Chapter 244: Haven Star (9)

Galen and the remaining five remaining Marines quickly gathered together, each holding their Noxus Hand Tomahawk or Demacia's Great Sword of Justice, all panting slightly. Qi, and stared fiercely at the huge lightning energy giant in the distance.
They understand now that the thing in the distance should be the last two Protoss Templars just now. Under the dog jumped over the wall, what special method was used to merge and change it?
They don't believe it if they plan to launch another attack. Is the thing on the opposite side really invulnerable? !
If Galen didn't look away just now, just now, 018's life-threatening charge and slash seemed to have played a little role, right? Her battle axe, at that time, should have already dented the opponent's shield?
Therefore, Galen felt that if the remaining six of them rushed to attack with all their strength this time, they should have a great chance of breaking the other's shield, right?
If this doesn’t work, then they don’t know what to do...
At this point in the battle, with more than half of the casualties on the side and no other support for the time being, these people probably couldn't run if they wanted to.
Because, just now, even the armored transport ship No. 001 that dived from a high altitude and used a cannon to shoot at the enemy was almost blasted into the air by the opponent's lightning!
I don’t know whether that hapless new captain died after he forced the transport ship to drag the billowing smoke to the distant forest and knocked down a large row of big trees?
"Brothers, are you afraid?"
Now, Galen doesn’t know. At this moment, instead of giving the order to retreat, he chooses to continue the attack, right?
Therefore, he could only mobilize the only limited power of justice in his body while putting on a shield of courage that might be able to save everyone's life, and then asked with a decisive tone. .
Looking behind him, the man lying on his back on the ground with a tattered armored-powered combat suit and sparks from time to time, Dreyus, who was motionless, and who had just been hit by a punch into the house in the gathering place was dead. I don’t know No. 018. Think about the eight players who were dragged away by the four before he ordered them. I don’t know what happened to them.
"Fear of it! Kill it!!!"
"That's right! Break its shield and then chop it to pieces!!!"
"We have seen more hatred than it, and will we still be afraid of this?!"
Several of the Marine Corps members who were still intact started making noise, clutching their weapons, ready to rush to directly slash the energy giant made by the Protoss.
In the short time of a few rounds of confrontation, they could understand that the giant with huge lightning energy on the opposite side seemed to be not very powerful, and what the other side relied on was nothing more than that exaggerated huge shield!
Once people like yourself have a way to break the other's shield, isn't it the same as playing to kill it?
Don't think that energy creatures are amazing!
These people, what kind of existence have you never seen? Skeletons, zombies, banshees, abominations, necromancers, even liches, etc., they have all seen more exaggerated than the one in front of them!
If it weren't for the opponent's attacking routines, they would have taught him how to behave in minutes!
"Very good! Everyone should pay attention!"
Galen saw that the lightning monster on the opposite side was looking at his side, and after another lightning ball began to gather in his hand, he quickly reminded others.
"In a moment, after we dodge its attack, we will rush over at full speed and chop the soles of its feet together! We must break its shield!"
After looking at the opponent’s tall body, he felt that he was unlikely to cut his opponent’s head, so Galen had to step back and ask others to join him and besiege the vortex-like leg under the opponent’s feet. unit.
If the thing is the leg, let's assume that the position they will attack is the sole of the enemy's foot...
"Lightning Bolt!!!"
Just now, this consul condensed by two protoss self-sacrificing and burning their souls, it just beat all the enemies in twos and threes.
And now, the archon of the two protoss souls, surrounded by soul vortex and lightning energy and burning, saw the enemies gather again, still holding weapons, and did not give up the plan to attack him. After that, a group of lightning condensed again, and soon released another powerful chain of lightning, which swept directly toward the place where the guys of the human marines gathered.
Apart from the Lightning Bolt, it seems that there are not many attack methods for the Protoss ruling power statue.
However, even if it is just like this, it can be arrogant. The average person really has no way to use it.
"Quickly get out of the way!!!"
Seeing that the enemy was using this kind of trick again, when Galen reminded him loudly, without even thinking about it, he flew directly in the direction of his right hand.
This kind of terrifying high-energy lightning attack, if it is directly hit, it must be the end of the body being burned into coke and the armor being melted into molten iron!
Even if they are only affected by the aftermath of lightning, it can cause serious damage to their armored-powered combat uniforms! Part of the equipment is short-circuited, it is considered light, if it is serious, maybe all the equipment on the body is burned, and then they can only be trapped in the armor and can't move, leaving the enemy fish...
Just like before, the eight hapless guys who were swept in the first attack.
In case of bad luck, if the energy core of the armored power suit is directly detonated by high-intensity lightning, then, I am afraid... at least it will be a broken bone?
This kind of lightning attack by this energy lightning monster is too fast and too fast. Galen and the others, who are relatively clumsy, must not be able to dodge the speed as fast as the monster waved!
Therefore, even if everyone is facing the monster, even if they have been prepared to evade before, there are still two hapless Marines who are a little slower. Although they are not directly hit, they are still Was swept across the chain of lightning and was affected.
Then, the last six Marines who had just gathered, at this moment, were reduced by two again, and only the last four were left. By now, they probably have no possibility of defeating this terrible opponent...
Galen, who rushed to the ground in time, quickly got up for the first time, but was horrified to find that the enemy’s terrifying energy lightning bolt was swept out on the ground where they were just standing. A long scorched ravine, the ground, except for a shallow trench nearly half a meter deep, has also melted a large part of the sand and soil inside!
As for the Marines gathered by his side just now, except for three who stood up in embarrassment, the remaining two were convulsing and howling on the ground, unable to move.
Obviously, the armored-powered combat uniforms on them must have been damaged by lightning and temporarily lost their combat capabilities. Without the help of professional equipment, no one can easily pull them out of the armor. Made it!
Fortunately, this Haiwen star is a habitable planet suitable for human habitation and direct breathing.
Here, there are forests, seas, a thicker atmosphere, and a safe oxygen environment for humans to breathe directly. Therefore, even if the armor of the Marines has been damaged by lightning, or even the mask is blown up, but as long as the enemy stops attacking them, they don't have to worry about the danger of their lives.
Here, it will never be the same as at the time on JNO.3, as long as you accidentally expose to the outside environment and breathe for a while, you will be in danger of life.
Although this planet is very friendly to humans, the energy giant who just launched a terrifying lightning attack is obviously not going to let the human marines like Galen and the others...
"Hurry up! Take them out of here now!!"
Seeing that the giant protoss energy giant had just finished a lightning bolt with his right hand, and his left hand had begun to gather energy again, Galen could only sigh in his heart and blocked the two wounded in front of him and ordered the other three. Quickly take the two wounded away from here.
courage! ! !
Seeing the three still intact Marines, they obeyed the order and quickly set up the two immobile wounded and planned to retreat first, only then did Galen gritted his teeth and squeezed his Demacia Justice Sword and exhausted it The only power of justice in his body condensed a relatively solid golden shield on his body.
Staring at the larger and larger lightning ball in the hand of the lightning monster on the opposite side, and then looking at the energy alarm that was constantly flashing in his panel, Galen gritted his teeth and forcibly resisted the urge to escape, but instead stepped forward. Two steps.
He intends to use his body and his own courage to shield the five people who are retreating forcibly against the upcoming lightning attack of the huge monster on the opposite side.
The energy lightning giant screamed again, and after the lightning energy in the left hand was concentrated, it was directly another lightning bolt that was as thick as a bucket, directly towards Galen who was blocking the front.
This time, it might really be over...
Seeing the powerful lightning energy swept toward him on the left hand of that huge energy monster, Galen subconsciously felt: This time, he might be hard to resist...
Galen knew that this kind of intensity of energy, this kind of attack comparable to the main guns of ordinary warships, was definitely not something that he could resist after having fought against the Protoss just now and consuming and using the power of justice. !
Therefore, he could only close his eyes and block the big sword in front of him at the moment when the lightning bolt in the opponent's hand swept toward him, shouting the slogan of Demacia, and using his best efforts The magic circuit on the big sword resonates, trying to use his spiritual power to guide more Demacia's righteous power from the high-energy crystal at the handle of the big sword to strengthen his courage shield.
Huh! ! !
The strange sound of lightning when it swept across the ground quickly echoed in Galen’s ears, and then, even with his eyes closed, he could feel the terrifying energy and the burst of energy when it swept toward him. Kind of blazing glare.
Own, are you really going to die...
I don't know, if you die in the real world, is it the same as when you were in the game simulation warehouse?
Under this level of attack, his body will definitely be burnt to charcoal in an instant, and then, shouldn't he feel much pain?
At this moment, all he could do for Galen was to infuse Demacia's righteous energy into his courage shield desperately, while thinking wildly.
After waiting for a long time, Galen, who was still pouring energy into the shield of courage, was wondering why he didn't seem to feel the pain when lightning hit him.
Suddenly, a familiar and crisp cold snort came into his ears, and he finally opened his eyes curiously when he was puzzled.
Then, he was surprised to find that he didn't suffer any harm?
The attack of that energy lightning giant didn't actually hit himself or the shield of courage?
The enemy's lightning chain with powerful energy, instead, directly ran into it. I don't know when, wearing an officer's uniform, floating in front of Little Annie in front of him?
No, this is not right!
To be precise, it should be that thick chain of lightning that directly hit an invisible hemispherical shield about three meters away from Xiao Annie?
Little Annie just floated like that, squinting coldly, looking at the energy giant opposite her, letting him desperately increase the output of lightning energy, causing countless lightning to burst on the shield, but she still couldn't shake it. The seemingly thin transparent shield in front of her shone!
It turned out that my own boss came, so it's no wonder...
Just now, Galen was still wondering why he didn't feel the numbness of lightning and the body or the pain of energy burning his body for so long!
It turned out that it was Little Annie who came to the planet ground in time to help herself block this terrifying attack...
However, when did she come to the ground from the flagship of the Führer in space?
Is it possible that it is like the magical teleportation magic that I have used before, swish, and it is straight down? !
"Hey! You useless energy creature, have you hit enough? It's my turn to shoot!"
Little Annie, who felt a little impatient, saw that the other party was still relentlessly continuing to output lightning, but she waved her hand disdainfully and cast a silent spell instantly, directly The chain of lightning that the opponent intended to continue to output was forcibly interrupted.
In front of me, the energy creature that is not part of any of the four elements, mixed with a large amount of strange lightning energy and phantom energy, is mixed with two broken souls. It seems to Little Annie that there is actually nothing remarkable!
The left and right are just element monsters equivalent to a high-level wind element! It really thought it would release a bit of lightning, and with a barely qualified shield, how great is it?
At most, it is used to bully ordinary people, or mid-level warriors and knights like Galen who have not learned well!
If Dreyus and the other fighters are given three to five months of training time, after they reach the level of a high-ranking fighter, once they charge with all their strength, coupled with the blessing of her enchanted weapon, they will cut through the opponent’s Isn't it just like playing to shield and smash its fragile body with mixed energy?
Actually, in Xiao Anni's opinion, in the violent battle No. 018 just now, if she hadn't been wounded first and had lost too much blood before healed it, it was estimated that she might be able to smash the opponent's shield with one blow?
"Humans! Destroy you!!!"
Seeing the opponent’s contemptuous expression and his own chain of lightning attack seemed to be ineffective, the conscientious consul, under the anger, immediately put his hands together and began to gather a larger lightning ball, intending to destroy the enemy Explode directly to ashes!
"Unmatched lightning!!!"
The lightning ball is getting bigger and bigger. The blue and white energy rays and the thick lightning that is guided by sharp objects on the ground from time to time will blow up many trees, grass, and rocks around the opponent. It looks amazing. It's very!
Whether it was Galen or the two injured teammates who had just helped up, the Marines who had not had time to retreat were all dumbfounded.
In their opinion, this level of energy attack is more than enough to directly blow up the No. 1 colony behind them, right?
"Cut! I'm too lazy to care about you... Tibbers, come out, and quickly kill him!"
Little Annie has no time to play with this weak and chaotic energy creature!
Therefore, she threw the little bear in her hand a bit listlessly.
It just so happened that Galen and the others were able to increase their knowledge, so that after three or two months of training in Stratholme, they always felt that they were invincible!
She wanted to let them know: In her eyes, this energy creature that could beat 20 of them into life and couldn't take care of themselves was nothing but a thing that her little bear could slap to death with one paw.
Roar! ! !
A loud roar sounded.
Then, in the marines of Galen, the militias and refugees in Colonial Gathering No. 1 who will not be able to retreat in the future, Renault, Sheriff Lei, and all the protoss and humans in space on the radar interface, they are all At the same time, I saw that little teddy bear. The moment it was thrown out, it turned into a huge one about the size of the Protoss Archon and was burning with flames...teddy bear?
"Attack! Destroy you!!!"
The Protoss Archon, gathered by burning broken souls and energy, did not care about the flame monster that suddenly changed from a teddy bear. He still roared and threw the huge lightning ball that had been formed in his hand directly at the opponent. past.
Snapped! !
The thing that made all the humans and protoss who were looking at this place startled their eyes: the giant flame bear that was thrown out by the little girl, just casually waved it so easily Claws, actually shot that huge lightning ball of terrifying energy?
And let it fly directly to the high altitude at a super high speed, and disappeared in an instant. I don't know where it was shot and flew...
(My little ancestor... It's such a high-end gadget, do you want to release me?
Tibbers, who randomly slapped the lightning ball with his paw, felt very puzzled!
Just now, it just happened to be dozing off, and it didn't feel any threatening existence around it... Why was it suddenly thrown out by its own little master Anne?
From its point of view, such an energy creature in front of him, apart from having a small shield and emitting lightning, is nothing remarkable, right? Just throw a fireball and burn the opponent directly, isn't it over? Can it still be guilty of letting it, Uncle Tibbers himself? )
"Shut up! Tibbers...hurry up and kill it!"
Seeing the little bear who was kindly thrown out to let the air out, she dared to talk back. Little Annie couldn't help but squinted her big blue eyes, the look in her pupils gradually cooled down, and then she stretched out her white and tender fingers and pointed to the other side. Blame me for continuing to discharge, while speaking slowly in a threatening tone.
(Uh...well, you are the boss, you have the final say!
Tibbers, who felt that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong, was shocked.
Then, it scratched its head, took a look at the little master and Galen and others behind it, then turned its head and tilted its head to look at the energy creature in front of it, and then suddenly recovered. )
Roar! ! !
Then, it quickly roared, pretending to raise its sharp claws, and roared at the energy creature ahead.
Before the opponent could react, Tibbers easily smashed the opponent's shield with a paw, and directly squeezed the opponent's golden armor head with lightning, and pressed it to the ground and started rubbing vigorously.
(Tibbs can see it clearly. Its little master intends to let himself come out and perform Liwei! If this is the case, then he should work hard... Otherwise, when he goes back, he will definitely be My own black-bellied master puts on small shoes, that would be too unattainable!)
The Protoss Archon, who was rubbing his head against the ground by Tibbers, was unable to break free. Although it was not physically harmed, the terrifying flames on this giant flame bear, But it kept burning its soul, making it scream at the same time, its originally chaotic consciousness became more and more unstable...
"Let's die together!!!"
After struggling for several times and realizing that he still couldn't get rid of the powerful force of the other party, the Protoss Archon was considered hard-hearted, and directly detonated his energy core, instantly turning his huge body into a powerful rotating energy. Lightning singularity.
At the same time it intends to destroy itself, it will this powerful flame bear into the singularity of nothingness, so as to achieve its goal of being destroyed together!
(Tsk?! What is this? Unstable portal? Want to die together?
Tibbers felt that this energy creature must have thought too much, right?
With the singularity of this energy level, you still want to pull yourself in? Nonsence! Does it really mean that Tibbers is a big bug that doesn't understand anything? It's almost the same to get a real black hole! )
Seeing that the opponent suddenly exploded in self-defetion and formed a singularity with strong suction power, there was no performance target and Tibbers who understood what the opponent wanted to do, so he stretched out his paw contemptuously and fiercely. One paw caught the singularity, so that the other party couldn't help but keep sucking in some nearby rocks and weeds.
In the end, after the starting point of energy gradually disappeared from Tibbers's claws, it grinned contemptuously and grabbed its big mouth.
(Master, take a look, what the little one did just now is not bad, right? Uh...seems like another big guy is here?
Tibbers, who was planning to take credit, turned his head and looked far away before he could say anything. On the sky there, a huge Protoss spaceship was slowly but firmly flying over. )
"Hello? Is anyone listening to you?"
"Quickly retreat to colonial gathering place No. 1! The Protoss’ Purifier spacecraft is flying towards you! The shield on it is too strong, and now I can’t destroy it. You’d better leave there temporarily. ! Otherwise, its planetary cannon will destroy you together!"
Although she was also shocked by the little girl’s strange abilities and the giant flame bear that easily killed a Protoss Archon, Renault, who had just assaulted and destroyed a Protoss hub, was responsible for the first time. Galen and others of communications equipment reminded.
Now, Sergeant Lei is planning to go to the second base of the assault on the Protoss. After he destroys all the Protoss hubs that power the Purifier spacecraft, he will be able to shoot down the huge Protoss. Ship!
"Humph! I don't want to play with their crooked stars now! So..."
Feeling a little annoyed, Little Annie stretched out her white tender hand directly, and grabbed it towards the huge spaceship of the Protoss.
Then, something even more incredible happened to everyone: that huge ship with an invincible shield, the Purifier spacecraft that has always made Renault and others unable to do anything, suddenly resembled a drunk giant. , While shaking in the air a few times and losing the shield, he suddenly plunged into the lofty mountains in the distance...
Soon, there were waves of shaking and huge impacts.
Everyone could only see the broken hull of the Protoss spacecraft that hit the ground after the thick smoke billowing across the jungle...
(After looking at his little master, and then at the point where the battleship crashed in the distance, Tibbers could only stretch out his long claw and scratch his head.
Actually, it felt that its own little master shot down the warship that flew over and it was too unskilled and not addictive at all! Might as well cast a spell to teleport yourself up and let yourself perform a good performance of dismantling the battleship with your bare hands. In that case, it will definitely be more shocking, right? )
"Matt... just now, what happened? Did the newcomers' battleship bombard the Purifier?"
Reynolds, who had just wiped out a Protoss hub and failed to completely cut off the shield energy supply of the Protoss Purifier spacecraft, saw this incredible sight, and hurried to the Huberian, which was still in space. Captain Matt, who was monitoring the battlefield situation on the bridge, asked.
He thought that it was the new group of humans who attacked the Purifier from space using some attack method he had never seen before.
It is possible to directly smash a Protoss mothership spaceship with a shield, so it can only be a battleship main gun level weapon, right?
The powerful attack of his Huberian Yamato main gun with full energy supply can almost blast off the Purifier’s shield, but it will definitely not be able to kill the opponent silently as before. of!
"I'm sorry, sir! I'm not very clear. I haven't detected any signs of attack from the opposing fleet..."
"But, I think you can take a look at this first..."
After hesitating, Matt, who didn't even know the specific reason, could only with a trace of shock and doubt, he took the picture of the little girl flying towards them in the Purifier with his bare hands. It was sent to Renault for the first time.
On the screen, they could clearly see: Originally, the huge Protoss spaceship flew well, but when the little girl reached out to the sky to grab the Protoss mothership out of thin air , The Purifier spacecraft, just started shaking violently?
Then, after it lost its shield inexplicably, the energy crystals that were on the spacecraft were extinguished one by one. In the end, when all the energy crystals on it were all extinguished, it instantly lost everything. Power, and fell to the ground...
"Matt... you mean: did the little girl do a good thing just after the fall of the Purifier?"
How can this be? This kind of thing is really funny!
The level of human phantom energy cannot reach this level in any case.
Renault think it Even if the phantom power level is out of the table, it is as powerful as Sarah Kerrigan, Queen of Blades, it is impossible to make a Protoss mothership lose all its energy in an instant. Did it crash? It was up to the sky, but it broke into the enemy's spacecraft and wreaked havoc, finally causing a spaceship to crash!
Perhaps it is those human beings who have some strange means to disrupt and interrupt the energy of the Protoss spacecraft? Just like EMP attack similar energy attack method?
"I'm sorry! I don't know, sir!"
Captain Matt frowned and replied to Renault with awe-inspiring expression.
In Matt's view, whether the crash of the Protoss Purifier spacecraft just now was caused by new human technologies or individual abilities, they could not be resisted by the Huberian!
Since the opponent can crash a powerful Protoss mothership in an instant, there must be a way to make their Huberian die too, right?
Therefore, Matt feels that their best approach now is to try not to have any conflict with this new human force, and quickly settle the affairs of Haiwenxing, leave here as soon as possible, the sooner the better!
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