Chapter 221: Night battle (4)

The battle on the C area is still going on in full swing. The Marine Corps members' spiked metal bullets of various calibers are shooting at each other with the denser and numerous bone spurs fired by monsters.
Every second, there are countless snake-like insects, torn into pieces of broken flesh by the bullets of the extremely high-speed spike electromagnetic rifle, countless red and green blood, body fluids, and venoms almost stir the entire collapsed area into A piece of blood, flesh, mud and insect corpses piled up in the flesh and blood.
At the same time, every time the Marines shoot their adventures, there will always be a few unlucky ones or those bone spurs slammed into the weak part of the armor, and then screaming under the toxic damage of the bone spurs. Throwing down the rifle and wailing, or, some turning around and running, trying to run to the barracks to seek professional medical treatment?
It's a pity that people like them often can't run a few steps, so they are nailed to their backs by more bone spurs, and then they fall to the ground quickly and can no longer move...
"Damn it! What's the matter with the tank unit? Hurry up and fire, we need artillery support! More support!!!"
After taking the risk of getting up and lighting up a magazine, Galen had to retract behind the rock again and once again called for the long-range artillery support of the tank unit.
Now, due to the risk of getting up and shooting, Galen's shoulders and head were all bitten by that kind of bone spurs!
Fortunately, the armor of these important parts of him is relatively thick, almost 40-50 millimeters in thickness, and the bone spurs can only be nailed less than 30 millimeters into the part of the stainless steel armor. Successfully resisted.
At this time, when Galen put away the armor plate on the helmet, he was surprised to find that the high-strength bullet-proof glass shield on his head was even pierced by a bone spur? That long bone spur with a faint blue-green weird light was then inserted halfway into the mask. After it was inserted into the glass, it happened to be blocked by the protective deck just now?
After looking at the sharp direction of this bone spur and directly facing his eyebrows, Galen swallowed his saliva before he raised his hand with lingering fear, intending to pull it off.
If he hadn't just put down the armor plate in the helmet according to the standard battle process when he was fighting just now, I'm afraid, now I would definitely be pierced by this bone arrow and die?
"Stop it, Galen! I advise you not to do that!"
When Galen's mechanical arm slowly grabbed the bone spur and was about to forcibly pull it out, after Dreyus next to him saw it, he quickly spoke to dissuade him.
"Once you pull it out, you are dead! There is a large amount of highly toxic corrosive vapor in the atmosphere of this planet. The correct way for you now is to leave it alone. At the same time, it is best to increase your armor slightly. The air pressure circulating inside the power suit."
After finishing speaking, Dreyus also pointed to his helmet, a trace of white gas was leaking from his own mask. When the air with water vapor leaks out and comes into contact with the low temperature environment of this planet at night, it becomes this kind of bursts of white water vapor.
Like Galen, at this time, Dreyus' head and shoulders were also densely pierced with those hideous and sharp slender bone spurs, even the four searchlights on his chest and beside his helmet Three were broken!
And the high-strength bulletproof glass shield on his face even got two bone spurs in it. Like Galen, he was fortunately blocked by the armor plate and was stuck and lost his kinetic energy.
Now, Dreyus felt that both of them should actually feel fortunate, because these bone spurs did not break the glass shield, but were just stuck tightly by the glass, although it was a little leaky now.
However, after he increased the pressure of the air circulation in the armor for the first time, the poisonous gas from the outside could not enter temporarily under the action of the internal high pressure, and the gas tank carried by his armored power combat uniform was in accordance with At the current rate of leakage, at least several hours have passed by the time the leakage is almost complete? At that time, regardless of victory or defeat, the battle should be over, right?
"Oh! That's right... OK, thanks for the reminder, man!"
After a moment of stunner, Galen finally realized that he had almost done something stupid, and quickly stopped his hand carefully, and immediately increased the air pressure circulating inside his armor.
He finally remembered now, on this planet, the external pressure on this island is about 1.2 times the standard atmospheric pressure of the earth?
Then, he only needs to increase the pressure of the internal circulation environment to 1.3 times or more of the standard earth atmospheric pressure, then it can be guaranteed that no poisonous gas can leak in from the edges of bone spurs and glass?
boom! boom! boom!
A series of eight rounds of 120mm arc shock artillery shells struck again, instantly ploughing into the formation of the snake-like insect swarms firing bone spurs.
Finally, after the Marines on the second line of defense were suppressed by the endless stream of snake-like monsters, they almost couldn’t lift their heads, and suffered heavy casualties. Those base command centers are not far away, I don’t know. The tank troops who had some trouble caught fire again in time.
The cannonballs are endless, one after another, the long-range 120mm large-caliber electromagnetic cannonballs roared in and slammed into the formation of the dense basilisks that were constantly firing bone spurs against the landing team’s defense line and approaching the past. In the past, explosions, flames, heavy smoke, shock waves, and splashing gravel and steel instantly blocked the impact of the insects again.
boom! boom! boom!
The long-range artillery bombardment continued, and the Marines could finally take a breath and calmly show their heads to shoot the insects that slipped through the net under the artillery fire.
Countless bugs that burst out of the crypt hole were once again under the terror of human artillery fire, and under the metal storm that the Marine Corps members who had slowed down roared and shot, they had to be beaten back again. ...
After more than a minute passed, when the artillery fire of the tank troops stopped temporarily, on the battlefield of humans and insects full of gunpowder and blood and meat, except for the occasional few panic-stricken insects being sporadic gunshots. Except for the call and kill, outside the entrance of the cave, on the ground, there was no more insect that could move.
Look at the chaotic battlefield where insects and corpses of human marines lie, and the surrounding areas are full of bullet holes, or the rocks filled with dense spurs like a hedgehog. And on the ground, all the Marines who could still breathe couldn't help being silent.
To everyone's surprise, this night attack initiated by the bugs, with the preparation of the human side, could be so violent?
They are Marines with hundreds of people, hundreds of shotguns or electromagnetic rifles of various calibers, and with all the preparations for the enemy, they have paid such a large casualty?
The caring people among them all glanced roughly at the radar in the lower right corner of their respective panels. On the display interface, they can clearly see that the green highlights belonging to the friendly side are at least one-third less than before? If the life signal goes out, they are all dead, right?
In just less than an hour of battle, their hundreds of Marines have already lost one third, nearly two hundred?
Although the number of worms killed by them will only be more, and there may even be more than tens of thousands, but...
Nearly two hundred companions were lost all at once, and it still made them feel a little unacceptable to the human side. This level of casualties is a bit too high for them!
After all, the entire colonial spaceship of Hope that is still in orbit has a total of less than 140,000 people, excluding those old, weak and unsuitable for battlefields, as well as other men and women of school age who must be in important positions and can be recruited by Hope. It is estimated that there are less than 30,000 or 40,000 people, right?
After the roaring artillery fire and explosion ceased, not only was there no sound on the human side, even the insects, they seemed to have died down, except for the cave, there seemed to be faint ears of insects. Apart from the neighing sound, above the ground, they could no longer be seen in motion.
"Hey, Dreyus? Are those bugs afraid to rush forward?"
Looking at the battlefield in Zone C, filled with all kinds of broken bug bodies that were shot or blown to death, Galen stood up and looked at it for a while before facing Dreyus who was a bit uncertain. Asked.
Now, he looked around. Except for the thick layer of broken corpses that fell on the way the insects charged, the corpses of the insects were like a hill at the cave entrance in the collapse area more than 300 meters away. Just pile up the entire cave to a height of more than ten meters, just like the entrance of a raised ant den?
Just now, when the tank troops were in chaos, the insects once again carried out a third wave of charge. They were as if they were swooping down directly from the insect mountain. The hills formed by those insect corpses not only caused the Marines’ shooting To a certain extent, they also accelerated their charge a little bit.
"I don't know, I hope..."
Da da da! !
While answering Galen’s question, Dreyus fired his gun impatiently, using his electromagnetic rifle, which had already been shot red with the barrel, to knock out a four-legged bug monster trying to get out of the pile of corpses. , Blasted its disgusting head with a few shots, turning the other party into a sea of ​​corpses.
"Then why don't they rush out now? Is it because they die too much, so they are afraid?"
Looking at the corpses piled up like a mountain of bugs in the battlefield, Galen felt that his guess should be quite reliable.
Those bugs, after visual inspection, at least lost more than 10,000, right? Are you not even ready to retreat?
If the offensive party were replaced by humans themselves, and in such a short period of time, really killed and injured so many troops, I am afraid it would collapse early, right?
He doesn't even understand these bugs now, are they brainless? Or do you kill you when you fight?
Or, there are too many ethnic groups, so they don’t care about the casualties? Want to use the endless sea of ​​insects to directly submerge your own ground base for humans and drive humans out of their planet?
After thinking about it, Galen still didn’t know what was going on with those bugs, so he could only throw down the C-15 pierced electromagnetic rifle, which was also red on the barrel in his hand, and proceeded from this second shot. In an equipment box on the line of defense, a new electromagnetic rifle was drawn from the weapon box that was transported here by SCV engineers and lined up with neat rows of brand-new rifles.
Fortunately, they humans have been prepared long before that. Here at the second line of defense, when preparing the line of defense, SCV engineering vehicles transported a large number of weapons and ammunition boxes from the barracks capable of manufacturing light weapons. Placement point.
On the ground around the Marines’ defense line, in those equipment boxes, there are neat rows of brand new electromagnetic rifles and a large number of full-load magazines, which are enough to ensure that the soldiers can continue this high-intensity defense. Combat.
Generally speaking, after the weapon barrel is overloaded, it is easy to explode or affect the shooting accuracy. The correct way to deal with it should be to directly replace the barrel parts.
It’s just that the situation is urgent now, and they don’t have time to replace those troublesome weapons. Moreover, in this interstellar age, the manufacturing industry is extremely developed, and humans are not short of the metal resources for making rifles, so ah, let’s just change one. Make the new one more reliable.
Anyway, the barrel of the red gun was thrown directly underground. After the new gun in his hand was also red, it is estimated that the previously dropped gun has cooled down, and then they can pick it up and continue using it?
"I don't know! How about you go and see the situation for yourself?"
Dreyus gave Galen an angry look, and then followed suit, dropping the weapon that was a bit overloaded in his hand.
Then, he dragged a heavy footstep, a little tired, manipulating the armored power suit, walked over, and randomly selected a new electromagnetic rifle that looked pleasing to the eye from the equipment box, and picked up a full load of ammunition. Clipping the box, walked directly back to where he had just hidden.
Dreyus felt that he had almost shot tens of thousands of bullets this half an hour today, right? Every time, after plugging in the magazine, the trigger was directly held until the bullet was finished. During this period, the weapon unexpectedly did not have any major problems, which already shows the excellent quality of UPL military products.
"Uh... then forget it."
He is not stupid, Galen, how could he go to the entrance of the cave to observe the situation? If the bugs suddenly rushed out, he would not even have a chance to escape!
"this is……"
Inside the command center, Commander Doug and other military personnel were staring at a picture in awe.
It turned out that after the insect swarm was suppressed by artillery fire again, they sent a small drone to remotely enter the crypt that was sloping downwards, and saw the situation inside: the always huge mammoth bug , Walking slowly in the cave just enough for it to walk.
Hiss! !
Suddenly, a snake-shaped bug spotted a human reconnaissance aircraft. After it screamed, countless bone spurs shot towards the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft on the top of the cave, instantly interrupting the reconnaissance screen.
"Attention all Marines! The mammoth of the opponent's large size is about to crawl out of that crypt, watch out!"
At this time, in the base command center, Commander Doug's voice rang from everyone's channel again.
In fact, without Doug reminding him, all the Marines can now vaguely feel the vibration on the ground.
Then, they unconsciously thought of the terrifying creature that was still lying on the beach and burned to the point that only a huge skeleton remained.
Now, it is estimated that something big will happen!
Galen and Dreyus, the captain and second lieutenant commander of the two Marines, looked at each other, and each saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes.
Now, the two monsters that are the size of a calf and the insects that are generally capable of shooting at long distances like snakes have already stretched their simple lines of defense, and they are very troubled!
And now, if one or two of the terrifying giant creatures that appeared a few days ago emerge from that cave, then their current line of defense will probably be destroyed by the opponent in an instant?
"Tank troops, ready to support us at any time!"
Dreyus immediately requested support from the siege tanks near the rear base command center.
The battle during the landing a few days ago has proved that the light weapons of the Marine Corps are useless against monsters of huge size and thick armor!
Therefore, he Dreyus now only hopes that the 120mm arc shock guns of their tanks can break through the thick armor of the opponent's body, right? Of course, he also hopes that those tank gunners can hit a little more accurately?
"By the way, where's Annie? Where are you Annie? We need your support now!"
At this time, Galen remembered for the first time the situation when Little Annie burned that huge monster with fire, so he immediately called the other party.
In his opinion, if there is little Annie once again to deal with the big monster that is about to appear, they can't keep going?
"Come on, here, I'll be there soon! What are you anxious for?"
Little Annie's muttering of dissatisfaction and the excitement of the big monster about to appear finally rang in the channel.
"By the way, that kind of monster, has it come out?"
She just went to the command center of the base for a stroll, and by the way used her tank gun to help kill three flying insects.
After actual shooting, now Annie feels that the 80mm double-barreled gun of this tank is indeed much more powerful than her 20mm sniper rifle, although her rifle is estimated to be able to easily deal with the kind that does not have too high armor. The flying insects, but, the small caliber of the rifle, where is the fun of the tank gun?
Under her direct-pointing shelling, no matter how fast those bugs fly, she can use her spirit to lock and predict the opponent’s position, then just shelling it over, she can directly tell the opponent to break into pieces. !
It’s not too easy for Little Annie to use tank guns to fight flying insects!
As long as you know the flying method of the cannonball, plus lock the position of the enemy in the air, and then count a little bit of prediction, and add the time when the cannonball is flying, make sure you hit one!
She couldn't figure it out. How did the eight tanks just be chased by three big bugs and run around all over the floor? Really a bunch of dumb guys! Those flying insects didn't fly high. Eight of their tanks raised their muzzles and aimed at them, even if they couldn't get one shot at a time, but there were always times when they were wrong, right?
"Annie, come and support! It's coming out soon!!!"
Galen started yelling anxiously on the channel again.
Because, he found that at the entrance of the huge cave in the distance, the corpse of the insect was moving. It must be that kind of huge monster. It was about to crawl out of the cave, right?
"damn it……"
Sure enough, it came out!
Now, Galen has clearly seen the huge bone sickle of the other party!
Soon, after the huge monster got out, it just slapped it casually, and with only two clicks, it directly swept away the corpses of bugs piled up near the cave like a hill, and then it was quickly cleared out near the entrance of the cave. A large passage that is slightly gentler.
Roar! ! !
This huge monster didn't know if it was stimulated by a large number of corpses and blood, so when it crawled out of the hole, it roared loudly.
After a while, it started to use the two huge bone scythes in front of it angrily, constantly waving the dead bugs around it, and splashing the dead bugs and corrosive blood everywhere. Some even flew a distance of more than 300 meters, directly causing a lot of chaos to the Marines on the line of defense.
It didn’t take long before it emptied most of the corpses of the insects near the entrance of the cave, and revealed the dense swarms of insects that were still in the inclined cave, the four-legged and legless ones behind it. , All mixed together.
"Oh, this is a lot of trouble..."
Seeing this situation, even Delaeus, who never knew what he was afraid of, felt that this time, they might have to face the biggest problem tonight?
"I'm coming!"
Dreyus's emotional voice just fell, and Xiao Annie's crisp voice continued to sound in the channel.
"Aha! I have seen that big bug, don't grab it, it's mine!"
In the distance, when Galen was just about to say something, a red-painted tank was rushing at high speed, bringing up a slip of smoke and dust in the dark, and rushing toward the C area.
Then, Little Annie was driving at high speed while turning the two 80mm double-barreled guns of the tank, and aimed straight at the head of the big guy who was roaring wildly.
boom! boom!
Two consecutive roars of artillery sounded, and the tank driven by Xiao Annie accurately hit the monster's huge head with the two 80mm double-barreled artillery while driving at high speed.
Roar! ! !
Of course, the monster roared in pain in the first place.
After the flames of the explosion, everyone can clearly see that the monster's ugly head, full of fangs and bone horns, has been almost shattered by two cannons?
boom! boom!
Only a second later, there were two more cannon sounds, and two cannonballs roared and hit the bone armor of the monster's lowered head, exploding two small pits.
It's a pity that this insect's vitality is extremely tenacious, except that the shelling that hits its mouth at the beginning made it lose a little bit. Like the subsequent two cannons, this kind of shelling attacked on the heavy bone armor of its head. It can only make it hurt a little bit and become more violent, and it can't kill it directly.
Roar! ! !
With another roar of the giant monster, it began to move forward, toward the line of defense of the human marines.
And the bugs in the cave behind it all screamed at the same time, like a group of small ants, they began to rush and follow behind the huge monster.
Da da da! ! !
Without the commander's order, all the Marines saw this situation and shot them first.
From their flame-spitting muzzle, countless spikes and bullets, once again like an endless metal storm, shot towards the swarm of insects overwhelmingly.
"Damn! Everyone, aim at those little bugs! Leave that big guy alone!"
When he saw the monster start charging, Galen also opened fire for the first time.
However, when he found that other people ignored the little bugs following the big monster, and unconsciously raised their muzzle and swept the huge monster wasting bullets, he finally couldn't help but shout loudly in the channel Screaming.
In the past few days, they have used dozens of live lives to prove that the light weapons of their Marine Corps cannot effectively damage the monsters with thick armor and rough skin.
Da da da……
Whoosh whoosh...
"Hurry up and shoot those little bugs! Don't panic!"
At this time, on the battlefield, the marines' rifles blasted, the low sound of snake-shaped bugs piercing the air with bone spurs, and the croaking of the front commanders all mixed together.
Every moment, there is always an unlucky Marine that is hit by a bone spur and falls down. At the same time, more insects are also broken into pieces by the metal storm-like spikes and bullets. Fleshy pockets.
However, they are still advancing in an indomitable momentum, following the huge monster behind them, and coordinating charges one after another.
boom! ! !
Suddenly, a huge artillery shell exploded directly at the fragile part of the thick four-hooves elbow joint of the huge monster, making its thick scales unable to withstand the huge damage of the 120mm siege shock gun and was directly blown up. It had to split open, revealing the bones and muscles inside.
Whoops! ! !
This shell was too tricky to hit, it just hit the weak part of its leg?
Then, the body of the giant monster that was still charging, after one leg was wounded, it skewed and fell directly to the ground. At the same time, it raised its original low position with an anguish, and was still affected by it. The head protected by the thick bone armor on the back of the head.
boom! ! !
It was another 120mm arc shock cannon, which accurately hit its ugly head raised up high. The powerful 120mm siege shell went directly in from its chin and instantly It exploded its unprotected head into a pile of tattered pieces...
Bang! ! !
Finally, the monster's roar came to an abrupt end. Its bulky body, which originally wanted to struggle to get up, finally fell to the ground feebly. After squeezing a bunch of rushing bugs, there was no more sound... …
"Haha! Really so useless, it was solved after only two shots?!"
In the channel, Xiao Annie's unscrupulous laughter came again.
It turned out that it was just now. After discovering that the tank’s 80mm double-barreled tank gun was not powerful enough, Xiao Annie immediately switched to the siege mode.
Then, when the monster ran for more than half of the distance, before the Marines were about to collapse, her attack finally arrived in time. Only two attacks with an interval of three seconds caused a huge monster to be killed first and at the same time. The bugs have lost their greatest support!
Da da da……
"Others, don't stop! Keep attacking!"
Dreyus and Galen were still shouting loudly at the Marines who were stunned after seeing the monster die in the channel.
At this moment, even if the big monster leading the charge is dead, those big dogs or snake-like bugs still climb up the dead body that fell on the ground and continue to charge towards their human position. Even the huge corpse of that monster successfully covered the bugs behind it, greatly shortening their charge distance.
boom! boom! boom!
Soon after Little Annie bombarded the monsters, the rear was rectified, and the eight tanks that shot Zhu Yuan were adjusted. They once again fired their 120mm arc shock cannons at the insect swarm, once again in time for the insect swarm The momentum of the charge stopped.
Originally, they actually planned to bombard the giant bug.
But how can I think that they have not calculated the shelling data, the other party has been beaten to the ground? Therefore, they had no choice but to change to bombarding the bugs in a hurry, using the artillery to block their charge.
"Hahaha...little boys, your master Captain Planck is here! Pay attention to cover me! Otherwise...uh!"
Suddenly, in everyone's channel, there was a voice that Galen didn't want to hear. Then, as expected, the other party had a big alcoholic hiccup?
Needless to think, this should be what Commander Doug said before: Captain Planck who drove the temporary guest bomber on the transport spacecraft!
He is now finally transporting a modified large fuel tank, from above the sky, swooping down towards the battlefield of the base C zone at high speed.
"Hahaha... Alien bugs, your pre-ordered courier has arrived! Remember, you must give a good comment to Uncle Planck!"
When the transport spacecraft passed over the cave at high speed, its belly door suddenly opened.
Then, a huge incinerator filled with various inflammable objects the size of the combined size of four siege tanks fell accurately into the huge hole and made a loud noise. After smashing the worm, relying on the huge inertial kinetic energy brought by the spacecraft, it rolled directly into the inclined cave...
Then, losing the heavy-loaded armored transport spacecraft, under the control of Captain Planck, he suddenly raised the bow of the ship and jumped straight into the sky.
"Little boys, don't say that Uncle Planck has not warned you. Now, you'd better find a place to get down and hide, otherwise, hum..."
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