Chapter 225: Demacia and Noxus Project (2)

The Captain Leona of the Hope boarded the Planck YS001 armored transport spacecraft, and under the strict of ten Wraith fighters, slowly lifted into the air, and began to enter the space and return to the orbit of Hope. Time.
Far from the ground base, on the other hemisphere of planet JNO.3, on one of the largest islands, another armored transport spacecraft named YS002 is carrying twenty people who have experienced two. The veteran of the Marines of the Second Human and Insect Fight landed on the ground at the predetermined location on time.
"Quick, quick! Everyone, run!"
As soon as the cabin door of the transport spacecraft was opened, these marines ran and stepped onto the ground of the island under the command of a captain in the lead.
When the armored transport spacecraft ran out of the open hatches after all the marines ran out, it quickly lifted into the air and flew directly above the sky.
"Wish you guys good luck!"
As the spacecraft flew away, the voice of the captain of the transport ship came from the channel of the Marines.
When the Marines perform their missions, they will be ordered to hover above the sky.
In this battle plan, its spacecraft will be used as an aerial platform at high altitude to help the Marines monitor the ground and surrounding areas of the island underneath. If necessary, it can use the multi-tube installed on its belly. Electromagnetic guns provide necessary air fire support.
After waiting four hours, after the Marines completed their reconnaissance mission as expected, it would land and pick them up from here.
"Call the base command center! This is the captain of the third squad of the Marine Corps, number 031! We have now successfully landed and reached the predetermined position! The surrounding vision is very low, and it is still dark here. We are currently above the ground and have not found Any special circumstances, please indicate!"
This group of twenty-member Marines, after the armored transport spacecraft left, quickly occupied a small defensive highland, and dispersed to keep alert.
At this time, a Marine Captain with 031 on his chest armor opened the night vision equipment of his armored power suit. From his green interface, it was easy to see the surrounding situation.
After scanning the surrounding situation, he quickly began to follow the process and contact the ground base command center on the other side of the planet through satellites, which was in the daylight state.
"This is the ground command center. We have seen your situation! Now that the signal is good, you can go on the reconnaissance mission. The target is within the mountain valley northwest of you, about five kilometers away from your straight line position, please Pay attention to the surrounding environment and maintain communication!"
At this moment, Commander Doug of the ground command center was not here, she was seeing Captain Leona off at the base's No. 1 barracks.
Therefore, only one liaison adjutant is responsible for coordinating the liaison and command of the twenty Marine Scouts.
Three days ago, after large-scale worms dug holes that night and tried to sneak attacks, the human side once again carried out a deeper scan and investigation of the entire planet.
Afterwards, did they really find a natural fissure that seemed to be the entrance of an underground cave in the largest mountainous canyon on the other side of the planet, and the satellite could also faintly find that there seemed to be bugs' life signals?
Because of this, the base dispatched an armored transport spacecraft carrying twenty Marine Corps veterans this time to try to penetrate deep into the canyon rift to investigate further.
"031 received! Now, we are ready to go, please provide us with the necessary navigation and satellite scanning support!"
After receiving the reply from the base command center, the captain numbered 031 immediately waved his hand to let the twenty Marines around him join him to form a combat reconnaissance formation.
"Quick! Get started!"
After finishing speaking, he took the lead to run towards the northwest side of the mountain, trotting and running.
At the same time, the adjutant of the base command center also granted him permission to use satellites, and a holographic topographic map appeared next to his radar interface.
That is the real-time observation picture of the geostationary satellite in space. Once there are bugs around, it can provide them with necessary warning.
"Everyone, hurry up and run! Pay attention, stay alert at all times!"
Looking at the topographic map, it seems that within a few kilometers of the people, there is no trace of insect activity. 031 waved his hand suddenly and ran forward quickly, while also paying attention to the radar in his helmet interface. And satellite real-time observation screen.
When he took this task, he knew that this task was very dangerous, and if he was careless, it might be the end of the entire army!
But at the same time, the reward for this task is also great!
Once they successfully complete this task, the next military rank promotion ceremony will definitely have a share of them!
"Quick! Adjust your breathing and pace, follow up! At the same time, pay attention to the surrounding situation!"
While running, Captain 031 also shared the topographic maps detected by the satellites in his holographic interface to everyone's interface.
Here, there used to be the life signals of insects, so he dare not be too careless!
Because once they are accidentally surrounded by a large-scale insect swarm, they are probably not even able to run!
Especially the kind of Hydralisk whose effective shooting distance is almost equal to the electromagnetic rifle in their hands!
Once dozens of that kind of monsters appeared, in the face of face-to-face encounters, their twenty Marines would definitely not be able to beat each other!
The instantaneous bursts of their terrifying bone spurs are obviously far more terrifying than their electromagnetic rifles!
Thinking of the instantaneously overwhelming bone spurs that could fly over from a distance of three to four hundred meters and still wear steel armor on the weak parts of the armored power suit nearly 20 to 30 millimeters thick, he felt a wave of fear...
Although, those bone spurs are actually not very good, and they certainly don't have the electromagnetic rifle in the hands of people like themselves.
However, there are so many bone spurs that cannot withstand other insects...
Even if there are only one or two Hydralisks, when they shoot fiercely, they can instantly nail a Marine into a hedgehog!
What's more terrible is that the bone spurs on their insects are actually poisonous...
"Hurry up, everyone follow up!"
After the 031 captain turned his head back and urged a few lagging players, he continued to rush forward.
In this way, twenty Marines, with their night vision equipment turned on, drove quietly.
They didn’t even turn on the searchlights on their helmets and armored chests to prevent them from being spotted by the bugs. On this land in the dark, they could only hear the rustling of steel armor boots when they stepped on the gravel. The sound of footsteps echoed.
They now need to quickly pass through this unshielded gravel belt, then climb the high rocky peak along the ridge, and finally find a way to enter the cracked canyon to see if there is any success. Large-scale alien bugs, or bugs' nests?

After bidding farewell to the boss of the Hope, Captain Leona and his party.
At this time, within the official game platform of Hope, Annie, Galen, Dreyus, and the other eighteen members of the two Marine Corps teams were using her own rank and authority to order Zhi Brain Dawn to give She developed a new map inside.
Here, it seems to be a magnificent but a bit tattered white rock city in medieval style.
Actually, this is the city of Stratholme before Little Annie was fooling around on Azeroth, before she launched the final battle of the Battle of Stratholme!
That's right! Here, directly based on her original memory, after manifesting it with magic, and then using the powerful logical calculation ability of Zhibrain Dawn to forcibly scan and restore the one that was captured by their flame kingdom and occupied by the undead. Stratholme City!
With the powerful functions of Dawn’s Brain, this place is exactly the same as Stratholme before Little Annie’s attack, except that there is no flame army surrounded by her!
Like the original Stratholme, there are also countless undead entrenched in this huge city.
For example: those undead acolytes, skeletons (skeleton archers), zombies, ghouls, abominations, necromancers, meat grinders, gargoyles, a small number of death knights, and even the one who was beheaded by a starless elite fire demon The dreadlord Varimathras, he also stayed in this city just as well!
Of course, they are just a bunch of holographic game data simulated by Xiao Anni based on her memory and settings, and then using the wisdom brain dawn.
"Hey! Little Annie, what exactly is this place? Is it an alien planet? Or, is it your hometown? It's just that, it looks a bit backward..."
When the twenty Marines entered their simulation warehouses and appeared behind the moat bridge of the city with Colonel Annie, the Lieutenant Captain Galen asked with a little doubt.
This time, these twenty people came into the game together, just to participate in the so-called melee special training that Xiao Anni gave them.
However, when Galen discovered that this map was a huge medieval city, he was a little confused.
Said a good melee special training? How did you come to such a place?
Since it's teaching melee abilities, shouldn't it be to go to a room set up with various cold weapons, and then get a martial arts teacher? Why now, come to such an inexplicable place? What use is this for training melee?
"Oh, let me go! My mother! What a big city, what a beautiful planet! Little Annie, where is this planet? I think it's suitable for our humans to live in!"
Contrary to Galen's thoughts, after sighing, Dreyus immediately inquired about the planet where the map was located.
Look, this is another mountain, another city, and a place with lake water, blue sky and white clouds. This is obviously a livable planet...
If the distance is not too far, perhaps, they hope that the number can be folded over to see if they can lay a piece of land and settle down?
"Yes! Little Annie, what's the matter with this planet? Where is it?"
After hearing Dreyus' words, Galen also reacted, and immediately asked little Annie who was standing in front of the city gate bridge.
If it is really possible, he also hopes that the more than 130,000 people of Hope can begin to truly settle down on this planet that is obviously suitable for human habitation.
After all, this is better than running around in the universe like a headless fly, looking for a needle in a haystack, looking for a habitable planet, right?
"This is the planet of Azeroth, in another world, not in this universe!"
Hearing that the other party wanted to settle on such a dangerous planet, even the fearless little Annie was a little bit frightened by their bold ideas.
Little Annie herself knew how dangerous this planet was.
In the world of Azeroth, those innumerable mighties, always play with tearing the planet or something...
If Hope, the tens of thousands of weak human beings in the past, in addition to relying on advanced weapons and technology to slightly oppress those low-level existences, once they encounter those strong heroes with extraordinary powers, it will be a little bit Not enough!
"And... you have to listen to me. If you really come across a planet called Azeroth one day, you'd better stay away from it!"
Think about the hope here, apart from advanced technology, personal strength is simply useless!
Little Annie can imagine that once they run to Azeroth, they will come to a few wizards or assassins at will. If they are not directly facing, they will be able to make them feel restless, right?
Still want to settle? The territory on the planet of Azeroth has long been divided up!
In the Eastern Kingdom, the Northern Continent has been occupied by Little Annie’s own Flame Alliance. If anyone dares to reach out indiscriminately, even if the high elves and fire elements don’t make a move, they are guaranteed to be beaten by the hammers of those paladins and dwarves. Full of bags!
As for the southern continent, it is even more chaotic. Here are the new Stormwind Alliance of the Kingdom of Stormwind, as well as goblins, trolls, black dragon princes, and the King of Balrog? Wait for all kinds of weird things to live together, if anyone casually occupies a site, it is estimated that he will not know how to die!
Let alone Kalimdor!
Isn't the Burning Legion great? Is the technology advanced enough? The humanoid demon energy is as high as that of others! However, this has really convinced the existence of countless worlds, and they have all been shot out on Kalimdor's side! Chief Ke, one of the big bosses, is dead!
The tribe’s orcs, minotaurs, wild boars, etc., are fighting another kind of green-headed elves with long ears and humans. They are fighting hard for the problem of the site. Who dares to intervene indiscriminately will be sure to suffer. beat!
"Why? In my opinion, this planet is pretty good! Look, I think it is indeed suitable for human survival!"
After speaking, Delius started to look around without believing in evil.
Although this ancient city looks a little shabby, and the surrounding forests look a little sick, they can all be transformed!
He believes that with their SCV construction vehicles with strong construction capabilities on the Hope, as long as the resources are sufficient, they can build a magnificent interstellar steel city out of thin air within half a year!
"Why? Okay... Then don't train now, I'll give you some experience first! Aunt Shuguang, give them a full set of Marine Corps equipment."
Seeing Dreyus, the man, didn't give up, after blinking slyly, Little Annie snapped her fingers directly, summoning Dawn Brain.
In any case, you have to let these twenty idiots experience the power of close combat, right? They must have a deep understanding of the difference between the high magic world and the technological world!
"Okay, the Marines' equipment is finished!"
In the next moment, the twenty men and women in plain clothes who were originally standing in front of Annie were under the control of Shuguang Zhinao. In this game map, they swiped the ground and gave them all. Twenty men were put on the Marine Corps CMC-300/400 armored power combat uniforms and electromagnetic rifles for combat.
"Uh...Little Annie, what do you want to do?"
With a click, after Galen subconsciously loaded the C-15 electromagnetic rifle that suddenly appeared in his hand, he asked inexplicably.
Didn't it have been said before, will we have special melee training later?
Why now suddenly Zhinao Dawn put on armored powered combat uniforms and electromagnetic rifles for everyone? What is going on?
"It's nothing, just want to give you a little experience: in the magical world, the horror of the melee monsters! Are you ready? I want to open the blame? If you scare your pants, don't blame me!"
Little Annie began to float and said, pointing to the closed gate of Stratholme.
Then, after she asked Suguang to give herself the authority to manipulate the map, she looked at the gate with a thief, and flew up while floating, looking down at the twenty below who were already equipped with equipment. Armed Marines.
She has now decided: Before conducting special melee combat training, we must first let this guy take a good look at the terrifying aspects of melee monsters under extraordinary power!
"Hahaha! Little Annie, you look down on us too much, just let us go, how could we be afraid?"
"Everyone is ready, the battle formation is scattered! Weapons are loaded! Target: the gate!"
Click! Click!
There was a burst of sound of weapon loading.
After hearing that Little Annie was planning to test the combat effectiveness of her veterans first, Delius laughed arrogantly.
Then, he immediately yelled, dispersing all the Marines, stood facing the gates of Stratholme, and at the same time pointed the muzzles of their 8mm electromagnetic rifles at the gates. Direction.
"Oh? So, I'm going to drive the monster now?!"
Seeing everyone underneath seemed to be ready, Little Annie smiled and snapped her fingers in the direction of the city.
Afterwards, Stratholme's heavy, huge gate made of metal and logs, after Little Annie ordered it with the game's authority, finally began to slowly open, and there was a burst of unpleasant grating.
Roar! ! !
When the city gate just opened, there was a sudden roar of monsters inside the city gate.
Then, something horrified by the twenty Marines, Galen and Dreyus, appeared: Inside, a huge one appeared out of it, basically the size of the city gate, and even the intestines were exposed outside the belly. A hideous monster?
It still has three arms? Holding chains, hooks, and huge bone cleavers? Its Roshan-like body seems to be patched up by pieces of meat? How could there be such a monster with spicy eyes?
And it's more than that!
Behind this huge monster, there was also a large group of humanoid monsters with sharp hooks and teeth that were more than one meter tall and walked on all fours. What the is this again? Fantasy of little girls?
Roar! ! !
After another roar, the huge monster in the head took the lead and rushed towards the Marines on the side of the city gate.
"Go on, fire on!!!"
After everyone froze for a while, Galen took the lead to give the order.
He felt that, for the time being, regardless of what kind of monsters these were, why did Little Annie make these weird things for them in this game map? However, since the opponent has already roared and rushed over, let's fight first!
Anyway, even more terrifying, even bigger bugs, they have already seen, how can they be afraid of this kind of fragile target with no armor?
Da Da Da... Da Da Da! ! !
Galen’s order had just been issued, and the electromagnetic rifles in the hands of twenty Marines opened fire one after another. Under the frantic blast of twenty electromagnetic rifles, those metal storm-like nail bullets were directed towards the slaves. The monsters rushing out from the city gate shot away.
Da da da……
Galen and Dreyus's two direct teams can be described as veterans of a hundred battles!
After experiencing two battles, they not only have extremely high psychological quality and stable fighting mood, but also their marksmanship is accurate and ruthless!
Soon, the piercing bullets they shot hit most of the monsters rushing over in an instant.
puff! puff! puff!
The sound of countless bullets submerged, especially from the body of the Roshan-like monster or the fat smooth and hideous head, instantly exploded countless bowls the size of the mouth, which looked very miserable.
And those small human-like monsters that run on all fours are even more unbearable. They have been broken by the piercing bullets of electromagnetic rifles, and some have even been directly blown up. It became a pile of broken limbs.
"Quick! Increase the firepower! Dreyus, your team concentrates the firepower and kills the big one first! The others, follow me to suppress the small ones!"
When the monsters rushed out of the city gate and had already reached half the distance of the stone bridge of the city gate, Galen finally realized that something was wrong!
First of all, he discovered that the huge, hideous creature, like a monster with piles of meat piled up and patched up, has been beaten to pieces by countless guns, the surface of the body, and the exposed intestines, but it is actually Still rushing at high speed?
what's the problem? Can't beat it yet? impossible?
Moreover, its body didn't even shed too much blood?
If the black and red liquid and the green liquid from the intestines are blood...
Secondly, those small humanoid monsters, although they are not very powerful, many of them were beaten to pieces by their weapons...
However, not only are they in large numbers, but what is even more terrifying is: as long as they are not smashed to the head, even if only one leg or one arm is left, they still scream and want to crawl over?
Da da da! ! !
While Galen opened the fire violently, he was also puzzled!
It does not understand, these monsters, what is going on with them? Where is this unscientific creature?
Do they have no fear, no pain? Even the bugs that they fought two battles before, are they not so outrageous?
Although the number of those bugs is also a lot, but they will also be injured, but also will be wailing and fear!
But now, these monsters that are painless, are not afraid of death, even if half of their body is smashed, and are still charging up at high speed regardless of the monsters, is this obviously a foul?
This must be the game data that Little Annie changed randomly, right? How could there be such an outrageous creature? This is unscientific!
Finally, when the monsters rushed to this side of the bridge, the human screams sounded for the first time.
Not far away, the ten Marines of the Dreyus team were constantly shooting at the huge Roshan monster. Up to now, they have all exposed the green in their belly. The intestines and a smaller arm are all broken!
But it still rushed up with countless spikes and bullets, and with a wave of the hook on its huge arm, it severely smashed the three evasive Marines into a pile of tatters!
After that, it continued to wield the huge bone cleaver in its hand, and directly chopped Dreyus, who was trying to change the magazine, in half in astonishment!
Then, it even quickly charged to the side of the remaining Marines. After stomping on the ground, all of them were blown up by the inexplicable green energy that exploded. The pile of feelings fits the fragments of flesh and blood...
How can this be?
Looking at the other side, the Dreyus team that had been declared annihilated, Galen was a bit stunned.
Then, at this moment, their cobra team finally couldn't withstand the charge of those monsters who were not afraid of were all pounced on by the humanoid monsters that run on four legs. After three or five strokes, they were dismembered or thrust into the helmet by sharp claws...
"Hehe! Look, it's all gone, right?"
Above the sky, Little Annie was floating high in the sky, watching the two teams of Galen and Dreyus who were destroyed by a group of ghouls and a huge abomination group, and then laughed heartlessly. .
Twenty heavily armed Marines still occupy favorable terrain. They are still easily broken through the narrow bridgehead by a medium-sized abomination and hundreds of ghouls. At this time, they probably wouldn't dare to look down upon it. Isn't it a magic world?
You know, this is only the lowest-level ghoul and hatred in the world of Azeroth, and Little Annie has not released other high-level existences!
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