Chapter 130: 3 queens

Tyr’s Hand, in the lobby of the lord’s castle, a group of five high elves’ messengers were waiting a little impatiently. When they were about to ask the human guards and the human nobles who were also waiting around, one of them was wearing Lordaeron. The kingdom's cavalry style plate armor, but black and gold with a beard, strutting out from a small door at the back of the hall.
"I am the Grand Marshal of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, Osmar Garithus, the highest commander of the Hand of Tyre, and the highest military commander of the Kingdom of Lordaeron so far!"
Gary Sess stood majesticly in front of the lord's seat in the castle hall of the Lord of the Hand of Tyre, his eyes swept across the castle hall with an unruffled look, and he looked down and looked down at the station with that kind of very rude look. In front of the hall are five high elf messengers from Quel'Thalas.
Garithus found that one of the male elves was the first one. He was dressed in exquisite elven-style tight-fitting suits, with a blue-purple protective headband on his forehead, and also wore a big red cloak with a golden badge of the high elves, except for his waist. Apart from a narrow sword that is more decorative than combat use, he no longer has any extra arms. Presumably, this male elf should be the leader of this group of high elf envoys. It must be the ambassador of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas this time, right?
And the four behind him who were also dressed in exquisite ranger leather armor with high elven characteristics, had long swords, and a long bow and a quiver on their backs. It seemed that they were just his four guards?
Garithus began to laugh in his heart, so it seems that it is not just the humans in the Kingdom of Lordaeron who are miserable now, these high elves from Quel'Thalas, it is estimated that these high elves from Quel'Thalas are also about to be uncovered?
Otherwise, the high elves, who have always attached importance to pomp, arrogant and despise humans, will definitely not send such shabby five elves to the south on the Dragon Eagle as envoys this time!
If according to the past, if these long-eared elves are still emboldened, they will send at least one or two thousand elite ground troops to the envoys, and then forcefully pass through the raging zone of undead natural disasters, and directly pass the elven gate to the north. Typed it out right?
"I'm here, now, please tell me your name, the envoy of the high elves of Quel'Thalas! Then, explain your intentions, you know, I still need to arrange various affairs against the undead natural disasters, recently It’s been very busy for a while, and it is estimated that there will not be much time to receive you here."
Humph! Garithus gave a cold snort. He has never been very good to the elves. Therefore, he continued to look down at each other arrogantly and spoke some very rude diplomatic language in his mouth. He needed to rely on this. Slowly test these long-eared elves.
Sure enough, after hearing Garithus's rude words, except for the leading elf who was the master envoy, who only frowned slightly, the four high elf rangers behind him all looked unhappy, just bad. He didn't turn his face on the spot and bend the bow and shoot arrows, and shot the Garithus above.
"Respected Grand Marshal Garithus, my name is Haduron Brightwing. I am a ranger lord from the High Elf Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and also the plenipotentiary envoy to the Kingdom of Lordaeron this time."
After Hardulun Mingyi gestured to the four rangers behind him with his eyes to be safe and restless, he began to take two steps forward, narrating his identity in a neither humble nor overbearing tone, and began to stare at the main steps in the castle hall. The Grand Marshal of Lordaeron, Garithus, from the other party's tone just now, Hadulun knew that this human generals seemed to have some prejudice against the high elves.
This time, he Hadulun was assigned to the Kingdom of Lordaeron. He is responsible for the important mission of Queen Sylvanas. It is to find alliances with the surviving forces of mankind, in order to jointly fight the undead natural disasters and the upcoming demonic army. Yes, instead of coming here to fight with human beings or to block each other.
Therefore, as a plenipotentiary ambassador, he must remain calm at all times, no matter what kind of unfair treatment he has received in humans. Even if the two parties eventually fail to form an alliance, he cannot add new things to the kingdom of Quel'Thalas for no reason. The enemy, especially when surrounded by enemies.
"I came here this time to represent our High Elf Kingdom of Quel'Thalas and deliver two important credentials to the Kingdom of Lordaeron."
Speaking of this, Hadulun Mingyi carefully took out two rolls of exquisite parchment from the bag behind his back, covered with the fire lacquer sealed with the special seal of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas.
Originally, this kind of credential should be delivered to the king of Lordaeron, but everyone knows that the king of Lordaeron is dead, or was killed by their own Prince Arthas... …So, it seems that now it can only be handed over to the highest-ranking Generalissimo Garithus, right?
"This one is an invitation letter from the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas to you."
Halduron held the roll of parchment in both hands, handed it to a human adjutant on the side, motioned to him to pass it to General Garithus who was standing in front of the main seat, and then continued to speak.
"Two months later, when New Silvermoon City is completed, the new queen of our High Elf Kingdom of Quel'Thalas will soon be the queen. At that time, if you wish, you can send an envoy to New Silvermoon. Watch the ceremony in the city."
In about two months, the new Silvermoon City in Quel'Thalas, located in the former Darth Wisse Bay, is about to be initially completed. By then, the basic municipal works and the Queen’s Palace will be completed. When their High Elf Queen Sylvanas officially came to the throne!
Now, the relationship between the high elves and the humans of Lordaeron, although due to the fact that the previous King Anastrian first quit the alliance, has caused some unhappiness. But in any case, the two sides can also be regarded as friendly forces. Major events such as the Queen's ascension must definitely come to inform the other party. This is one of the purposes of his mission to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.
Another queen? Hearing this word, General Garithus couldn't help frowning, whispering in his heart, and eyelids jumping. Since earlier today, after he received Da Sohan's letter and read the content, he has become particularly sensitive to the word queen!
So, now when he hears Quel'Thalas' envoy again, what the Queen of Haduron is talking about, his eyelids in Garithus are jumping! Take a look, this is the Queen of Fire and the Queen of Elves, maybe, plus the upcoming Princess of Lordaeron, that Kalia, maybe it will be a Queen of Lordaeron again? At what point, in this area of ​​northern Lordaeron, suddenly began to become so overwhelming?
And, most importantly, if Garithus remembers correctly, Quel'Thalas shouldn't have any female royal princesses or other important members who are eligible to inherit the throne? The only person with this status is the prince Kael'thas, and now, with these long ears of their high elves, what is going to happen to the queen? What is the situation?
Therefore, in perplexity, Garithus quickly stepped forward and couldn't wait to grab the so-called credential from the adjutant. After confirming that the paint and seal on it had not been used, he broke the fire directly with his hands. Qi, opened this not-so-long volume of Credentials and began to quickly scan it at a glance.
"The Ranger Lord of the High Elves, Your Excellency Hadurun Brightwing Ambassador! If I remember correctly, your prince of the High Elves should be Kael'thas? Sunstrider, right?"
Garithus quickly read this volume of invitation letter written in common language. It has been written very clearly, not only the name of the new queen, but also the specific date and arrangement of the other party's ascension.
"Since your King Anastrian died bravely to resist the natural disasters of the undead, then, why, it is this Sylvanas? Lady Windrunner who will now be the throne? You want to give Kyle. Where is Prince Sath? I am very puzzled about this! I hope to get a reasonable explanation from you, otherwise, I will order to wish you all! Because our Kingdom of Lordaeron will never Establish any diplomatic relations with a gang of conspiracy usurpers!"
After that, the General Marshal Garithos handed the letter of credence to the very curious Valdemar with a look of resentment. The man next to him was actually the nominal lord of the territory of Tyr's Hand. It's just that after he came here, the Grand Marshal of Lordaeron, Garithus began to take charge of military and foreign affairs. After all, his position was much higher than that of a local lord on the border.
Now, Garithus said that he was surprised and angry after seeing this so-called invitation letter!
It stands to reason that even if the new king of the high elves of Quel'Thalas came to the throne, they would be the heirs of the royal court of the Sunstriders! Now, what is this Sylvanas? Isn't she the general ranger? Where is the prince Kael'thas? No matter what, the kingdom of Quel'Thalas is still not in the turn of this Windrunner to take the throne, right?
If it proves later that these high elves really usurped the throne, then Garithus will definitely not accompany these elves to waste time here again! He will definitely order directly to expel these so-called "diplomatic ambassadors"!
Although he is usually arrogant, paranoid, and even a bit stubborn. He also has his own ambitions. He also wants to be the hero of the alliance after successfully expelling the dead and recovering Lordaeron. The new king of Lun Kingdom is not impossible!
However, Garithus would never be a despicable usurper, nor would he have any dealings with a gang of despicable usurpers! This not only involves his basic principles of life, but also his honor as a veteran knight in the Kingdom of Lordaeron!
Hearing the words of this human general, Hadulun Mingyi and the four rangers behind him couldn't help but laugh and cry and were surprised. They don't understand, are these human information channels so closed? What happened in Dalaran has passed for so long, yet they humans still don't even know it?
However, after thinking about it more carefully, Hadulun suddenly started.
After all, as far away as Dalaran in the Hillsbrad Hills and the Eastern Plaguelands of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the two are far too far apart. If the news is transmitted by land, it is estimated that they will be faster. It takes ten or twenty days!
What's more, the current Kingdom of Lordaeron must have almost fallen. And from Dalaran to Tyr’s Hand, it is necessary to pass through countless undead natural disasters raging and occupied areas, whether it is Tirisfal Woods or Andorhal, an important traffic road, there are undead natural disasters. In the worst-hit area, it is almost impossible to transmit information from the ground!
It is even more difficult to transmit magic messages. In the case of Dalaran's heavy losses, it is estimated that no wizard can think of passing information to Grand Marshal Lordaeron who is far away in Tyr's hand? Did they know that Garithus had something to say here in Tyr's Hand!
At that time, the reason why their high elves were able to get the news for the first time was because the survivor of the high elven ranger tried his best to plead with a similarly surviving Dalaran mage he encountered, so that he could barely pass the news to the first time. Back to Quel'Thalas. Thinking about it this way, if Hadulun didn't say anything, it is estimated that it will take a long time for these humans to receive the news of Dalaran's destruction, right?
"I'm afraid you have misunderstood, Honorable Grand Marshal, our high elves are not usurpers, and no elves have thought about becoming usurpers. All this is because we have received the most accurate news... "
Having said this, Hadulun felt sad for a while, he needed a little time to ease his sadness, and now he had to mention the incident again.
"Our kingdom of Quel'Thalas, the great prince Kael'thas, died in the battle of Dalaran...Of course, it also includes most of the mages in Dalaran, as well as your humans. Master, Lord Antonidas..."
"It was at that time, on the day that the terrifying great demon descended, Dalaran fell! It was the hands of the terrifying great demon. According to reliable information, the great demon was easily destroyed. In Dalaran as a whole, after the death army of the undead and natural disasters swarmed in, it is estimated that there will be no one out of ten who survived..."
Since these humans don’t know the news yet, Harduren doesn’t mind telling them in advance. They think that Her Majesty Queen Sylvanas is the usurper. In that case, they will be concerned about the next diplomatic and alliance matters. Very unfavorable, this is not what he wants to see.
Moreover, Hadulun did not want the human world to dispute the ascension of Queen Sylvanas. After all, this matter was the result of all the high elves. He could not tolerate these humans to contaminate Her Majesty's reputation!
"What! There is still this thing?!"
Garithus suddenly stood up from the main position after hearing the words. No wonder, no wonder that for so many days, since he learned that Arthas led the undead army to attack Dalaran, he has not received information about Dalaran. Any news of the battle!
Even if he had ordered the wizard in the army to send a magic message to Dalaran to inquire, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, without any response from the other party. Regarding this matter, he had always been puzzled and had a very bad premonition! Now, after hearing the news from the high elf messenger, everything before finally made sense...
In that case, Dalaran, the capital of human magic, has fallen again? Moreover, this time he lost so badly? That big devil, is it the horrible aura that he and Dathrohan felt when they were in the Flame Canyon that day? Garithus still remembers, what did the dreadlord say at the time? It seems that the big devil is called... Archimonde? At the same time, there is... the Burning Legion?
If this is the case, then the changes in the kingdom of the high elves now and the upcoming ascension to the throne of their Roshzi Queen will all become reasonable.
This is a very important piece of news. He Garithus decided to end the meeting with these high elf messengers as soon as possible and send someone to notify the senior officials and the officers of the army to come to the meeting! They must formulate a relevant defense plan for this matter. Who knows if the demons and undead natural disasters that descended will suddenly attack here?
"Well, I take back my inappropriate remarks! Regarding this matter, perhaps our information is a bit delayed. Therefore, regarding the ascension of the new queen of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, our Kingdom of Lordaeron We will keep paying attention. At that time, we should also send some envoys to watch the ceremony on griffins!"
Since they were a legitimate and reasonable successor to the throne, Garithus didn't bother to point fingers at him. After all, it was a matter for the high elves, and had nothing to do with the humans of Lordaeron.
"Then, Ambassador Harduren, what is the second thing about your high elves coming here?"
Garithus has already seen another parchment in the opponent's hand, think about it, should be the second thing the other party is preparing to negotiate? After receiving the news from Dalaran, he was already a little impatient, and he didn't plan to waste precious time here anymore!
"This second letter of credence is about our new queen of the High Elf Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Your Majesty Sylvanas. She intends to re-conclude a friendly covenant with mankind, establish an offensive and defensive alliance, and jointly deal with undead natural disasters, and The threat of the coming Demon Legion! This is a letter of intent to form an alliance written by Her Majesty the Queen. Please have a look at the General Marshal!"
Haduron didn't know that the real names of the demons who descended were actually the Burning Legion. Now, their high elves generally refer to each other directly as the Demon Legion.
Garithus took the parchment, opened it with a frown, and quickly read it. He just wanted to say something to express his opinion, but he struggled for a while before he had to sigh.
"I'm sorry, Ambassador Hardulun, I cannot agree to the establishment of an offensive and defensive alliance between the two sides!"
Shaking his head, Garithus took the roll of parchment and tapped it on the palm of his hand. After pondering for a while, he finally shook his head and rejected the other party's request, but he didn't say anything.
According to Garithus' own thoughts, in fact, he didn't want to form any offensive and defensive alliance with these repeated high elves. After all, it was their King Anastarian who was the first to leave the alliance at that time. The impact at that time was very bad. In addition, he himself had a lot of opinions on the elves. If he could call the shots, it would be straightforward. Refused?
"Why is this? Although it's a bit offensive, but respecting the Grand Marshal, I really can't figure it out. The alliance between the two sides is a mutually beneficial thing. Under the powerful threat of undead natural disasters and demons, whether it is you humans, or It is our high elves, and neither party can match it alone! The alliance between the two parties is profitable and harmless. Why do you refuse to do so?"
Seeing that things were going in the worst direction, Hardulun could no longer pay attention to etiquette. He stepped forward two steps and began to speak loudly, with a hint of questioning in his words.
"Hmph! That's because it's not up to me to decide whether to form an alliance with your High Elf Kingdom! Our Princess Kalia of the Kingdom of Lordaeron will come to Tyre in a few days. Hand, maybe you can stay here for a few days. At that time, you can personally submit this alliance proposal with our future queen of Lordaeron?"
Because he was very dissatisfied with the other party’s tone, and he didn’t have any good feelings for the elves, he directly threw the handwritten document of Queen Quel'Thalas about the alliance back into Haduron’s arms. With a cold snort, shake your hand and turn around and leave!
After watching the other party leave in silence, Hadulun's face was also a bit ugly. This human grand marshal is really too arrogant, and he seems to have a certain stubborn prejudice against elves. It seems that he doesn't want to see high elves like them? Fortunately, the other party's words didn't seem to be too deadly. There seems to be room for maneuver in the matter of alliance? Moreover, there is a surviving royal princess in their Kingdom of Lordaeron?
"Ambassador Hardulun, the General Marshal may not be in a good mood today, so he may be a little offensive. I hope you don’t mind too much! By the way, let’s introduce, I’m Valdemar, from Tyre The current lord."
"Anyway, our Royal Highness Princess of Lordaeron has not arrived yet. It is estimated that there will be several days before we can arrive here. I just looked at it. You have flown here from Quel'Thalas, and you must be very tired. Right? It’s too early now, or else, I will arrange accommodation for you first, so that you can rest and adjust for a few days?"
Seeing the Grand Marshal waved away, as the real master of Tyr's Hand, Lord Valdemar had to haha ​​and tried to ease the atmosphere.
He was more optimistic about the alliance with the high elves again. After all, both sides now have common enemies, and they must face common threats. There shouldn't be any big waves. It is nothing more than waiting for the arrival of the princess, to answer this matter, and to exchange documents of intent with each other, and then find a time to sign a formal agreement.
"Then, I have to trouble your lord for now."
Hadulun nodded and agreed to the other party's arrangement. Up to now, the matter of alliance is the top priority of the New Quel'Thalas Kingdom, and he will never leave here so easily before he gets a definite reply from the other party.
At the same time, on the continent of Kalimdor on the other side of the endless sea, Thrall, the new leader of the orc tribe, and the orcs he led, have had a bad time recently.
Their orcs are here in Kalimdor, and they have not received a warm welcome from the aborigines here, but have been repeatedly harassed. When they began to cut down the forest and were preparing to build houses and fortresses here, and planning to settle down in this new world for a long time, they began to be violently attacked by some aborigines in the forest and the strange purple-skinned elves with long ears. All of a sudden, the loss was very heavy!
Especially in that four-legged forest demigod. Under the leadership of the opponent, those strange elves have not only severely damaged the orc troops many times, but even Grom Hellscream, the most heroic and combative in the tribe, and his leadership. The Warsong clan was defeated by the demigod, and even suffered several big defeats!
Then, the orcs were surprised to find that their attacks could not harm the mighty demigod of the deep forest. Whether it was a knife, axe or a bow and spear, it could not cause any effective damage to the other party. They verified and sacrificed many times. After countless brave warriors, people finally found desperately that their new tribe could no longer see any hope. The enemy was beyond their expectations. It seemed that defeat was doomed...
Because of this, Grom? Hellscream has been very depressed recently. Not only did their war with the night elves in the forest go unsuccessfully, but the recent losses were also great, and Grom had to admit, The fierce attack he was so proud of did not cause any harm to the forest demigod with four legs!
No matter how his tomahawk Gorehow slashed on the opponent's body, no matter where he slashed, he couldn't hurt the opponent the slightest...Instead, there were several times when he was almost severely injured by the opponent's counterattack. Up to now, coupled with the curse of the residual demon blood in his body, he was torturing him all the time. Therefore, depression and depression seemed to have become his only choice at the moment, and he no longer knew How to maintain the war is really meaningless! He really doesn't know how to defeat an enemy who is not only powerful but also invulnerable...
"Grom! There is great news! I think you will be willing to listen to it!"
A strong warrior of the Warsong clan, carrying a big axe, walked to the depressed Hellscream squatting on the ground.
He had just patrolled the forest and found a mysterious troll witch doctor. The other party told him that it had a way to make the orcs defeat the enemies in the forest and the mighty demigod! Before the opponent left, it also indicated to him the specific location of the solution!
As a soldier, even though he himself was very confused, how could he encounter such a good thing when he went out? However, in the current situation where the orc tribes are retreating steadily, it seems that they have no better way. Therefore, he is going to tell the leader of their clan this new news. Maybe they can go to the troll witch doctor for instructions. Where to take a look?
Anyway, things won’t get worse, what if what the other party says is true? Moreover, trolls have always been at odds with elves and have mortal enemies! Regarding this point, their orcs knew it when they were in the Eastern Continent. Thinking about it this way, perhaps, this matter is likely to be true?
"Good news? What good news is there now..."
Grom raised his eyes and murmured in dissatisfaction. Then he picked up the wooden bowl next to the bonfire, raised his head slightly, and drank all the offal soup in the bowl.
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