Chapter 1240: Unexpected accident and **** battle against Coruscant

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The weather in Coruscant today is fine, cloudless, and the sun is shining brightly.
However, for everyone on the planet Coruscant, their mood is not very good, and they have no leisure or energy to pay attention to the meaningless weather!
Because, after a few centuries, the citizens of Coruscant are in the galaxy and the center of the republic, the greatest planet, the cradle that gave birth to the republic, have encountered terrible war poison again?
And things, I'm afraid to start talking about the Jedi Temple being besieged in the early morning...
Obviously, there is no such kind of completely impermeable wall in this world, and once the secret is known by the second person, it is no longer a secret, let alone the Jedi Temple is still the kind that is subject to some people's attention and surveillance. Place!
So, when Anakin and Padmé and a certain force big light bulb Obi-Wan separated by a few walls were in the secret rooms like prison cells in the Jedi Temple. After two days of reluctantly thinking about Naboo, before the elders of the Jedi Council finalized a plan that seemed to work and began to implement it, the accident finally happened...
The accident is called an accident because no one knows when it will happen, in what form it will happen, or who will fall on it?
In short, it is very unreasonable, and unpredictably, the Jedi committee intends to launch it against the Supreme Speaker Palpatine, that is, Darth Sidious who has been basically determined to be Lord Sith. Explode before the action!
The Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic obviously has some real skills, otherwise the other party can't hide for that long, and has used the Jedi Committee and the members of the Galactic Republic as fools and tool men for such a long period of time!
The other party seemed to have received the news in advance, or was he aware of some undesirable signs, or was it purely an accident or coincidence?
Anyway, before the Jedi Council planned to quietly launch a military ruling against Palpatine's Supreme Speaker, the other party directly activated the biochemical chip (-chip) placed in the clones this morning and executed the code name. Some instructions for '66'!
The war between the Second Republic Army and the Jedi Order broke out in front of the citizens of Coruscant so unexpectedly!
But fortunately, the Jedi committees who had been prepared for this were not too passive. They easily eliminated the clone soldiers in the temple who suddenly broke out and moved towards the Jedi in more clones. Before the attack on the temple, the temple was firmly guarded, and the Jedi Knights did not suffer more personnel losses.
Subsequently, the Jedi Committee immediately, at the time when the Jedi Temple and the Republic were swaying, the Supreme Speaker Palpatine was the Sith Lord, as well as the back door and hidden dangers of the clone soldiers, plus the Earl Dooku and the Siz Zun. The relationship between the masters, as well as the actions of the other party and certain conspiracies over the past few decades have all been made public.
Then, of course, that incident caused huge waves and turmoil between the planet Coruscant and countless senators. The public opinion of Coruscant was detonated with the beginning of the war, and then it was owned by Coruscant. There was an uproar and a huge chaos on the planet with 5127 layers of crust and a full trillion permanent ground dwellers!
Countless thugs, poor people, gangs, mercenaries and people with ulterior motives, or those senators who have long been dissatisfied with the Supreme Speaker Palpatine, their forces and armed guards have also begun to take to the streets and follow those The bewildered police, security employees, robots, and the clone army fought together, and the entire planet of Coruscant began to emit billowing smoke and the continuous and continuous sound of guns.
On this morning, Coruscant was completely plunged into the chaos of war. At this time, who is right and who is wrong is no longer important, because only the final winner can represent justice or truth!
However, at this time, when Coruscant was arguing over the Jedi Temple and the Supreme Speaker who was the insurgent or conspirator, when the entire planet of Coruscant became so chaotic for the first time, when the Second Republic The army’s clone soldiers are violently attacking the Jedi Temple, and even the AT-TE'All-Terrain Tactical Strike Walker' has acquired dozens of them, ready to kill the Jedi Knights who are hiding in the Jedi Temple. When the Jedi Knight is a traitor, another unexpected accident happened:
At this critical time, hundreds of battleships of the Independent Galaxy Alliance and the Trade Alliance, the entire expanded fleet and countless robot vulture fighters appeared in Coruscant’s orbit magically and brazenly attacked Coruscant’s outer ring. The defensive facilities launched a surprise attack, and soon got into battle with the planetary defense fleets of the Second Republic Army who caught off guard against the Jaeger-class Star Destroyer and Victory-class Star Destroyer.
In this way, countless forces began to perform vigorously on the planet Coruscant, in the universe and planet ground in the center of the galaxy...
It's just that the Space War Jedi Committee and the Jedi Order on Coruscant's orbit can't take care of it now! After all, they are fighting fiercely with thousands of clone soldiers at this time, and they are working hard to guard the gates of the Jedi Temple and various aircraft platforms, working hard to stop those who want to attack, and stop those who have light and heavy shooting. The army of clones of weapons rushed into the temple and prevented the killing of the Jedi in the temple?
'fast! ’
‘Stop them! ’
‘The aircraft platform over there also went to a group of people to destroy them, and then managed to blow up those aircraft and landing craft. Don’t let them land from there again! ’
‘Who made those apprentices come out? Let them go back! ! ’
‘Master Evan Peel, go to the side entrance to support, let Obi-Wan and the others come here! ’
'Yes! ’
‘Master Yoda...’
‘! ! ’
'Be careful! ! ’
boom! !
Just as Obi-Wan, who was struggling to resist, and Anakin, who was wickedly defending in the distance, heard the command of Master Evin Peel and ran towards this side with a blue lightsaber, and was about to ask for any command... ...Suddenly, several explosive cannons blasted in from the square outside the Jedi Temple and exploded around the strong steel gate of the Jedi Temple!
boom! !
boom! boom! !
Continual explosions began to sweep across the gate of the Jedi Temple, and the solid steel gate could no longer persist to be blown apart! At the same time, when the strong air current energy and hot metal fragments swept past, several Jedi knights fell to the ground, and the lightsabers in their hands instantly became dim...
‘! ! ’
‘Damn it! ’
‘Master Yoda? ’
‘Master Yoda! Are you OK? ! ’
Everyone, including Anakin and Obi-Wan, grabbed the front of a small body that had fallen in the smoke and dust and asked worriedly.
‘Don’t worry, I’m fine for now! ’
‘But...we can’t go on like this, they have heavy weapons, come on! Let everyone abandon the gate and retreat to the passage inside to fight them! ’
'Yes! ’
'fast! Everyone listened, gave up the perimeter line of defense and retreated to the channel to defend! ! ’
Finally, after the war and the siege lasted for a whole morning, facing the'Second Republic Army' that brought armored units and heavy explosive weapons, and facing the cold clone army, the Jedi Knights finally could not resist. I lived, and had to wield their lightsabers under the command of Yoda and other masters. While blocking the counterattack, they slowly retreated to the inside of the Jedi Temple, planning to use the narrow passages and complex terrain there. Fighting the kind of'street fighting' that allows them to get close and use their fighting skills easily, so as to avoid the tragic fate of being bombarded by the clone army with powerful weapons and increasing casualties in vain?
for a long time……
I don’t know why. Soon after the Jedi Order had retreated to the inside of the temple, lost the gate and hall, and started fighting with the clone soldiers who swarmed in, they soon discovered the movement outside. While becoming bigger, the intensity of the clone's offense has become much smaller?
‘The intensity of their attacks seems to be weaker and fewer people, what’s going on? Also, look at the above, why are the Independent Galaxy Alliance and the Clone Corps fighting, it seems that they are really fighting, and they are all hitting low earth orbit, shouldn't it be a show? ’
'It really is! ’
'Look! In the distance, several battleships were beaten into flames and crashed! ’
‘In this way, they are real, not like some kind of conspiracy...’
Seeing the numerous large-scale battleship cannons in the sky blasting at each other, the warplanes flying around like a swarm, and the warships and warplanes that were shot down from time to time and crashed toward the surface of Coruscant, the Jedi Knights knew that. It's definitely not just a show of conspiracy, it's definitely a battle of real swords and guns!
It seems that the Alliance of Independent Galaxies led by Earl Dooku really fought against the clone army led by Lord Sith?
‘I don’t know, but...’
‘On the contrary, I know! ’
Just as Master Yoda was about to say something, suddenly, strode from a distance, a figure that made everyone feel a little surprised and familiar.
‘? ! ’
‘It’s Master Qui-Gang Jin? ’
'teacher? ’
‘But, teacher, why are you here! ’
'what happened? ’
It was discovered that Qui-Gang Kim, Anakin, Obi-Wan and others could not help but Qi Qi looked at each other, and temporarily stopped the defense of the internal passage door that was being cracked and cut because of the clones. It may take some time to rush in.
‘Just arrived! ’
'Master Yoda, Master Metz Windu, is like this. Count Dooku intends to make a fake show. They agreed to help us contain the Second Republic Army of Lord Sith and contain the main force of the clone army. Time, but the premise is that we can kill the Supreme Speaker Palpatine and kill that Darth Sidious? ’
‘It’s like this...’
The situation is urgent, Qui-Gon King is not long-winded, so he will try his best to briefly explain the course of the matter, the matter of defeating them to Geonosis, and Count Dooku and others suspected of raiding Geonosis’s alien race and that Sith Lord had related things to say.
‘! ! ’
‘What are they trying to do? ’
'Humph! What else can it be? It's just a trick to drive the wolf away. When we eliminate the Supreme Speaker, I'm afraid it's his turn to eliminate us! ’
‘But we can’t do anything. If we don’t take the opportunity to quickly destroy the Sith Lord, and wait for more clones to come back, we probably won’t have a chance! ’
‘Master Yoda, what do you think of you? ’
After listening to Master Qui-Gang Jin’s statement, the Jedi masters present nervously watched out for the temporarily safe steel door that was being stormed by the clones, and couldn’t help but look towards Master Yoda, who was bowing his head and meditating. .
‘I can feel that a huge shadow is approaching us, it’s dangerous, but I don’t know what it means...’
‘But now is indeed an opportunity. We can organize an elite team and take the opportunity to raid the office of the Supreme Speaker! ! ’
Master Yoda touched his head without a few hairs left, and then he didn't think about it for too long, he just muttered for a while to save him.
‘But Master, if we do that, it may be as Count Dooku’s wish! Even if he is willing to fight Palpatine, he just wants to replace it! ’
‘Yes! Master Pro Kong is right, they are all the same guys, they just want to use our samurai group! ’
‘The harm between the two powers, whichever is less, Earl Dooku and their separatist alliance are always better than Palpatine’s Sith Lord! ’
'makes sense! ’
'Ugh! We should have done it the day before yesterday. It might be easier then than now? ’
‘I’m not talking about those times. Now that it’s been decided, Master Yoda, you are responsible for organizing the manpower to continue to guard the temple. I will gather a team of elites and Master Kui Gangjin to raid the Speaker’s Office! ’
‘Hmm, be careful! ’
'know! ’
‘Master Gallia, Master Mundy, Obi-Wan, Anakin, follow me! ! ’
After finishing speaking, Master Metz Windu, a senior and proficient in the Jedi committee of Wappard swordsmanship, stopped talking nonsense, and hurriedly named a few people and then prepared to lead the team to leave, to carry out the raid on the Supreme Speaker’s Office. A special operation to behead Shiv Palpatine and the Sith Lord Darth Sidious who has troubled the Galactic Republic.
"Anakin, you have to be careful..."
At this time, after hearing the words of Master Qui-Gang King and the call of Master Mays Windu, Padmé rushed over from the crowd of Jedi pupils.
"Relax, Padmé, I'll be fine!"
"You wait for my return here, remember to ensure your safety, I will definitely come back to you like a hero!!"
To be honest, leaving Padmé here alone with Anakin is definitely not at ease.
However, after seeing that the clone army outside began to be bombarded by the robot forces of the Independent Galaxy Alliance and began to riot, and many clones who had already rushed into the hall of the Jedi Temple began to run out to resist the landing combat robots Anakin knew that the Jedi Temple is still safe for the time being. He can now safely carry out his plan, and he believes that Padmé’s danger is only temporary, and soon she will become Safer than anyone else!
Because, he had a foreboding that everything would be over soon, and it should be time...
"Anakin, I love you!!"
Padmé couldn't help but, just like that, in front of Master Yoda, Master Mace Windu and countless samurai apprentices and others, hugged with Anakin and offered a loving Deep kiss.
‘! ! ’
‘How dare he! ! ’
Upon seeing this, Master Metz Windu instantly rounded his eyes and looked at Obi-Wan impenetrably. He clearly remembered that the Presbyterian Church had made an explanation and asked Obi-Wan to interfere with the two people. Are feelings allowed?
But why is the interference like this now? !
Obi-Wan shrugged and said that he had tried it himself, but in the end there was nothing he could do... So, he really can’t blame him for this kind of thing, and he said that he did the same during the two days hidden in the quiet room. Tormented.
'Humph! ’
‘Hurry up! ! ’
Obviously, this is not the time to pursue some of Anakin’s personal style and violation of Jedi discipline, so Master Maes Windu didn’t say much, but just glanced at the seemingly relieved Master Qui-Gang King. , He waved his hand bitterly, motioning for someone who was at the end to follow quickly.
"Protect yourself and wait for me to come back!!"
Finally, before the eyes of the Jedi masters who had been bachelor for countless years were about to stare out, Anakin, who had had enough dog food, gently pushed Padme away and stroked the other's cheeks and whispered softly. Hurrying to the front of Master Gallia, Master Mundy, Master Mes Windu, as well as Obi-Wan and their teacher Kui Gang Jin and others followed up.
Master Yoda looked at the Anakin and the others who had left before frowning and thinking again, but what he was thinking about was not about Anakin and Padmé, because that kind of thing was not too important~www Just like Master Ji Adi Mundi, didn’t the Jedi Council finally allow each other to start a family and gave birth to a son and seven daughters?
Therefore, the Anakin and Padmé affairs are not worth mentioning compared to the various major events that are now in a mess in Coruscant!
"Strange...what is that..."
Because, at this time, Master Yoda seemed to have a certain premonition. The Force told him that a terrible shadow was descending on Coruscant, and was even covering the entire Galactic Republic... It’s just that he didn’t know what that shadow was. Where did it come from...
Perhaps it was because of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, or, from which Count Dooku's separatist alliance?
Of course, it is also possible to have both? !
"It's hard to see..."
"It seems that people in the shadows can't see things beyond the shadows... well, that can only be known after everything is over..."
With a sigh, Master Yoda, who didn't know what the force's predictions meant for him, had to stop his meaningless thinking and prepared to concentrate on commanding the samurai group to continue to resist the attack of the cloned army. .
After all, it’s useless for him to think more now. If he fails to defend the Jedi Temple and solve the current problems facing the Milky Way and the Republic, they may not have a tomorrow, even if they want to understand the meaning of the shadows. What's the point?

(σ???)σ..:☆? Lose tickets and feed the bugs?
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