Chapter 184: 5 fireball gods of witches (2)

"Well, now, I will tell you what happened at that time..."
Captain Cyclops satisfactorily drank another half a cup of rum and hiccuped again before he began to recall the events of the time.
"That happened more than a month ago. At that time, I was worrying about my livelihood. As you all know, I was about to go bankrupt at that time, and the crew’s wages were all ready to be paid off. I was thinking, what is going on? To get some quick money?"
At that time, Captain Cyclops still remembered his predicament. At that time, he was almost finished!
"How can I think of an accident that caused me to hear that Port Royal has offered a reward for transporting urgently needed goods, and after signing the contract, I can get a small part of the payment in advance? So, I sailed out to sea and planned to go there. Try your luck and see if you can get some work to do."
Captain Cyclops recalled, at the beginning, Goddess of Luck really took care of herself!
More than a month ago, if I hadn't been desperate and had to go to Port Royal, I am afraid I would have been bankrupt now?
Once the ship goes bankrupt, if the ship cannot be maintained, it can only be sold! If that's the case, what's the difference between myself now and those homeless people huddled in the corners of the dirty streets?
"At the time, it was like this..."
"Captain? Come out, Port Royal is here!"
After more than ten days of sailing at sea for more than ten days, the Marie Pearl of the Cyclops finally arrived in Port Royal on time.
When they were about to enter the port, his first officer called him out of the captain's room.
As one of the confidants of the Cyclops, this chief mate also knew that their Captain Cyclops was currently facing difficulties.
If you can’t receive the mission in Port Royal this time and make a fortune, I’m afraid this ship can only be sold at a low price here. After paying the crew severance payment, I’m afraid the captain will return home. You don’t have much money left, right?
At that time, their one-eyed captain will become a member of the bankrupt owner's army and continue to hang around in various ports in the Caribbean until someone hires him or dies himself.
This kind of thing, in the Caribbean, on the New World side, but there are more!
But not every shipowner can make money in sea freight. When there is good luck, a ship of cargo can get rich overnight, and when the luck is bad, it is still good to lose everything!
The first officer knew that their Cyclops captain had always had a wish: He always wanted to earn enough gold coins, and then set up a large farm on the New World side and on the European side to grow different cash crops, and then take advantage of it every year. Transport back and forth during the monsoon.
With his own farm, he can save a large amount of material purchase costs, plus he also has an ocean-going ship, going back and forth several times a year, he will definitely earn a lot of gold coins!
Then, marry another lady from a down-and-out little noble family, and slowly spend the second half of his life in comfort and corruption!
This is the highest pursuit of Cyclops in this life!
However, the chief officer felt that the possibility that the captain could realize this wish under the current circumstances was too slim, let alone that he was still on the verge of bankruptcy.
"This is really a rare thing! Why is there no British tax officer to collect Hong Kong tax?"
With the help of the guided boat, the Cyclops' sea boat leaned on to a cargo terminal, and he asked curiously.
Under normal circumstances, at this time, when their sea-going ships have stopped, those greedy British guys should have collected taxes long ago, but now, what about their tax officials? Even if he is an empty ship and does not need to levy commodity tax, he should also receive port tax and docking fees?
"I don't know, Captain!"
The first officer looked at the trestle and found no tax officer, so he shook his head helplessly and said that he did not know the situation.
"Maybe... they forgot?"
forget? How can this be? !
Cyclops doesn't believe that those rigorous and greedy British people will let go of the entry tax and docking fee of a sea vessel like him!
They don't want to try to collect a few more shillings of silver coins. They dare to expect them to forget?
Such a large brig Galen sailing at the port, as long as they are not blind, they will not fail to see it! Then don't expect them to forget!
"Sir! Port Royal is now a free port. Any legal shipowner is welcome to receive the transportation task! If you receive the task, then we will not charge any docking fees."
Finally, after a port clerk who came to register asked the chief mate and registered the basic information about the Mary Pearl’s purpose of coming to Port Royal, before leaving, he turned around and said this to the Cyclops captain expressionlessly. Can be considered to solve the other party's doubts.
"So, what about the entry tax?"
Captain Cyclops hurriedly asked, this entry tax is collected by all ports, right?
"Sir, Port Royal is now a free port, I don't want to repeat it, our work is very busy!"
The meaning of a free port is already obvious. It means that all or most of the goods can be imported and exported tax-free. Therefore, this Port Royal employee does not want to repeat it.
Originally, they didn't even charge docking fees before, but later, in order to facilitate this order, they had to impose docking fees on those ships that came to unload their cargo and were not leaving for a long time.
And if it’s like Cyclops, who came to Port Royal to receive a transportation task, the above has already issued a message, all expenses will be reduced! As long as the other party will not keep the boat on the dock and stay away.
"It's really not accepted?"
Cyclops is a bit surprised. The official ports of various countries in the Caribbean Sea have never heard that there are no port taxes and port charges, right?
Their greedy officials will only collect more than one, and collect more! And now, Port Royal is not accepting it? When did this group of vampires become so talkative? Or is their brain broken? Or think that there is too much money to spend?
The registrar glanced at the one-eyed dragon impatiently, and said nothing.
"Why don't you collect it? Or, should you collect taxes elsewhere?"
Just in case, Captain Cyclops finally asked.
You know, his pocket now contains the taxes and fees he is going to pay. The amount of money should be just enough.
In case they turn around and say that they are fined for tax evasion, where can they find extra coins for them? If you don't pay a fine, you will directly detain the ship!
Therefore, he felt that it would be better to check again! He now has only one last chance. Either he can make a fortune to ease his breath, or he will be bankrupt! Don't allow him to be cautious.
The port registration clerk glanced back at Cyclops and confirmed that he was a raw face. He may not really know what happened, then he sighed slightly, put away his quill, and closed the registration book.
"Did you see the flag over there? Now, this place no longer belongs to the British Empire."
After pointing to the flags on the distant city head and the fortress, the port registration clerk pointed at those flags in a complicated tone.
"That is……?"
The Captain Cyclops looked in the direction pointed by the Registrar. Sure enough, on the flagpoles in the castle, what seemed to be an unfamiliar flag instead of the Pozi flag symbolizing the British Empire?
It is made of gold and on it are... five fiery red sparks?
Wait...the banner, it seems something is wrong?
The one-eyed dragon squinted his eyes, thinking that he had made a mistake. In order to make sure, he took out his nautical binoculars and leaned over his only eye to take a closer look. The flag above seemed to be... Embroidered with five burning fiery red flames? A burning flame? !
"Those...what are those flags?"
The one-eyed dragon looked at the port registrar with horror. He had no idea what the five burning flame patterns on the flag represented!
How could there be such a thing? With the help of the telescope, he was sure that he never missed it this time!
On those flags, on the golden cloth, there are indeed five moving flames that seem to be burning!
"Ha! Of course the banner, what else can it be?"
"Those moving flags are actually caused by the spells of Lord Witch. You can get used to it if you look at it too much."
The registrar looked at the expressions of the group with amusement.
In his opinion, this ship should indeed be the first time the witch came here after occupying Port Royal. Anyway, during this period of time, whenever a ship came to Port Royal, he could always look away from the opponent’s face. Seeing such an expression, now, he has long been used to it.
"Finally, I will explain to you: now, Port Royal belongs to the witches, and the witches have occupied it! It's that simple!"
"Also, I am no longer an official, just an employee. Alright! Presumably, you are also here to take the reward task? Go to the port office yourself. You can handle the rest by yourself, anyway. I'll get used to it slowly."
After speaking, the registrar shook his head and left.
He didn't want to care what these people thought, he was used to it anyway. There is nothing wrong with working for witches. The salary has risen a lot, so who would have trouble with money?
After being shocked, Captain Cyclops also began to look at the situation in this port carefully.
He was surprised to find that not only the flags on the distant city wall had changed, but also the dress of the port officials? They no longer wear the costumes of British officials, nor do they wear wigs that symbolize their status?
Looking at the distance, the soldiers standing guard at the gate of the city are no longer wearing the red suits of the British Royal soldiers, but a white primer he has never seen before, and they also wear a lot of golden striped clothing? In addition to muskets, there are shields and short swords? This is really strange equipment!
"Could it be that this British site was really occupied by others? But... it would be too unbelievable to be occupied by a group of witches?"
There is something wrong here...
The Captain Cyclops was meditating, and began to mutter to himself. Although the facts were already before his eyes, he always felt that things still seemed too surprising, a little too mysterious?
"Captain? What should we do next? Are we going to the so-called port office to pick up the reward transportation task?"
Seeing that the captain was silent on the side, the first officer began to inquire.
He didn't want to care who occupied this place, it had nothing to do with him! He just wanted to know, can people like them make money here?
"No, don't worry!"
Cyclops raised his head and looked at the situation around the port. After thinking about it, he felt that he had better be cautious, so he turned his head and said to the adjutant:
"We will go to the city for repairs for a few days. You can arrange some manpower to find out the situation here first and then consider!"
Captain Cyclops did not dare to rush to receive the task, but first planned to fix it for a day or two, and then took the opportunity to find out the specific situation here before making plans.
"Well, whatever you want! But, Captain, I have to remind you that we don't have much money anymore."
The chief officer complained to his captain. They really don't have much money now. In his opinion, it is still serious to take up the task and receive the advance payment, then go to other ports to replenish the goods and ship them back!
"Now there!"
The Captain Cyclops threw a small pocket of silver coins toward his first mate, which contained more than twenty silver shillings and several gold coins, which was originally intended to pay the port tax and docking fee.
"Go, don't forget to explore the situation, and invite the sailors to drink tonight!"
"Long live the captain!!"
After hearing the captain's words, the crew who followed the disembarkation cheered, and then they began to flock to the city with the chief mate.
Although this little money is not too much, it is enough for their twenty-something people to drink a cheap rum, and find a few rooms to rest for a few days. It is estimated that there will be a lot left Buying supplies for going to sea?
After seeing the chief officer leaving with the sailors, the Cyclops just wanted to return to the boat to sort things out, but suddenly saw a group of cavalry patrolling towards the port.
They... turned out to be three female knights wearing silver-white tight-fitting metal light armor, golden cloaks, and airtight pointed helmets? Even the war horse wears armor?
Behind them, there was still a group of uniform male cavalry wearing silver light armor and long swords?
Seeing such a costume, the Cyclops couldn't help shook his head. What age are they, they still play the heavy armored cavalry? Good-looking is good-looking, but what's the use?
In this era, muskets and cannons are the mainstream, right?
What's the use of their equipment besides being good-looking and pretending? If you really fight, you will be reimbursed after a few shots, right?
and many more!
That was... a female knight? There are still female knights? Moreover, it seems to be an officer?
Captain Cyclops suddenly remembered something wrong, and when he looked back at the cavalry going away, he was stunned again.
Because the golden cloak behind them, the cloak style is not the same as the flag hanging on the city wall, but a pale gold background, and in the middle, there is only a red flame, and the flame is actually Will those flags move like flames? Like it's burning?
This is really hell! What is this place? Still not Port Royal?
"Who are they?"
Captain Cyclops was anxious, and he grabbed a docker who was carrying supplies next to him regardless, and then hurriedly asked.
"Let go of your hand! One-eyed chopsticks!"
The docker was dissatisfied and patted his hand holding his clothes away, and then looked up and down the Cyclops.
When he felt that the decoration of the person in front of him might be a captain, he weighed it a little bit in his mind, and only after seeing that the other person seemed to be uncomfortable, he changed his tone a little bit.
"Are you new here? Did you see? The three with red cloaks are the battle witches of the Flame God! The ones without the cloak are the Flame Knights of the Apostolic Knights! I advise you to be the best Don't make trouble here in Port Royal, and don't mess with them, otherwise, you will regret it!"
After speaking, the dock worker left cursingly.
Captain Cyclops did not care about the dock worker who cursed him in a low voice before turning his head to leave, but continued to solemnly look at the cavalry going away.
Is it really a witch? Witch cavalry in armor?
So, what is that flame cult?
I don’t seem to have heard of any flame god... the flame of five fireballs? Five fireball gods?
If you take over the transportation task and work for them, do you have any guarantee? How about their credibility? Will the remuneration continue to be paid at that time?
For a while, Captain Cyclops was a little puzzled.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
While the Cyclops was still hesitating and entangled about whether to collect the reward and transportation Outside the port, the alarm bell from a high point on the guard tower came from a clear and hasty sound. Soon, this The bell slowly spread and spread firmly throughout the city of Port Royal.
"Enemy attack!!!"
The soldiers standing guard on the port city's defense wall began to get busy. After seeing that the situation was not right, the workers at the pier also dropped what they were holding and began to rush towards the city.
"Oh, God……"
When the Cyclops turned his head and looked at the sea, he saw a sailboat slowly appearing on the sea level in the distance.
They slowly began to emerge from below the sea level. When they began to line up slowly and all appeared above the sea level, Captain Cyclops finally took out his telescope and wanted to look at the distant sea. He probably estimated And counted it, probably, there are as many as thirty or forty? !
Moreover, it seems that they are all warships?
Look at the faintly visible flag on the opponent's mast. Is that the British Caribbean Fleet? !
Ruined! This time is completely over!
Captain Cyclops sighed in his heart, his own ship, but still anchored in the harbor... and those fleets, set up from a distance, are obviously going to attack Port Royal! Then, under the artillery fire, wouldn't the Mary Pearl, which was parked in the harbor, be over?
"Hey... Actually, I really shouldn't have decided to come here..."
Captain Cyclops loosened his hand, allowing the telescope in his hand to slip off and fall to his feet.
If he didn't come here, no matter how bad he was, he could sell the boat to pay off the crew's wages and repay all debts?
But now? His ship, his Mary Pearl, is about to be destroyed by gunfire...
The second thing is that there are eight thousand and several hundred words in total today, so be it.
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