Chapter 1279: o(*?︶?*)o people are so spicy...

The Sky Blade 7, not so much that this thing given to a certain earthling by angels is a spaceship, is it actually more accurate to say that it is a super large space station?
In addition to the cross-shaped advanced flying wing totem art-like creations of the angels, it also has a large piece of land with vegetation and lakes, plus the advanced technology of the angels and its own Due to the bounded environment of gravity and atmosphere, there will be no pressure at all if a tens of thousands of terrestrial troops are stationed here on Tianblade-7!
Therefore, it is really not an exaggeration to say that it is a super-large advanced space station.
As for why this spaceship was given to the earthlings by a new queen of the Angels, there are not many people who know the inside story. Of course, a little girl who is just arriving here does not want to ask, she is just being invited After that, he came here with the hanker named Ge Xiaolun and another villain named Liu Chuang, and just wandered around in the garden woods on this strange "spaceship".
"It's quite spacious here..."
To be honest, Annie, the spaceship with its own ecosystem, has not never seen it. From the beginning of the ship that flew to the Prue region, then to the Spear of Arden of the Protoss, and then to matier. The flagship of the big island of the immigrant ship group, etc... But for those spacecraft with internal loops, which one did not protect their inner land?
And now, like the Tianblade 7 in front of her, it was the first time she saw the ‘naked’ spacecraft made of shields, gravity fields, and some kind of gas restraint only!
If it’s not that the angels are absolutely confident in their own technology, I’m afraid it’s a bit stupid... Anyway, Annie thinks, it’s absolutely nothing like a spaceship in the Kepru region or other worlds. With this construction, besides the shield, which one of them couldn't wait to wrap and protect the important internal environment of the spacecraft with a thick shell?
"So pretty..."
Of course, no matter what, this is someone else’s spacecraft. Anne can’t manage to be so wide. She just continued to wander and judge, and ran to the lake, looking at the beautiful ones, in broad daylight. They all exuded colorful energy rays, just like those animals and plants like butterflies she had seen on a planet named'Pandora' and sighed.
"Hey! Weird!"
☆? (o?ω?)?
"People have always felt that your spaceship made by the guy called the angel is really a bit weird. You even used this method of pulling off an asteroid to make a spaceship. If you start a war, Once the shield is broken by the enemy, isn't this beautiful place going to be destroyed by artillery fire?"
∑(′△`)? !
Although she didn't want to take care of other people's nostalgia, since she was still idle now, Annie suddenly looked back and asked such a strange question after shopping for a while.
Liu Chuang shrugged and said that this ship was given to them by the angels. He, a soldier who was transferred from an uneducated rogue leader, would know why such a tall spacecraft was built like this. ?
Therefore, he had no choice but to ask for help and generally looked aside the angel girl who also followed him to lead this little a sightseeing tour of Tianblade Seven, and looked towards that Zhixin.
"Huh! Your Excellency Arcane Archmage!"
"The righteous order of the Angel Nebula has ruled the galaxy for countless years. The spacecraft of our Celestial and Human series has never been attacked by the enemy, because our powerful angel warriors will attack them and carry out a just trial from the enemy’s attack distance. !"
Angel Zhixin, this big disciple of the Heavenly King Hexi, holding a sword of flames to follow Keisha for a hundred years, as a loyal follower of the sacred Keisha, Zeng and Yan go hand-in-hand, and at the same time one of the two guards of the sacred Keisha The right-wing guard said so coldly.
"If the divine Keisha were not destroyed by a conspiracy, our angels would never have fallen into this terrible situation..."
"But no matter what, Sky Blade VII is still powerful. This is an indisputable fact. Its combat effectiveness has been verified before. Even if it is only manipulated by some angels and earthlings, it can easily defeat those who commit crimes. The gluttonous battleship and drive them away from the Chiwu star system, it is the strongest battleship to guard this Chiwu star system!"
Angel Zhixin raised her head and said proudly. In addition to the indescribable frustration and pause in her heart when she talked about the destruction of Holy Keisha, she faced the little girl who didn't know the specific origin. She can still maintain the sense of supreme superiority that comes from the heart of their angel family.
Anyway, her angel Zhixin will never believe that the little girl in front of her is really as the other person said, with the kind of magic professor, the queen of a certain kingdom, the cute lord of the alliance, the head of the federation, the emperor of the empire, and the gods. Daxian, Master of the World, and other such messy titles!
at least……
She has never heard of the sword of flame in her hand who has fought with Keisha for a hundred years, and any angel on Skyblade Seven or even their angel database cannot find any evidence of what the other party said. !
Therefore, compared to Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun's cautious and flattering performance towards this little girl, she herself has a different kind of arrogant attitude.
Of course, she does not deny that the little girl in front of her is indeed an existence with some kind of powerful wormhole transporting power, but she does not agree that the identity of the other party is really as the other party said! After all, what the other party said about Bear Shield, Flame Kingdom, Azeroth, Kepru District, and Hero Federation, etc., she has never heard of them!
And since she, the former holy right-wing guard of Holy Keisha, has never heard of the terms of the countries and forces that the other party said, it can only prove one thing, that is: either, those are all made up by the other party; or , Is the fact that the opponent belongs to some trivial little force?
Therefore, she felt that their Tianblade VII shouldn't receive each other according to high standards at all, it was very unreasonable for her to cut it off.
"and so……"
"The Master Hasta, I don't think there is anything wrong with it!"
In the eyes of Angel Zhixin, the little girl in front of her was nothing more than a little liar who had some strength and then ran out to slander and deceive her. She had basically seen the other party through, and never believed that there was such a powerful thing in the galaxy without being deceived. The power or existence they recorded in the Angel Nebula.
However, she didn't intend to rush to tell the truth, she would slowly observe the other party and expose each other's stupid lies one by one when appropriate!
"The strongest warship?"
"Perhaps! But in addition to the ability to directly invoke the power of the stars to carry out super-long-range boring attacks, it seems that some functions are not as powerful as those of the warships in the Kepulu region!"
Yes, anyway, in Annie’s eyes, the Sky Blade series of spacecraft made by these angels is indeed a bit different... and even more alternative, and they clearly have strong individual strength and technology, but when they fight Isn't that a bit too stupid to choose the backward method of slashing people with a knife?
Of course, at this point, Annie is definitely not qualified to talk about each other, because ah, it seems that she herself and her bear Tibbers, sometimes like these angels, like to play close combat and use troublesome magic. To bombard the enemy?
Thinking about it now, that approach is indeed quite backward, stupid, and inefficient.
But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s just Annie’s own personal behavior. It has nothing to do with her powers, such as the federation of the constellation. The guys under her, except for the worms who have been a little inattentive, are obviously more. Like to use giant ship cannons to destroy their enemies.
"When did you analyze the data of our Sky Blade VII?!"
Unexpectedly, the little girl who came to Tianblade VII for the first time could tell the important attack method of their angel family's core battleship in one mouthful, and Zhixin was a little surprised.
She knows that since the other party arrived at Tianshen VII with Xiaolun and Liu Chuang, she has been following each other. She has never seen the other party analyze the behavior of'Tianblade VII', and no one talks about it. So she couldn't help feeling a little strange, wondering how the little girl in front of her knew so clearly?
"There is no analysis, people can see it at a glance, do you still need to analyze it?"
??(?? ̄? ̄)????
Although the so-called "God-level technology" used by this angel family is indeed somewhat unique, for the existence of Annie, even if it is only using the knowledge and power of the Arcane Archmage, the interface between the engine and the database She was almost as if she was completely undefended, and she had already seen everything clearly when she was just walking around.
"You...who are you? You can see the Sky Blade VII data at a glance. As far as we know, there are not many people in the entire galaxy!"
Zhixin finally started to be a little surprised.
Since the other party can spy on the data of'Sky Blade Seven' without the consent of their angels, it means that the other party also has the ability to unknowingly grab this ship, whether it is for the Angel Nebula or the Chiwu Star System. It is extremely important to control the spacecraft, and that kind of thing is something she can't even imagine!
So, inevitably, she inevitably became a little vigilant while asking, and faintly prepared some defensive or attacking equipment, because she felt the threat of the little girl in front of them, especially in her Without trusting each other.
"Sister Zhixin, what are you..."
Seeing the unusual reaction of the angel girl who was hundreds of years older than him, Liu Chuang couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and then staring at the one in front who was catching a colorful butterfly and studying carefully. Little girl, I don't know what I should do.
However, Liu Chuang also knew that once the two sides had a dispute and a fight, he would definitely stand on the side of Zhixin Envoy unconditionally, because they were in a group and had fought together, and the little girl invited by them, No matter what, it was just a stranger.
"Also ask..."
"Didn’t they tell me? My name is Annie, Anne Hasta... You just have to be one of the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most The most powerful arcane archmage is enough~!"
After that, no matter what the two of them thought, Annie lifted her leg and continued to stroll forward, ready to continue to take a good look at the spacecraft of the other’s house, and then take a look again. Those people invited herself to come here. What kind of crooked idea is this?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"Arcane Archmage?"
Mage or something, Zhixin has certainly heard and seen it before, but the spells of those guys are simply vulnerable to the angels with second-level and third-level divine bodies and secondary creature engines. It is impossible for power to hurt them at all!
Moreover, for the kind of "the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful arcane archmage" that the other party said, she He was still skeptical, and didn't fully believe it.
Of course, how to make the final decision after the analysis and judgment of Ge Xiaolun and Chief Lianfeng behind, now she just stays vigilant and'escorts' the other party with Liu Chuang and strolls around on the Sky Blade VII. .
"You two wait for me..."
Seeing that little girl hopped forward, and Angel Zhixin flew up with him, Liu Chuang had to greet her quickly and screamed and chased after her.
At this moment, in the back, on a balcony of the Tianblade Seven's hall, silently watching the weird little girl who is walking away from Liu Chuang and Zhixin, after waiting for a long time, Commander Nuoxing pity Feng then looked at Ge Xiaolun hesitantly.
"Xiao Lun, it seems to me that you accidentally brought back a big trouble this time!"
"First gluttonous, then the demon Morgana, and then the angels came, and finally even the Sun Star, the of death Karl and the scum were involved one by one, and now even the queen who doesn’t know where he came from, Little guys like the leader, emperor and head of state have all appeared on the earth, and I don’t know if it’s a good thing?"
First, she sighed, and then, before Ge Xiaolun could speak, she continued to smile and sighed and asked:
"Xiao Lun!"
"I guess, when you came, you should have analyzed her with your'xiongxin', how about it, what gain?"
After speaking, the officer Lianfeng hugged his arms and looked at the Ge Xiaolun who had been frowning since he came to Tianbengqi. She understands the other person and feels that the other person will do that. There is no doubt about it!
"Sir, I did analyze her, but..."
He frowned and said and hesitated for a while, and then Ge Xiaolun began to recall the weird scene when he and the other party used the ‘xiong core’ to secretly calculate and analyze the identity and abilities of the other party when he and the other party were on the shuttle spacecraft to reach Sky Blade VII:
‘Xiongxin! ’
‘Try to analyze it for me, what is her power? ’
Start analyzing!
Analysis failed!
‘Try to resolve the opponent’s power rules. ’
Analysis failed!
'carry on……'
‘Try the simulation analysis mode. ’
Simulation failed!
‘! ! ’
‘Continue to analyze it for me! ! ’
Analysis failed, the other party does not exist!
‘! ! ’
'does not exist? how is this possible? ! ’
"So you have seen, sir. She is such a big person. She stands in front of us alive like that. We have all seen it. At the beginning, "Xiong Xin" said that it was impossible to analyze. We are not such a guy. I haven't encountered it, but the point is... it finally said that she doesn't exist?"
"She is there, we can all see, hear and even touch..."
"But, Xiongxin said she didn't exist. Isn't that kidding? I almost thought it was broken!"
"Ah! If you have anything to do with this girl, you can report it first, don't worry about me..."
At this time, Galen wanted to complain when he said something. Suddenly he saw an angel girl approaching, and then he hurriedly stopped his feelings, indicating that the other party had something important to report first.
‘Report to Chief Lianfeng! ’
‘Tianblade VII’s calculation engine has just tried to analyze the target, but it is strange that no matter what method we use, we can’t perform any form of analysis on the target. Please indicate! ’
After handing a report sheet directly to the hands of Lianfeng, the Nuo Star Officer in front of him, the angel girl said with some embarrassment.
"Oh? Interesting!"
"The opponent clearly exists optically and physically, but neither the Void Engine nor the Anti-Void Engine can define the other party, and even the Sky Blade VII cannot scan the other party..."
"So, I'm curious, where is she sacred?!"
Lian Feng said in a whisper, and squinted at the little girl in the distance who was wandering around with Zhixin and Liu Chuang.
"I do not know!"
"Anyway, it looks amazing..."
Ge Xiaolun can't help it anyway, and he also knows that if the other person's self-introduction is true, then they must treat it carefully, otherwise, they will provoke them and their earth. Huge trouble, that is what all of them don't want to see.
"That... Chief, tell me, what should we do now?"
So, after waiting for a while, after seeing the other party's frowning brows finally let go, he not only asked a little nervously, hoping to get the answer he wanted.
"What else can I do? Let's do this for the time being. Since she is not too hostile to our Earth and the Chiwu star system, and seems to be relatively easy to get along with, let's treat her as our guest for the time being!"
"Xiao Lun, you can arrange this. I have to go back and check it carefully to see if there are any clues about the forces she said?"
After that, the ‘long live’ female officer with a wonderful figure no longer talked about, turned around and walked away quickly.
"Ke Qing?"
Anyway, it’s just raising a little Xiaolun doesn’t think that kind of thing is too difficult, and they talked with each other for a long time on the way, although they couldn’t get it for the time being. More information they want, but he doesn't think the other party will be the kind of existence that is not good for them or the earth.
"Whatever, it seems that it can only be done now..."
Now that the chief has given the order, Ge Xiaolun didn’t intend to struggle too much, and turned to leave on the other side, planning to find Zhixin and Liu Chuang and the others, first make preliminary accommodation arrangements for the little girl, and then go with them. Have a better meal or something?
Anyway, when the time comes, the little guy will eat their food and live their flowers. No matter what, he will not easily turn his face on them or their earth or engage in conspiracies.
Although, he is not too sure about this? However, it seems that they don't have any good choices, so let's do it!

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