, smelling the exhaust from the other party, couldn't help being a little messy...
"damn it!!"
Finally, the second lieutenant reacted, and angrily tore off his hat, then pulled his leg and ran forward.
Although he was definitely unable to catch up with the opponent, he knew that as long as he went to the shooting training range No. 6 he would definitely be able to catch the brave little girl who dared to rob him of the officer’s scooter. !
‘Haha! ’
"Poor Ensign..."
‘But, is that little girl too messy? ’
‘Isn’t it?
‘But she did win. The meerkat does not take a few minutes to run a few kilometers on a good road...’
'Humph! At the same time she is finished, she will definitely be punished, maybe be punished to clean the toilet for a week or two? ’
'vomit! ! ’
‘Sergeant! Can you please stop talking about that kind of thing during dinner? ’
'what! Sorry……'
‘I’m full, you guys keep talking? ’
Soon, when the guys in class C had all run away, when the little girl sneaked on a certain officer’s motorcycle and caused the other party to follow in anguish and pant towards a shooting training ground. After that, the soldiers and the low-level officers who stayed in the barracks canteen to eat and saw what had just happened, they whispered and talked loudly again.

'stand at attention! ’
‘Look to the right! ’
‘Look ahead! ’
Located outside the prosperous city of New Alexandria, in the special military training ground of the UNSC Marine Corps and the Reaching Defense Fleet and the No. 6 live ammunition training ground of the Reserve Officer School, a major officer is standing in a row, tall and short. The thin and thin class C students shouted.
‘Report! ’
'One! ’
'two! ’
'three! ’
'Eight! ’
'nine! ’
‘Stop! ! ’
"Next, Mr. Principal, please speak..."
‘? ? ’
"Second Lieutenant! What's the matter with you? Why are you here now?!"
When the major instructor saw that all the students in Class C had arrived, he just wanted to speak for the students to rest and let the long-awaited principal behind him speak, but he saw that in the distance, a person The slightly embarrassed second lieutenant officer, who had been sent by him to inform the students of Class C to train here, ran to him with sweat and embarrassment?
'call! call! ’
"Report to the principal! Report to the sir! It's her!"
‘It’s her guy who stayed in the cafeteria after hearing the order, and finally robbed my car...So, I strongly recommend putting her in confinement for three days, just to show your example! ! "
Seeing the principal, the principal officer, and many soldiers around him all looking at him together, the ensign set up a military salute and paused for a while, then panted and pointed angrily at one of the principals. The little girl student who seemed to hang up high on the matter said loudly.
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ’
Got it! At this moment, whether it was the students of Class C or the other soldiers and officers present, they all paid attention to a little girl.
"All right!"
"Annie, do you have anything else to add?"
After reaching out to stop the major instructor and stopping the other person’s idea that they were about to scream and punish them together, the old principal of the training base and military academy smiled and walked to the last position in the C class queue, facing someone The little guy asked.
"Of course there is!"
"Principal Bearded! If I remember correctly, there are a total of 12 chapters and 201 rules and regulations in our training camp and reserve officer school, but it doesn’t seem to say that students are not allowed to drive vehicles. This is the rule to go to the training ground!"
For Annie, who has a super good memory and can easily memorize the rules and regulations even backwards, it is not too easy if you want to exploit loopholes and exempt them from responsibility!
Colonel Peter couldn't help but suffocated, and then he hesitated for a while, not sure if his small military academy and training base really did not allow students to drive to the training ground by vehicles, so he turned his head calmly. , Looked at the ensign who was filled with indignation.
‘But the principal! ’
‘She robbed the chief’s vehicle and disrespected the chief. This is a serious violation of discipline! ! ’
The second lieutenant bitterly scolded a little girl who dared to wink at him with innocent eyes until now.
"That car is not yours, and you obviously agreed to bet with others first..."
'you! ! ’
"Well, let's forget about such trivial things!"
"Major, it's getting late. You can start training directly. I will go ahead while watching. I will also conduct off-road training for tank driving in the afternoon. The department has delayed the original course."
A certain headmaster who felt that a certain little guy seemed to have a lot of crookedness, and at the same time felt that a group of people was messing around with such a little girl here is not quite plausible, so he smiled and waved his hand, and first signaled a certain ensign officer not to entangle again , Turned to the major instructor and said.
After all, he used the name of shooting training to see the marksmanship of a little girl, but not by name to punish the other party or even argue that there is no such boring thing as violating the rules and regulations.
'Yes! ’
‘Everyone has it, stand at attention! ’
The major instructor nodded, did not dare to delay, ignored the aggrieved ensign, and turned to the class C students with a cold face and shouted again.
'C students of class C, you have listened carefully to me: Maybe, you all have your own position in your previous team, maybe you were machine gunners, maybe assaulters, or blasters or snipers. ? ’
‘But, starting today, from the time you join ODST to become an elite paratrooper special team officer student, your previous set is not good! ’
‘Because from today, I will strictly require and train you, so that all of you can be familiar with every weapon, every kind of ordnance, whether it is from our UNSC or from the Star Alliance! I will also strictly train your strength, endurance, speed, reaction and fighting ability at the same time to make you stronger! ’
‘I will let you prove to the UNSC and everyone: Our Hell Paratroopers are not the second strongest unit, we are the strongest! Those spartans, those people who are not like humans and ghosts, can do things that strengthened people can do, and our paratroopers can do the same! ’
‘We will use our perseverance and strong physique to prove to everyone that strengthening and reforming are not the only way out to the limit of human potential! ! ’
‘Tell me, do you have faith? ! ’
Although this is not the first time I have said this, but given that a little girl is here, maybe the other party still doesn't understand the meaning of their C class, and it is also to make the other party have a more sense of belonging. The sense of responsibility and honor, he reiterated again.
'Have! ’
'Have! ! ’
'Have! ! ! ’
The nine students in class C suddenly promised, except for a little girl...
Because, Annie, who came here from the Noble squad’s station, knew that those Spartans were not only well-trained!
Those guys are said to have undergone various inhuman transformations. Their bones are as strong as steel, their muscle fibers are denser, their endurance is greater, their eyes are sharper and their ability to receive and analyze things is stronger, and their neural responses are more than three to ordinary people’s Five times, plus the multiple comprehensive bonuses of Thor's Hammer power assault armor and various other advanced aids, it is definitely impossible for these guys in front of them to surpass those guys with slogans alone!
At least, when she is unwilling to teach them some fun power, it must be impossible! And obviously, in this world, she is not willing to teach them the powers like Galen in the Kepru region, and even, so far, she herself has not used any extraordinary powers, let alone teach them Those guys who didn't want to believe her from the bottom of their hearts.
‘Before shooting training starts, I want to tell you one important thing...’
‘On July 26, at 11:28 yesterday, a Star Alliance SDV-class light warship launched an attack on ONI’s bayonet base! Although the Noble Squad, which belongs to the third squadron of the Special Operations Command, went to the base to help wipe out the enemy forces inside and outside the base and used the orbital platform’s magnetically accelerated artillery (MAC) to destroy it... However, judging from the enemy’s blatant attack, now The forces of the Star Alliance have already infiltrated and discovered Zhiyuan. I believe that they will attack here soon. I am afraid that it is already a certainty! "
"So, since the war is about to break out soon, your training volume must increase from today! And this, that's why this shooting training is also carried out during the noon break!"
‘In the next half month, among you, those who can’t keep up with the training or meet the training requirements will be eliminated...’
‘Do you understand everything? ! ’
After announcing a battle report that was kept relatively confidential, the major instructor continued without waiting for the students' answers:
'All right……'
‘Now, take the weapon in front of you! ’
‘I believe many of you are familiar with it, yes, it is MA37ICWS, the full name, Caliber7.62mm, MA37 single-soldier combat automatic submachine gun or assault rifle, the Navy calls it MA5! ’
‘It’s only 80 cm in length, 600 rounds per minute, and a magazine capacity of 32. It uses a standard 7.62x51mm M118FMJ-AP all-metal armor-piercing projectile with an effective range...’
‘? ? ’
'I do not understand……'
‘Any student! Why don't you take advantage of my instructions and get familiar with your weapons? Although I admit that you are a sniper with excellent marksmanship, please believe me, as a veteran who has fought the Star Alliance for more than 20 years, I can tell you responsibly: most of the time, those The scum of the Star Alliance will not give you the opportunity to calmly snipe, and there is not a whole team of Spartan fighters to cooperate with you. You must be familiar with various weapons, and then use them to protect yourself. Your comrades-in-arms and fully combat your enemies! ’
‘Do you understand everything? ! ’
Although I saw the new file of this little girl and admitted that the other party’s talent is indeed beyond ordinary people, but in the view of the major instructor of the paratrooper, the other party’s success is nothing but the light of some Spartans. That's all, if it weren't for the entire Noble team cooperating in combat, I'm afraid she is a corpse now, right?
Therefore, he is very very angry about the fact that the other party not only does not listen to his own explanation, does not take up weapons to observe, but instead is distracted to wait and see!
"What's so familiar about this simple weapon? People will take a look at it!"
Yes, Annie said that she played this simple MA37ICWS assault rifle when she was in the Noble squad’s station before. The recoil and power of the simple gunpowder and live ammunition weapon in the Bikpru region The C series electromagnetic spike rifles are much lighter and smaller, and easier to control, so she doesn't think she has the need to continue to be familiar with them.
It's okay if Annie didn't say it. When she said that, including the major instructor, whether it was the principal who was watching them not far away, or her fellow students, they stopped all the movements in their hands. She didn't seem to be momentarily cold.
‘Look, just look at it? ! ’
'what! well! very good! ! ’
Finally, the major instructor couldn't stand it anymore, and with an ironic laughter, he satirically praised a little girl who didn't know the heights of the sky.
‘The students of Class C, have you heard what your new classmates said? That being the case, let us have a shooting game now! The person ranked last will be eliminated from the C-class sequence and return to his original company! ’
‘Three magazines per person, 100-meter automatic target, now, check your guns and ammunition immediately! ! ’
As the instructor, the major seemed a little frustrated, so he lashed out at the students in an extremely irritable tone.
"Compared! What's so great?"
It is not uncommon for Annie to be eliminated or not eliminated. If it weren't for the delicious food here, maybe she would have ran away long ago, so she wouldn't want to be controlled by these guys!
After all, she has to take care of everything here. There is so little time to play every day, and she has already had enough if she doesn't let people sleep in.
clatter! clatter!
Dang~! Dang~!
clatter! clatter! clatter!
Dang~! Dang~! Dang~!
Soon, the students in Class C didn’t talk nonsense, let alone say anything, but after each received three full magazines, they each silently scattered to their respective target positions or standing or squatting. Posture, skillfully bounced up and pulled the insurance, began to attack the small freely moving metal targets a hundred meters away in the distance, using bursts and short bursts of fire to hit those metal targets uncontrollably out of sparks and There was a clear crash.
However, a certain little girl was still standing, just standing in the middle of the target position occupied by her and not moving until the other students quickly finished all three magazines and walked over. When she stood at attention and looked at her, she still had no intention of doing anything.
'Humph! ’
‘Student Annie, are you trying to give up? If so, I will consider asking the principal to send you a certificate of change of profession so that you can go to a regular school in New Alexandria! ’
Seeing a little girl still standing there staring at her MA37ICWS assault rifle in a daze, she didn't mean to do anything at all, the major instructor urged with a little dissatisfaction.
"You just want to admit defeat!!"
Annie was just like how to make them feel the power of her marksmanship!
Originally, she had thought of letting all the 96 bullets of the three magazines hit the middle point and won the first place, and then let these guys admire her, but...think about it. She felt that that seemed unfunny, so she quickly thought of another idea.
clatter! clatter!
Dang~! Dang~!
clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!
Dang~! Dang~! Dang~! Dang~!
Soon, in the stunned everyone, they only saw the little girl like a joke, inserting the magazine at a very fast speed and then pulling the gun, without aiming, she just lifted the muzzle to the front. One hundred meters away, the irregularly moving special steel target strafed away, and judging from the dense and rapid impact sound, it seemed that the gun failed to hit the target?
With just such a hand, the other nine students in Class C, the grumpy major instructor who had just spoken badly, and other people present were taken aback and secretly admired the ability of a certain little girl.
As the saying goes: laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway?
In this kind of automatic target shooting, you can directly use blind shooting without aiming, and you can directly shoot and hit the target. That kind of shooting is really amazing and practical, because it will be able to be used on the battlefield. Very effective to fight the enemy and ensure your own survival!
"Look, they are finished!"
(= ̄ω ̄=)
After that, Annie directly threw some hot weapons in her hand directly onto the shooting platform, and proudly raised her proud little chin.
Obviously, in such a small shooting competition, it is definitely impossible for her to be rare to see her, Master Anne, who had the title of ‘the strongest ghost agent’ in the Kepru region!
The major instructor who was openly slapped in the face and challenged authority by the other party blushed soon after being shocked. Then, he was not in a hurry to comment, but was a little bit ashamed and angrily facing the one behind him, who couldn't react. The soldier at the shooting range reported angrily:
‘Report! ’
‘Report everyone’s ring count! ’
Although the major also knew that the opponent’s just exposed hand was enough to prove the opponent’s ability, because in the high-speed shooting situation, the magic number is not important anymore, but he still wants to learn from some The side severely suppressed the little girl so as to make the other party a little more honest and responsible in the future?
‘Good, good! ’
‘Student No. 1, the ring number is 941, and none of them missed the target! ’
‘Second student, the number of rings is 896, the number of misses is 1! ’
‘Student number three, the number of rings is 906, the number of misses is 3! ’
‘Student number nine, the number of rings is 874, and no one misses the target! ’
Soon, the soldier who reported the target quickly used the automatic tools in his hand to get the results of the nine students, and reported them in a surprised tone.
Because he knows that they can still achieve such results when they are shooting moving targets and shooting bursts with assault rifles. They are indeed the top-notch people in the entire training camp and military academy!
'At last……'
‘It’s from Anne College on the tenth, her ring number is 566...none of them missed the target! ’
Although the score on the 10th was the worst, the reporter still reported it in a marvelous tone. After all, the opponent had just finished all three magazines in a very short time, even I didn’t even aim at it. In that case, it would be amazing to be able to achieve no misses!
What's more, the other party is still a little girl, and with this move alone, no one in the room dare to surpass the other party!
However, it is still a pity...
Because for shooting competitions, the opponent's results are indeed the worst. If the opponent just took a short glance and used burst shooting to shoot, I am afraid that the results will definitely not be like this.
'Humph! ’
‘Now, I declare that the first place is...’
The major instructor was not too surprised when he heard the target announcer's announcement. He thought about it, and after taking a deep look at the little girl, he planned to announce the result of the shooting competition.
Of course, he didn't really want to knock that little girl student out of Class C, he just wanted to find a point to hit the other party well, so that the other party would not be so arrogant!
"and many more!"
At this moment, a certain principal with a telescope in his hand seemed to see a little bit of the doorway, and then picked up the telescope again and saw some neat trajectories on the metal wall just after the bullet penetrated the metal target and left behind. After thinking about it, while calling the instructor, he whispered to the announcer with the device in his hand:
"Show her target on the screen!"
Because, if he didn't read it wrong just now, it is very likely that a certain little girl's marksmanship doesn't seem to be as simple as she showed?
'what? ’
‘Oh, yes! ! ’
Although this kind of request was rarely raised, the soldier in charge of broadcasting and managing the automatic target did not dare to neglect at all. He quickly did it, and first looked up at their headmaster in amazement. I took a look at the little girl student, and finally swallowed her saliva. With a face that didn’t know what expression it was, she quickly tapped on the keyboard of his instrument, releasing the target image of the little girl and projecting it to the side. On the screen.
In the next second, after the broadcaster with the weird expression finished the operation, all the people present directly exclaimed:
‘! ! ’
‘My God! ’
'how is this possible? ’
‘How did she do it? ! ’
'my God! ! ’
‘Okay, I lost, we all lost, her mother is a genius! ! ’
Since the target was moving when it was shot, and it was quickly retracted after the shooting, people on the field could not see clearly, but now, when the target is projected on the screen, everyone is I see it all!
Because what they see now is a big smiling face:??
That's right, that's a smiling face!
The smiling face is vividly composed of nearly one hundred single holes of those three magazines!
If they were surprised and unbelievable that the opponent could not miss the target under the high-speed blind shooting situation just now, then, now the opponent is not only not missing the target in the high-speed blind shooting situation, but can use it instead. The behavior of the bullet drawing on the target can only be described by words such as'stunned','unlikely','unheard of,'unseen', etc.
Anyway, when the officers, soldiers, and students present looked at the proud little girl, all they had in their eyes were the expressions of sincere admiration and dumbfounding.
This kind of thing, although it is very remarkable, even among the more than 300 million military personnel of Zhiyuanxing, there is absolutely no second one, but this kind of thing, I am afraid that only such a little girl can do it. Come on!
Precise marksmanship and near-perfect calculation and analysis ability born marksman, and still the kind that no one can surpass! As long as you don’t die halfway or die on the battlefield, I’m afraid it will be UNSC in the future, a super ace sniper of their paratroopers, right?
Therefore, there was no way, the major instructor who didn't know how to announce this ranking, had to look at their principal.
‘Everyone has it! ’
'stand at attention! ’
‘Now I’m announcing: Today’s shooting training is here for the time being. Your marksmanship is very powerful. You are indeed among the elites of our paratroopers. You are all good. I am very pleased! ’
‘The first place in this shooting competition is: number seven! Practitioner Annie is the last one, but her punishment will be temporarily shelved for the sake of later effects? ’
‘Now, everyone is disbanded, immediately go back to rest and prepare for the afternoon training! ! ’
From the expression and look of the headmaster, he quickly knew what kind of attitude the other major instructor was, so he had to cough awkwardly, then coldly announced the result of the game in a hurry, and ordered the disbandment.
"Is it the first place, okay? He has the highest number of rings, so what can he do? If you have the ability, you can let him use bullets to show me a puppy?!"
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!
However, no one pays attention to Annie's complaints now, everyone just looks at her with some kind of obscure eyes and talks about something in a low voice.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)

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