Chapter 245: Haven Star (10)

The speed of the battle on the ground of Haven Star is really dizzying, and the situation between the two sides has reversed, and it is too fast and too alarming, so that the star spirits in space fell into a short silence and In a sluggish state...
Originally, when I just saw that the two high-ranking Templars who were about to come into contact violated the retreat order, forcibly merged and burned their souls, and successfully transformed into a powerful Protoss Archon, they paid attention to the ground conditions. The celestial spirits, in the situation of surprise and shock, they can only sigh and grieve for the heroic behavior of the two templars who sacrificed themselves. After all, once the soul is burned, they will never be able to return to Kara's embrace.
However, they still secretly applauded the fusion of the ruling faculty who instantly defeated the invincible human marines.
They felt that the two brave templars, they sacrificed for the noble honor of the templar, everything they did was worth it!
Otherwise, those humans really think that their Protoss clan is easy to bully?
However, seeing that the Protoss Archon had already defeated his opponent with unrivaled momentum, and was about to wipe out all the enemies, a little girl suddenly passed by in that colonial gathering place? Is that the supreme head of the state of heroes?
What makes the Protoss wonder: When did their human beings master the technology of individual biological transmission? And it's still unprotected teleportation while wearing casual clothes, this core technology that only Protoss can use?
Then, the following things became even more unacceptable for the Protoss...
The little human girl who teleported down. Not only did she save the Marines who were about to be wiped out, she also released a powerful and terrifying giant flame bear, which pressed the mighty Protoss Archon to his head in three or two. The ground was beaten for a long time.
What made the star spirits watching the battle in space even more startled the eyeballs: when the archon activated the energy core to explode, triggering the phantom energy singularity and preparing to die together, it could easily suppress and extinguish it. The unstable singularity that claims to annihilate everything?
The stars couldn't understand, what kind of existence was that bear? Is it some kind of mysterious cosmic creature? Or is it a new human technology? Is it the same as the human marines with strange energy?
If you say, it will only grow bigger and exude a terrifying flame of teddy bear, and the little girl who can use a shield to resist the archon’s lightning energy attack, can also be attributed to the other party’s mysterious technology and strong phantom energy level. ...
Then, the other party's next action, the little girl reached out and grabbed it, and directly interrupted all the energy supply of their Protoss's Purifier spacecraft. Then what happened? !
At that time, what did the little girl do to the Purifier the moment she reached out? !
If it weren’t for the extremely sensitive celestial spirits of the team to detect the strong energy response of the little girl at the time, and that the huge fleet above the opponent’s space did not attack at all, they would almost think that humans had used something The latest technological weapons...
"Your Excellency Serendith Executive...what should we do now?"
In an instant, the situation took a turn for the worse...
After the ruling power statue fused by the two templars was easily defeated, and the Purifier spacecraft sent by the Protoss to thoroughly purify the infected humans also crashed inexplicably, the Protoss was already a little bit at a loss. Taken...
Now, whether it is the size of the fleet in space, or the comparison of forces on the ground, their Protoss are already at an absolute disadvantage!
And the Purifier spacecraft, which was originally believed to be invulnerable and invulnerable, has now been crashed by the other party. Their Protoss, at this moment, no longer has any capital to fight against these humans!
They immediately called for support, calling the main force of the Golden Fleet from homeland to support?
However, if they have to do that, their Protoss is likely to cause a full-scale conflict with the human world and the ever-growing human camp!
If things really develop to such a bad level, all the Protoss present at this time will probably become sinners of the Protoss clan...
Therefore, at this moment, this communications officer can only wait eagerly for the decision of Executive Officer Thrandis.
"Finally, send my order: Let all the Protoss troops on Haiwen star withdraw immediately, and at the same time, send all our buildings back!"
The situation on Haven is already very clear!
Whether it is a battle between the lowest infantry soldiers or the battle between the top starships, those humans have won a complete victory!
And their Protoss now has no hole cards that could turn over, and there is no need to continue to consume them here!
This Haiwen star is not the traditional sphere of influence of the Protoss. It is just a resource-poor agricultural planet. Apart from being livable and developing agriculture, it has no use at all!
However, as far as the current human or Protoss level of technology is concerned, there are really too many options for developing and obtaining food. Whether it is building an agricultural ecological garden or synthetic organics, it is more recent to this remote planet to develop agriculture Too much cost-effective, so it is not necessary to find a suitable agricultural planet.
Besides, no merchant would spend expensive transportation costs and send a large interstellar spacecraft to a remote agricultural planet to transport agricultural products. This is an extremely stupid behavior!
It is precisely because of this that this Star of Haiwen can stay well outside the boundary of the Protoss' sphere of influence, and for such a long period of time, no power wants to look at it more.
If it weren’t for such a group of humans on this planet, or if they happened to be infected with the Zerg virus, and Serendis was a little worried that the bugs would use this planet as a springboard to attack the territory of their Protoss, I am afraid she would not choose to come here to be nosy at this time, right?
"As for the humans on this planet who were infected by the Zerg virus..."
Cerandis pondered for a moment, and thought about it seriously. She felt that this mess should be cleaned up by herself first?
"Just let them fend for themselves..."
Didn’t they still keep saying: They have a way to develop an antidote to this zerg virus infection?
Then, Serendis had to take a good look at them. How did their humans cure this terrible mutant virus?
Anyway, she doesn't really believe that humans' superficial biotechnology can be higher than their Protoss. Even their Protoss can't solve things that humans can solve?
If they fail, she will lead her fleet to come here again by then.
Presumably, by that time, this Haiwen star who has been completely destroyed by the virus, no one will stop her again, right? Then, she directly used the planetary cannons of the Golden Fleet to bombard the planet from space, allowing the flames to completely purify it and destroy all the infected creatures on the Haven star!
"Yes! Executive Officer!"
After Serandius gave the order, on this mothership, many Protoss officers at many positions began to get busy.
"The order has been successfully issued! Our troops are retreating in an orderly manner, and various buildings have begun to return. What instructions do you have?"
After hearing the command from the executive officer of Thrandis, the Protoss communications officer was relieved and quickly completed his command.
When he found that the executive officer behind him had not turned and left, he asked again.
"Jim Reynolds who connects me to humans..."
Now that he has decided to retreat, Serendis still hopes to have a good greeting with Jim Reynolds, who is a human ranger force.
After all, the other party can be regarded as having a wide range of friendships, and they also have many contacts with the high-level of the Protoss, and there may be more opportunities for contact and cooperation in the future. There is no need to cause the relationship between the Zerg virus and Haiwenxing. Too stiff.
Not only humans know the truth of being a human being and staying on the sidelines and meeting each other in the future!
Their Protoss, over the years, after the fall of their home planet, they have gradually begun to focus on diplomatic relations with other races, and they are not as stubbornly closed as they used to be on the home planet El.
Of course, she only intends to contact Renault a little bit. As for the heroic company who just slapped their Protoss in the face and ruined a spaceship of the Purifier, she was not in the mood to greet him. !
"Sir! I can be happy to inform you: the Protoss troops are now retreating in an orderly manner, and we have won another victory!"
When Renault, who was in a group of Viking fighter planes, was shocked by the little girl's magical ability and wondered secretly, his communication interface suddenly sent a communication signal from the captain on the Huberian.
That was when Matt discovered that all the bases and troops of the Protoss had begun to retreat in an orderly manner. Matt immediately notified their Chief Renault to remind the other party that they no longer need to attack the remaining bases of the Protoss and destroy them. The energy supply hub is now.
"I've seen it just now, is there anything else for you? Matt?"
After cooperating and partnering for many years, Renault could see from the expression of Matt in the communication screen that the other party seemed to have something to report.
Therefore, after ordering his Viking fighter formation to closely monitor the retreat of the Protoss, he signaled Matt to finish the rest of the matter quickly.
"That's right, the Protoss' High-ranking Serendis executive is going to talk to you, do you want to pick it up now?"
Matt first turned his head and looked at the leader of the Protoss in another communication interface next to him, before asking Renault seriously.
The detachment of the Protoss Golden Fleet, which had just been invincible, was now forced by their humans to prepare to evacuate Haiwen Star. Matt still felt very happy in his heart.
Opportunities like this kind of face-smashing Protoss are rare, let alone participate in it!
"Oh? Executive Thrandis? Well, you can take it."
After a little stunned, Renault, who could guess what the Protoss might say, took out a cigarette and waved his hand indifferently to Matt in the communication.
"Jim Reynolds, obviously, you humans won this time..."
"But, I think you should also know the horror of the Zerg virus? Therefore, I hope that your trust in them can be effectively proved! Otherwise, once the virus spreads on this planet, we, the Protoss I will come back!"
After a pause, seeing that the other party still had that indifferent look and was still smoking the so-called human cigarettes rudely, Cerandis endured his anger and continued:
"When the time comes, you won't have any excuses to stop us again?!"
Thrandis knew very well that the time it takes for the Zerg virus from infection to mutation outbreak is actually not too long.
If these stupid humans cannot completely cure the virus, she may only need to wait patiently for two or three months before she can come back here again, and at the same time use the planetary cannon of their golden fleet to completely destroy the star that made them. A planet of shame!
"Thank you very much for your advice, Cerandis!"
Renault took a deep breath, still with that indifferent relaxed look on his face, only when he saw that the Protoss on the opposite side was a little impatient, he breathed out a puff of smoke, and said with a light smile:
"I think I can trust our Dr. Han Sen!"
"I believe that she will be able to find a cure for the virus! Of course, if she really fails, wouldn't you just be able to come here again and vent your anger at the failure of this operation? You see, this can be. What a great idea!"
Staring at the opponent's eyes with blue and white phantom energy, Renault continued to tease in a tepid tone.
This is the mother protagonist who doesn't give face to himself, and Renault doesn't look down on him much.
Had it not been for these new human forces to intervene this time, he felt that he himself should be able to easily destroy those Protoss hubs and shoot down the Purifier with the formation of Viking fighters with amphibious combat capabilities. Spaceship, right?
Seeing this attitude of the other party, she was so embarrassed that Serandice finally reached out directly, slapped her to shut off the communication, and then ordered her fleet to start to leap and prepare to leave the orbit of this Star of Haven.
At this moment, apart from the high mountains and ridges of Haven, the crashed ship broke the hull, and the crew inside was teleported into the empty Purifier, which was considered a complete wreck. On this star, it was There is no longer any living Protoss or Protoss energy building.
In the blink of an eye, the protoss with superb teleportation capabilities were completely withdrawn...
"Sir, what shall we do now?"
Seeing that the Protoss had been cut off from communication by his own officer and all leaped back and retreated, Matt asked again.
Now things here, seems to be over?
So, Jim Reynolds, who was thinking about what he was thinking about, the highest officer and leader of their Ranger forces, it was time to prepare to issue new orders.
"What else? Talk to the newcomer, and then we should almost retreat!"
Having been here for such a long time, without any benefit, his original journey of finding the artifact seems to have been delayed a lot, and it is time to leave.
Besides, he himself is still the most wanted criminal in the Tyrann Empire, but the old Mengsk wants to catch him all the time, he can't stay in such a place for too long!
In case, if you get bitten by those imperial doglegs smelling the trail, it would not be too fun.
Therefore, he hurriedly asked Matt to help him contact the opponent's fleet's flagship, intending to have a relationship with the opponent's high-level, and be familiar with each other, maybe there will be some time in the future?
"Hi! Hello, newcomers, thank you for everything you have done for Haiwenxing! I think Dr. Hansen and her Agria people will be very grateful to you!"
While continuing to swallow the clouds and mist, Renault squinted his eyes and looked at the young female officer who appeared in the video communication screen.
Renault always felt that this new force was full of weirdness!
They not only have a group of powerful Marines who can fight melee against the Protoss fanatics without fear, but also a head of state who is an outrageous little girl?
Where did these guys come from? !
"There is no need to be grateful. From now on, this planet will be the administrative star of our company of heroes, so this is what we should do! We welcome your refugees to settle on this planet and become our country Legal citizen!"
"Of course, if they don't want to, we can send a fleet to them away safely."
Knowing what the other party seemed to be making, Doug replied unceremoniously.
At the same time, she reiterated one point again: This star of Haven has already been looked at by people like them and now belongs to their company of heroes.
In any case, they must occupy this habitable planet, and it is absolutely impossible for the other party to persuade them to leave with a few words!
"So...then I don't understand. Near the Kepru region, there are more good planets and livable planets. Why are you looking at this remote agricultural planet?"
This is really what Renault is puzzled by. He doesn't understand what is good about this planet.
"I used to have a good buddy, his name is Mengsk, he is the most kind, and he has a lot of livable planets! Maybe you can send the fleet to borrow one or two colonial stars?"
"You may not know that the energy source on this Star of Haiwen is beyond your imagination!"
After all, this is the planet where Dr. Han Sen's people intend to settle, so Renault still intends to help that beauty student do a good job.
He hopes that, after he tells the disadvantages of this agricultural planet that birds don’t shit, these newly emerged human forces can make this so-called heroic company retreat and find another one that is more suitable for them. Planet? Or, just go and grab a colonial star in the territory of Mengsk's Tyranian Empire? Then fight with the Imperial Army?
Rather than occupying this place arbitrarily like the present dominance of the guests, it will bring more factors of instability to the Aglia people who have experienced many disasters and long for peace and stability!
"I'm sorry, we don't lack energy now! So, we understand your kindness."
In the eyes of Doug, who is not familiar with the Kepulu region for the time being, this remote, energy-poor agricultural planet that no one can appreciate, but it just fits their current state.
In their huge fleet of Hope, the most indispensable now is precisely those energy sources!
You know, when they were on planet jno.3, they dug for more than two months of energy day and night! Now, whether it is the huge warehouses of the Nozomi, or the storage rooms of various ships and buildings, they are all piled up with the high-energy crystals and high-energy gas they collected, enough for them to spend hundreds of thousands of years. of!
So, if the one on the other side is called Jim Reynolds, and he wants to trick them out of this place under the botched excuse of poor energy, then he is very wrong!
"Oh? I listen to you, you don't seem to lack energy at all?!"
Sergeant Lei, who caught some important information from the other party's words, suddenly became energetic, quickly raised his tone, and asked questioningly.
Renault doesn't know if others lack energy, but his Huberian and his Ranger forces, under the empire's years of siege and siege, are extremely short of energy and other materials.
Of course, funds are also very scarce, very scarce!
If there is money, no matter how restricted Mengsk's empire is, no matter how siege they are, there will always be people who want money and life to smuggle them all kinds of scarce supplies.
"Huh! What about lacking? How about not lacking? What do you want to do?!"
Hearing that the other party seemed to want to use the energy reserves of his own side, Doug directly cold his face.
Although, they do have a lot of energy, too much energy beyond each other's imagination!
However, she, Doug, would not be stupid, and she would casually announce her family status and give it out generously.
This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!
You know, their current energy, but countless soldiers who died on planet jno.3 exchanged their lives for their lives, how could they be sent out casually?
Even if she Doug has this authority, she would never do that!
"Ahem... don't worry, madam! Trust me, we won't want your energy for nothing!"
Seeing that the other party's face was not good-looking, when Renault was about to haha ​​to comfort him, he accidentally choked on his cigarette.
He can see it now: The other party really seems to have a lot of energy? Presumably, you should be able to exchange a little bit with yourself?
"On my Huberian, there are many new technologies and some interesting weapon manufacturing drawings. I think if you plan to settle in this dangerous star field, you will be interested?"
After seeing a look of surprise and movement on the other party's face, Renault hurriedly continued to say:
"How about? Later, I will ask my technical officer to make a list and let you pick some?"
"Don't worry, the price must be fair! Whether it is Reaper, Marauder, Medical Machine, Nightingale, Banshee, Viking, or even our Huberian related technology, we can exchange it with you! Of course! , We don’t want your money, as long as you can provide enough energy..."
Anyway, these are semi-public things. Except for the more sensitive things on the Huberian, even if Renault doesn’t sell them now, in the future, their forces can also get from those on Haven. Easily available in colonies or on the black market.
So, now taking advantage of this group of newcomers, Renault is certainly going to make a fortune!
If the other party gives enough money and sincerity enough, even if it is all the manufacturing drawings of his Huberian, wouldn't it be impossible to copy the other party?
Anyway, this thing is also available in the Mengsk Empire, and it is not a rare item, but it has some requirements for manufacturing capabilities.
Renault, who sells Yetian as a cub, will never feel the slightest guilt when he sells these things that originally belonged to Mengsk!
Can there be such a good thing?
Doug didn't speak, but stared at him with a dubious gaze.
She still couldn't believe it, that these talents like herself had just arrived in this star field, and there was this kind of business that was sent to the door in a hurry?
Is it possible to exchange sensitive military equipment information and technology with only energy? This man, what is his background? Isn't it here to fool yourself or want to cheat energy?
"Madam, please be sure to believe me! In the entire Kepulu zone, you will definitely find no one who is more willing to shoot these military technologies cheaper than me!"
Seeing that the other party didn't seem to believe in himself, Renault could only helplessly explain.
It seems that this group of people are indeed newcomers, and they don't know the name of Sergeant Lei in the Kepulu zone. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so suspicious, right?
"He's right! Because he Renault is the most wanted criminal in the entire Tyronn Empire! Except for him, in a short period of time, there really is no one who dares to easily use these sensitive technologies to you!"
At this time, Dr. Han Sen suddenly inserted into the communication between the two parties, and after a little sarcasm about Renault, he also helped each other.
As long as the female officer on the opposite side knows the identity of Renault, there will definitely not be too many doubts, right?
After all, besides the wanted criminals in a country, who else can do such an unlimited thing? In a short period of time, they really couldn't find a more suitable trading partner than Renault.
At this time, whether it is the Protoss or Mengsk's Tyranian Empire, if you casually come to your door and say you want to buy military technology, do you think people care about you? !
"Well... you can make a list for us later. I believe that our technical officer will evaluate the military technical information! At that time, if it is what we need, we will definitely give you one Satisfactory price!"
Now, the Wise Brain Dawn of Hope is still constantly receiving and analyzing various news signals and other military or civilian information in the Kepru region. From them, they have indeed obtained a lot of useful information, but they have not yet Finished up.
Moreover, Shuguang just listed a Renault information column on the side. The text on it reminded her that Shuguang learned from various news and intelligence information: the middle-aged man with a beard on the road opposite, and him The ranger forces of Kepulu are indeed the most wanted criminal of the Tyronn Empire, the largest human force in the Kepulu region!
Even the optical image of the battleship Huberian in the distance matches the information of the warships on the wanted list.
If you think about it this way, Doug feels that the idea of ​​selling technology for energy that the other party said should be really sincere?
"Haha! Then, first wish us a happy cooperation?"
After seeing that he inadvertently used some useless gadgets and drawings of military equipment, and at no cost, he was about to get the energy they needed urgently, and Renault smiled triumphantly.
Anyway, all the drawings of the military equipment in his Renault Huberian were obtained from the old Tyrannian Federation and the new Mengsk Empire. He didn't feel distressed at all when he sold it!
Besides, the counterparty he is dealing with is also a human force, not a protoss or a bug, so Renault has no psychological burden at all! If he doesn't sell it, others will sell it too, so it's better to cheaper yourself!
As for these people, after buying the technology, will it be detrimental to Mengsk's Tyranian Empire? Then it doesn't matter to him Renault!
After all, even Renault himself is still doing his job against Mengsk's dictatorship!
So, if these new forces can really block Mengsk, so that the other party can spend less time on himself, then he will be happy and it is too late!
"Happy cooperation..."
For some reason, Doug always felt that there seemed to be traces of trickery on the other's face?
Therefore, she decided that later, she must let the military technical officers strictly examine the information they sent, and prevent the other party from using shoddy or adulterated small methods!
"Everyone of the heroic company, and Jim, thank you for what you have done for the people of Agria today. It was you who defeated the Protoss in time to save my people. Thank you very much!"
After seeing Renault and the officer of the heroic company negotiated a Ariel expressed her gratitude with gratitude.
"Also, Jim, I have successfully developed an antidote now. If you can, you can land the Huberian on Haven. My people and I can help you carry out life supplies for free. Supplies!"
Today, not only successfully repelled the Protoss’ attack, but also developed an antidote against the Zerg virus in advance. Therefore, while happy, Ariel’s face has always exuded a strange temperament, making Renault Can't help but glance again.
"As for all the heroes, if you need it, we also welcome you to repair or settle on Haven."
In Dr. Ariel Hansen's opinion, this is as big as the Haven Star Ball. Whether it is the people of Agria or the fleet of heroes, it is more than enough to settle here, right?
As long as the other party's governance policy is not too radical, it would be a good choice for their Agria to rely on the other party's forces to guard against re-attacks by interstellar pirates or protoss that may come?
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