Chapter 242: Haven Star (7)

"I'm sorry to bother you at this time, Your Excellency Executive Thrandis!"
"Because, something special happened to me just now: our Templars' ground offensive action was blocked, and they suffered heavy losses..."
On the synchronous orbit of Haven, in the bridge command room of a huge Protoss aircraft carrier of the Protoss Golden Fleet, suddenly, a Protoss intelligence officer manipulating a certain psionic device stood in panic. Get up and report loudly to Serendis who is coordinating and directing at the main position.
"What the happened?!"
Ground forces blocked? Still losing a lot?
Thrandis felt a little puzzled. Originally, they didn't plan to send ground troops to remove the infected humans. Previously, they sent a group of Templars only to compete with those humans.
In her opinion, the fanatics who were sent to the ground by her to clean the infected bases of humans and prevent humans from fleeing and spreading the virus should have completed their mission at this time and cleaned the first human colony. Land, is attacking the next gathering place.
Those colonial human forces were almost wiped out by their fleet before, and the remaining militia should not be their opponent, right?
But now, even said there is a new situation? What can happen?
She knew very well. The radar of her fleet detected that Renault and his Ranger troops were mobilizing a large number of large fighters. The intention was unknown. They must be trying to raid her ground base or the Purifier spacecraft. , Now, she is watching each other closely!
And that new human force called the company of heroes only sent a transport ship and twenty human cannon fodder Marines!
Just now, after just taking a look at the opponent, she never bothered to pay attention to the matter again. She just ordered some military intelligence officers to keep an eye on the opponent's large fleet in orbit.
"It's like this: Our squad of Templar warriors was blocked in front of the gate of colony No. 1 of humanity, and after fighting with the other 20 Marines, it lost 34 elite warriors in a row!"
"Although they were all teleported back in time, there are several people who have suffered serious physical trauma and abnormal energy reactions in their bodies. I am afraid that in the future..."
In the future, I am afraid that I will be disabled or have some physical inconvenience, and I can no longer serve in the fanatics...
For the Protoss race, whose population is far less than that of insect swarms or that there are many humans, the loss of more than 30 members of the tribe in one fell swoop is not a small blow!
"What the is going on? How can they lose so much?! Those humans, do they have any new weapons? Or do they use despicable means?"
A small group of templars is not an enemy like twenty Marine cannon fodder. This kind of thing is incredible!
Therefore, after hearing that his fanatic troop was blocked and the loss was huge, Cerandis quickly walked towards the position of the protoss intelligence officer, and at the same time looked towards the opponent's psionic radar screen.
On the screen, when she clearly saw the twenty human beings who were slightly embarrassed, but still intact, she looked at the opposite side of her, only two fanatics and broken protoss scattered all over the place. After the armor and the severed limbs, Cerlandis subconsciously felt: It must be that humans have some kind of weapon specifically against their Protoss! Or maybe they defeated them with some kind of despicable tactics? !
Otherwise, how could the top existential fanatics among the Templars be defeated by the cannon fodder of that mere twenty human marines? Moreover, looking at the other side's appearance, it seems that no one has been killed yet? Just a few minor injuries?
It must be human beings who have developed new targeted weapons again!
What will it be? Is it a new EMP pulse grenade specifically for plasma shields? Or, is it a powerful electromagnetic rifle with high kinetic energy that can instantly break the Protoss shield?
After a short silence, the Protoss intelligence officer opened and replayed the scene of the human battle against the Protos in the first time, and at the same time explained embarrassingly:
"I'm sorry, Executive Officer! Human beings didn't use any new weapons... They just defeated our samurai in a fair battle, relying on melee combat and those strange psychic powers, please see..."
While talking, the star spirit's hand-guided Serendith's gaze pointed to the replay video of the first battle.
At the beginning, the opponent was the golden-painted Marine leader against Horadi, the leader of their Protoss. The battle between the two sides was short and deadly! With only three moves, the mighty Horadi was caught off guard, and was easily chopped to pieces by the opponent's whirlwind-like sword...
If this battle was caused by Khradi’s carelessly underestimating the enemy, then the next second battle can more objectively illustrate the strength of those humans: in the second battle, when the two stars When the templar warriors battled the opposing marines, this time, the protoss warriors with lessons and defenses, even if they have fully demonstrated their fighting skills as an elite templar, but they, Still easily defeated by two humans...
Then, in the third match, the five-man-to-five battle was even more terrible!
They had a total of five powerful, well-coordinated Templars, and those five highly skilled zealots. They were unexpectedly destroyed by two human Marines who charged up. In an instant, they were caught by the two humans... Do not! In fact, in a strict sense, it should have been killed by a madman-like human female warrior with a crazy style of injury and life...
Then, something even more miraculous happened: Originally, the severely injured female warrior, who was severely injured by the psychic blade and lost too much blood, shouldn't survive for long...
However, when those golden-painted human marines flashed rounds of golden light on each other's body, the mad woman stood up again like an okay person?
This is a bit of a complete overturn of the long-standing understanding of humans by the protoss...
At that time, the protoss intelligence officer who was in charge of staring here was dumbfounded. He did not understand, what kind of new technology was that golden light? What kind of healing power is it that can make the wound of a severely injured soldier instantly recover?
Even the horror zerg with strong regeneration ability and biotechnology can't do this kind of level, right?
Therefore, with the help of the ignorance of the enemy and the cheating golden energy, the next six Protoss battles, and even the fair melee between twenty and twenty, were defeated again and again. To the opponent...
In the end, when the Protoss intelligence officer saw that the situation was not good, he hurried to inform Thrandis Executive Officer, their 36-member Protoss troop, only two fanatics were left at a loss. Looking at the human Marines who are still full on the opposite side and the messy battlefield in the middle.
At the rear, the zealous squad of twenty people left, led by the high-ranking templar, originally planned to march toward another human gathering place. When they learned that the squad was almost completely wiped out, they also He stopped directly, preparing to wait for the new order from the executive officer of Thrandis.
Now, they are also hesitating, should they march according to the original plan? Or, hurriedly buckled back and returned, supporting the fanatical forward team that was almost wiped out when it came to support?
"It really really defeated our powerful Protoss Templar in a fair duel? This..."
After carefully watching the replayed battle screen, Serendis opened his eyes in a little surprise, and the psychic light in his eyes began to flash unsteadily.
She could never imagine that those humans with weak physiques, those who only use technological creations to fight, are actually in a fair duel, in the case of equal numbers, they can be almost completely crushed. Posture, easily defeated their Templar?
"What are those psychic abilities..."
After thinking for a while, Cerlandis quickly stretched out his finger and manipulated it on the replayed battle screen. Then, he frozen the screen for a few moments, and began to zoom in on the screen continuously, staring at the human Marines. .
Is it because of the red and golden energy?
What exactly is that energy light? Is it a new psionic? Or... Is it the latest result of human research on Nether Energy?
Following the ghost agents, have those humans made new breakthroughs in the research and application of phantom energy?
Looking at the scarlet and golden psychic light flashing on the human warriors and weapons on the screen, Cerandis quickly discovered the secret of the other party: they, those humans, must rely on this kind of thing to be able to They defeated their powerful Templar, right?
"Executive Officer, what should we do now? Do we need to order the high-ranking templars to change their marching direction and go to the colony of Humans No. 1 for support?"
After seeing the executive officer lost in thought, after waiting for a while, the intelligence officer asked aloud.
Because, in the team of high-ranking temples and fanatics far away from this battlefield, they have sent for instructions several times.
Their templars are very angry now, and they seem to want to meet for a while the human Marines who defeated their Protoss more than 30 templars.
Serendis didn't speak, she stood up straight, looked at the humans, and then at the messy battlefield, she quickly made her final decision.
"Give me an order: Let the two samurai remaining outside the gate of Human Colony No. 1, and the zealots led by the high-level sanctuary, all withdraw immediately! Now, you are ready to guide them to teleport. !"
Because she felt that now the battle on the ground is no longer necessary!
Since their thirty-four templars have all lost to the twenty human Marines in a fair duel, then, even if they send more fanatics to the team, presumably, it will not be too big. Change?
After all, if it is to fight the number of people, their Protoss can't fight humans anyway...
If their Protoss sent more Templars, wouldn't the human fleet on the opposite side send more Marines?
In Cerandis's opinion, it is a stupid behavior to continuously increase troops and play refueling tactics with humans before they can think of a good way to deal with the human marines that use new psychic powers to fight. !
So, for Serendis, who didn’t know the identity of the group of people who claimed to be the heroic company, she didn’t want to send more of these powerful Marines to the enemy. The scale of the conflict between the two parties is enlarged here in Haiwenxing!
The most important enemy and opponent of their Protoss should be the insect swarms who occupied their home star Al and expelled them from their homeland, and it should never be these humans! At least... it shouldn't be now!
She still has this awareness.
"Yes, Sir Executive! Your order has been issued..."
After receiving the latest order from the executive officer, the protoss intelligence officer quickly started operating on his psionic device.
In the shortest amount of time, he gave the remaining two fanatics on the ground and the team of high-ranking templars in another location the executive officer's retreat order, and began to guide them to teleport.
"Wait... No! Executive officer! The remaining two fanatics, they refused to carry out the order! Oh, no! Kara is up... They, they are actually planning to force a fit?!"
The Protoss intelligence officer who was operating the equipment and was planning to transport all the zealots and high-level temples on the ground back, suddenly discovered something that shocked him: the two remaining zealots, they actually Did not respond to the transmitted request? Are you planning to sacrifice themselves and forcibly use secret skills that can only be used by high-level templars?
"What?! Hurry up! Send the retreat order again, they must be stopped!"
Serendius, who was about to step aside and stared at the cunning Renault, quickly turned back after hearing the exclamation of the intelligence officer, and ordered again!
Seeing that the two fanatics in the radar screen were putting their shoulders on each other and once again refused the request and order to transmit, Thrandis knew what they wanted to do.
She never expected that the two warriors, the two elite zealots who are likely to advance to the high-level templar, would choose to sacrifice and burn their own souls at this time to merge into a powerful one. The statue of the ruling power...
"Listen! I'm Thrandis! I now order: You two, stop me quickly! Teleport back immediately!"
After speaking his own words, Thrandis became anxious when he saw that there was no response from the other party.
"What you should know: Your current energy level is not enough! When there is no official advanced high-level temple, once you forcefully do this, even if you really succeeded and defeated the humans, but your combined archon It will collapse soon too! This will not be worth the loss! Moreover, humans are not our main opponents of the Protoss, it is not worth it for you to do this! Stop it..."
Although thirty-four zealots were lost all at once, Cerandis didn't care too much, because they didn't really die, they just teleported back after being hit hard!
But now, if the two samurai below do that, they are dead!
The cost of burning the soul is too painful, and Cerlandis feels that it is not worth it at all! You know, any psychic energy possessed by a star spirit can be regarded as outstanding if it is placed on the human side!
The Templars in the Protoss, those fanatics, have devoted their lives to honing their fighting skills and psychic abilities.
Among these dedicated people, only the most proficient templars who master and strictly abide by the Tao of Kara can hope to upgrade their psionic level and successfully advance to become a more powerful existence: high-level templars!
And the terrifying spiritual power mastered by high-ranking templars can make all the enemies of the Protoss feel extremely fearful! Each of them is a precious resource of the Protoss, and often only a few people can destroy an entire army of insects!
And it just so happened that the two elite enthusiasts below, they are expected to advance to become one of the existences of the high-level temple!
But now, they are going to be here, fearlessly sacrificing their own souls in a competitive battle with humans, intending to fuse their souls together to create a deadly and powerful archon?
This is what Cerlandis wants to come to, they have no need to do this step!
The real enemies of their Protoss should be the insect swarms that occupy their Protoss home star, not these humans!
Compared to being in space, sighing and reluctant to see the death of two young and powerful templars and closing their eyes, the Serendis Executive Officer, Galen and Dreyus on the ground The ten Marine Corps members looked at the two opposing protoss warriors face to face.
They didn't know at all, what kind of trick the two celestial spirits, who are opposite to them and in the distance, stand together on their backs under this very unfavorable situation?
"Hey! Galen? Tell me, what do they want to make trouble with these two aliens?!"
After his armored-powered combat suit was chopped down by the 018 lunatic and exposed some shady things, the current Dreyus had to cover his crotch with one hand and hold him with the other. Axe, then bowed like this, stayed funny inside the gate of the colony, and asked Galen in front.
Now, he urgently needs to find something to help himself repair the baffle of the power suit that has damaged the crotch. The militia captain just now has reportedly sent someone to find equipment that can repair the welding armor.
It is estimated that in a little while, he will be able to get a piece of armor plate for him, and then, the exposed parts can be welded first, so that he will not continue to sway the elephant on the battlefield like this.
"How do I know? Look! They... are they shooting lightning? Are they going to make big moves?"
Seeing the two protoss warriors on the opposite side, who were releasing lightning with one hand and one hand, Galen was also a little confused.
He was hesitating, now, should he greet him directly and let everyone rush up to kill each other? !
"FORAUIR for Al, for Kara!!!"
When Galen was still hesitating, the two Protoss warriors screamed while releasing lightning.
Then, the lightning on the two hands that they didn't hook their shoulders to the back turned out to be bigger and bigger, and the energy became more and more explosive, and they directly floated directly from the ground.
Then, just as Galen was about to let people rush forward and slash each other alive, a black lightning singularity appeared between the hands of the two Protoss warriors on their shoulders. Suck the two Protoss in...
"Oh! I'm going! What's the matter with them?! Gone? The teleportation ran away? Or is it dead?"
After letting the militiamen who rushed back to use maintenance equipment to help themselves weld a piece of shameful armor plate, Dreyus walked forward and looked at the two disappeared Protoss Templars in surprise. .
He was a little puzzled, could it be that the other party made such a big battle, and seemed to die, just to escape?
"Maybe... when they saw that they couldn't beat them, they were so angry that they cut their meridians?"
Looking at the unstable singularity or the black hole-like lightning thing still flashing in the opposite sky, Galen said with some uncertainty.
"Self-cutting meridians? What do you mean by that? Where did you find such a rare word?"
Dreyus didn't understand what Galen was talking about, so he asked, while looking at the lightning singularity in the distance.
"Ah, that was actually not long ago, I saw it in an ancient oriental martial arts."
After staring at the black hole-like singularity that seemed a little enlarged, Galen felt a little uneasy.
He felt that the two Protoss Warriors, shouldn't they forcibly create a black hole-like thing at the expense of themselves, intending to die with them?
So, should they hurry away from here? But... the singularity on the opposite side, the range of its force field, does not seem to expand?
"Oh! My mother! What do I say, why have I been unable to beat you lately! It turns out that you are the one who kept the private goods? Or the ancient martial arts of the East? No, when the fight is over, when you go back, you too Hurry up and show me that one!"
In recent duels, Delaeus has often been defeated by the able-bodied Galen, so he directly attributed the cause to this matter!
"Wait! No, there is a situation! Everyone pays attention!"
When I wanted to say something, or to keep everyone away from that black hole-like lightning singularity, Galen finally found something wrong!
The two Protoss Warriors, the skills they just displayed were definitely not the ability to escape or die together!
Because Galen actually saw the lightning singularity after sucking in two Protoss Warriors, in the short time he and Dreyus had only spoken a few words, the singularity was slowly expanding. Swell?
Then, there seemed to be something coming out of it?
"There is a high-energy reaction!? Everyone! Be careful, pay attention to avoid!!!"
Finally, Galen could understand now, so he hurriedly roared in the channel!
At this moment, in addition to Galen's roar, the visors of other people's armored-powered combat uniforms also sounded violent alarms when high-energy reactions were detected.
It turned out that the two protoss warriors with their shoulders on their backs did not run away at all, nor were they the self-determining meridians of Rao Shizi, nor were they preparing to die with them! Instead, they themselves have synthesized something more terrifying? !
Seeing the big guy who was suddenly emerging from that lightning singularity, Galen knew that this time, I'm afraid I'm going to play off...
Finally, as the lightning singularity grew bigger and bigger, when it swelled out of it suddenly, it turned into a blue-white energy giant piled up by violent lightning and energy as if flying on the ground!
Then, this giant lightning energy giant covered with lightning and strong light energy, wearing an apparently protoss-style armor, just floated in mid-air awe-inspiringly, and after a loud cry, it waved its hand violently. , A bolt of lightning that was as thick as a bucket, like a huge laser, struck the ground directly, burning a long, terrifying trace of hot magma, and then instantly turned towards the twenty Marines who were stunned. We swept over quickly...
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