Chapter 243: Haven Star (8)

The thick chain of lightning, which is as thick as a bucket, is like a continuous high-energy laser or a particle cannon, making bursts of crackling noises, sweeping directly towards the place where the landing team gathers the most people. .
"Be careful!"
Even though Galen had reminded them in advance, but the original team members who were gathering together and planned to use their punches to discuss who to deal with the remaining two alien warriors were caught off guard. , I only had time to avoid two steps before being caught by the lightning chain and knocked out...
Just now, these people were wondering when they saw the two enemies who were suddenly sucked in by the lightning singularity and disappeared!
Who would have thought that that thing would expand? And suddenly a huge lightning energy giant appeared?
Therefore, people like them can avoid it in time, and it is already very good if they are not directly swept by the terrifying lightning.
"Fuckin! How can their aliens transform?! Hurry up, brothers, get ready to continue fighting!"
Dreyus, who had just walked out of the gate of the colony and barely welded a piece of armor plate under the crotch of the armored-powered combat uniform, saw his brother outside the gate had been knocked over several times. Nothing else, he quickly grabbed his tomahawk and ran out of the gate, while shouting loudly in the channel.
"No way... Captain... Our armored power suit must have been overloaded by lightning. Now half of my body is numb, and I can't move..."
A Marine lying on the ground was trying hard to get up, but unfortunately, a series of electric sparks flashed on his armored-powered combat uniform from time to time, and the equipment did not respond to the operation of his limbs.
"Mine too! Although my body doesn't seem to have suffered much damage, the armor suit can't move!"
At this time, another member of the Marine Corps also shouted hastily.
"Captain...I feel... my waist may have been broken..."
Despite Galen’s prompt reminder, the Marines who got together suffered heavy casualties in an instant.
The lightning monster that suddenly appeared, just swept it with a huge lightning chain, and five members of the Noxus team and three Demacia teams were touched or swept by lightning. , Instantly lost combat effectiveness, or the damaged armor was trapped inside.
Better still, you can speak, but the armored power suit can't move.
As for the near ones, I just lay on the ground without saying a word, without arms and legs. The fractures that were swept by lightning were even melted into molten steel. I don’t know the human body in the armor suit. , What did it look like? Disabled or dead?
"Damn it! They are fooling the aliens if they lose? Brothers, let's copy the guys too, it!"
Seeing him and Galen's two elite marine squads, Dreyus' eyes were red with anger!
They had a full eight teammates, and they were immediately put on the ground by the enemy...
Da da da! ! !
Annoyed into anger, Delius carried his battle axe into the buckle on his back, and picked up the C-15 electromagnetic rifle that they had abandoned on the ground at the fastest speed. And directly at the huge lightning monster on the opposite side began to shoot frantically.
"Hurry up, you four, drag them back to the gathering place first, and see if they have any equipment to take them out and rescue them?! Others, pick up your rifles and open fire with all your strength!!! "
After seeing Dreyus firing first, Galen also followed suit. While picking up an electromagnetic rifle from the ground and starting to shoot, he also quickly ordered the four Marines to be responsible for the capture. To live with the two fallen on the ground and unable to move, drag the wounded who are unable to fight from this dangerous battlefield first!
Da da da……
After seeing that the captain of the Noxus squad and Galen had taken the lead in firing, the other Marines, except for the four wounded who grabbed the ground and dragged them out of the battlefield, were left. The eight marines who came down also picked up the weapons on the ground for the first time, raised their muzzles, and fired at the giant lightning giant.
"Damn it! I knew they were going to have an accident! Hurry up, let's go help too! Everyone, shoot!!!"
Seeing that the originally good situation has taken a turn for the worse, the militia captain who was staying inside the gate of the gathering place to watch the battle saw this situation and hurriedly greeted his subordinates. The huge monster within the shooting range began to shoot.
Numerous spiked electromagnetic bullets sprayed out from the muzzle of dozens of high-rate rifles. Under the ultra-high Mach ejection speed, they rubbed against the atmosphere of Haiwen Star, leaving trails of high-temperature air distorting light. Later, with extremely high kinetic energy, intensively shooting towards the distant monster who was grasping a huge lightning ball and planned to launch a lightning attack again.
puff! puff! puff!
Numerous spiked bullets, when they hit the opponent not far away, suddenly knocked down on a transparent plasma shield.
Then, after a dull muffled sound during the impact, the spiked electromagnetic bullets that originally had strong kinetic energy could only weakly knock out tiny ripples and hexagons on the opponent’s plasma shield. After the force field module, it was quickly bounced off because of losing speed...
"Damn it! What the is this?!"
"It has such an outrageous shield? Do you have heavy weapons in your base? Cannons, tanks, or individual missiles will do! Is there?!"
Galen, who had been pulling the trigger of the electromagnetic rifle in his hand, quickly burned out a whole magazine of hundreds of nail-piercing bullets under the extremely high rate of fire of the rifle.
Of course, after discovering that the light weapons on hand of these people could not cause effective damage to the enemy, or even break the enemy’s shield, Galen hurriedly replaced the magazine while turning his head to shout to the militias behind him. .
He didn't need to try again. He already knew that only with these individual electromagnetic rifles in the hands of their Marines, it was obviously impossible to break the large shield of the opponent!
There are only heavy artillery, whether it is the high-power electromagnetic particle gun of the battleship or the 120mm arc shock gun of the heavy siege tank!
Only under a large amount of high-energy bombardment can the opponent's large shield overload and break! Until then, the light weapons they have on hand can cause effective damage to the opponent's body?
"No! We are here now, except for us, all firepower is gone!"
The captain of the militia from Agria, after hearing what Galen said, he responded in a panic.
"They have already retreated with the big team ahead of time. I don't have anything now! Commanders, or, let's retreat as well?!"
After firing a magazine in his rifle, the captain of the militia didn't even care about loading the ammunition.
While answering Galen's question, he took a few steps back in fear.
The Protoss monster in front of him is obviously not something people like them can deal with! If he doesn't want to die here, he thinks it's better to retreat earlier?
"Galen, be careful!!!"
Suddenly, Dreyus, who was strafing, saw the giant lightning monster condensed a ball of lightning and was about to throw it towards Galen. He had no time to shout and threw away his weapon in a hurry. Later, he charged directly and ran into Galen who had just turned around to ask the militia captain...
Boom! ! !
Galen, who didn’t pay attention to the monster in front of him, was hit and flew severely by Dreyus, who rushed up. Then, while still crying in midair, he only saw a ball of lightning almost the size of a chariot. , Silently hit the place where he was just standing, and exploded violently in an instant.
And because he was hit by Dreyus in time, he was not affected by the lightning ball that exploded. However, Dreyus himself, who knocked him into flight, was swept away by the aftermath of the explosion. Entering, the armor was blown to pieces and flew out sideways...
Puff! !
Dreyus, who was blown up to pieces, was blown up and fell to the ground and rolled several times. When the mask of his helmet fell off because of the looseness, he just lay on his back in a messy Haven star. On the grass, his face was bloodied and motionless...
"No... Delius?!"
Galen, who had just rolled to the ground from the state of being knocked into flight, couldn't help feeling furious when he saw that Dreyus, who had just saved his life, ended up in such a life and death.
"Demacia!!! Uh..."
boom! ! !
With anger attacking his heart, Galen picked up his big sword behind his back and shouted a slogan in anger. Before he could rush forward and cut with the big sword, he was exploded by another one beside him. The lightning ball blasted into the air, hung directly on the top of a big tree next to it, temporarily stuck on it, dizzy and struggling...
"Squad Demacia! Hurry up and put a shield on my old lady, I'm going to charge!"
Seeing how ferocious this monster was, the 018 female man who had just recovered a little bit of strength also picked up her huge battle axe again.
When she saw a faint golden shield emerging from her body, she suddenly lifted up the few anger energy in her body, and charged at full speed toward the feet of the monster opposite.
018 The female man still held her tomahawk high in disregard, with crazy and bloodthirsty scarlet rage energy glowing on her body, blowing wind directly under her feet, and after a wavy of dust, she rushed towards the enemy at high speed.
She doesn't care if the small part of the lightning that is so close to the ground that swirls like a whirlpool is a foot, or a lifeblood, she will look for it anyway!
The female man screamed violently, and the short distance of more than 100 meters between the two sides came under her violent charge!
Bang! ! !
Then, the battle axe in her hand glowed with scarlet anger energy, and it slammed on the invisible electromagnetic shield of the opponent.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Give me a break!!!"
After that, while continuing to roar, she desperately squeezed the anger energy in her body and on the battle axe, pressed the axe blade of her prisoner of war into the opponent's shield little by little, trying to break this She played a huge shield of small hexagonal plasma shield units.
018 only felt that her battle axe and her body were burning crazily. As long as she worked harder, she only needed to work harder, she might be able to cut it through?
"Little humans, you...have already lost!!!"
The Protoss Archon, who originally wanted to continue to use lightning bolts to destroy enemies in the distance, looked down and saw under his body, that tiny human being was trying to break his shield with an axe, so he had to stop. Condensed on his right hand, ready to hit the remaining few Marines with a lightning ball.
Turning to waving his huge left hand, he slapped the small human Marines under his feet with a vicious palm.
Receiving this heavy blow from the opponent's big hand, the holy light shield and part of the armor on the female man of 018 burst instantly.
Then, when she dropped the tomahawk, the whole person, including the armored power suit of the same ton, was directly slapped into the air by the opponent, and turned somersault high in the air, screaming and plunged into the colonial gathering place. In one of the houses that had been emptied long ago.
After the violent muffled sound of hitting foreign objects came from the house, there was no more sound...
"Damn it! Everyone gathers together, we fight it!"
After finally struggling to jump from the branch of the tree, Galen, after seeing the horror of 018, quickly found and picked up his Demacia sword, and began to inspire the golden Demacia Justice Li, intend to greet the rest of the people, shoulder to shoulder together, cut it!
In this case, it is impossible to run, the big deal, just fight it?
"Come on to my side! Let's charge together and break through its shield with all our strength!!!"
With a cruel heart, Galen, who was blinded by the anger of his comrades' casualties, at this moment, except for the idea of ​​hacking his opponent to death, he can no longer take care of other things.
He just wanted to break the nasty shield of the opponent as soon as possible, and then cut the opponent's body into ten or eight segments, and finally thwarted his bones and ashes, and avenged the fallen comrades!
"Hello?! The head of the heroic company? Hurry up and let your people retreat! They alone can never defeat the Protoss Archon! You better order quickly and stop making unnecessary sacrifices. !"
Originally, after seeing these Marines easily defeated most of the Protoss fanatics, Renault was still very happy. It was always good that those people could help him.
After letting go of his heart, he led the dozens of Viking fighters with air-to-ground amphibious combat capabilities that he had finally collected, and took advantage of the chaos to raided and broke the Protoss hub in a Protoss ground base.
However, when he got rid of the entanglement and pursuit of the Protoss Air Force and was ready to find the next target, he was shocked by the emergency information sent by Matt from space!
The twenty elite Marines who had the upper hand in a vigorous and colorful fight were inexplicably defeated?
Later, when he saw from the radar screen that outside the gate of Colony One, the big blue-and-white monster with lightning flashing like a big ball of light was beating the Marines to death. He knew that something was wrong.
Therefore, when he saw those brave Marines who were still preparing to launch desperate attacks regardless, he quickly contacted the battlecruiser Führer in space, hoping for the leader of the opponent. Can order the warriors to retreat in time, and don't let those powerful Marines die fearlessly under the hands of the Protoss Archon!
Reynolds knew the power of the statue of the Protoss ruling faculty, he knew...
In the absence of heavy firepower, that thing, like a large energy lightning, can easily destroy any building and various units, and their only weakness is their fragile physical body!
Unfortunately, if you want to attack their bodies, you must first use powerful weapons to destroy or consume their plasma energy shields that are as powerful as the main battleship shields.
Otherwise, no matter how many low-intensity individual weapon attacks, it will only be useless!
"Huh! I have seen it! Those bad guys, they are shameless!"
In the Führer’s bridge, Anne made a cold face, and shook off the Quel'Thalas magic pine nuts and the bottle of energy drink that she had held in her hand, directly from her captain’s seat Stood up.
Think little Annie, those bad guys and crooked stars, they are cheating!
After singled out and gang fights can't beat her men, use this kind of shameless means? !
Therefore, she decided that she didn't have to be polite to each other anymore!
"Little...Your Excellency Head Anne, what are you going to do now? Send reinforcements?"
Adjutant Doug, who was beside Annie's seat, looked worriedly at the screen. After the Marines who had been beaten horribly and had unknown casualties, he asked in a nervous tone.
The auspicious armored transport ship No. YS001 that had just landed with Galen and them, swooped down and shot the blue-and-white lightball monster, and was hit by the enemy’s lightning in an instant. I hit the primeval forest of Haven Star...
Even if they send out fighters to reinforce them now, I am afraid that time is too late!
Because... Galen on the ground had gathered at this time and was preparing for the last desperate assault!
And if you use the battleship’s main artillery to directly bombard the planet, you can destroy the lightning monster, but...
If you do those Marines who don't know the casualties, the two most elite Marines of the HMS Hope, will definitely die with no scum left!
"Humph! I'm going to kill it myself!"
Little Annie grabbed her bear Tibbers in one hand, and pinched her small fist in the other, and said viciously.
She thinks, since those bad guys have cheated and fouled, then she doesn't need to be polite to each other anymore!
She herself, but it hasn't been a long time.
Those aliens, really think they are so bully? See if she doesn't kill them!
She wants to let those crooked stars know that people who cheat on herself will definitely not end well!
Then, under the surprised gaze of Chief Reynolds, Adjutant Doug, and other Führer crews on the opposite side of the communication interface, Little Annie used her teleportation magic again to make herself from the Führer Führer in an instant. The bridge’s captain’s seat disappeared.
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