Chapter 1233: The Supreme Speaker and the grumpy Padmé

One month later...
In Senator Padme Amidala’s suite located on the surface of Coruscant, it is still on the top floor of a building and in the suite with floor-to-ceiling windows where you can see the beautiful scenery of the planet, Padme Amidala While packing up things bitterly, while grumbling violently with Ja. Ja Binks, who is also the Naboo Senator, and the visiting Anakin:
"You see!"
"Unexpectedly, this time I did everything possible to come to Coruscant, but I still couldn't use it at all!"
Seeing that the dishwashing suspension robot outside the window was dutifully replacing the new bulletproof glass, and replacing the old glass that had split into a spider web shape and had a ferocious bullet hole, the kind that Padmé just mentioned The thought of staying here in Coruscant couldn't help but extinguished again.
The hideous bullet hole and the damaged huge floor-to-ceiling window glass were the result of a bounty hunter trying to kill her from a long distance last night...
That kind of special bullet came from somewhere hundreds of meters away and easily pierced the special bulletproof glass, and almost hit her who had just taken a shower and wiped her wet hair! But fortunately, there was a female Jedi warrior present at the time, and the physical bullet that the other party had foreseen in advance and attacked with a single sword cut in half, allowing her to avoid the dangerous sniper.
But although she avoided, the shoulder and abdomen of the female Jedi who protected her were injured as a result. It is said that she almost died?
Therefore, in order not to continue to drag others here, and to prevent the Jedi Knights from increasing casualties in order to protect her, she decided to temporarily listen to the persuasion of the elders of the Jedi Council and return to Naboo first. After all, the Galactic Council That vote has ended, and she has no effect on Coruscant planet. She is obviously safer to return to Naboo than to stay in Coruscant.
"It's not that they don't know the status of our Galactic Republic, it's a question of ideology!"
"For ten years, the separatists have not been attacked by the powerful warships and army of the heroic federation! But as you have seen, as soon as the federation's army withdrew, they made a comeback, relying solely on war to suppress them. That would definitely not solve any problems. It was an extremely wrong behavior, and it would only drag the Milky Way into a more chaotic war quagmire! But in the end, they knew that it would be like that. They even passed the vote and let the highest speaker get The right to emergency military action and the right to war across parliament?"
"Jah Jah Binks..."
"You were taken advantage of by them, you really shouldn't have voted at that time!"
While speaking, Padmé stopped, and reluctantly turned to the Gungan Ga. Ga Binks, who had just bowed her head deeply and was somewhat at a loss.
To be honest, Padmé never expected that she would defend her day and night, but she did not expect that the final problem was with her family, Jaja Binks, and her appeal in the parliament. And shouting is like a joke, on the contrary, many of her allies have a little suspicion about her?
Think about it, too, everyone has clearly stated in advance to maintain peace and oppose the Supreme Speaker to get more efforts, but the result? When it came to the end, the members of their Naboo MPs, in turn, stood on the side of the war faction. How did she, the leader of the so-called free and peace faction, deal with herself? !
"Senator, I really didn't mean it, I thought..."
Obviously, Ja Ja Binks, who was clever and did some inappropriate things, looked a little frustrated. He basically realized at this time that he seemed to be deceived by those cunning guys!
"Forget it!"
"It's already happened, so it's useless to say anything now."
"However, I may be away from Coruscant for a long time..."
"During this time, my responsibilities in the Senate have been given to you, Ja Ja Binks... After I leave, you will be Naboo’s plenipotentiary senator. You not only represent you Gungans, but also On behalf of the entire Naboo, I hope you can perform your duties well and not be affected by those people again?"
Padmé's expression still looks a bit angry, but there is no way that nothing has happened. What else can she do? After all, she never thought that her own people would be fooled by those guys and did something stupid, and still under her nose?
Now, what she should be more worried about, should be the question of how to explain to the queen after returning to Naboo... From the past, they also held a meeting to seriously discuss how to deal with the issue of separatism, but the result On the contrary, it was Naboo’s senator who contributed to the war. Where did she put the face of Padmé, the former queen with rich experience in struggle, and the current Senator Naboo?
Although this is not her fault, it is definitely unrealistic to say that she herself has no responsibility!
"I am really sorry……"
"But Senator Amidala, don't worry, I will do the next thing. I promise I won't make a mistake!"
Ja Ja Binks put his posture so low that he dared not look at Padmé at all, nor raised his head, so that his huge ears were about to drop to the floor.
"Anakin, to be honest, I really don't want to hide like this. When will I hide?"
Padmé, who didn’t plan to fight Ja Ja Binks anymore, sighed. He didn’t criticize the other party too much, but when he felt that there was nothing to explain, he turned to the audience. It was only when he was attacked again and had to leave Coruscant that he hurried to visit his Anakin.
Speaking of it, she has stayed in Coruscant for such a long period of time. This is the first time the other party has come to see her. How can she have no grievances in her heart?
"I also know that it's not good to be so passive all the time..."
"But there is no way, Padmé, you have been assassinated several times during your time in Coruscant. Last night was the most dangerous one. Things can't go on like this. You have also seen the enemy assassination. There are endless emergence, and it is impossible to guard against. So far, two powerful Jedi knights have been seriously injured. We will always miss, and then you will be in danger!"
Finally, seeing Padmé no longer make things difficult to reprimand the poor Jia·Jia Binks, and seeing the other person looking at him, Anakin smiled and comforted the other person.
The terrible and rampant bounty hunters, they have seen this time! Those guys, as expected, they can do anything for money...Even if Padmé stays in the capital Coruscant and is heavily protected by several Jedi knights, they dare to attack, so Anakin himself is too I'm not sure Padmé will stay here.
"Anyway, Padmé, you are going back to Naboo sooner or later, and now it's just going back some time in advance, so stop complaining."
"Furthermore, the environment in Naboo is much better than Coruscant. It happens that you are always scared during this period. It should be a good choice to go back to Naboo and repair it for a while?"
Perhaps, only after the trade union and the separatist alliance are defeated, when the trade union governor who offered a big reward for Padmé’s head is captured or defeated and killed, no one will pay for the huge reward, Padmé’s. Can life gradually return to normal?
But when that kind of normal life will come to Anakin is not clear. Even if the Republic immediately starts a war against the remnants of the trade union and the separatist alliance, it will be a protracted process, that is not him. Anakin What can interfere, at least not what he can interfere now.
"I don't want to argue with you about that kind of thing, but I still want to congratulate you, Anakin, you are now an official Jedi!"
"I heard Obi-Wan say, the elders think that your abilities are qualified, so they let you end your apprenticeship training and become a true Jedi?"
Padmé, who no longer wanted to discuss the annoying things, smiled and congratulated Anakin. The sweet smile from the heart made Anakin stunned.
"Thank you! Padmé..."
Opening his mouth, Anakin, who had wanted to say something, thought that the other party was about to leave Coruscant and return to Naboo. Next time he saw the other party and didn't know when it was, he couldn't help but replied in frustration. It's like being infected with that negative emotion by Ja Ja Binks.
"That kind of thing, you should tell me the first time!"
"But let's not take it as an example! Now, I have almost packed my things. After all, you also know that when we came to Coruscant, we didn't bring anything, did we?"
Perhaps it was because of the premonition that Anakin was unwilling to part with the two of them. Padmé didn’t know what to say besides pretending to be a relaxed smile, but also at this time... , There is also a nasty guy from Ja Ja Binks. Even if she wants to indulge a little bit before leaving, give the other party a big hug or kiss, she will become restrained.
"Have they decided now? Who will me back this time? Anakin, if it's still you, I think maybe I might be more cooperative?"
Seeing that the atmosphere was still a little low, Padmé blinked playfully at Anakin jokingly. Although, she herself feels a little unlikely? After all, that kind of thing is not something that she or Anakin can decide. They are just a group of people who can't help themselves. Some things can only be left to their own accord.
"I don't know, Padmé, the matter of arranging your is determined by the elders, but if you wish, I think I should be able to fight for it, although that may not necessarily result..."
In this regard, Anakin himself was a little worried.
Although he is now an official Jedi due to some "records" reasons, he is still just an involuntary Jedi. He still has no say in the Jedi Temple. Still under the control of the temple and the elders, some things really can't be changed if he wants to.
And this is exactly one of the reasons why he is working on his secret plan and desperately wanting to truly change and dominate his own destiny.
Padmé responded with disappointment and said nothing.
She herself knew that what Anakin was telling was the truth, but how could she not be the same? Whether it was when she was the queen of Naboo or the current senator, most of the things she encountered were not based on her will. She was often involuntary and had to restrain herself. Yourself.
‘No need to fight for it! ’
‘Just in time, the Presbyterian Church has just made its final decision! ’
While Padmé and Anakin were a little frustrated talking about the escort, Yoda, Master Metz Windu, and the rarely-seen Supreme Speaker of Palpatine and others even joined forces. So, have you all come to visit this official residence in Padmé?
"Now that the resolution of the parliament is over, the presbytery decides after discussion, or you are responsible for escorting Senator Amidala back to Naboo, where she is obviously safer than in Coruscant?"
"Don't use any registered spacecraft or vehicles to go back. You must use the smuggling method directly. You are solely responsible for this matter. Don't tell anyone the time, route and method of your departure, including us!"
"Then, after escorting Senator Amidala to Naboo, you will be fully responsible for ensuring her safety in Naboo until the elders will give you new tasks and instructions. Do you understand? ?"
It seems that I just heard the conversation between Padmé and Anakin, so, just walking in, taking advantage of Padmé’s opportunity to chat with the Supreme Speaker, Master Maes Windu was straightforward and a little surprised at what looked like. Anakin exhorted.
"Ah? Yes! Master Windu, don't worry, I will do my best to ensure the safety of Senator Amidala!"
In ecstasy, Anakin hurriedly responded loudly, and quietly turned his head, and glanced at each other tacitly with Padmé who was also somewhat surprised.
You know, he is still worried about how he can find a chance to speak to the Presbyterian Church. Now that’s fine, he can Padmé back to Naboo, and then he can do his own thing near Naboo. The great plan is still being implemented slowly.
"Senator Amidala..."
‘Although I know that you are not satisfied with that proposal, but...there is no way, the Republic can’t be so chaotic anymore, we always need to do something. ’
‘But the Speaker! ’
‘In the galaxy, launch a civil war in our country, it will not have a good result! You have also seen the crusade against the Trade Alliance by the Great Republic Army organized by the Heroic Federation. In just a few years, the galaxy has become chaotic like this! ’
‘I still stick to my point: we should deal with the separatist alliance in a peaceful way! ’
'Do not……'
‘We’ve tried the way of peace negotiation, but you have seen it. Not only did they not accept it, but they even worsened and said that more galaxies would join them, so we can’t just sit back and watch. ’
‘! ! ’
‘But the Speaker, maybe our method was wrong at the time, or we can make more favorable terms? ’
'Do not! ’
"Senator Amidala..."
‘Whether you accept it or not, when the remnants of the separatist alliance and the trade alliance were entangled, now the war has begun. ’
On the side, Padmé seemed to have some disputes with the Supreme Speaker of Palpatine who had been in office a few years ago, so that the two even quarreled about certain things?
Fortunately, it seemed that Padmé could not compete with the old and cunning Speaker, so after arguing for a while, Speaker Palpatine simply turned his head and asked Ah, who had already talked with Yoda and Maes Windu. Nakin praised:
"Congratulations, young Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker... This will be your first job since you officially became a Jedi Knight in name. Please remember to protect Senator Amidala like the last time. Safety."
Stepping forward, Speaker Palpatine reached out and patted Anakin on the shoulder.
"Your Excellency, please rest assured, I will definitely!!"
"Anakin, you are the most potential Jedi Knight I have ever seen, and the facts have proven... However, I believe that you will become stronger and invincible!"
"Thank you for your compliment, Sir!"
"You will become the greatest Jedi Knight, Anakin... even beyond the masters present?"
"Thank you!"
"I will work hard, Your Excellency Speaker!"
If it was before, Anakin would have been flattered and couldn't find Bei by such a compliment, but now... he just smiled and nodded lightly, and then just responded passively, and didn't plan to do more Say what.
"Anakin, in recent years, it seems that you have rarely talked to me anymore... Why, what did I do that disgusts you? If so, you might as well say it now, let's But they have been friends since ten years ago, haven't they?"
"If you have any dissatisfaction, just say it directly, without estimating."
Although there are many people here, Speaker Palpatine didn't mind at all and asked kindly in front of the two Jedi masters.
"Do not!"
"Respect the Speaker, I just don't want to delay your time, really!"
Hearing that the other party asked about this kind of thing, Anakin hurriedly explained.
Anyway, he wouldn’t say: He has been busy managing the Zero Swarm in the past year and thinking about replacing the top speaker of the other party all day, and even wants to get more, so he doesn’t want to hear what the speaker said. Boring talk?
After all, no matter how nice the other person is, can they give him what Anakin wants? Obviously, the other party cannot, and what he wants can only be won by his own strength! In this case, Anakin naturally no longer has the desire to find the other party, and this is why the other party felt strange just now.
"Anakin, if it were you, I would be happy to take the time to have a good talk with you..."
"However, since you are about to Senator Amidala back to Naboo, I will not invite you now. When you come back next time, you must remember to come to me, okay?"
After sighing with regret, the Supreme Speaker Palpatine didn't mind the colleague who looked at Anakin and told him seriously.
"of course!"
No way, the other party said so, and Anakin nodded reluctantly and responded.
However, he escorted Padmé back to Naboo this time, I am afraid it will not be so easy to return to Coruscant again, because he has secretly decided to find excuses to stay outside for a And bring more larvae on the road?
Although he now has zero, one and two swarms and bases on the three planets of Coruscant, Tatooine, and Naboo, he thinks that compared to the powerful Galactic Republic and separatism The alliance is far from enough, he needs more swarms and more bases!
Of course, there are more planets! !
"I am looking forward to this..."
Seeing that the other party was no longer resisting so much, Speaker Palpatine nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the two Jedi masters to see if they had anything else to explain?

?? Asking for votes in the rise of the swarm??
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